[CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Yara »

"Hiding!" Yara proclaimed as if that were the obvious answer to being on a roof. "Don't tell Nox where I am," she added before bursting into a fit of giggles. She fell onto her back, wishing to continue the charade and wait for her brother to hide her. Thank goodness she didn't fall forward in her laughter; that would have given all three of her Sanchari relatives a heart attack and two of the three didn't even have beating hearts.

Hearing her Aunt Aileigh attempting to cajole her down off the ledge caused the bright red hair to pop up into view again.
"Okay!" Yara disappeared into the shadows and reappeared at the damphyr's side in the blink of an eye. "Ready?"

Yara grabbed Aileigh's hand excitedly and began to drag her towards the door to the vardo. "This way, this way!"

Daughter of Serendipity & Aeton ★ Granddaughter of Akos & Aishe ★ BDR Natsia ★ (Aishe Art)
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Aileigh »

There were times she forgot how energetic her niece was; although, it was impossible to forget in Yara’s presence. The laughter as the girl disappeared from view worried her for a brief moment until her coaxing efforts worked. She mirrored her mother’s relief when the child portaled down to them. Some days, she was glad her own children did not have the abilities of necromancy and all that came with it. She was not envious of Aishe’s eternal struggle to keep up and to keep them safe and out of trouble.

The one of a kind creature she was meant she had no idea the depth of the impact it would have on the twins. Yes, she could see the future, but there were things she did not wish to see. She knew the gender of the twins and she knew they would be born healthy. She just couldn’t wait nine months for that and the information was not shared. Otherwise, she was in the unknowing like everyone else.

She accepted Yara’s grab of her hand and followed her up the steps into the wagon. Blue eyes did not know where to look first. All she could say was a quiet, “Wow…”

The beautiful woodwork continued on the inside, painted in similar design to the outside. The bed was particularly inviting at the front end of the vardo with her feet beginning to ache. There was a small wood burning stove on the left side with a petite table and bench on the right. Curtains hung from the windows, but they were pulled back to display the stained glass and to allow a breeze to move through the wagon.

After she got a glance of her surroundings, she begun to listen and watch Yara as she introduced her to things around the small space as if Aileigh has never been in a vardo before.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Serendipity »

Life was interesting for the Vale-Sanchari family. It had grown in March by two, making it evident that Akos’s children also carried the twin curse. This time, they were identical little girls with flaming hair and hazel eyes, a beautiful blend of their parents’ eyes. While balancing a life with newborns and major adjustments in the Natsia, the older twins may have gotten even more leeway for their shenanigans. Serendipity was a good mother, but being pregnant was draining during such a strained time. It did not help that Aishe was in such a deal of pain over the winter. She may not have been on this plane, but the pain and distress carried to the Kralisi’s protector regardless.

It had been a long winter with all that was transpiring. By the time she gave birth, Aishe was returned, but things were not the same. When Serendipity healed from her pregnancy, Aishe insisted extensive and intense trainings every day. It was evident there was anger where the sorrow once was. Serendipity obeyed and took quite a few beatings as the vampire had become a much more skilled fighter than when they met a decade and a half ago. She found the dueling therapeutic for herself as well. The stress of being mother of newborns and the growing difficulty of her shadowlings was building up inside her. She was normally a cheerful person, but exhaustion dragged her down. Thankfully, the Romany community took “it takes a village to raise a child” concept literally and help was always available and given.

It was with this thought that she left her room, little Eydahl and Eydís sleeping in their cribs. The Lady of the Vale and her spouse lived in the house, having no vardo of their own. Serendipity grew up in a small home, but a vardo seemed far too cramped when one took into consideration Yara and Nox. Plus, she enjoyed the privacy of separate bedrooms. Yawning, she wandered the sunlit halls in search of her spawns. After searching the obvious places, she went outside to continue her looking. If they had wandered off again, she may just lose her temper. A rare, but momentous occasion.

She spotted Nox first. When he saw her, he was about to bolt, but she was quick to put a hand on his arm. Shadows swallowed them, with them reappearing in a tree. Serendipity nearly lost her balance, as the placement of their landing was meant for him and not taken her into consideration. She had learned to anticipate their moves and instead of being left behind, she had gotten good at keeping up without any powers of her own.

“Zachré!” She exclaimed as she tried to find her footing. Disappointed, Nox grabbed her arm this time and they reappeared on solid ground beneath the tee. She stared down at him, disapprovingly. He knew better than to try to run from her. “Where is your sister? It’s time for lunch.”

Nox shrugged, “I dunno. I’m looking for her! We are playing hide and seek.”

“Of course you are…”
She tried to withhold a sigh unsuccessfully.

“Did you see Bibio Aileigh is here? Maybe Yara is with them.”

Serendipity’s brown eyes widened. She missed Aileigh’s arrival, thanks to falling asleep with the newborns. She nodded in agreement to Nox and extended her hand. He grabbed it, giggling to himself about how he was about to find his twin, before they were once again swallowed by darkness.

When the world came back into view, they were standing beside Aishe and Mallory, outside of the vardo made for Aileigh. Serendipity smiled, leaning forward to peek in through the open door to confirm Yara and Aileigh were there. She would wait patiently for the girls to come out so she may hug and greet the young woman. Nox had other thoughts.
Last edited by Serendipity on Thu Aug 11, 2022 12:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Serendipity Thaleia Vale Sanchari
Bond to Aeton Sanchari | Mother of Zipporah, Yara, Nox, Eydahl, Eydís, Juniper, & Valen
Lady of the Vale | BDR Natsia | (Aishe Art)
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Mallory »

She knew Aishe was both excited and anoious to share the gift of her vardo with Aileigh. She knew that's where they were headed when they moved through to outside but she kept her excitement to herself, sneaking a smile or two at her phei. Yara had the gift of popping up where one least expected, the children truly had a gift for keeping everyone on their toes, but she was thankful that Aileigh could coax her down without ruining the fun the child was having. As they explored inside Mallory couldn't help but grin, she was about to congratulation Aishe on her success when Serendipity and Nox appeared. "There's the best seeker in the Natsia, though I don't think it counts if you get help!" she grinned at Nox, and smiled at Serendipity, "How are you today? You see our guest of honor snuck in an early arrival, snuck up on me. I wasn't thinking it'd be later in the day." The joy in today seemed to surround them all.
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Serendipity »

Nox acknowledged Mallory with a grin before poofing, only to reappear in the vardo… Because goodness forbid he simply walked the few feet into the vardo like a normal person. A resounding, “found you!” was met with a squeal.

Serendipity looked away from the vardo to Mallory. She returned the smile, brown eyes warm in the sunshine. “I see that. Hopefully that means the journey was uneventful.

I am well. Took the kids on a long walk around Paz this morning - you can see how much that tired them out.”
She sounded a bit exasperated, but she kept her smile. “Eydahl and Eydís are napping. I take it the other littles are too?”

She glanced at Aishe, getting confirmation with a nod. Serendipity had a difficult time stepping back from being protective over Aishe and Akos, and by default, their children as well. Having Aileigh away hurt her as well, especially since it was the souls of the women that Serendipity was connected to and the damphyr was made up of those souls. Sethos was gone, her oath was complete, but the tie to them never severed. The protector still saw it as her duty to watch over the Sanchari-Kuhlash household. A duty that would never die, given her immortality and the reincarnation cycle Aishe and Akos went through.

Aileigh exited the vardo without the twins, who were no longer in sight. She beamed, defining pregnancy glow. Serendipity accepted an eager hug, mirroring the excitement and love radiating off of the young woman.

“My, you are round!” She exclaimed, taking a step back to fully examine Aileigh in all her pregnant-ness. They had not seen each other in two months and the amount of growth between then and now was exceptional. “You look wonderful. Pregnancy suits you well.

What do you think of our new home?”
Serendipity had helped with the move as much as she could, but she had been in her second trimester, battling morning sickness, when they started the move. Her largest contribution was house hunting with Akos, Mallory, and Zipporah. Together, the women found a home with lots of land, within short distance to Paz while still being private. One of her favourite parts was the closeness to the beach. She grew up in a valley in the mountains; the ocean always mystified her. She loved the feel of sand between her toes and the music of the waves. It was perhaps her favourite home of this life cycle thus far.
Serendipity Thaleia Vale Sanchari
Bond to Aeton Sanchari | Mother of Zipporah, Yara, Nox, Eydahl, Eydís, Juniper, & Valen
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Akos »

Akos smiled at the stall owner as she piled yet more fruit atop her basket. She'd gotten restless waiting for her daughter to arrive and as such had decided a short trip to town would serve her well. Alas, that idea had fallen to the wayside as Akos had recalled her own experiences in the final days of pregnancy with twins and a short trip had progress to a multi hour trip as she stocked up on items that she knew Aileigh would appreciate.

And stock up she had! Strawberries, apples and whatever other took her fancy were added to baskets that she'd had to purchase in order to carry all she had bought. Fruit tarts so that no one would have to cook during the coming days, honey breads, meads for the unpregnant and a special drop of fire whiskey that she'd only ever tasted once before as a gift for Thea. Something to celebrate the birth of her children. She'd even found child sized capes in deep shades of almost black blue that somehow shimmered in certain lights for Yara and Nox. With their constant shadow porting games Akos had a feeling that these additions to their wardrobes would go down a treat. The fact it might help keep them distracted in the days to come was a bonus.

With a basket tucked under each arm and another perched beneath a foot, Akos shadow travelled herself back home, and ungracefully lowered her haul to the ground by the central fire pit with a grunt. Pulling out the two hooded capes she wandered over to where a group seemed to have congregated. I see the guests of honour have arrived then! she said loudly to gain the attention of those gathered.
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Re: [CRP] [BDR] Nevya Kum

Post by Aileigh »

Following the tour of her new vardo, she was about to exit the vardo when her path became blocked by Yara’s male counterpart. Nox gave her an enthusiastic hug before running around to Yara. They whispered to each other before they vanished, leaving her alone. Aileigh descended the stairs with Mallory’s offered assistance.

She immediately approached her sister-in-law and wrapped her up in a hug. Serendipity was a good hugger- she had missed these hugs. Honestly, she missed the affection her family proudly displayed, as was their culture. Her marriage was cordial and distant, even if they were becoming friends. Far from the fairytale love she wanted and they portrayed. She was beginning to realize how isolated she felt in Fenia. Still, it was her home and soon she would have two more children to shower with affectionate.

“Thank you. Pregnancy has been pleasant, unlike how it was for my wife. I’m grateful to not be so sick and miserable.” She hadn’t really known Thea all that well during her pregnancy with Zevander, but she had heard about it from both Thea and Cordelia. She felt sorry for Thea and her poor experience. She was confident that, if they had any more children, she would be the one carrying and she was okay with that. “This place is beautiful! I’ve missed the Bravian architecture. It fits so nicely in with our style. I love it!”

Next, Serendipity asked after Thea and Zev, Aileigh smiled. “They are resting after our journey. I am too restless to do so. Too many people to say hi to and too many places to explore.”

Then, she heard a familiar voice. Her head moved, following the direction to see Akos approaching. Suddenly, all the emotions she had been suppressing began to surface in the form of tears. With tears blurring her vision, she swiftly went up to her mother and hugged her. She hugged so tightly that she had to remind herself to be mindful of her strength. She sighed into Akos’s shoulder. “Mom.”

Akos was the only one outside of Thea and herself who knew the truth of the situation. There was something about seeing her mother that brought up a sadness, but mostly a longing. She didn’t let go for a moment, but when she did, her bright eyes were clear of tears. She looked down at the baskets curiously.

“You went shopping?”
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
| Matriarch Sanchari [.]
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