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Re: [Game] Get the Cheesecake!

Posted: Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:42 pm
by Ella
Clearly, Foxeon did not want to share the Cheesecake. With a swift movement, he pulled the Cheesecake out of Ella's reach but in the process, he lost his hold on it. It fell through the air as if in slow motion down to the ground. She gasped and lunged forward to catch it but missed. No matter — she managed to scoop the cake up before Foxeon had the chance to. "Ah-ha!" Ella exclaimed triumphantly. But now what? She needed to getaway. Far away. Foxeon would want the Cheesecake back and now she had gotten it. Without another word to her cousin, she darted away from him, trying to tuck the Cheesecake under her cloak to protect it from view.

Re: [Game] Get the Cheesecake!

Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2022 6:37 pm
by Foxeon
Foxeon stood as if stunned as Ella snatched up the Cheesecake and fled. Indeed, the loss of such a desirable object was poignant unto pain. Moved to jealousy and no little anger, he released an inarticulate shout and gave chase. It may not be the exact thing he sought, but he still desired to have it again.