The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Texas_Knight »

He smiled and nodded as listened to his love explain how the portals worked and he liked the fact that they couldn't just "pop" in wherever they wished. He thought a bit before he answered her question. "I think if you were to meet them it would be best. You could show them the way, the guards at the gate know you, and you could keep them from getting uneasy by the escorting guardsmen from the gate to the castle."

TK took Nikola's face in his hands and kissed her softly on the lips "Yes my love, I am sure about us. And I promise not to eat your relatives while they are here." He said the last part with a wink and a grin. A tension breaker of sorts.

About that time Betsy came in and informed them that the food was ready and in the private dining room. "I'm famished. Shall we go eat?" He stood and extended his hand "By the way... what day is it?? I really don't how long I have slept."

They arrived at the private dining room and saw everything prepared perfectly. He looked at Betsy and nodded. "Very good."
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Nikola »

TK’s hands were gentle as her held her face and leaned in to press his lips softly to hers. When he released her, the light of the love she felt for this formidable creature danced in her sapphire eyes. She laughed wryly when he promised not to eat any of her relatives and then Betsy was there to call them to dinner. She took his extended hand and laced her fingers through his. No matter which shape he took, his hands would always dwarf hers, but she loved the strength and tenderness that she found there.

At his question of what day it was, she frowned.
“Honestly, TK, I don’t know other than it is now Summer. It was late Spring when I left for Vaelen’s realm and when I returned today, I found the seasons had already changed yet I was only there for a few days. I came here straight away once I assured my staff I was hale.” She looked at Betsy for an answer, but the woman had averted her gaze. Her heart went out to the woman. She guessed Betsy might still be smarting from the dressing down she had received from her Lord earlier. She would have to do something to soothe her wounded pride and hopefully build a trust between them, else there would be problems down the line. That was something Nikola did not want if she was to one day be the Mistress of TK’s estate.

As they seated themselves and began to fill their plates, Nikola thought about TK’s suggestion of the arrangements for Vaelen’s visit.
“I will reach out to Vaelen soon to make the arrangements,” she told him then gave him a come-and-get-me kind of smile. “But not until I have sated my appetite for your touch, beloved.” She had already eaten a snack from Cook in her effort to reassure the woman that she was unchanged by the Fae she had been living amongst, so her appetite was diminished from what it might have been. However, the fare before her was delicious, and she ate a little of everything on offer, as much to please Betsy as to fill her belly. Yet the hunger that remained was of a different kind. There would be time enough for that later, though, she cautioned herself. TK had been asleep for a very long time, and he needed the meat that had been lain before him to regain his strength. She had every intention of putting that strength to the test later as the look in her eyes proclaimed.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Texas_Knight »

Their plates were filled and they ate till their bellies were also filled. They talked more about things that needed to be done while their food settled. With a wink in his eyes TK stood "Shall we see about dessert??" With that he offered his hand and they went to his private chambers. Private things are best left private, but as the next day dawned and progressed into afternoon they still had not emerged from his chambers. As the afternoon progressed into evening they woke from a short nap and TK poked his head out of the chambers and told one of the servants to run them a hot bath and let him know when it was ready for him and Nikola.

An hour later there was a timid knock on the door as they were laying in the blissful afterglow of another round satisfying their appetite for one another. TK kissed Nikola and whispered "Let's go have that hot bath and get ready to face humanity once again my love." They rose, wrapped a sheet around themselves and made their way to the bath. Curious looks from the servants and whispers as they passed did not go unnoticed, but TK ignored them as they closed the door to the bathing chamber behind them. Once they were in the bath and covered by soap bubbles Betsy came in to see if there was anything they needed. "We have both worked up a bit of an appetite for some fruit. If you could bring in some acai , orange slices, and some brandy that would be great. Oh, and Betsy, you did the right thing earlier based on what you knew to do. I do not hold that against you." It was the closest thing to an apology she would get and she nodded, smiled and went out the door to put together a platter of assorted fruits and a cheese assortment.
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Re: The Barony of Wyvernston [ORP]

Post by Nikola »

It felt so good, so right to be here with TK right now and she made no apologies for her need to be with him. She had given as much as she had gotten in the privacy of TK’s bedchamber and by the time he called for a bath to be drawn she was almost ready for it. By the time the bath was ready she needed it and nourishment more than anything else. The looks and whispers that followed them on the short walk from his chambers to the bathing chamber made her chuckle. “I guess your people are not used to you entertaining ladies in such a manner. I wonder whether they are glad to see their master so happy, she mused with a grin and wink at TK she stepped into the oversized bathing tub, settling in at one end and leaning back against the tub as she began to relax tired muscles.

“Aaahh,” she sighed happily as she slipped beneath the surface of the water and stayed under the bubbles for a good minute before reemerging, a crown of soap bubbles sliding down her now soaked blonde tresses to join a blanket of bubbles floating atop the water. Betsy entered the chamber to see to their comfort and TK ordered some fruit and brandy, and then spoke kindly to her. She smiled at the look of pleasure on the servant’s face as she acknowledged her lord’s instructions and left the room.

“That was a good thing you did there, TK,” she commended once they were alone again. The smile she gave him was warm and genuine, her heart so full of love for the creature before her that she thought it might burst if any more happiness found its way into her life.
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