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(orp) Searching

Posted: Thu Jun 11, 2020 8:48 am
by Rayne
Who was she? Rayne asked herself many times that question. She woke up in Cork unable to remember who she was or how she got there. She frantically searched the home she found herself in. It was not well stocked with food or furniture. She scrambled outside to see if she knew the place she stood at. Nothing was familiar.

In the distance the fog rolled in, creeping slowly towards her. She rubbed her eyes to clear the picture in front of her but the fog did not disappear. Her heart pound in her chest so heavily she could hear it thump. Taking a step, then another, then finally she rounded the back of the home. A field lay barren, it's lifeless corn stalks dried and wilted as if bowing to the ground. Her fingers touched the dry stalks finding not much there as she had found in the home.

This was months ago. The only hint of identity she had now was a wood box with the word Rayne carved into it. She had taken that as a name to identify herself to anyone that asked. One might think, that with her red hair and facial scars she would be recognized. Not one in Cork knew who she was. So she set out to discover for herself who she was, where she came from and what had happened to her.

Rayne travelled on foot. She carried little with her but many hours later she was in a town that seemed full of life. As she looked at the market stalls she found some fruit that made her mouth water. She carefully counted out her coin to hand to the man selling his goods. She was so hungry that she turned quickly after thanking the man and began to eat the fruit. Now it was time to search the town to see if anyone knew her.

Re: (orp) Searching

Posted: Mon Jun 15, 2020 12:52 pm
by Rayne
Many shook their head no at her. Some asked if she needed a place to stay but only if she was willing to work in their field. She had no choice at this point. She had begun this journey. Commitment was ingrained in her as was loyalty. She found herself out in the fields for a few days before she had enough saved to move to the next town, Imperius. As she wandered in, late at night, she found herself by a statue. She stood in awe on it. The glow from the moon had cast a halo around it. She made her way closer and read the dedication. She spoke the words as she read.

"Melusine Sunspear, Robber Baroness, Judge of Fenia and Queen of Mischief you stole our hearts."

She looked around her. The centre of town seemed eerily quiet right now. Was it peaceful here? Who would she find that might know who she was? Not able to find a place to sleep for the night, she found a dark spot in the forest and made a bed of wood and leaves. Pulling her only fur, her cloak, around her she tried to sleep.

Re: (orp) Searching

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2020 6:01 pm
by Rayne
The move was now permanent. She had very few things to worry about in the place she had woke up in earlier this year. She found that she liked Imperius. A few had welcomed her to her new home town, making her feel more at ease. A few jobs had offered her the luxury of buying a plot of land and with it a field to grow corn. Her home had yet to be built which she would do by her own hands. She envisioned it in her head many times and as she did it grew larger than the last. For this reason, she waited to build. She could not afford such a luxury and she needed to find her way first.

Of course, the only item she made sure to keep safe was that wooden box with Rayne written on it. It was her only clue that linked her to her past but yet had found anyone with knowledge on it. The box was of a size that needed two people to pick it up. It had been sealed with metal that had rusted long before she had found it in her home. She was always curious as to what was in it but could never find time to get the metal stripped. She tried to do it herself but had not managed to find a way to remove it. Was it a magical seal or did she need to solve the riddle of who she was first?

Covering up the box with fur cloaks, she went for a walk in the town to try and discover more.

I am open for others to help write Rayne's story from here forward. It will give her more discovery to who she is or is not.

Re: (orp) Searching

Posted: Sun Jul 12, 2020 12:55 pm
by Madeliefie
Was there a pattern? Was it linked to the word carved on the top? Rayne didn’t mean anything to her but it didn’t need to. It could be an anagram, a code, a riddle, anything.
Rayne, rayne rayne.” She muttered to herself. “R. A. Y. N. E.”
Madeliefie sat cross-legged on the floor the tip of her tongue sticking out as she concentrated. The cool feeling of the metal alternating with the slightly rougher texture of the wood. She ran her fingers lightly and slowly over every inch well-aware that the box could be trapped and ready to jerk her fingers away at the slightest change. Her hands were bare despite the possibility of a poison needle because she had to rely solely on her sense of touch. The risk was worth it though. Given how rare and expensive they were, a box of this kind was only ever used to store the most precious treasures. Or secrets. Those could be worth a lot of money too. She preferred jewels though.
It was worth it for the glory too even if she never told anyone. Even master thieves found these puzzle boxes challenging. To open one proved one was as far above a common cut-purse as a trained knight was above a pageboy. She would prove to herself she could do it.
Things are never what they seem with the puzzle chests,” her old mentor had told her once. “Don’t take anything for granted. Each one is different. But there is always some clue to help you if you can find it.
She’d watched the woman for a few days and knew she would be gone for hours working at whatever job she managed to find. She closed her eyes and slowed her breathing, tapping out different pattern combinations on the sides of the box.