[IRP] A wanderer's visit

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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Fallon »

The scene in front of him lasted a bare minute from when he was first aware of the lizard-man's approach, a wariness giving way to irritation at this creature's purposeful invasion of their space.

The dice shifted at the slammed mug, hands shot out and muttered words made. The growl surprised him somewhat, sounding extremely primal as it did and at odds with the appearance of Aishe, sat in front of him.

Let’s get out of here? Go on a walk by the lake or something. The air has grown stale.” She said

Fallon stood. ''Stale wind will do that to the air'' he grinned. He almost offered her his hand, but checked and waited for Aishe to rise, content to follow her from the tavern into the daylight
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Aishe »

Aishe grabbed the whiskey bottle, forgoing the cups, as she stood up. She shot the lizard a look while she walked to the door, irritation still bubbling beneath the surface. Time had proven she had been more irritable since returning from the Nether. Her temper was easy to trigger, after spending three years without humanity to keep her in check. She was used to being hit on - she was cute and looked naïve and young. Normally, she handled it with grace, not annoyance.

Back in the fresh air, she tilted her face up to the sun and inhaled slowly. She was now annoyed at herself for letting him annoy her so much. When she lowered her chin, she took a swing from the bottle and gave an apologetic look to Fallon. Between the two of them, they could have easily handled the situation, but her quickness to anger was now embarrassing.

"Sorry. There's only so much a girl will tolerate and interrupting a game of dice is very rude." Her joke was followed by her slipping her hand into her purse. She withdrew fifty silver coins and offered it. "I can't buy you a drink, but here's the coins at least."
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Fallon »

Fallon was quite happy to follow Aishe out of the door, spotting the looks exchanged between the lizard man and her.

A familiar burning sensation made his back tingle, he could almost hear a sibilant hissing. Focusing on Aishe he moved out into the sun, only to receive a murderous look from the 'cupman'. Eeeeesh he thought this could yet be an interesting day.

He noticed Aishe withdrawing something from her purse, she then offered money ''Nonsense'' he objected ''the game was not done. Let's walk as you suggested. You are far more familiar with this place than I, perhaps you would know where is good? You did mention a lake''

No sooner were those words spoken then a loud Kaaraa-k and a (far too intentionally awkward) flapping of wings sounded as Skwawk descended with all the grace of a dancing elephant onto Fallon's shoulder. A series of Frrak caw and clicks sounded and the bird commenced to preen.

Fallon turned to Aishe ''Apparently there is a tombstone with my name on it, wishful thinking mayhap'' he chuckled ''Yet it would be interesting to see. I think few get to see their own headstones eh?''
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Aishe »

The sudden arrival of the bird caught her by surprise. She laughed at his lack of grace and refrained from petting the bird. She was only somewhat familiar with him, but not enough to assume she could touch him. Instead, she simply greeted the bird, "Hello Skwawk."

She listened with curious ears at the conversation, understanding nothing. She found it fascinating how the pair was bonded, lacking such a bond herself. When he returned his attention to her, she laughed and nodded. "There is indeed. Shall I show you?"

The vampire led the way. It was a short walk from the tavern they abandoned. The quiet between them was comfortable as they walked, giving her temper time to simmer down. As the graveyard came into few, she said a few respectful words under her breath in Romanes. She took a long swing before walking through the gate. Icy eyes searched the stones as they walked past, trying to recall exactly where the tombstone in question was. As they neared an old oak tree, there it was!

She sat down on the grave and shoved the bottle of whiskey into the air.

"For my dear friend Fallon! May he terrorize the next world." Grinning, she took a chug and offered the bottle to the living version of Fallon.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Fallon »

With Skwawk sat on his shoulder Fallon took the proffered bottle from Aishe.

He smiled to her then raised the bottle to his lips and took a deep swig.

He looked to her ''I hope you don't mind'' he smiled as he upended the bottle, pouring a good proportion of it's contents on the grave beneath the tombstone. As he did so a change came over his expression, eyes paling as his facial muscles tensed..

He suddenly stamped on the grave, kicking the headstone as he said

''I pay my price for his mischief...
....in this world and the next''

And then he fixed Aishe with a freezing glance
And the hellfires raged in his eyes

He said, "Do you wanna know the truth, Aishe?"
"Well, I'll tell you my truth"
"My soul it's gonna burn in a lake of fire"

He threw the bottle and its remnants against the headstone ''dheagh shlàinte * and a mercy on their souls'' Fallon snarled as the bottle shattered.

Just as soon as the fury had come, it passed. Fallon smiled apologetically to Aishe ''My apologies lady, but we can move on?''

dheagh shlàinte - Good health
Thanks Iron Maiden for some inspiration!
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Aishe »

Fallon’s behaviour was most intriguing. Aishe watched closely from her seat on the grass, wondering where the anger came from. It wasn’t a curiosity stemming from friendship, but more of an observational curiosity. It seemed she was not the only one filled with rage.

After the fit passed, the vampire rose to her feet and brushed off her pants. Sitting in a graveyard may be strange, but there was a weird peace that came from the environment. (When someone wasn’t yelling.) It was just so quiet for someone with such sensitive hearing. The stillness felt like a break from reality. However, it was time to get back to reality. So she nodded, took a swing of whiskey, and begun to leave the the way they came.

“We will go to the lake. I’ll share a secret spot with you, but you can’t tell anyone!”

Aishe grinned and led the way. Soon enough the sounds of water could be heard through a thin veil of trees. With the lake in view, she let out a soft sigh. Another peaceful location in Paz, just far enough away from the bustling city. The sound of nature enveloped them. She did not stop until she reached a work down tree trunk.

On the side was a small hole, probably once the home of a small rodent. Now, it held something different. She discovered it by accident. Or rather, her children did. She reached into the dark crevice and when her hand reappeared, she had a bottle of clear liquid. She offered it to Fallon first.

“It’s an elvish liquor or something. It’s very strong, be careful. It gets me drunk. I don’t know who put it there, but it does magically refill itself. It makes me think of Rannek’s canteen. Never empty.”
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Fallon »

He took the pro-offered bottle from Aishe. Unstoppering and sniffing, as one does, he smelt nothing untowards so raised the bottle to his lips, then paused.

He looked around the area, taking in the lake view, the sounds of water lapping gently and the natural sounds that went with these. He noticed Aishe's gaze on him, curled his lips into a slight smile and said ''just checking for tombstones''.

He raised the bottle to his lips and took a swallow.

Ye Mages was Aishe right! The liquor burned down his throat in a stinging way that made him want to cough. He held that impulse in, not least because Skwawk, settling on a near branch had suddenly piped up ''Uh oh-Uh oh. Drink to remember drink to forget Uh oh-Uh oh''

The effects passed and he visibly relaxed, a long slow exhalation and he held the bottle out towards Aishe ''Don't believe I ever met Rannek'' he said ''This is a great spot indeed. . Would you mind if I were to visit occasionally, alone of course..'' he cast a look at Skwawk who was bobbing along the branch, playing his own game ''..well, almost'

He looked back towards Aishe, unsure what words to voice, so he just sat, looking at her in the way of curiosity mixed with..something else...
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Aishe »

Aishe laughed at his joke, finding it amusing given their first stop on the walk. “No need to worry; one tombstone is enough.”

Bright eyes watched closely as he took a sip. Her lips split into a grin, judging his reaction to the strength. He kept himself together well, but she could notice a change in his breath and heart rate. Giggling, she accepted the bottle back. The whiskey from the tavern was not yet empty, but she sat it atop the trunk for Fallon to finish off, as it did little for her besides wet her lips. She took a hefty swing of the mystery drink, relishing the deep burn that raced down her throat and chest. She took another drink before sitting down on the mildly rocky shore. Stretching her legs out in front of her, she stared off at the water for a moment before looking back to her dice buddy.

“Of course. Just don’t ruin my secret! Otherwise, this spot will get too crowded.”

Her tone was a mix of teasing and serious. Whenever she needed a moment away from all things, this was where she had started coming. Few creatures traversed this part of the lake regularly, leaving it vacant for her wandering thoughts.

“Would you like some more? Or would you prefer to finish our whiskey?” Aishe offered the bottle forward on the chance he thought he could handle it, curious of what he would choose. Would he feel the need to impress an acquaintance or would he take the safer path of a drink more biologically appropriate for him?
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Fallon »

Fallon wagged a finger in the ever full bottle's direction. "That" he observed ''is an acquired taste.....and one I am not sure I have yet acquired''. He instead picked up the whiskey, tilting the bottle to his lips, " still, it is good to know that it may be waiting should I next get here''.

He chuckled '' Oh and there is no need to fear me telling owt. Even had I the yin to, I may have trouble enough finding this place agin without having to describe it's wherebouts''

He watched appreciatievly as she stretched out, thoughts hidden.

''This is indeed a most pleasant spot. And I also value my solitude when it is needed. Such places are needed. As you have shown me yours, when next in Widu, I will show you mine should you ask''

A further silence followed while he drank slowly, looking at the lake. He thoughtfully tilted the bottle in the lakes direction ''That looks like a good swim could be had. Does anything preclude this?'' he queried, looking toward Aishe as turned towards him, slowly shook her head, then returned to gazing out over the lake.

With a smile he stood up as her head was turned, peeled of his clothing and ran into the lake, diving beneath the surface, fully submerging in the bracing water. Coming back to the surface he used a hand to brush hair away from his face he trod water, looking around.

''Hey I was right!'' he called to Aishe, ''this is most refreshing! Fancy a dip'' he laughed, splashing some water at the curious raven who got that bit too close.
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Re: [IRP] A wanderer's visit

Post by Aishe »

Aishe could appreciate Fallon being truthful and not drinking up all her secret liquor to appear tough. She knew many foolish mortals who would not decline the drink. She took a few more swings as he spoke, listening to him. She fought off wandering thoughts, but as a buzz began to set in, her mind wandered indeed. The thoughts paused when he inquired about swimming. She provided a slight shake of the head, a silent approval to the idea. Bright eyes returned the water as her companion undressed for a swim.

Even though her thoughts were wandering the dark corners of her mind, her mood was stabilizing. She felt the peace of nature around her and it stilled the anger. In its place was a deep sadness. Feelings of insecurities surfaced, such as not being worth enough to be kept around. Discarded, thrown away, like garbage. That was how she felt when Fallon called out to her from the water.

She pushed the feelings down when he invited her to join. Right now, her simple companionship was wanted. She took a deep drink before standing up, kicking off her shoes. She was properly tipsy now as she edged to the water, letting the cool lake wash over her toes. She shivered, but did not hesitate in wading in for a swim fully clothed.

“It is refreshing!” She exclaimed in agreement as the water reached her hips. It was enough of a distraction to put the sadness to bed, even if it was temporary. She dove beneath the surface and swam forward, opening her eyes to see through the blurry water. Not being a creature that had to breathe anymore, she was under water for a good few moments, relishing the feel of the encompassing water. When she popped back out of the water, whipping her hair back as she did so, she was near Fallon. She gave him a splash, much like he had to Sqwawk before she had dove in.

“I love this lake.” She sighed happily, leaning back. Capable of floating, the queen laid back all the way to float fully on her back. She stared up at the clouds, letting the water muffle and distort the sounds around her.

“Did you know my favourite colour is yellow?” Of course he didn’t because they were not very close in any regards. A finger pointed up at the clouds. “Yellow like a sunflower. That cloud looks like one.

It used to be pink, like strawberries, but as I’ve gotten older and seen more of the world, I realized how it needed more yellow. Yellow is happy and bright, a beacon in the darkness of this world. The world needs more yellow.”

The repetition was interrupted by a hiccup. Embarrassed, a slight blush rose to her cheeks courtesy of her recent meal. She could hold her alcohol, but a second hiccup made it feel as though it did not appear that way. Who was acting tough now? The dainty vampire looked over to him.

“What’s yours? Your favourite colour.”
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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