Cork Town Praise

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Cork Town Praise

Post by Rowena »

This thread is to give praise to those who help our town thrive and prosper! It could be from donating to the town, to even helping with travels to gather items for those who are unable to travel. I would like to start off by praising a few people:

@Ambrosia for helping with donations, items for the town, and as well for holding office last term.
@Katara for helping with traveling while I am unable to.
@Grendel for donating to the town
@Night for donating to the town
@marslynn for donating to the town
@Jacque_balsha for donating to the town, as well as giving added advice
@Logo for donating to the town
@Euphina for donating to the town

Let's give praise to these wonderful beings!
|Gaea||Mayor of Cork||Wife to Vand|
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Re: Cork Town Praise

Post by Celestine »

I want to be a prestresh!
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