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The Thrice Told Tale

Posted: Wed Apr 10, 2019 12:00 pm
by Adamus
From Fenia Cathedral Mass on April 10, 1659

Please provide a moral for the following:

Hunting/foraging/trapping in the woods/brush/outskirts a tribal hunter/pioneer/forager found/stumbled across/was fated to encounter a skull. From the skull came the words, "Speaking brought me here." Our intrpid hero/heroine/fool returned to their/xir's/its tribe/village/city and told of this encounter to all and sundry.

Eventually the brouhaha came to the attention of the shamen/priests/religious hierarchy who brought charges of heresy/ necromancy/carrying tales. To clear their name our fool/villain/hero took the accusers/doubters/judges back into the wilds/brush/outskirts to see the talking skull. The skull did not speak.

Justice/execution/revenge was prompt and the hunter/gatherer/explorer was beheaded in that very spot. After the others left/went to the after death party/returned home,the skull turned to the freshly beheaded body and said, "I told you so."