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Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Mon Nov 01, 2021 4:32 pm
by Celestine
A dark teenager is seen coming from the stairs. She is all dress in white the angel type with wings nothing to pretend shes an angel .She walk to meet everyone greeting them in her awkward manners.

Happy halloween! Itch party time!!!!

Celestine twerls around dancing to the music.

Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 2:37 pm
by Madeliefie
Madeliefie came running up just as the party started. She wore black clothes, homemade kitty ears stuck onto a band she used to keep her hair back and she drew whiskers and a kitty nose on her face with shoe polish.
She tapped on the door, lifted up the kitty ears and wiggled her eyebrows. "It is I, Madeliefie, in disguise!"

Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Tue Nov 02, 2021 3:14 pm
by Samantha
Samantha hears a knock on the door. She walks toward it and open to find a new guess. She smile and say.

Darky nighty. Happy Halloween please come in.

She welcome her to enter.

We have drinks ready to be served.

Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Wed Nov 03, 2021 7:00 pm
by Elisa
Elisa went and got herself a drink . There was a great selection, she wasn’t sure which she’d like but ended up picking a glass of wine. The band had also started playing, the music was quite nice. Though with a little bit of a tense vibe in it, she wasn’t quite sure how to describe it. As she was walking back to the group she was standing with she grinned seeing Celestine enjoying herself on the dancefloor. She waved at her, and also at Samanta who was at the door before finding her place back next to Anno.

Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2021 7:31 pm
by Yersin
Elisa said 'nice face' to him and he responded with 'Thanks! Now we finally look more alike, sister.'
He winked to her and Anno but they probably wouldn't see it with the pumpkin hiding most of his face.

'Tone it down mister, you'll be scaring them girls,' he said when he heard Fallon boom theatrically. As soon as Samantha opened the door, he walked in. 'Bless you miss, very generositous of you,' he said in passing as he followed his nose to locate the food and beverages!

The pumpkin mask proved to be a bit of a problem unfortunately, so he decided to take it off for the moment and have a go at the food and drinks.

Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 2:19 pm
by Gianni
Gianni wave at Fallon and Lavinia as they arrived. She hears the door open and Samantha welcoming everyone to enter. She follows everyone smiling at Samantha . She look up look at the red candles . As she grab a glass of wine, she hears the music and goes to see Yersin who's struggling to drink and ask him.
Would you like to dance?[/i]

Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Fri Nov 05, 2021 10:21 pm
by Celestine
Dance dance to the music then spot Elisa .She dance toward her giving her a hug before she say.ELISA!! Happy halloween your coshtume ish so wicked! She smile evily. Welcome to my house and enjoy the party thesh food and drink all you need for your shatifaction. She now smile and dance her way to the bar grabing a glass of wine and dancing away toward night offering him a glass of wine. Dark Greeting and happy halloween. Thanks for coming. I brought you a glass of wine.

Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2021 10:29 am
by Akos
Akos had expected they'd be late, despite her best efforts, she always managed to be so. Especially on an evening when one had to wrangle some children. It was their first outing on a halloween, and so rather than rely upon their nannies, Akos and Aishe had decided they wanted to be involved in getting the boys prepared. Hoping for a little bit of simplicity, the 2 year old twins had been dressed up as skeletons, their chubby faces smeared in white with darkened circles around their eyes. Akos didn't expect the face paint would last all the way through the evening, but she couldn't help but think how cute they looked as the partial family of 5 headed towards the front yard. She herself, in a fit of amusement, had decided to go dressed as a vampire. An odd ode to her vampire wife who herself had settled upon going dressed as the King. It was absurd really, how such a whim had taken a hold of them but Akos would be lying if she said she didn't think that her wife looked wonderous in the High King's daily attire. It had been fitted specially for her and Akos admired the sleek form in the tightly fitted black trouser, black doublet and boots. She'd even gone so far as to wear his crown. It was but for a brief moment however as the excited bouncing of the child tugging at her wife's arm pulled her view.

The young heir Anrai had been ridiculously excited about everything halloween. He'd insisted on going as something not spooky, since in his words "'Pooky is borin! Ebryfin is 'pooky 'roun Ma Akos". It was with no small amount of mirth on her part that the mothers had agreed to his demand of going as a unicorn. His fascination with the creatures had begun relatively recently, and who were they to discourage his interest in what was the spiritual animal of their people.

"Look Dai! 'Unkins! Dey got lights in em!" Akos couldn't help the smile that edged onto her face at the heirs buoyant words as she slowly wound her way through the maze of jack 'o lanterns, a twin to each hand as they toddled along staring in wide eyed fascination at the decorations. It was, she admitted to herself, quite the display. She made her way into the house, tiny toddler step by tiny toddler step and finally came up alongside her wife who had paused to give Anrai enough time to squawk excitedly at the house Well, this is impressive isn't it!

Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 3:06 pm
by Samantha
Samantha was preparing the table in the great hall. Celestine was busy with the guest and was dance all around . She join the crowd and dance taking a moment to enjoy the party. Then she look at the window and saw someone with what she suppose to be a child. She goes to the door and opens the door.

Darky nighty. Happy Halloween please come in. The party had just begin.

She grabbed a box of candy for the child and wait for them to come in.

Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Mon Nov 08, 2021 7:38 pm
by Dwayberry
A mail carrier pigeon flew through the darkness - quite the curious hour for a pigeon to be active. It grabbed its opportunity to enter Amladris home right through the front door as the family of five entered. Inside, it landed on the table in the great hall. A rolled up note was attached to its leg.
The note read:
Samantha and Celestine,

Thank you for inviting me to your party (even though the tone of some of your letters was questionable at best).
I am otherwise occupied and won't be able to travel to Cork at this time. Instead, please accept this gift of two useless tickets I found. You might have some use for them.

Attached to the letter were two level 2 tickets.

Once the letter was delivered, the pigeon picket at some of the food laid out, then took off, out the door and into the dark night.