[IRP] A wanderer's visit

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[IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Fallon »

Fallon sighed as he reread the scroll and it's contents. It was true that they had not spoken, or seen each other in months. It was true that as a result of this and other events he had felt that their relationship had run it's course. But, for him, the words gave no pleasure.

Lord Fallon
Upon the missive received this day, be it known that the church of Fenia decrees that the marriage of yourself and Lady Lavinia Blackwood be dissolved.

He read the scroll once again, as if the words might change or somehow be different. But that was not going to be.
A final sigh and he scrunched up the scroll, throwing it onto the fire that hissed and spat in the hearth.

An idea came to him. It was time. He turned smartly on his heel ''Grace!'' he called ''Grace! I need a word''. He heard her answered call from the back and strode through the hall to meet her.

''I have decided a trip is in order'', he told her. ''Is that wise Lord?'' her response.

Shaking his head Fallon sighed ''How many times have I told you that there is no need.....'' the rest was left unfinished as Grace's expression made it clear his words were falling on deaf ears. ''Aye, it has been a while, the roads here are safe, the Court protected. And to be honest I could do with some time away''

''You are set on this course then?'' the query came ''Do you know where you head?'' was the quick follow up.

''I think Mistral can have her head. Is time she was let to run some too I think''. Fallon smiled ''Grace, the Court is yours to look after and run until I get back''.

The packing, such as it was took a short time, bedroll, some clothing and some food from the kitchens. He repeated his intentions to those he saw on his way to the stable, gave his orders as to patrols in his absence, saddled the grey mare and slowly rode out of Ashton, past Widu.

At almost each crossroads he let the grey go in whichever way she desired. The few travellers he saw exchanged few words and the creatures of the woods and plain stayed scarce from his view. The nights spawned nothing save what could be considered usual night sounds with nothing showing or proving a threat. If Fallon had not felt it to be a calm before some sort of storm he would have been more peaceable perhaps.

A few days saw him entering a small village, the braiding of his beard and twin blades he wore provoking alternate wary glances, course comments and running away. He slid from Mistral, tied her loosely to a hobbling post and stretched before walking the main throughfare of the village. Some sort of market event was in place and the gay music lightened his mood as he browsed the stall and wares. It did not escape his attention that he was one of the only few to openly wear weapons, not that those that who also had them wore dirks or other such small implements,

A few purchases as smiles and comments as to how fine the goods were saw tacit hostility replaced by something else. The wariness not vanished, but neither so pronounced.

And then he saw the game of cups. Moving to look better at the spectacle, he soon realised what was happening. His mouth curled as he decided that a little fun, or mischief be in order.

Another patron huffed and walked away his pockets lighter and the cupman called ''Roll up, try your luck, just find the stone!!'' As none played he deliberately slowed the cups down as the game was demonstrated. He played to the crowd, pointing to a cup ''This one?!'', ''Nooooooo'' was the response as fingers pointed ''thereeeee!!''. The cupman put his finger on the cup that they all pointed too ''This one you say?'' to a chorus of affirmatives the cup was lifted, the stone produced and he exclaimed ''Now if only someone had played!!''.

Of course after that, one did. And lost. Another did. And lost. And another. Fallon stepped forward ''I will play'' he said and put a few freznics on the table. The cupman's eyes lit up ''As you wish sire!'' he exclaimed as he lifted a cup, placed the stone beneath and began to switch the cups around, slowly at first, then faster and faster ''Round and round and round she goes, but where she stops, would you quite know?'' he finished with a sweep of his arms showing the cups in alignment. A toothy grin came Fallon's way ''Well sire, do you?''.

Fallon stepped nearer the table '' I think so'' he said, placing his hands on the table, then touching a pensive finger to his lips. ''I think it must be under this one'' he said, putting his finger on the leftmost cup ''because these other two do not have it!'' he smiled, flipping the other cups over.

'Well, what do you know folks?!'' the cupman exclaimed ''We have a winner''. He glared malevolently at Fallon '' Congratulations! lady luck has smiled on you this day'' he all but snarled as he handed Fallon some coins, lowering his voice to a bare whisper he hissed ''but tomorrow is another day My Lord'', the intonation making it clear to Fallon that their paths would likely cross again.

Fallon graciously took the coins, smiled at the cupman and turned towards the nearest tavern, fully intent on enjoying a meal and a drink at the cupman's expense.
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Aishe »

Wandering the market was the queen’s favourite pass time on slow days, when she had little else to do. There was no telling what goods she would come across during such ventures. It made it exciting. The market was ever changing, as diverse as the population in Bravia.

Being a pretty afternoon and without her children, she decided today was such a day. Dressed in her house colours of turquoise and gold, the pale vampire fit right into the sea of colour streaming the stalls and creatures. Sometimes she forgot how much she loved and missed the Bravian fashion, which was much more similar to her culture than Fenian style. Her wardrobe was a bit… Full these days. Or rather, she had a bit less space for her many outfits. It drove her wife a bit crazy, but in her defense, they had lived in an entire palace for three years. While she still had a bunch of her Fenian wardrobe back in Fenia for when she decided to visit (if ever), there was plenty of fabric and accessories in her room.

With that in regards, she put a beautiful silk scarf back down and smiled to the vendor. She continued on her browsing, collecting some nuts for a pie later. There was much freedom in baking and while it was something she never gave up in Fenia, she was doing it more regularly again. There were plenty of folks to cook, but baking brought her peace of mind - something she needed as much of as possible these days.

A familiar voice stopped her. Furrowing her brows, she turned to confirm its out-of-place source. There was Fallon, leaving behind a rather angry swindler. Curious, she followed him into the tavern, but held her approach until he settled in. Once he did so, she went up to him with an arched brow and a grin.

“Bit far from home, aren’t you?”
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Fallon »

Fallon walked into the tavern, ordered food and a drink and sat at the nearest empty place that he could.

As he shovelled food into his mouth a shadow fell across him and a voice that he recognised said ''Bit far from home aren't you?'' He closed his eyes for a moment, quietly placing the sound of the voice...

''Lady Aishe. Now I certainly was not expecting to see you here.'' He realised what he had said and chuckled ''Not that I was expecting to see anyone here that I knew. Be seated would you?'' he indicated the empty chair opposite.

He looked up to see the former queen adorned in turqouise and gold, smiled at her ''How are you Lady Aishe'' and deciding that comedy was the most appropriate course of action, followed that up with '' praytell, what's a lady like you doing in a place like this?''
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Aishe »

“Thank you,” She responded when a seat was offered. As she sat, the barmaid came over to see if she wanted anything. She requested a bottle of fire whiskey and two glasses. When the woman headed off, she smiled back to Fallon. “Well, I do live here. Paz, that is. I’ve never been in this tavern before.”

Bright eyes flicked around, more properly taking in the scenery. It seemed like a decent enough place. She’d seen worse. Her gaze shifted to the returning barmaid. As the bottle and glasses were sat on the table, Aishe crossed her ankles. She began to pour some into each glass and pushed one towards him to take if he pleased.

“I saw you playing cups. Or, well, leaving the game. I take it you won by that man’s expression and heart beat. He seemed a bit… Irritated.” Her explanation was accompanied by her picking up her glass, wetting her lips with the whiskey after she finished speaking. The burn was enjoyable, prompting her to take a longer sip. “I am well enough. My people are thriving in Bravia and it feels good to be home.”

Not interested in diving into how she was doing - because that was a mixed bag, she looked him over. Her curiosity was on full display. ”I think the better question is - why are you here?

And please, just Aishe is fine. It’s a drink between friends, not the king’s court.”
The queen mother added, followed by another sip of whiskey.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Fallon »

As Aishe sat and caught barmaid's attention, Fallon continued to eat, nodding appreciatively when the whiskey glass placed in front of him was filled.

He watched as she wetted her lips with the whiskey, his thoughts to himself as he chewed.

He swallowed a mouthful and smiled at her comments regarding the cup game ''Aye. They tend not to like you winning, so is more amusement now. Though I will have to thank the fellow for my meal when next we meet. After all, he did assure me that we would.''

Her question made him pause and he looked at her ''Would you believe that Mistral brought me?'' he smiled, ''But seriously, I think a wander was overdue and decided that some time away from Widu was a good idea. Arriving here was pure chance though

He moved his food around a moment before looking into her gaze ''I had heard nothing of you, either of you, for some time. I certainly did not expect to run into you here. But it is no hardship as I did'' he added with the merest hint of a smile.
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Aishe »

Aishe laughed to his reply regarding his horse. She murmured a quiet “well played” before taking another sip. As the conversation turned back on her, she couldn’t say she was surprised. Everyone was curious. It was something she tried to ignore when she could. Her heart still hurt. Ached. Her anger still boiled.

“Sorrow hangs heavy.” Her words were quiet, smile gone. She tipped her glass back and finished its contents, promptly refilling the cup. “In truth, I have been unwell since November. Consumed by grief and hatred. Dangerous things, they are. I left this realm for a three months… although it was three years for me. A year for every one wasted.”

The vampire finished the second cup in a single swing and refilled. Despite her petite, seventeen year old appearance, she had an incredibly high tolerance. To get drunk would mean several bottles of the whiskey. While she didn’t expect to get drunk, she hoped to get tipsy.

“Three years in the Nether. I wish I could say it helped. It really only helped the fallout - minimized the damage I did. Mostly.” Aishe tilted her head, blue eyes downcast to the bottle. She looked up. “I have a lot of choice words, but many are unbecoming of a queen. Or so I’m told.

I have been working for Bravia as an advisor and at times a councillor since January. The familiar halls were welcoming. Something to hold onto while I reeled against reality.”

The queen mother stopped talking, taking another drink. Her demeanour had shifted much since first sitting down. Perhaps in such a way he had never seen before. They were not close friends, but it was evident how much the situation with Zuan ate away at her.

“I’m doing better,” She offered before attempting a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “Staying long or just passing through? Hoping to accomplish anything on your adventure, Lord Ashton?”
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Fallon »

He continued his meal in silence as she spoke. He heard every word, every intonation and it occurred to him that she had misunderstood his statement of fact for unspoken questions.

He chuckled at her addressing him as 'Lord Ashton' as he chewed and took a drink. The silence between them was, he felt, at that point needed.

''I have little clue'' he spoke ''I was drawn this way, so came''. He sighed as he sat back and met her gaze with his own, dropping his voice, ''Lady Aishe, what transpired between you I know not. I have heard story told, but know no truths, save mine own sight and hearing'' he shrugged his shoulders '' I merely expressed my surprise, pleasant though it may be, but surprise none the less, at seeing you here. I have no intention of learning gossip and story to put to tale on my return to Widu. Should talk become story, then it is between those as would speak of it.''

He sat back, up and smiled '' Still, unless I have totally lost bearing then Paz is in that direction and whilst I travel I may call on Dwayberry, or not '' he laughed ''I believe that she was also helping a council somehow and that it actually did not involve climbing things and drawing pictures on stone''

He refilled his glass ''Other than first to find lodging, then possible purpose, what could I hope to accomplish here?'' a look and a nod of head and anything else to be said in that context went unspoken ''But I will say that as to words unfit for a queen'' he paused ''I soldiered for a time, sailed for other and '' he smiled in an attempt to take any sting from his next words ''I do not believe that I called you my queen, so cuss away'' he grinned.
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Aishe »

Aishe replenished her drink while Fallon spoke. She could appreciate his lack of desire for gossip, even if she felt like venting a bit after scraping the surface of things. She would proceed to keep her extended thoughts to herself as she took a sip of whiskey. Her chest had reached a state of warmth only accomplished by fire whiskey, which she relished. When the profanity was encouraged, she laughed.

“I’ll teach you a new one, soldier.” She proceeded to say a choice word in Romanes, the language of her people, before translating. She said it slowly as it may feel strange to a foreign tongue, but she imagined he’d have no difficulty given his travels.

Lesson given, blue eyes flicked to the end of the table where a cup and dice laid waiting to be used. Grinning, she reached for them and pulled them close, setting the dice inside the cup. “How about a game? 50 silver and the loser buys the next round.”

Fallon returned the grin, insisting on ladies first. She shook the cup a few times before dramatically flipping it over. The dice ceased clinking, settling on to the table. She lifted the cup to reveal two sixes, a one, and two threes. Her grin widened.

“Luck may favour me today. First I run into a familiar face, a place with my favourite whiskey, and now two pair on my first roll.”

The vampire scooped the dice back into the cup and slid it toward the man opposite her, grin unwavering.

OOC: I have issued a game of dice IG to be played out for this RP. :)

First roll:
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Fallon »

Fallon regarded her with his own, neutrally blue eyes as Aishe's expression faltered just for a moment, then she smiled again and educated him as to a choice Romane cuss.

As she explained that one, he laughed loud ''Now that sounds as good as it means''. He glared back at the few in the tavern that felt disturbed by his noise and cast disapproving looks in their direction.

She took the cup and dice, offering her challenge, which he accepted with a ''ladies first'' and grin. Aishe rolled a two pair and it was his turn to take the cup, scoop up the dice and shake the cup. As he did so, he muttered to her, with a smile ''we are given two ears and one mouth for a reason, no?''.

He removed his hand from the cup, upending it onto the table, waiting for the rattle to cease, then raising the cup to reveal....

Three ones, a six and a three. ''Snake eyes plus one'' he said, unimpressed. Then he grinned ''still, start small and work your way up eh''. He sighed slightly, reached for the bottle and refilled his glass.
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Aishe »

Aishe watched with interest as he shook the cup. She took a sip of whiskey while she did so, listening to the rattle of dice. The result was underwhelming, but he took it in stride as he pushed the dice back to her. She swapped her whiskey for the dice and began to shake the cup. It was while she was giving it a good shake that a stranger approached the table, presumably to watch.

Blue eyes glanced over the stranger, taking in his appearance in a matter of seconds. He was a scaly creature, covered in grey that became a gradient with red as they neared his shoulders and faced. He had no shirt on, with leather trousers and a heavy sword situated on his back. He was hairless, with narrow red eyes and a smirk on his lips. He hovered over them until she finished her roll. Before she could see the results, however, the dice were disrupted as the lizard man sat down beside her. His mug of ale was slammed down, causing the dice to shift. Annoyed, she looked at him.

“This is a private game.”

“Private huh? Can I get the next private game, sweetheart?” He gave a pointy grin, a look he probably thought was appealing. Aishe wrinkled her nose in mild disdain, her irritation apparent.

“Not interested.”

The stranger went to snatch the dice to keep her attention, but her hand shot out when his crossed her path, before Fallon could intervene. Her grip was tight, feeling the density of his bones and mindful to not snap his wrist with her strength. He tried to pull back, but she maintained her hold for a moment as she looked at him, a daring gleam in her eyes. The moment past though and she released him. As he stood up, he muttered ‘psycho’ under his breath. Normally a patient and kind person, the comment really got under her skin. She growled quietly, a deep and guttural noise that was at odds with her seventeen year old human appearance. He got the memo and huffed as he walked away.

She picked up the bottle of whiskey and looked at Fallon, irritation still visible. He had seen her annoyed before in the tavern, but she was usually kinder in turning men down. She wasn’t one to jump the gun or pick fights, which nearly happened seconds ago.

“Let’s get out of here? Go on a walk by the lake or something. The air has grown stale.”
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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