[Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Lavinia »

The following day she had the worst luck... only one snowball found its mark. But Lavinia remained hopeful that it would get better tomorrow.
Dec 18, 1661 8:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 18, 1661 8:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 18, 1661 8:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 18, 1661 8:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 18, 1661 8:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 18, 1661 8:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 18, 1661 8:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Deacon of Fenia City | Blackwood Family | Lady of Ravencrest Manor | Artwork by Zehara
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Petunia »

Eagerly, Petunia made a fresh batch of snowballs, waited until the King was in range, and let them fly, one by one. The first was encouraging because it caught him exactly right; but then the next few either missed or just barely grazed him and left no mark. Then she got him squarely in the face again, followed by another miss and some that hardly hit him at all.

Well, that was a bit frustrating, so she moved to a new pile of snow and made some more snowballs. Waiting for a while until he turned in what she hoped was a more favourable direction for her, she began to pelt him again. The first one barely grazed him but the second hit him exactly right. But then she sighed in frustration as the next one hardly caught him and he dodged two. She was running out of steam and hope as she threw the last snowball...well, she didn't so much throw it as tossed it in the general direction of the King. And then she nearly whooped in glee as it hit him full on his face.
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Lavinia »

Her bad luck continued in the following days... perhaps she was simply too tired from defending the town and working on the frozen fields. Either way, she would continue being optimistic and just keep on having fun.
Dec 20, 1661 7:15 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 20, 1661 7:15 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 20, 1661 7:15 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 20, 1661 7:15 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 20, 1661 7:15 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them! ...and they caught it!
Dec 20, 1661 7:15 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 19, 1661 12:57 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 19, 1661 12:57 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them! ...and they caught it!
Dec 19, 1661 12:57 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 19, 1661 12:57 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them! ...and they caught it!
Deacon of Fenia City | Blackwood Family | Lady of Ravencrest Manor | Artwork by Zehara
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Zuan »

Twenty days had now passed since the game had begun, and needless to say, by this point the King was perhaps regretting his choices. Could he make his cousin Tyris the target next year instead? Least then he wouldn’t have to spend quite so much time near the nearest fireplace in every establishment he had entered.

It had been in the Mysts Tavern now where he was being struck most of all whether it was Lavinia, Texas, Nikola or even earlier that same day Drakonkrabas, who had poured a mountain worth of snowballs over his head when he was not looking. Meanwhile Petunia continued to use her access as Royal Secretary to strike him most days of the week, however he had grown wise to some of her shenanigans and caught a fair few snowballs. And that was true in general also. Though, perhaps it was to be expected, when you are struck with a high volume of snowballs, sooner or later you will learn to dodge and catch them, else you’re doomed to end up as a snowman yourself.

In particular however the King was noting who was becoming disturbingly deadly with their accuracy. Drakonkrabas had indeed been on point that day, almost to the extent the King had almost lost his crown in the mound of snow. While LadyWhisp, Lavinia, and Serafay were also ruthless with their strikes, with headshot after headshot. And then there was his Mine Minister, Izara, who also seemed to have accuracy that might merit leading her into a path of archery. Cathrina was also no slouch and had struck him numerous times upon the head and consequently removing the crown from it.

He sighed softly as once again he relaxed in private within the castle and the warmth of the fire, which felt all the more needed and pleasing since this event had begun. He was used to the cold, having lived in the North of Fenia for many years, however even he was now being tested with the sheer volume of snow being struck his way, but there was still plenty of time for the people of Fenia to get their shots in on him, and potentially be crowned that years winner of the annual snowball throwing contest.
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Lavinia »

Lavinia rested for several days but on her way to the Mysts tavern she suddenly noticed the King. Not wishing for the opportunity to go to waste, she quickly made some snowballs and sent them flying towards His Majesty.
Dec 24, 1661 2:55 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 24, 1661 2:55 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 24, 1661 2:55 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 24, 1661 2:55 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
Dec 24, 1661 2:55 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 24, 1661 2:55 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 24, 1661 2:55 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 24, 1661 2:55 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 24, 1661 2:55 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
Dec 24, 1661 2:55 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 24, 1661 2:55 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 24, 1661 2:55 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 24, 1661 2:55 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Deacon of Fenia City | Blackwood Family | Lady of Ravencrest Manor | Artwork by Zehara
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Texas_Knight »

While the guards were sleeping TK set up his plan of attack. He'd been working on this for a week. He placed a rope and pulley contraption in the hallway of the castle so that when the king made his way to the common area of the castle it would automatically trip and start the attack. 16 hits on Christmas for the king seemed a good ratio for the 54 he had set up to launch. He watched, of course, from a location just around the corner so that he could enjoy the device's function and accuracy. "MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" TK yelled and then laughed as the last snowball grazed by king Zuan.

Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them! ...and they caught it!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 25, 1661
8:57 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Lavinia »

She giggled witnessing TK's attack on the King and waited her turn. Quickly, she made a few snowballs and sent them flying towards His Majesty.

Dec 27, 1661 7:32 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 27, 1661 7:32 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

Dec 27, 1661 7:32 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
Dec 27, 1661 7:32 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 27, 1661 7:32 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 26, 1661 11:25 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 26, 1661 11:25 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 26, 1661 11:25 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

Dec 26, 1661 11:25 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 26, 1661 11:25 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Deacon of Fenia City | Blackwood Family | Lady of Ravencrest Manor | Artwork by Zehara
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Ella »

Ella had been waiting, bidding her time to launch the perfect attack on His Majesty. Day after day she resisted the urge to smack his royal head with a snowball, until one day she was standing outside the Castle entrance. She stood there, wrapped in a long navy blue cloak, as she waited for the King to appear. When he emerged she greeted him with a pleasant smile, "Good morning, Your Majesty." Unbeknownst to King Zuan, hundreds of snowballs were suspended over his head by the witch's magic. She waited until he stepped perfectly beneath the mountain of snow to let them rain down on his head. Ella laughed as all the snow tumbled down on him. Perhaps it was not the fairest tactic, but it was an amusing sight. Since she'd had her fun, she might as well help him out of the snow she unleashed on him, "Do you need help, Your Majesty?"
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Zuan »

It had been another ten or so days since he last focused on the snowball competition, or perhaps the better would be reflect upon the competition. As he was often focused on it when citizens were pelting him with snowballs in a variety of creative and thought out manners. As the winter continued on and people settled into their own homes and estates the King was noticing that were less attacks coming his way. The exception to this rule seemed to relate to members of his own council, who using the various meetings and debates, were able to plan more sophisticated strikes upon the King. Not least the General somehow continuously impressing with tactics and almost military like strikes upon him. He supposed in some way that was a positive, given his General’s ingenuity it would likely help in a real war or battle situation. That thought however did not help when he was covered in the freezing snow of the General’s ambush.

However the quiet of this time period was somewhat ruined on one of the last days when Ella Blackwood, his Finance Minister, had positioned her magic in such a way that she had unleashed a hail of snowballs upon his person, unable to dodge and block them all it was fair to say that there was a fair few headshots among them, to the point that he had almost lost count. Needless to say he was not too appreciative of the well thought our aerial assault, but once he had managed to extricate himself from the mound of snow which was now blocking one of the major castle doorways, he gave Ella a half exasperated half annoyed look. More so for the blocking of the doorway than the damage to his own person.

So once again, settling down infront of the fire, the King waited and wondered. With only a few weeks left who would win the contest? Ella had certainly thrown her name into the hat with an all out assault, but with two weeks left, there were plenty of contenders who could change things and capture the diadem in victory.
High King of The Fenians - Brother to Dahlia, Ambra, Trinity, Sera & Zhou
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Lavinia »

After several days Lavinia remembered that the snowball fight was still on. She hurried to the town and walked about until she spotted King Zuan. Grinning, she made plenty of snowballs and sent them flying to him. "Happy New Year, Your Majesty!" she called out... "And very best of wishes!" she added smiling. It was a good start to the new year.

Jan 1, 1662 12:10 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
Jan 1, 1662 12:10 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Jan 1, 1662 12:10 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

Jan 1, 1662 12:10 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Jan 1, 1662 12:10 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Jan 1, 1662 12:10 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Jan 1, 1662 12:10 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Jan 1, 1662 12:10 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

Jan 1, 1662 12:10 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Jan 1, 1662 9:51 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Jan 1, 1662 9:51 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Jan 1, 1662 9:51 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Jan 1, 1662 9:51 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Jan 1, 1662 9:51 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Jan 1, 1662 9:51 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Jan 1, 1662 9:49 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Jan 1, 1662 9:49 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Jan 1, 1662 9:49 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Jan 1, 1662 9:49 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Jan 1, 1662 9:49 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Jan 1, 1662 9:49 am [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 30, 1661 3:20 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 30, 1661 3:20 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
Dec 30, 1661 3:20 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 30, 1661 3:20 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them! ...and they caught it!
Dec 30, 1661 3:20 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 30, 1661 3:20 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 29, 1661 5:42 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 29, 1661 5:42 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 29, 1661 5:42 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 29, 1661 5:42 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them! ...and they caught it!
Dec 29, 1661 5:42 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Deacon of Fenia City | Blackwood Family | Lady of Ravencrest Manor | Artwork by Zehara
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