[CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

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[CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Aileigh »

Nevya Kum: New Love

April 11, 1662
As the first rays of daylight rose between the trees, she was already awake. Nearly nine months pregnant, Aileigh Mae laid in bed with two of her three kittens. Sleepy purrs offered comfort to the anxiety nestled in the pit of her stomach. Her sleep had been restless and so was her mind. She pulled the quilt closer, feeling a rather strong kick from one of the unborn babes. The damphyr remained in bed for a while longer, knowing it’d be the last time she would sleep in it for a while.

Once the sunrise illuminated the window, the young woman rose out of bed. The motion took some effort as she had grown to a size she did not think possible. Her sympathy with her mother’s twin carrying curse was strong these days as she dealt with lots of tussling from her womb and considerable back pain.

As she got to her feet, blue eyes drifted to the two trunks packed by the door. She had kept fiddling with her belongings until she had finally fallen asleep the night before. She resisted the itch to re-examine the clothing she was bringing. Instead, she moved to the chair pushed into the corner of the room. A Romany dress of blue and pink was laid out, chosen because it was by far the most comfortable outfit she had right now. They would be in the carriage for a while as they spent the next several days traveling to Paz from their home in Fenia. Of course, they could have asked her brothers, aunt, grandma, or mother to hasten their travels using the shadows. Aileigh chose to travel by carriage for two reasons: 1) She wanted to enjoy the fresh air of the road and spring scenery, 2) Neither Thea or Zevander had ever traveled that way. Traversing the shadows could make those unfamiliar rather sick feeling and she was not eager to make either of them feel woozy. Admittedly, she was unsure how their son would do on his first long distance trip, so perhaps she would regret the choice.

The struggle of getting her nightgown off was interrupted by the door opening. A maid entered with a pot of tea, which was part of the lady’s morning routine. Seeing Aileigh attempting to change clothes, the maid stepped in and assisted her. Once clothed, the maid was dismissed and Aileigh sat at the vanity table with a cup of steaming tea. She took a sip before sitting the teacup down and picked up her brush. She combed out her long, raven locks. Tangles gone, she took portions along the side to braid and pin back. The majority of her hair cascaded down her back, but would remain out of her face during the travel. The only jewelry she had on was the locket her grandmother gave her at the wedding and her wedding ring. She did not want to travel wearing a lot of jewelry, though she had a few pieces packed for the celebrations of new life to come.

She slid on silk slippers and stood up, shoes instantly hidden from view behind the hem of the dress. As she walked to the door, Penny and Ginger realized she was leaving and jumped off the bed to follow. They bolted ahead once the door was opened, Aileigh following much slower. From the silence of the manor, she figured Zevander was still asleep. Unsure if her wife was awake, Aileigh wandered downstairs. She headed for the kitchen in search of some fresh fruit to enjoy in the study, another part of her daily routine.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Thea »

Only once in her life had Thea ever gone beyond the borders of Fenia. Back then Thea had been fleeing from her life, her responsibilities — that was nearly a year and a half ago. Now, Thea was leaving Fenia again but under very different circumstances. This time she was leaving because of her responsibilities. Still, it felt strange to Thea to be leaving again after all this time. It made her feel especially restless. In the week leading up to their planned departure, she barely slept. Her mind was consumed by the memories of the last time she left the kingdom — what if it happened again? Well, it was very unlikely that Aileigh would be attacked by a wild animal, but something else could go wrong. She would not have freely admitted that her anxiety was due to a sentimental attachment to her wife, more likely she would admit that she feared having to take care of not one but three babies on her own.

On the day of their departure, Thea was up before dawn just as she had been almost every other day this past week. She dressed in a loose fitting blouse and trousers for their travel. It was hardly an outfit befitting Fenian Lady, but she also did not care. She left her bed chamber and walked down to the conservatory where she picked up one of her half-read books to peruse in the candlelight.

Once the day was in full swing, she rose from her chair and made her way back into the main house to find her wife and to see when they would be leaving.

Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne | Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Aileigh »

It was not long after Aileigh sat in the study with her tea and fruit did she hear her name in the hallway. She answered with a “in here!”, placing the now-empty bowl on the side table. When Thea came in, they began to discuss the journey they were about to go on. It was decided that was Zevander was up and fed, they would head out.

Soon, sleepy gibberish came from beyond the sight of the study’s door. Aileigh got up with assistance of her wife and together, they went to greet their infant son. Before long, they were all loaded up into the carriage and their journey to Bravia began.

The journey was surprisingly painless. Zev was occasionally restless, growing fussy and at times overtired, but all in all the days went by smoothly and their nights in hotels equally so. Carrying twins, Aileigh was large at nearing nine months along. Because of this, it was not strange for the newlyweds to sleep in separate rooms. Aileigh did not keep the bed all to herself, though. Zevander slept beside her, her loving presence battling the strange surroundings.

As they passed through Bravia City, a part of Aileigh’s heart swelled. Memories of her childhood were brought on by the scents and sights. She even requested to stop by the bakery she once lived above. When her mothers settled down together, Aishe baked daily and their humble abode was conveniently above the bakery. The smell of fresh bread was a constant background scent that she missed at times. Unfortunately, the baked goods now sold at the same bakery did not stand up to her childhood memories or her mother’s baking. Still, she enjoyed a scone as the carriage resumed the last leg of the journey.

The smell of sea air was the first indication that they were close to Paz. Bright eyes observed the trees until the forest broke and Paz stood in sight, with the ocean just beyond. A smile found her lips. The last time she had been in Paz was when they left Bravia. Together, her large family sailed across the sea and landed in Athena, Fenia.

The carriage pulled off the main road onto a smaller, less traveled path. After a slightly bumpier ride, the carriage came upon a large home. In true Bravian fashion, the home had a deep red clay tiled roof and the base of the home was lighter in colour to combat the summer heat. Large trees provided shade onto the home and around the home, with many flowers in full bloom on the property. Colourful shutters were opened at each window, with an equally colourful door beckoning guests. With all the colour around, the two vardos in view did not seem unusually placed. She recognized one as her brother’s, but the other was unfamiliar to her, which was odd. The explanation she thought of was simple: someone was visiting from another Kumpania of the Natsia. She wondered who it could be when the carriage came to a full halt.

Thea got out first and helped the pregnant woman step out of the carriage. The nanny followed, holding their child. Aileigh’s spirits were high. Her smile only grew when she saw two red haired children running towards them, from seemingly out of nowhere. As they squealed her name, the six year old twins seemed to pay Thea no mind. She knelt down and opened her arms to greet her niece and nephew. Yara was a healthy, growing young girl. By comparison, her brother still remained thinner and sicker in complexion. One could expect Nox to be the larger one, but he was living on borrowed time. There was no telling what the future held for the young Sanchari boy. In the meantime, they all just enjoyed having him in their lives and showered him with love.

Aileigh laid a kiss atop both their fiery heads before standing back up. “Yara, Nox, you two remember my wife, Thea, and our son, Zevander, don’t you?” Nox shrugged, but Yara moved up to Thea confidently. They had only met Thea once, at the wedding several months ago. Aileigh watched Yara as she told Thea she liked her short hair. Her compliment was followed by a grin.

“Race you!” The challenge was issued to her twin before shadows swallowed her up. A few meters away, shadows reconvened and the seven year old stood, taunting her other half. Nox returned the taunt before disappearing himself. After that, both remained unseen in their race. They were a strange pair to be sure, but they also reminded her of her twin brothers, one of which was the young twins’ father. There was a bond there she could never understand and would never have.

“Mom really did find a beautiful spot.” She murmured, looking around. The way the sun bounced off the sea beckoned her, but instead she began to approach the front door. The door was already open and as they got closer, a woman stepped into sight. Aileigh’s expression softened with a bit of surprise as she realized it was her great grandmother standing there. Aileigh had not grown up with the wise woman's guidance, but she had spent some time in and out of the Barri Vitsa to get to know Maraah and learn from her. Her aunt, Morjiana, was still her primary mentor, teaching her how to hone and use her gifts. But, Maraah offered something different - a part of her mother's past that no one else could really provide.

"Puridaia.." She murmured softly when she got close. Maraah smiled warmly to her namesake.

"Devlesa avilan." The elderly woman welcomed them warmly, parting from the door to let them in.

"Devlesa araklam tume." Aileigh responded to the traditional greeting without thinking. As they stepped into the coolness of the home, she motioned to her little family, who Maraah had yet to meet. "This is my lovely wife, Dorathea, though she prefers Thea. And this is our son, Zevander."

There was a feeling of pride as she introduced her family to her great grandmother. While the truth behind their marriage had nothing to do with love, the months since their wedding became a life she had begun to like. It was boring and lonely at times, especially so far from her mothers, but she was no stranger to isolation. At least this time, she had friends to keep her occupied.

"Zev will be getting baptized when these two do." Aileigh patted the top of the "planet" hidden beneath her dress. "Thea, this is my great grandmother, Maraah. She's the wise woman of our people, a very esteemed role in our community.

I was not expecting you to be here."
Aileigh admitted.

"I brought your mother into this world, and while I was unable to do so with you, I should very much like to do so for my great grandchildren." It was a rare moment of the reminder that Aileigh was not the only one who had missed out on much. Maraah had been kept from them for so long, for so much. Now that the Natsia was united under Aishe's crown, Aileigh realized that she should expect Maraah's presence at major events.

"I'm glad you'll be here." The appreciation was genuine.

"I will show you to the room you're staying in." Aileigh tried to protest, but Maraah led them from the foyer and up the stairs. The first door on the right of the stairs was open and waiting. "This room connects to another. When I was pregnant, your grandfather had to sleep in a tent. I could not get comfortable enough to share a bed."

Bright eyes met each other. Aileigh was suspicious of what her grandmother may have suspected, or even knew. It was moments like this she was very glad the Sanchari gift was dwindled down to them and Morjiana. Perhaps the comment was meaningless, but she had a hard time believing that.

"Indeed, thank you for the consideration. Carrying twins makes a bed seem very small."

Following her gratitude, Maraah excused herself to let them settle in. Aileigh lingered in the hall for a moment, looking around. Where were her mothers? And whose vardo was that outside? She knew it was not her grandmother's, which she would recognize. Curiosity eating at her, she went into the room and immediately fell back onto the bed with a sigh.

"Feels good to be done with the carriage," said the Romany princess, who grew up in a stone home instead of a wagon on wheels.

1st Rom -- Devlesa avilan (dev-LAY-sah AH-veel-an) -- "It is God who brought you".
2nd Rom -- Devlesa araklam tume (dev-LAY-sah ahr-AHK-lam TOO-may) -- "It is with God that I found you".
Last edited by Aileigh on Fri Jul 22, 2022 5:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Mallory »

Her toes squished as she moved, a problem brought on by her good natured impulsiveness. It had once been said that her impulsiveness could be her downfall, and if she stepped on one more squishy thing that she refused to look at for fear of finding out what it actually was. Once more she lost her train of thought as she dipped beneath the chilly water. She prayed as she sat beneath the flowing water of a river a bit to the east, well...a bit as the vampire ran. This wasn't her first prayer. It wouldn't be her last. Three times each day she slipped away from the others and departed her vardo1 for the water. She felt at peace here, no longer afraid of drowning she reveled in the comfort and peace she found separate from the loudness of the world around her above the bubbling wake. Slowly she released the heavy rock that helped her keep herself beneath the water. With that she pushed above the water, ignoring the weird instinctual want to draw in a breath until she was sure she wouldn't get a mouthful of water. Her mind automatically sought to draw in and release air as though she required it. It had taken her a while to overcome that when staying beneath the water long enough to complete her prayers.

Now she moved for shore, wrinkling her nose as she squished again. She should have worn some old shoes or something to protect her feet from the pebbled stones and slick mud. Grace was not a word anyone would apply to her as she scrambled onto the shore. If she could have seen her own face she would have laughed at the comical mixture of triumph at achieving her goal and horror as she placed her left hand down into a mucky puddle that she couldn't avoid if she wished to maintain her place on dry land. She pushed to her feet and cleaned her hands in the water, watching the mud wash away in the swirl of water. She moved through the woods more slowly than before, letting the water-soaked dress she wore drip dry as she went. Occasionally she would stop, fallen wood to take to burn in the fire by her vardo or at the house.

Her vardo had been situated in its place for a few weeks now as she'd come early to prepare. She'd dragged some of her abundance of furs and soft skins along with her, ready for use as needed. Perhaps they could be softening for the floor, for those who would settle there. She wasn't sure, but she had packed nearly everything she could imagine one needing. She dropped the dry wood by the side of her vardo near the fire at which she and some of the others gathered nightly to tell tales, sing dijilia2 and share pieces of history the others might not know. She wasn't sure if they shared with her under someone's direction, or if they were simply welcoming of her innocent questions and decided to take the time to keep teaching her. She felt, often, like a dry sponge and there was constant knowledge for her to gather. The night before she'd not lit her fire, instead she had gathered nearby where stories were being told to the children. She hadn't yet had time to learn or hear them all and she'd felt just as excited as the children around her to sit on the soft fur and listen to comforting voices tell stories that family she had never met had heard for ages before her. She might not know all the tales, but she had made it a life goal to study their culture. She never wanted to let down her sister and Kralisi. She'd taken the time to save a girl she could have just as easily allowed to bleed out. Mallory never forgot that. Namid3, they called her more often these days. She climbed into her vardo and tossed the soaked clothes onto the little porch, giggling at the “plop” they made when they landed heavily.

She dried off and settled on what she wanted to wear now, tossing her choices onto her bed before putting the cushions back on top of the chest that held her clothing and doubled as a couch with its over-stuffed, brightly colored cushions. The skirt she wore was light and airy, thin to allow for the warmth of the season. The bright colors swirled in a pattern she loved when she spun. Perhaps that wasn’t the best choice for why one wore an outfit, but she felt that every fleeting moment of happiness was worth it. Her bare abdomen had a slightly misshapen art piece one of the girls had drawn on her earlier in the week as they practiced their art. Still, she felt the flower was beautiful and it wrapped around her side, with petals on both her back and the soft skin of her stomach. She tied her coin purse on, just in case, and twisted her hips, ensuring it didn’t jingle too loudly. Jewelry was always fun, and she happily added a beaten gold necklace around her neck. After all, she was ready to celebrate. She was a good bibio4 and she would happily be here and do all she could for her penyaki5 on such a joyous occasion. Her daily prayers were part of that. She was part of her maternal line, this ensured that Namid would be there for the tarno dai6 no matter what. That was tradition. Beyond that Aileigh had been welcoming from the first. She had accepted another bibio as though new ones appeared every other day and she had all the space and wished to love them all. Whether or not the new wife and soon to be mother had maternal skills wasn’t doubted by anyone with eyes in their head. Aileigh would do well with little ones. She nodded to herself, confirming her own thought, then exited her vardo. Jumping from her little porch to the ground she took the time to carefully hang the clothes she had tossed out earlier on the rope rigged to the side of her vardo just for this as she had a strange habit of ending up wet.

Giving in to her childish urge she spun, letting her skirt flare out before making her way into the house to find out if there was anything anyone needed from her or anything she could do. She forgot the door squeaked and peeked her head slowly around it to see if she’d bothered anyone, before slipping inside.
Translations: (loosely provided)
1 Vardo - The wagon that serves as a home on wheels for many Rom. 
2 dijilia - songs
3Namid - Mallory’s Roma name
4bibio - aunt
5 penyaki - niece 
6 tarno dai - young mother
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Aishe »

A quiet lullaby echoed through the room. Sat on a large bed was the blonde Queen, singing softly with her eyes resting on her little ones. Tucked into her bed together was their three oldest boys: Anraí, Arluin, and Alaios. Their eyelids were heavy, but they fought the sleep as they fidgeted. In her arms, she cradled her little heir, who had become clingy in recent weeks. As the lullaby lulled the boys to sleep, Amelia continued to stare up at her with matching bright eyes. With the three year olds alseep, it left her stubborn two year old. Tenderly, she made sure the boys were tucked in before quietly raising to her feet.

“Do you want a snack?” Her question was quiet and she got a silent nod in return. It was obvious Amelia was ready for a nap… If only she would lay down to try.

Carrying the toddler, Aishe left her bedroom and headed downstairs to the kitchen. She sat the little blonde at the table and grabbed a banana off the table. She peeled it open and broke off small pieces, handing them mostly to Amelia while taking a bite herself occasionally. Once the banana was finished, Amelia yawned, which prompted Aishe to pick her back up and retrace their steps upstairs. Instead of returning to her bedroom, she took Amelia to her own. The last thing she needed was for the boys’ nap to be interrupted. She chose a different lullaby to sing after she tucked her baby girl in. Between the snack and the song, Amelia fell to sleep rather quickly.

Free of half of the toddlers, she popped into the other children’s room. Aingeal and Andreaa were sound asleep still, who were only a few months younger than Amelia. The youngest two, Ambrose and Aileanóra, were awake and playing with a nanny. They just turned one in March. If there were any children she regretted not being around for, it was them. Even in the two months of this world she was gone, they had grown so much.

Aishe went back downstairs and immediately ran into Maraah. Her grandmother excitedly told her that Aileigh had arrived and was settling in. Her breath caught. In that moment, her little sister entered the home. Aishe grabbed her, her own excitement now obvious.

“They are here!” Blurted the vampire to the other.

Together, they went up the stairs and headed straight to the rooms prepared for the visiting household. She knocked anxiously, eager to see her beloved daughter. They had been through so much and while she had seen Aileigh since coming back from the Nether, it was different than seeing her every day. She missed her. Letting go of Aileigh Mae was one of the hardest things she had ever had to do.

The door opened to reveal the heavily pregnant princess. Aishe wasted no time in pulling her into a hug, squeezing, but mindful not squeeze too tight. “I have missed you more than the moons miss the sun.”

Aishe’s chosen voice representation is Jonna Jinton, the wonderful woman singing this lullaby.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Mallory »

Why she was startled when her phei grabbed her excitedly she didn't know, she knew Aishe would be excited to have her daughter nearby, even if only for a brief visit. She felt as though they were running down the hallway, and briefly a flash of sadness hit her when she realized that this would have been something they might have done as children if they'd been raised together. She shook it off and joy surged forward again, she was next in line for a hug, nudging next to her sister, she laughed, glancing around the room asked "Do you need anything? Do you have enough pillows? Enough food?"

She tutted moving around the room fluffing cushions and pillows. Then she realized she was fidgeting and fought to make herself stand still. Her hands kept moving, twirling a bit of her skirt. "We must make plans for frequent visits. Your Dai is bound to drive us batty without them." she laughed, then softened her smile, "It's good to see you. For all of us."
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Aileigh »

The knocking came a bit later than she expected. She wondered what her mothers were up to as she unpacked some clothes from her trunk. She would enjoy exploring the Bravian home, but that would be later. By the time she was partially into settling in, there came the knock. Her excitement spiked and abandoned her task swiftly. Upon opening the door, the girl was pulled into a hug by her mother.

“I have missed you too, Dai. So much,” She said honestly. Hormones begun to prick her eyes in the form of tears, but she brushed it off as she watched her aunt flit about in her usual busybody manner. Aileigh laughed.

“Everything is fine, Bibio. Promise. Should I need anything, I will not hesitate to ask. While this is my first time here, this is and shall remain my home away from home. I won’t be shy.” She patted her belly affectionately. “This two keep me honest. Twins are hard. I feel bad for Mom.”

She was, of course, referencing the twin curse that seemed to hold onto that maternal line. It started with Ehsia and Lalita sixteen hundred (1600) years ago, then Ehsia’s daughters, and then Nisha’s daughters, which were Akos and Sokanon. Thus far, Akos had four sets of twins, although one from the second pregnancy was stillborn.

“Where is Mom?” Blue eyes looked around, half expecting the woman to rise from the shadows of the room. It did not happen, which made her question all the more relevant.

“She is in town. She should be back soon, though. She’ll be excited that you’ve arrived.” Aishe responded, her grin unwavering. “Speaking of wives, where is yours? And my grandson.”

As strange as their lives and families had become, Aishe was still very accepting of Thea and Zevander. It seemed she didn’t harbour any ill feelings against the two Winterbournes.

“I’m unsure where the nanny is with Zev right now, but Thea is settling into her room.” She had already explained “why” they needed separate rooms and considering the size of her belly, it was not strange to want a bed to herself. Aishe then asked if her daughter wished to sit, but Aileigh shook her head. “I’ve been sitting all day, the last few days. As swollen as my feet are, I need to move around. Would you give me a tour?”

Both Mallory and Aishe exclaimed “yes!” at the same time. There were times it was difficult to remember that they did not grow up together. It’d only been a few years, but they were often in rhythm together that it didn’t seem like it’d been such a short time. Aishe turned around and Mallory grabbed Aileigh’s arm, linking it. They were an affectionate family, which was something she missed in her secretly loveless marriage. Thea found company with others, while Aileigh Mae had been focused on their family. This was fine with her because it was agreed when their marriage plan was hatched. She knew she had the same leeway, but she was a hopeless romantic. One night flings or multiple lovers was simply not her thing. She didn’t lose respect for Thea about it, they were just two very different people.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Aishe »

Was she eager because she missed her daughter or because it was a good distraction from the inner battles that still haunted her nights? Both. It was definitely both. She wondered if she should be ashamed to be using Aileigh’s visit as a distraction. At the end of the day, she would be happier and soon have two more grandchildren to love. She decided that the visit being a distraction was not a bad thing, merely an honest acknowledgement.

Aishe took her time as she showed the new Bravian-styled home off. The colours were vibrant with a mash of different patterns and materials in every space of the home. Nothing was empty. There was art, plants, curtains, sculptures. There were some interesting choices made, but when questioned, Aishe explained how she remembered a time long ago of peace and prosperity. A time when the Kingdom of Manjipoor was strong and lively, not a crumble of ruins. In the study, beside the banner for the Boreens Durri Natsia and the Akaj Natsia hung the mighty Sphynx of Manjipoor, golden thread shining brightly against the dark red backdrop. The unicorn, star, and Sphynx watched over the room in homage of their people and their homes.

The Queen Mothers of Fenia were living well and living true to the style of their people, even if the home wasn’t on wheels. And that was ignoring all the vardos on the property!

When they stepped out of the home and into the bright sun, Aishe made lots of motions as they walked. She laid out a mental vision of the gardens she intended to do and how she was going to do it. Aileigh seemed to be genuinely interested in her mother’s plans. As they moved through the grounds, they approached the vardo camp. Central was a large fire pit, with vardos circled around it. Some vardos were pushed further out; some were not at the camp at all. None of them matter though when Aishe stopped in front of one.

“It is my greatest joy to give you, my darling, your vardo.”

In normal circumstances, the vardo was made prior to the wedding and was ready to be lived in by the new couple by the time vows were said. With Aileigh’s engagement incredibly sudden and short, there had been no time. So, Othniel worked through the winter and crafted it for his goddaughter, while Aishe was MIA. It was built when she returned, but she took it upon herself to do the painting and finer details inside, as well as decor and furnishings. It was a vardo fit for a princess. Her princess.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Yara »

Aunt Aileigh visiting home after so many months of not seeing her made Yara extra energetic and this was a child who needed no more energy than she already contained in her seven-year-old body. In many ways, she was her father's daughter with chaos and pranks galore. She was a lot for one adult to keep up which left her mother and father often taking turns trying to rein in their three-and-a-half-foot tornado.

Somewhere in the shuffle, they had lost track of the flame-haired girl as she played shadow-hide-and-seek with her twin brother. It was just like regular hide and seek except shadow travel was involved. Yara couldn't go as far as her brother as her shadow powers were not as strong as his, so instead of constantly hiding in the shadows she would occasionally pop out and hide where he least expected it. That was how Aileigh's niece, ended up on top of her shiny new vardo.

Hearing her grandmother and aunt talking, Yara suddenly popped up to a standing position, having been sitting prior to that to wave excitedly at them.
"Hi Bibio! Hi Puridaia!"

Daughter of Serendipity & Aeton ★ Granddaughter of Akos & Aishe ★ BDR Natsia ★ (Aishe Art)
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Aileigh »

Aileigh followed her mother and aunt around as they toured the home. She loved it. It was incredibly unique, a bold blend of cultures. Aishe seemed happy with her new home, which gave some relief considering the circumstances that led them there. She would not dwell on the dark few months her mother had; instead, she would focus on how she was doing, which was happy… Ish. Aishe looked tired and was still paler than her usual self, but she had a smile that was reaching her eyes, if even just.

The princess was eager to walk the grounds to see what gardens her mother had up and running. It was disappointing because there was not much done yet, but the plans she had sounded marvelous. She looked forward to seeing the progress on her next visit. They proceeded around the house and came up to the main vardo camp. Ceremoniously, her mother stopped in front of the unfamiliar vardo. Aileigh was expecting an introduction, so the seer was genuinely caught off guard upon Aishe’s announcement.

She was unsure when she expected to get a vardo, but it was not now. It made sense when she thought about it. Yet, she hadn’t thought about it. There was so much happening in her life in such a short time that it had not occurred to her that she was in a position for a vardo now. She was married and had a child, with two more soon to be joining them. Her excitement was genuine as she threw her arms around her mother.

“Nias tuke, nias tuke! [Thank you, thank you!]” She said in gratitude. The young woman approached the home to admire the craftsmanship and woodwork. Before she could do much else, she heard a familiar voice coming from unusually high up for a seven year old. All three of their gazes turned upwards to find the young Sanchari sitting atop the wagon.

“Edrei! Why are you up there?”

At least it’s not the roof… Aileigh thought to herself. Yara had probably been up to the roof before, if she had to guess. Her niece and nephew were literally a copy of Aian and Aeton when it came to their antics and it showed. The big difference was Yara’s dimmed shadow abilities. It seemed the redhead took after her mother in the aspect of power. The Vale line and gifts lived on. Theoretically.

“Yara, why don’t you come down and show me the inside of my vardo? Dai and bibio can wait out here for us.” She hoped to entice the child down with the promise of some girl time.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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