[ORP] The Blackhart Estate

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Re: [ORP] The Blackhart Estate

Post by Azzanath »

Offering his wife a smile as Zara accepted the blanket, he followed behind her as she made her way towards their daughter. “I am sure you will manage to redecorate the house to your liking.” He lowered himself to inspect Asra’s work.

He knew that Napoleon had been invited hence his visit was expected, but seeing Riley’s unexpected visit he flashed a toothy grin at her reluctance to greet him, understanding she still bore a grudge against him for claiming her sister as his wife. Trying to imagine how harsh she then might be towards her father who gambled with their future made his amusement shine through even clearer than before. “Greetings, sister-in-law. How have you been?” He smirked with amusement at Riley, before he then took note of the bottle she carried with her, sighing internally at the weak minded servants at their estate.

Seeing Zara’s eyeing him for, but a short moment at the mentioning of their sudden acquisition of a sizable estate, only shortly after their arrival in the Viceroyalty. “Ah yes, a lovely human couple, with questionable taste. Acquaintances of mine, I offered them some help in the past… And will you look, they were only delighted to repay the favor when I paid them a visit, while house hunting in the neighborhood.” He reassured them with his usual flashy, mesmerizing smile.

Letting them focus on playing the role of assistants to their daughter, he reached into his shadow, from whence he produced a tray with ornamented glass cups. “Since you already brought wine, it should be enjoyed.” He places the tray at a safe distance from the sandcastle construction site.

“Shouldn’t be a problem with Asra learning the finer taste of the new world she is about to enter…” He lets a theatrical pause pass for a moment, giving them time for voicing their dispute with his suggestion, before pulling out a flask of pressed fruit juice.
Last edited by Azzanath on Thu Jul 07, 2022 9:31 pm, edited 1 time in total.
| Husband to Zara Bertrum Blackhart | Father of Asra Leona Blackhart | Art by Aishe |
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Re: [ORP] The Blackhart Estate

Post by Riley »

Seeing Azzananth smirk while greeting her it could only bring her to the conclusion he was mocking her. It was only because she had her manners that she answered him “I’ve been great, thank you”. Riley hoped her sister wouldn’t feel offended she gave Azzananth a bit of a cold shoulder and not return the question but if she remembered correctly Zara hadn’t been too keen on the wedding herself. It was easy to blame the demon and be cross with him. Their father however was not an easy person to disagree with. After an initial - in vain - objection most of her protest had been more subtle, she could not deny the event influence her decision to join her siblings when they fledged out.

Riley let out a chuckle at the mention of their brother. It was true he did know how to enjoy the human drinks quite a lot. She could enjoy their flavour as well, it was unfortunate they were so lacking in nutritional values. Listening to both her sister and her sister’s husband about the house Riley took a moment to refrain herself from rolling her eyes at Azzanath. “I’m sure with a demon on their doorstep they were equally delighted to hand over their house as my sister was to marry you”. When turning to her sister her tone of voice became instantly more cheerful “I’d love to have a tour, and you know I’ll help you with that!” Riley’s smile grew radiant at the idea of the family reunion. “That would be great, it’s been ages since all of us were together”.

Asra at first seemed to be quite shy, luckily it didn’t take all that long for the girl to overcome this. “I’m sorry sister, it seems my sand building skills are requested” Riley said with a grin to her sister before heading over to the point Asra indicated. Arriving there she started building the tower while trying to see if Asra would continue the conversation. “You are right, it is very important to protect the princes, we’ll have to make sure it’s a strong tower. Does the princess also sleeps there?”

As Azzanath pulled some cups seemingly out of nowhere she refrained herself from saying - oh, it knows magic tricks – Apparently she was more bitter about him claiming her sister then she realised, or it all came to the surface now. Either way since her niece was also his daughter, she held back. Riley also didn’t remark on the suggestion Asra tasted the wine, would a little sip be that bad? It did however lead her to a question: “Has she tried human wine yet?” Innocent ears might think she was talking about the regular wine, she hoped her sister would pick up on her true meaning for the question.
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Re: [ORP] The Blackhart Estate

Post by Zara »

The quips from Riley reminded her just how feisty her little sister could be. The sixty three year old did not engage in the nonsense between her sister and husband, knowing it was a pointless endeavour. Instead, she smiled and watched Asra begin to open up to her relative.

“Nu, she sweeps [sleeps] in her hwouse, silly.” Asra motioned to the small castle she was building. It was not very good, but she was three. “Dats where the dragon sweeps. They are best fwiends wit’ each other. It’s a girl dragon.”

Her statements were her usual matter of fact tone. The toddler was far too confident for someone full of chaos and lack of discipline. She did not possess the emotional or mental capacity in ways she would when she was older. Zara had a feeling that the cook was just going to the beginning of the stubborn girl’s naughty actions.

The vampire’s attention turned to Azzanath, watching him pull glasses out of thin air. Sometimes, she wished she possessed such magic. It seemed convenient. It was probably a good thing she couldn’t do as he could though, otherwise he’d have an even more difficult time dealing with her. She stared at him when he suggested letting their child try wine. Unamused, she said nothing to see if he meant what he implied. Then he pulled out a flask and when he opened it, she could smell the juice inside. Mildly relieved, she took two cups for her and her sister and insisted on pouring the wine for all three of them.

“No, she said, looking at Riley. “She does not appear to need that. I suppose time will tell. I will not encourage it until it becomes clear that she needs it.”

She did not need a child with a stubborn temperament and abilities to bend wills with the taste for blood.

“So what’s going on in your life? Enjoying the new viceroyalty?”
🖤 Zara (Bertrum) Blackhart 🖤
Wife to Azzanath | Mother of Asra Leona | Sister to Napoleon, Eztli, and Riley | House Bertrum
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Re: [ORP] The Blackhart Estate

Post by Riley »

Riley exaggerated her facial expressions talking with Asra. “Oh, that really is silly of me. She must have a really big room with a big bed if she’s a princess." While making finishing touches to the tower she was building she followed the indications of her niece. “A dragon friend, that sounds quite useful…” Riley continued without giving any further details on what uses a dragon might have, but she might not be imagining the same ones as her niece would, or at least that’s what Riley was assuming. “Does she give rides to the princess?”

Riley took the glass handed to her by her sister. Giving an approving nod after taking a sip, indicating it was a good wine. “Perhaps you are right, it might be more wise not to teach one the taste for it until after tantrums are over”. After giving Asra some more attention, and suggesting that perhaps the dragon might appreciate having bigger rooms, to be able to wiggle her tail around Riley turned her attention back to her sister. “I’m surely enjoying myself so far, had a couple of fun nights in tavern already hanging out with Eztli and some locals. The weather seems nice as well though the sun can get quite hot during the day, it’s easy to get hurt if you aren’t careful. I’m sharing a home with Napoleon at the moment. He travels regularly though so it’s often just my home. Oh! Did you know already our dear brother lost the money dad provided us to get started? Perhaps even more surprising, he became a minister in the local government.”
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Re: [ORP] The Blackhart Estate

Post by Zara »

"Yes," Asra stated matter-of-factly. "Her whole woom [room] is a bed. I wanna have a bed wike that."

The half demon pouted for a brief moment before picking up a smooth, white river stone. She carefully pushed it into the side of the tower at the base, creating a "door" into the tower. "We need stiwcks!"

The proclamation was made loudly, accompanied by the three year old standing up. She began to look around, paying little mind to the conversation the adults were having. Knowing Azzanath would keep an eye on their spawn, Zara nodded to her little sister.

"Asra has a temper and her capabilities are... Unexplored. Mostly." Grey eyes darted over to the child, wondering briefly whether or not to expand on her statement. Riley was family though and if there was someone she could discuss anything with, it ought to be her sister. So, the petite woman looked back to Riley. "Just this morning, she willed the cook to take a nap because she was upset about being here. If you thought Father was strong... She's three."

There was a mixture of pride and concern in her voice. On one hand, it was hard not to be proud of her child's blooming abilities. On the other hand, there was so much they did not know about Asra and what she was truly capable of. Half demon, a quarter vampire, a quarter human. There was no doubt over Asra's uniqueness, yet with such a situation, there would always be far more unknown than known. She could only hope that, as her parents, they were able to control the impulses of a toddler while they explored what she could do.
🖤 Zara (Bertrum) Blackhart 🖤
Wife to Azzanath | Mother of Asra Leona | Sister to Napoleon, Eztli, and Riley | House Bertrum
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Re: [ORP] The Blackhart Estate

Post by Riley »

Riley listened to her sister, nodding while she was speaking. "Well I would think having a temper is quite normal for a 3 year old child, as far as I am aware of course. But mental abilities do make the situation just a smudge more worrisome. At least taking a nap is not that dangerous. Perhaps father would know a way to help either to control it or to help her master it in a way you won't end up at the bad end of favour. It might be possible as well to slow down it's development until she has a better understanding of consequences, but that might stunt her natural growth in abilities as well. do her abilities affect you as well? I would say that is an important factor to take into consideration. If you are not affected you could just see where it goes the way it is."

Riley herself could charm humans to get her way at times, but that didn't work all the time depending on the humans will. Her little niece being able to do so at the age of 3 was quite remarkable. Their father's ability was stronger, or he had a better mastery of it, to the point you wouldn't even know whether or not you were being influenced by him. It had helped him greatly in doing business so far.

"There is some irony in this sister, you move from the home of a mind bender to create one of your own." Riley flashed a cheeky grin to her sister, indicating she was being playful with her words. "Actually, that reminds me. Where have you been these last years? I don't think I recall'
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Re: [ORP] The Blackhart Estate

Post by Zara »

Zara nodded along to her sister's comment regarding tempers. She herself could have quite a temper when poked. A soft sigh escaped her as she watched her daughter gather some twigs. All in all, this morning was slightly concerning. If they could not control their child, then there would surely be many problems to arise. She had a nagging feeling that they were going to have their hands more and more full with each passing day. Asra was easily temperamental and emotionally unstable at three. When Riley mentioned subduing the girl's powers, grey eyes flicked to Azzanath before shaking her head.

"I think I can speak for the both of us when I say that neither of us want that. I fear it would do more harm than good. Imagine someone had taken our thirst away and then just unleashed it all at once. It'd have been a massacre. And I can confidently say that she is far more dangerous than we were as children."

She looked back to her spawn for a moment. Her white-blonde hair and big eyes made her seem so innocent. It was difficult to remember at times the trouble she could be.

"We both seem unaffected so far. Perhaps that'll change as she gets stronger... But for now, we do have control over the situation. Mostly."

The topic shifted and so did Zara. She crossed her legs and again, her eyes flicked to meet the red glow watching them.

"His home, in the Nether... This entire time. Well, I say that - I envy your side of time. For you, it was a few months. For me, nearly four years." Her words were weighed down by the truth. Some days, the pain of being from her family had been unbearable. She took her solace in mothering. She had no friends; without her siblings, she had grown quite lonely. "It was necessary for my sweet Asra Leona. She needed the dark energy of the Nether to grow properly. It was... Difficult, but a worthy sacrifice."

Her freedom, that was.

"Enough about me - catch me up on you. I was surprised to hear Father let you all move across the continent. Why did he allow it? Sending Napoleon off without his supervision seems like a poor choice... Eztli is great, but we all know Napoleon is trouble, even with me around to clean up after him."
🖤 Zara (Bertrum) Blackhart 🖤
Wife to Azzanath | Mother of Asra Leona | Sister to Napoleon, Eztli, and Riley | House Bertrum
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