[Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

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[Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Zuan »

Annual Yuletide Game: Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Every year it is an annual tradition that during the coldest part of winter when snow is thick upon the ground that the citizens, nobles, and even peasants of Fenia engage in snowball fights with one another. And no one is exempt from being hit by a snowball, for now law bans the act, including the King. Thus each year Fenians, travellers and guests alike seek out the King to pelt him with as many snowballs as a creature can possibly throw!

This event has become part of the Fenian calendar and with it comes competition. In that whomever can strike the King’s coronet or crown off his head (with headshots) the most is deemed the winner. The top three strikers all receive prizes, with the grand champion receiving a unique item from the Kingdom that is granted to them by the mages.

1st Place: Ice Diadem (A unique diadem which is made of eternal ice and boosts the charisma of the wearer, it lasts twelve months before finally melting away), 1000 freznics.
2nd Place: 500 freznics
3rd Place: 250 freznics
Best Role Played Post: 500 freznics

Only in-game Snowballs count.
Only headshots count towards winning the prizes, as the main aim of the attacker is to detach the King’s crown from his head.
Role-Playing is actively encouraged and the King will do his best to react to snowball attacks, so be creative! You are also welcome to god-mod Zuan in appropriate situations to ensure snow can be thrown at him e.g. Walking in the castle courtyards; visiting the tavern; exploring the town markets.
The Best Role Played Post will be decided by myself after the event is officially concluded, and I look forward to some out of the box surprise attacks.
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Foxeon »

Foxeon had not yet been inducted into the ways of court or castle life here in Fenia, so regarded the announcements of the return of the uncrowning the King by snowballs with a certain disbelieving amusement. It seemed folly to risk committing treason, but the document looked official enough and the criers were wearing the appropriate heraldry. Each could be faked, of course, but that seemed too excessive to be plausible. Therefore, with a certain glint of mischief in his eyes, he set to making up ten snowballs from the water he'd been collecting. After some asking about he got an idea when the King may be seen walking past a courtyard near the public areas of the castle. Swallowing a moment of doubt, he hurled the snowballs one after each other in a flurry, but only one managed to land anywhere near the King's head. No guards descended upon him for the prank. He stood there snowless and shocked.

Dec 2, 1661 8:25 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Nikola »

Nikola saw a young man throwing snowballs at the King and grinned, applauding his aim when one of the snowballs hit its mark. "Bravo!" Encouraged by his bravery, she set about making a bunch of snowballs herself and waited until Zuan was not looking in her direction to begin pelting him, aiming for the crown atop his brow although any head shot would do. She giggled and then laughed out loud as several of her throws hit the mark. "Bet you can't hit me, Your Majesty!" she teased and ran out of range to gather a few more snowballs before running back and pelting him again.
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Lavinia »

Lavinia sneaked up quietly and watched as Nikola pelted the King with snowballs. Giggling to herself she patiently waited her turn and began making her own snowballs. By the time Nikola had finished, the witch stepped forward and took her aim. It took her a good while as she made a lot of snowballs. Her aim wasn't as bad as she expected.. training with her bow and axe seem to have helped.

Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them! ...and they caught it!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Dec 5, 1661 12:13 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Petunia »

Petunia was a bit unsure and nervous of the wisdom of actually throwing snowballs at the King. It might be treason or something - after all, she would actually be trying to hit the crown off his head. But still, he was the one who had invited everyone to try their luck, and pelting people with snowballs was actually quite fun. So she dressed up warmly and went out to try her luck.

She found a nice spot, where there was a good fall of snow and from where she would get a fair shot. Well, she would get a fair shot if she was actually a good enough shot to hit anything smaller than a barn door without a lot of luck and a following wind. Still, it was worth a go, so she bent to gather up snow and form it into balls. Then as the King got a bit closer, she began to throw a few snowballs at him. As soon as she'd thrown the first ones, which did nothing more than graze him, she turned and bent to gather more. Returning to the fray with a fresh supply, she threw them again - and hit him squarely in the face! For a moment, Petunia froze, wondering if the guards would be heading towards her for her audacity, but no, they were clearly more engaged in throwing their own snowballs. So she grinned, and made more snowballs to throw, managing to graze the King a few times and hit him in the head a couple more.
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them! ...and they caught it!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Nikola »

"Whoa, Lavinia! You have been practicing! Good shots!" Nikola called to the young witch after she covered the king with snow. Even Petunia got in on the fun and got in some very good hits! "OK, I have to try again," she exclaimed and gathered more snow into snowballs. Unfortunately, where she stood there was not a lot of snow as others had already used up the good stuff, so she made the few balls that she could and threw them one right after another at the King. "Gotcha!" she exclaimed as the first two hit him squarely in the face. She was laughing so hard that her next two throws were not all that great, but still it was good fun!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!
Last edited by Nikola on Mon Dec 06, 2021 8:22 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Ella »

In the Mysts Tavern on the 5th of December...
(17:59:14) Ella suddenly has the urge to dump snow on Zuan, using her magic to summon it through the window and dump it on his head.
(18:02:06) Zuan is unaware of this
(18:04:00) Ella lets it hover a moment over his head and then lets it all fall
(18:04:20) Nikola laughs
(18:04:22) Zuan is drenched in snow from head to foot
(18:05:17) Zuan: Lady Ella...
(18:05:30) Nikola starts digging the king out from under the snow
(18:05:54) Ella smiles innocently, "Yes, my King?"
(18:06:34) Zuan frowns at her "It would appear, you may have covered me in some snow."
(18:06:44) Cathrina giggles
(18:08:08) Ella: I may have. Possibly.

Events for all headshots:
Dec 5, 1661 5:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 5:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 5:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 5:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 5:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 5:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 5:58 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 5, 1661 2:01 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 3, 1661 5:26 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
❋ Duchess of North Fenshire ❋ Wife of Zuan ❋ Finance Minister of Fenia ❋ Mayor of Fenia City ❋
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Petunia »

There seemed to be quite a number of people out, and lots of them were doing their best to dislodge the King's crown. Petunia grinned, and rejoined the mock assault with her next set of snowballs, giving a triumphant laugh as four of them actually hit him fully on the head. She wasn't really trying to de-crown him, but, well, it was fun trying.

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Texas_Knight »

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...
TK had saved his ice packs all year in anticipation of the event happening again this year. He was determined to make sure the king got his fill of snowball pies. As the king was having royal court court TK was setting up just outside the doors to the chamber where the king was holding court. Once the last citizen finished speaking to the king, TK had the guards open the doors wide. "THIS IS AN ATTACK!!" he yelled, and before the king knew what hit him TK's automatic snowball thrower was wheeled into the doorway and put to use. The king was grazed by the first 3, then got hit in the face, then grazed by the next 3, dodged the next one and managed to catch it, he seemed surprised that TK would sneak attack him like this and was grazed by the next one and then was hit by 3 in rapid succession right in the pie hole. 71 snowballs later, the king had the remnants of 20 snowballs on his face. TK was laughing at the success of his throwing device and he bowed to the king as he had Ethan pull the device out of the door. "Good afternoon my friend, you looked like you were too warm so I wanted to help cool you off a bit."

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them! ...and they caught it!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them! ...and they caught it!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it...

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! They seemed to have dodged it... ...and they caught it!

You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It grazes them! ...and they caught it!
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Re: [Annual Yuletide Game] Attack The King (With Snowballs)

Post by Foxeon »

Encouraged by Nikola's cheer, Foxeon shakes off his shock with a grin. Later he'd come back for another try, having a little more success.
Dec 6, 1661 12:12 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 6, 1661 12:12 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Dec 6, 1661 12:12 pm [Special] You have thrown a snowball at Zuan! It hits them squarely in the face!
Seeker of things... including cheesecakes?
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