A mayor candidate with Good Humor

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A mayor candidate with Good Humor

Post by Utur »

Utur always claimed to be 9' tall, though in truth he was barely 8'11". He smoothed down his purple hair and used his war hammer to build a stand. He planned to give away ice cream if he was elected mayor, although he currently had no ice cream and also had no way to keep it cold. But he assumed all this would work out some way. On the placard above the stand was painted "Utur 4 Mayer"

So far he had a set of 8 dishes and 6 spoons. He also had campaign literature for anyone who wished to talk politics. Both sides of the flier said "Utur 4 mayer." One side had a crude but easily recognizable drawing of an ice cream cone and a smiley face. On the other side was a comical picture of a human being hit on the head with a hammer. There was a circle around it and a diagonal line drawn through which indicated 'Not'

He hoped that the wise and nice residents of Cork had read his mayoral announcement posted by the voting box and would understand the references in his flier. He was also happy to explain, although his explanations were unnecessarily lengthy and often got off topic. He realized not everyone in Cork would read the mayoral announcement or even could read. In the Troll tribe he had recently come from there were only three literate trolls, himself included plus a goblin scribe who almost never got pounded because of her great value.
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Re: A mayor candidate with Good Humor

Post by Utur »

Utur was not really sure how the election campaign was going. He remained optimistic. No one had visited his booth while he was there, of course he had only manned it one night and had arrived tonight at 9:30 PM having overslept a tad. The town seemed rather quiet at night. He did get in a harangue with a stray cat, he was not sure if the cat could vote or not. He was a little worried that if it could vote, it would vote for the other candidate as it did not seem to view his platform favorably. He hoped to hand out fliers, he had left them there over the daytime and it seemed some were missing. He still had not found an ice cream supplier anyway so it was just as well no one had stopped by for a treat.
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Re: A mayor candidate with Good Humor

Post by balerion »

Balerion was surprised to see signs of life in Cork. It had been such a sleepy place for so long. He wasn't a citizen but he couldn't help but investigate the small person who seemed to be trying his hand at politics. He walked up and smiled showing far too many teeth.

Hello little one, I see you have some ice cream? I would be most delighted to have some, or perhaps pie if you have any of that... better make it both pie and ice cream, there's no need to skimp.
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Re: A mayor candidate with Good Humor

Post by Ambrosia »

Words traveled fast perhaps through the cats in Cork, but nonetheless it got her attention. Quietly she made her way to the booth with the herd of cats following at her heels. Spiral black curls hid the scarred part of her face, while her vivid blue eyes danced between the two massive giants gathered. "This isn't fair." She muttered to herself, before she found a shrub to climb upon to at least make her feel taller. At the very least, she was content with the image she was taller than her brother.

"Ice cream? My children were curious." She motioned with her hand towards the cats that had now dispersed to dally with other things. Cream would quickly gather them back though. "Hello Balerion." She called out before her attention fell on the new troll in town. "So tell me.. what are you future plans here? Running credentials?" Ambra furrowed her brows curiously and leaned forward being mindful not to fall from her current perch. A clear of her throat before she continued, "Do you think ice cream is better than flavored snow potion? What are your thoughts on the woods? Being that tall how do you sleep? Do you often step on worms? Do you have a favorite food? If you become mayor, will you scare my cats away?
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Re: A mayor candidate with Good Humor

Post by Utur »

Utur was delighted to have someone come by. He gave Balerion a piece of his campaign literature.

"The ice cream delivery is late, I'm afraid, you can't get good goblins these days, you know?"

He dug a meat pie out of his own lunchbox and put it on a plate and handed it over with a smile. "Pie we do have, though this is the last piece. Vote Utur for mayor!" He was quite unaware that Balerion did not have voting privileges here.

"So tell me.. what are you future plans here? Running credentials?" Ambra furrowed her brows curiously and leaned forward being mindful not to fall from her current perch. A clear of her throat before she continued, "Do you think ice cream is better than flavored snow potion? What are your thoughts on the woods? Being that tall how do you sleep? Do you often step on worms? Do you have a favorite food? If you become mayor, will you scare my cats away?

Utur looked a big confused and waited for her to finish. He handed her a piece of his campaign literature. "My future plans are to live in that abandoned tower I found two days ago. It needs a woman's touch and my beloved will arrive soon to help out with that. I'd like to be mayor and fix the situation with not enough ice cream ... though if there is a lot of flavored snow potion then perhaps I just need to switch to that. I've never had it but it sounds yummy." He suddenly dashed to the tower and back to demonstrate his running credentials. He hoped they were satisfactory. "I think the woods are quite woody, but not TOO woody, if you know what I mean." He shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot and tried the next question, "Next time I shall stay awake when I fall asleep and then I will know the answer to how it is done. And I never step on worms unless I am stepping on worms. That's a promise." He raised his hand to show his sincerity. She seemed to be listening so he relaxed a bit, "Mutton is definitely my favorite food, no mint sauce and very rare please. And I have a water trough for all animals and when my ice cream arrives, they would be welcome to that too. I didn't scare away the one cat that came here, it left in a huff over... political differences I think, although I'm not absolutely positive." He had not actually set up the water trough yet, so he hurried about to do that. In just a few minutes any creature might refresh itself here.

Overall, Utur was thrilled at the thoughtful political discourse of the town of Cork. Troll politics were mostly yelling about media bias and bashing each other over the heads with various weapons.
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Re: A mayor candidate with Good Humor

Post by Utur »

Utur checked at midnight when the returns were in and hung his head in defeat. Also he had just found out that his opponent was the wise creature with so many good questions from earlier in the evening. He hoped she would not eat him. That was her right of course, at least in a troll election, but it wasn't always enforced, and who knew if they did things differently.

He had been upset about not being allowed to cast a ballot for himself. Apparently, squatting in an abandoned tower didn't count as a primary residence. The ID he'd made on a piece of wood with his name and an arrow to a hand drawn picture of himself had not been enough to allow him to vote. He hoped that now that he had applied for land that he would be considered eligible for the next time.

He took down his stand with a heavy heart. The tears dripped from his eyes and the snot from his long sad nose. He still had most of his campaign literature. He would try again. And this time he would have ice cream in advance or flavored snow potion! And he would get cream for the highly influential cats. He was a troll who learned from his mistakes.
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Re: A mayor candidate with Good Humor

Post by Ambrosia »

Her running mate could easily have beat her in a physical running contest, and the wholesome troll seemed to ease her of any nefarious plots. Still, the creature was one she wasn't familiar with. Sleep evaded her most days and nights, unable to get comfortable with the cloud of thoughts that suffocated her mind. Ambrosia had also been around at midnight albeit groggily keeping an eye on the town with a book in her hands. From a healthy distance she could see Utur grab his stand in defeat, and she frowned thoughtfully. It's less likely that the massive being would hear her, but she called out and ran towards the direction of the defeated. "Wait! I have an idea!"
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Re: A mayor candidate with Good Humor

Post by Utur »

Utur did not hear her, but seeing the new mayor running at him made him sure that she would exercise her privilege of eating the loser. The stand was poorly constructed in the first place and as he suddenly turned it collapsed into a twisted heap of boards with campaign literature flapping about in the breeze. He sat down to await his fate. He proffered his arm and handed her a salt shaker. "You won fair and square Ms Mayor. I am at your service."
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