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General's Office & Army Recruiting

Posted: Wed Aug 16, 2017 12:11 am
by balerion
It shall be announced IG via a PR report soon enough, but this works just as well.

"The military is recruiting. If you are interested and would like to take part send a letter to me (in game). If you are already a member of the military send a letter to me as well so that the roster can be properly updated. The military is a great way to show patriotism, make friends, and even get a bit of help along the way to greatness." Balerion smiles showing far too many teeth. "Besides, dragons have the most fun."

Balerion pauses and thinks for a bit and his eyes twinkle. "As general I think it is quite time for a tourney. Arrangements will be made in a few weeks time."

If the public has any questions this is the place to ask them.