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Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 3:33 pm
by Dwayberry
Dwayberry hadn't wanted to show up for this party, but she didn't want to deprive her children of free candy either. Not wanting them to go to Cork by themselves, she relented to accompany them to the party after all.

Dressed in a fancy white dress smeared with fake blood, her son wearing a dragon mask and her daughter a set of fake spider legs, they arrived at the house that used to belong to Amladris and hadn't turned any less creepy since Celestine had moved in.

"Alright, here we are," Dwayberry sighed. "Where is the candy?"

Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 6:52 pm
by Thartis
Thartis sighed he loved his research but every few hours a bird kept slapping into the windows with notes to attend a party.
Reading the note he resigned himself to go to the wretched house. He looked in the mirror and he looked as he always had maybe a little more tired his eyes meeting his own he could feel the depths of his own tiredness.

Snapping himself away he tapped the mirror his appearance changing his robes turning black his head turning orange. After a few seconds it stopped and his head now glowing dropped into his own arms. When he spoke the voice came from the now pumpkin head and it seemed as alive as before just separated from the rest of his body.

With a final look into the mirror he vanish into a poof of smoke and appeared at the party the faint sound of hooves could be heard even without any horse nearby.


Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 8:54 pm
by Celestine
Celestine hears the doorbell. She rushes to open the door.

"Happy Halloween please come in welcome to you all we have drinks food and music."

She looks at the gift she received and smile.

"Oh thish is sho wicked thank you very much!"

As she invite the guess to enter she spot Dwayberry and her children.

"Awww the are sho cuuuuute! "

Celestine smile and give them each two buckets filed with candies. She then give to Dwayberry a huge strawberry cake and a cup of tea.

You are welcome to stay if you wish Deayfifi! I've made twenty strawberry cake and more .

Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Mon Oct 31, 2022 9:03 pm
by Violet_Dain_Beone
See the guess arriving they pore mugs of ale and glass of wine. Request the orchestra to start playing as the guess we're going to enter.

Re: Amladris little House In Cork

Posted: Tue Nov 01, 2022 5:55 am
by Cassandre
Cassandre smile and great the guess who almost arrived at the same time. She heard the door openning and saw Celestine . She take the lead and enter after being inviting in. Took a glass of wine and stand and listen as the orchestra played