Soske? (*Why?)

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Soske? (*Why?)

Post by Mallory »

A passerby might wonder if the orchard was haunted. A loud thud was followed by a few quiet moans, a few moments later, if one stopped to listen, they might hear softly uttered curse words. And if they were as visually nosey as they were auditorily nosey they'd see an apple fall from the tree to the soft grass below. A few seconds longer would find a loud crack splitting the air and a fair skinned, blonde haired, green eyes pint sized woman tumbling to the ground in a froth of silver and pink. The "umph" as she hit the ground might not make sense to some of the older ones of her kind, but she was still young enough to breathe. Slightly dazed she lay on the ground. She looked up at the dark sky, the moon and stars lit her days now. The sun, while she could move in it, were less favorable. The night was more crisp, as though the scents and even the world around her blossomed into a clearer, cleaner thing. What a fright she would give some village housewife slipping out to get some fruit from the trees in the cool of the evening rather than the heat of the day with her legs askew, hair a tangled mass fanned out beneath her head. She looked like a tragedy. Fortunately for her unless she fell on a sharp stick it wasn't very likely. Her vampiric change had strengthened her body, making her better able to absorb impact from simple falls. She polished the apple she held on her skirt and held it up. It would be a nice gift. She wasn't quite sure why the one apple seemed to be the best one on the tree, or why that one branch at the very top was the one that decided not to hold her slight weight. Perhaps her vampirism made her heavier than she realized in exchange for her strength? This apple was why she'd fallen. It was perfect. Red and slightly yellow on the bottom as though the red was bleeding into the yellow below. If she'd been taller, or one of the creatures that could fly this might have gone better. Perhaps if she'd been blessed with affinity for nature... she bet the tree would have handed Rowena the apple and thanked her for taking it. She did wonder what exactly her vampire powers were. She'd never really experimented with them, but perhaps it was time to learn a little more about the part of herself she fought tooth and nail to control.
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Re: Soske? (*Why?)

Post by Anwyn »

Anwyn wandered a local orchard. Her two companions were otherwise occupied, which left her bored. She could have remained at the home of the Boreens Durri Queen, but instead, she decided to stretch her legs. It was because of this she found herself leaning against a tree, watching a familiar blonde’s antics. She took a bite of the apple in her hand, juice breaking to the surface and spilling onto her fingers. For being known for strawberries, Bravia had some good apples. Her horse was why she had decided to go to the orchard, but she could not resist grabbing an apple for herself.

However, unlike her fellow Romany woman, she was content with apples she could reach from her short stature or fresh ones on the ground. Her reach may not be great as she was an even five foot tall, but she could not be bothered to climb a tree today!

“Do you normally get apples like that?” The small blonde asked the other one. She tilted her head, honey coloured eyes falling onto the apple in Mallory’s hand. The two young women did not know each other too well yet. It had only been three weeks since they met and while they lived on the same grounds, their time together had been minimal. She mostly kept to herself and enjoyed the company of her twin sister, Merilyn, and their queen, Neoma. They had spent much time exploring the region they were unfamiliar with, hailing from the other side of the continent. Bravia reminded her of the Shivate States, but with its own cultural flare. It was a colourful culture and the longer they were there, the more fitting it felt for Rom to call the viceroyalty home.

“It looks like a lot of work for a rather ordinary apple.” Her admission was followed by another bite of her own apple, before proclaiming, “This one is from the ground. Just as delicious!

I can help you get more down, if you need it. But I’m not climbing a tree today.”
Neoma’s Wife | Mother of Valia | Twin of Merilyn | Rani Shanglo | Thagaresko Rakli
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-Aishe Art-
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Re: Soske? (*Why?)

Post by Mallory »

She took a second to shake her head and make sure she hadn't done any damage out of habit left from her human time. A familiar voice made her laugh. "This one just seemed like the one that wanted me to pick it." She sat up, huffing a little as she laid the apple on her skirt and picked a leaf from her hair. "Normally I'd be in the strawberry patch with my feet on solid ground, but there was something..." she thought a moment, fumbling for a word before her face lit with one, "apple-y about today. So I decided to find the one that looked best." She held it up, twisting it so the bottom was more clear, "see it's bleeding into the yellow. Should be sweet" She took a bite and smiled. "It is. But I don't think, based on my performance there, my skill is going to be flying. But at least I can be kind. If we gather a few more we can take apples back so all can have a pie tomorrow. What do you think?" She eyed the nearby trees and her satchel wondering if they'd fit enough for a few pies. If not she'd carry them in the extra material of her dress. She glanced at the other girl, looking for apple storage and grinned. "I'm not sure if you remember my name in the mass of family you've met, but I'm Namid."
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Re: Soske? (*Why?)

Post by Anwyn »

“Kralisi Ehsan’s sister.” She acknowledged. She figured she should return the favour of sharing her name, in case Mallory did not recall. After all, Anwyn was not the only one who had to get to know an entire Natsia. “Devamiya. Deva is fine. I am of the Garridan and Khyrsaor families. I am Kralisi Kaia’s girlfriend.”

The girl began to look around on the ground for some apples that would pass Mallory’s judgement. She decided to elaborate more on who she was while she began to put apples into the bag hanging from her shoulder.

“My father’s family, Khyrsaor, is in charge of the Natsia’s protection… My father, Asgar, is like a general. She explained, unsure entirely how the Boreens Durri was managed or what Mallory’s background was. “Did you grow up as Roma..?”

Golden eyes curiously flicked to girl who looked about her age. There were some in the BDR that did not grow up Romany, which intrigued her. The Natsia seemed to be exposed to more than they had and it’s diversity was interesting. A Natsia ran by a vampire - history in the making. Good or bad, time would tell. Thus far, she had enjoyed Neoma’s decision to make the trip to see their sister nation.

It was then an apple caught her eye. It was just out of reach, but unlike Mallory, she wouldn’t climb the tree to get it. Instead, she focused on the warmth around her from the sun. Channeling that warmth, she moved her hands in such a specific manner that it evident she was doing something intentionally. A beam of light separated from the rest, a beam previously indistinguishable from the rest of the sun’s rays. It bounced off her hand and redirected upwards. She adjusted her fingers a bit until the light handed on the apple stem. She held it there for a moment, amplifying the light beam with her focus. There came a sizzle and next the apple dropped, burned from the branch it was hanging from. The apple was unharmed. She dropped the light beam and proudly moved forward to scoop it up.
Neoma’s Wife | Mother of Valia | Twin of Merilyn | Rani Shanglo | Thagaresko Rakli
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-Aishe Art-
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Re: Soske? (*Why?)

Post by Mallory »

She plucked a few from lower branches that might work, tucking each into a pocket or into her satchel, something she'd taken to carrying so she could take things home with her to ask the other's about. When Devamiya asked about her growing up Roma she turned, and was happy she did as it gave her a chance to glimpse something she'd not seen before though she was always surrounded by those who worked with elements not always visible to the eye. She cheered when Deva picked up, a million questions flashed in her mind but she was sure she should be polite. "Yes, and no. I grew up Roma, but my dai and the father my phei and I share raised me away from all other creatures. We were alone and I never left our tiny encampment. When my dai died and our father had not return I was out of food and out of options so I took our family vardo and went searching for our father. He too was gone. Aishe saved me from a horrible creature and turned me into a vampire. Now I live with lots of family. So yes. And no." she shrugged. For her it would have meant growing up with family and friends and a Natsia or at least a small gathering. She pulled herself up onto a low nearby branch and reached for an apple, trying to appear nonchalant, "How did you do that?!" she asked, the excitement she tried so hard to make slinking into her voice anyways. She dropped back to the ground, groaning when the apple slipped from her careless fingers.
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Re: Soske? (*Why?)

Post by Anwyn »

Hearing Mallory's story piqued more interest in the girl. From what she understood, the BDR queen had grown up in her purist grandfather's Vitsa, which she later took over. So why was Aishe raised with everyone and Mallory was not? Was there something wrong with her? Honey eyes reexamined Mallory discreetly. She seemed normal. It then dawned on her the choice of words she used. My mother, our father.

"You're half-sisters?" She asked, surprised. It did not seem like it was the type of situation where Aishe's mother died and he remarried after. No, certainly Mallory grew up as a secret to her father's family. An affair, how juicy. "Why did she turn you into a vampire?"

Anwyn was not a shy girl nor did she curb her questions. It got her into trouble, but it could also be a redeeming quality at times. Neoma appreciated her forwardness at least and that was what mattered the most to her. It better allowed her to serve her queen and best friend.

When the questions turned to her, a small grin crept to her lips. She held up her hand with an apple in it and it promptly faded from view. When her hand was visible again, she explained, "Phosphoromancy. I can bend and manipulate light. By bending light, I can fool the eyes like I just did with my hand. You'd be surprised how useful phosphoromancy can be. My twin sister, Niamhiya, has phosphoromancy too, but in a different way. It's more of.. An absence of light. What do they say? There cannot be light without darkness."
Neoma’s Wife | Mother of Valia | Twin of Merilyn | Rani Shanglo | Thagaresko Rakli
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-Aishe Art-
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Re: Soske? (*Why?)

Post by Mallory »

Mallory nodded softly, "We are half sisters. Our father had my mother and I in a second family and I understood him to be traveling and trading when he was away. Guess now I learned different." she thought back to the night she was turned and shivered a bit but shook it off, absently pleating material in her hand and releasing it leaving small creases in her skirt. "She saved me from an attacker. He caught me asleep. I was still human, ungifted. I'd never travelled alone, I didn't know you couldn't sleep in it the village green. He whispered horrible things and I wasn't winning the fight to get him away from me." she let the disjointed words tumble from her mouth freely, but took a breath to stem them. "She took care of it when she stumbled up on us, but bloodlust...well.. it is what it is and I was pretty scraped up from the tumble. I guess kindred called to kindred in a way. She could have let me die and let his secret remain in the grave with him, but when she learned the truth she saved me." She tilted her head to the side, "I don't know that I would have had her level of control, grace, to just take in her father's discarded child."

Her mind tumbled over the new knowledge. She was absorbing things she learned like a sponge and new things were a treat to her. No one could call her the brightest crayon in the box, but she loved learning. Even if it sometimes flitted away after a while. "I always heard the saying the moon would not shine without the sun."
Mallory Namid Sanchari
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Re: Soske? (*Why?)

Post by Anwyn »

Anwyn stopped moving as she listened to the tale. Intrigued as ever, she pondered what she would have done. She knew she’d have made different choices than Aishe. The new information put the Kralisi in a different light. It said a lot about the type of person the queen was, she thought. She may be a vampire, but she didn’t seem bad. Neither did Mallory.

In their culture, the undead was against everything they stood for. It was why some in her Natsia whispered about the BDR Natsia in the shadows. A supposed Romany nation, ruled by the very things that went against their nature. How was it possible? It seemed Mallory just gave her a piece of the puzzle.

“That’s an interesting story. Thank you for sharing.” She would be relying the information to her partner later. “I’ve heard that saying too.

Can you do anything cool? I’ve not met any vampires before you and your Kralisi. I’ve heard stories about mind control! Super speed. Clearly you can go into the sun without setting on fire. I’ve heard of.. Feeding so hard that it decapitates the vict— food. Is that true? Do you feel guilt?”
Neoma’s Wife | Mother of Valia | Twin of Merilyn | Rani Shanglo | Thagaresko Rakli
Zoralo Natsia | Families: Garridan, Khyrsaor, Nasdari | Profile

-Aishe Art-
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Re: Soske? (*Why?)

Post by Mallory »

She laughed a bit bitterly at some of the questions, but they were sound ones. She thought carefully, deciding how best to truthfully word her answer, I don't know about cool? Perhaps useful? I'm very fast. I don't have to breathe, but my body likes the feeling. I'm quite strong. And my hearing is very, very good.

She was not ashamed of how she had to eat now, but when she was newly turned she'd been stubborn to the core, determined not to compromise and not eat from anyone if she could help it. Now she knew compromise was a way to keep everyone safe and made it easier for her to protect their natsia. I've never decapitated anyone, but I've always had a fear of causing harm. I nearly killed myself sticking to a diet of animal blood until Zipporah saved me from myself and forced me to eat enough that I wasn't always ravenous. Since she is an immortal I wasn't at risk of truly killing her, but I still felt horrible every time it happened. She looked at the ground then, hiding the pain visible in her eyes.

As she tried to think of a way to continue the conversation without sounding truly pathetic, she twisted her skirt in her hands a bit, her fingers playing with the waistband. I'm probably the most easily guilted creature in the land. I feel horrible for having to take the life of an animal and I have never taken a living creatures life that could not regain it easily. There is a price to pay for all things. I won't take lives of those who are innocent, no matter what it costs me. A creature forced me early on to learn control of myself. She liked to cut herself and try to coax me into taking a bite. As new of a vampire I was not the best to taunt. Zipporah and others often saved me from the control I lacked. Now I don't have that issue as much. I like the choice of what's for dinner? You know? she shrugged her shoulders a bit, with a grin on her face. She was proud of how far she'd come and she liked to tell herself she provided a new job for villagers. Besides, I think of my gifts as a way to help keep our natisa safer. There are worse beings out there, many who call themselves human look only to harm. At least this way I can do what I can to never let another person or creature go through the fear I felt that night she saved me. No one should fear like that. To attack someone innocent, in their sleep, and intend on harm and even death? There is no honor in that. she lifted her head and relaxed her shoulders, mentally coaxing herself to relax her posture so she didn't fall on her face. She was no where near graceful and despite her coaxing she nearly bobbled her next step. I'd offer to run and carry you so you could feel how amazing it feels, but I fall often and you've no reason to trust me like that yet. But, family is family, and Natsia is family. We all look out for one another.
Mallory Namid Sanchari
"In Death, Life"
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