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[RP] An Orc's tale

Posted: Sat Mar 13, 2010 9:04 pm
by Bloodwyvern
Bloodwyvern lay in his simpe bed, hired from one of the out-landers with the last of his wealth he had dragged with him from the homelands. Sighing he rolled over with a grunt, and closed his eyes, reflecting upon the events that brought him here, the images playing across his closed eyes as if he were reliving them.

It had been a cold day, even for the mountains. The warband for hours with Bloodwyvern at its head, this was his first command, and he was doing it young at only 19 summers longs. Orcs, despite popular belief, can actually live to a great age if given the chance, it is just a combination of recklessness and a like of warfare tend to mean few ever die of a natural cause. Boodwyvern was young, yet had already seen numerous battles, evident not only from the multitude of scars covering his green tinted skin, but the tattoos visible under his armour. One, on his upper left arm a large skull white tooth identified him as a member of the white fang tribe. There were three blood red rings marked upon his left arm, these showed that he had killed three enemies of significance (usually an enemy leader or mage). Around his neck hung a massive wolf fang, the animal which it came from was a truly dangerous beast, but that is another story for another day.

Bloodwyvern watched the his breath trail away in a smoky trail as he stood, one foot on a small rock, scanning the surroundings, a small human outpost had been spotted, the bastards had began encroaching upon what was obviously tribal territory again, these humans never learnt their lessons or honoured their agreements. He turned to a nearby Orc bearing the mark of a different tribe and shouted in Orcish"Tell the rest of this miserable lot that we attack as soon as the sun sets!" Orcish eyesight was better than the humans in the dark. He turned back to look at the outpost, still blissfully unaware of the Orcs waiting to reign bloody death upon them...

There was a knock on the door and Bloodwyvern was awoken from his revere as he went to answer it, somewhat reluctant to abandon thinking about better times.

Re: [RP] An Orc's tale

Posted: Mon Mar 15, 2010 5:05 pm
by Bloodwyvern
It had been a long day, Bloodwyvern had spent it working in the temple, guarding one of their shrines, in exchange for enough cash to eat and knowledge from the priest, who agreed to teach him of the out-landers religion. It was an odd affair unlike anything he had seen even in the capital cities of the High King's tribe in his homeland but it had been enlightening if nothing else.

Sighing he collapsed into his bed and began to think back to his first battle as a war-band leader once again...

The outpost was now a burning wreck, the humans had been easily crushed and the Orcish force was now busy hunting down survivors and burning the buildings to the ground after taking anything of value from them. Bloodwyvern stood over a human youth, barely 16 seasons old, his axe raised to make the killing blow. The youth squirmed on the floor, his legs a mangled mess after a hit from an axe shouting in a packed manner in his strange tongue, probably begging for mercy. Bloodwyvern ignored him and brought his axe down upon the youth's head in a killing blow, smashing the skull in two and covering the surrounding area in a fountain of blood and gore and silencing the youths shouts. Bloodwyvern looked down at his chest plate and saw that a large amount of said blood and gore was pouring all over it.

"damned humans... always bleeders" he muttered and wiped it off with his gauntlent, sending chunks of gore onto the ground and smearing the blood across his armour. He looked around at the encampment which was only visible due to the many fires his warband had spread across it. He could hear all the sounds of battle around him, mentally savouring the clash of blades and the battlecries of soldiers from both sides, the smell of freshly spilt blood in the air, and most of all the satisfaction of the kill. He took in a deep breath from the cold air and unleashed a Bellow victory across the field, which all the warriors surrounding him echoed in a deafening war cry. "BURN IT ALL TO THE GROUND! SHOW THESE FOOLS THAT WE ARE NOT TO BE DEFIED!!!!!!!" he shouted in Orcish. Despite the elation at victory he knew something was wrong... Even humans didn't go down this quickly normally, they obviously weren't soldiers... were was the garrison? the army...

the vision slowly faded out as Bloodwyvern felt tiredness overtake him, and he fell into the sweet embrace of sleep...