[CRP] A Walk Home

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[CRP] A Walk Home

Post by Aishe »

It was refreshing to be in the tavern. Even more so, to have company when she was used to sitting with Idunno, with the occasional peasant coming through. Aishe sat nestled on the couch beside her little sister, who rested against her. Across from them was Fallon. She quietly beckoned Idunno and ordered a pot of tea while listening to their conversation regarding Mallory's fear of fire, with a side of her hatred of cold.

"I don't find it fun... I mean. I'm not sure what would happen if I got in fire...but I also don't want to find out."

"Hmm....quite so..." Fallon sounded as if he understood, but his tone hinted to being done with that train of thought.

Suddenly, Mallory bolted upright, "Oh! I've got tea cooking! Thank you for reminding me! I'd better run!"

Aishe laughed and accepted a hug, watched Mallory hug Fallon, and then go for the door. The older sister called after the younger, "See you at home!"

Bright eyes lingered on the door for a moment before she looked back to Fallon. "And then there were two!"

Fallon shrugged. "Indeed...two but long for not."

"We both live at the Villa."
Aishe smiled before nodding. "That's alright. I can head home too and make sure Mele doesn't set herself on fire."

"Ahhhhh, the Villa."
Fallon used a wise tone, but Aishe smirked.

She rose to her feet and rubbed her belly for a moment before looking back at Fallon. If you want to escort me home, fair Pazian, then you can see this villa."

"Good night Aishe. Nice to see you in here once more, and Mele..."
He started. "Aye, that I can do indeed..."

"I'm proud of her for coming."


"She's been keeping to herself too much. Needs to be around gaje more."

Fallon feigned a sniff. "Forever gaje...that's me....indeed..." His tone was almost wistful. "Come on then..that belly of yours wasn't that way when we swam last....That is for sure!"

Aishe laughed and gave the "seven months" along belly a proud pat. "Indeed. I advance quickly. Only three month pregnancies for me. Much better than my first, which was twelve months. Did I ever tell you Aileigh is not my oldest? My oldest is actually half-elf." Grinning, she headed towards the door. Fallon followed alongside her and held the door open.

"I am afraid that.....no..I have no idea....and half elf?....who....??"

His confusion was evident, which made her cackle a bit. She enjoyed confusing him. She stepped outside, embracing the cold December air. Tonight, she did have a wolf cloak on, just to keep her dry from the falling snow. The snow blurred into the white fur and her light hair as she tilted her head up and stuck her tongue out to catch some snowflakes. Content with the taste of fresh snow, she lowered her chin and began walking, disregarding any strange looks Fallon may be giving her.

"I had my first daughter, Meira, when I was sixteen. At fifteen, I had fallen in love with an elf and we wanted to be wed. My grandfather refused because he was an elf, but I was soon pregnant, so I ran away with Draven. He was my first love, I'd had done anything for him. I was pregnant with Meira for twelve long months. She was born small, likely because I was so young - I was sixteen when I gave birth.

A few months later, when I turned seventeen, I got a letter. I'm not sure how they found me, but they did. The letter told me my mother was deathly ill and wanted to see me. My grandfather refused to let Draven or Meira come with me, so I had to go by myself so I could say goodbye."
The vampire paused, remembering the pain from the situation and what came next.

"While I was with my mother, Draven wrote me. He told me that Meira had passed away in her sleep as some infants do. He was heartbroken, but insisted I stayed with my family. I rushed back to him, but when I got to our home, it was empty. No fiancé, no daughter. There was a little grave in the garden beneath my favourite rose bush. I broke; the pain of losing a child is one I would not wish on even my worst enemy. I returned home and in my grief, made a decision that would change my life forever.

I decided to go in search of my older brother, Riordan. He had left the Natsia before I did because he wished to marry a gaji, non-Rom woman. As you can guess, my grandfather was a dick."
She wrinkled her nose in mild disdain before continuing, her tone lighter. "I thought he ought to get a chance to say goodbye to our mother, but she ended up passing while I was looking for him. Eventually, I figured out he was... Here. Bravia. So, I followed. I found him and so much more, like my freedom and the love of my existence.

Aishe smiled, giving her belly an affectionate rub. She looked up at him. "And Meira is alive. Draven lied because he felt guilty for keeping me from my family, people, culture. I have her now, when she tolerates me. She does not have a high view of me. Draven and her just got back from travels and she already doesn't want to be around me."
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: [CRP] A Walk Home

Post by Fallon »

For his part, Fallon walked mostly alongside her as she spoke. He knew not those whom she spoke of, but sensed that she needed to say what she was and that these moments were not the time to interrupt with questions.

''So your child grew up not knowing her mother and now she has the chance, does not wish to?'' he queried, wondering what the girl might have been told by those she knew as kin. He maintained a pensive silence as the snow continued to fall, beginning to coat the ground with it's white blanket, a blanket which softened their steps and was quite capable of smothering the approach of friend or foe alike.

For no reason known to himself Fallon found himself loosening one of his blades in it's scabbard as he awaited he response, idly wondering whether his question would be answered, whether Aishe's tale would continue or whether the subject might change altogether.
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Re: [CRP] A Walk Home

Post by Aishe »

Fallon’s question brought up a tinge of sadness. She nodded softly, absently supporting her belly from the bottom as she walked. The back aches had begun recently as her pregnancy excelled. There were downsides to a three month pregnancy and the biggest was how quickly her body had to change and adapt. Thankfully, she was a tough cookie.

“It seems so, unfortunately. She’s a… Snob. I’m just not good enough. She liked living in the royal palace though. It stood up to her high standards.

I see less Draven in her and more of his sister, who had a heavy hand in raising her. Draven is down to earth. Sure he’s a bit full of himself, but that’s typical of his kind. His sister has a very high opinion of herself. Meira definitely picked up traits from her. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever be good enough.

She’ll be going to stay with Aileigh for a while at Ettinford. Live the noble life, all that. Maybe bonding with her sister will help our relationship too. That’s my hope, anyway.”

She was going to continue on her ramble, but she paused. Her ears perked at hearing footsteps crunching on the snow and she made a note that there were folks nearby. A few of them. Instead of continuing her woes, she switched gears and looked back up to Fallon, “Have you ever thought about having kids? Little Fallons running around, causing chaos.”

Aishe grinned as she teased. He didn’t seem like the father type, but then again, he didn’t seem like the marriage type either and he did get wed… Even if it ended in divorce. Her question hung in the crisp air for a moment, interrupted by the sound of crunching snow. The footsteps were getting closer. She subconsciously shifted towards the side of the path to allow the approaching group to pass by them. As they turned a bend, the trees cleared and she saw a small camp.

The smell of fire floated through the air, mingling with the scent of winter. They were closer to the turn in the path than Aishe anticipated. Eight pairs of eyes turned towards them, making her feel a bit uncomfortable, but she offered a smile. The smile faltered when she recognized one of them. It was the lizard man that interrupted their dice game back in August. Just like she remembered him, he seemed to remember them. Aishe did stick out with her style of dress and her pale skin, pale hair, bright eyes.

“You’re the viceroy, ain’t ya?” He said as they got closer. The hairs on her arms stood up, but she nodded. Aishe was often seen in and out of the viceregal castle, which was not far from where they were walking, and she could be seen doing charity around Paz. More people recognized her than she would ever realize.

“That would be me.” While his tone implies conversation, hers ended it. She kept walking with Fallon, but they soon found the path blocked by the creature.

“That means you’re the Queen Mother of Fenia.”

Her brow furrowed slightly, disliking the implications. Chin high, the anxiety boiling up was kept from her expression from years of practice. Political careers did not do well when you showed weakness. “I am.”

“I heard the king remarried.”

“He did.”
She said, his words feeling like a knife twisting in her heart. Her gaze was unwavering, wondering where the conversation was headed. She was capable, but to have Fallon at her side during a vulnerable stage of pregnancy made her more confident.

“Tell me, Queen Mother… Do you think he’d still pay a hefty sum for you?” With the question, weapons were drawn. Five of them had swords, one a club, one a flail, and the last had a staff. The situation was now clear and she was weaponless herself, save for the dagger on her hip. In normal circumstances, she wouldn’t be too worried, but her body was slower and less coordinated with pregnancy. She pursed her lips, body tensing. She inhaled through her nose, rallying the bits of magic she still had access to.

Who would make the first move?
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: [CRP] A Walk Home

Post by Fallon »

He chuckled at her words concerning her daughter ''Perhaps she should live a campaign. Mud blood and death don't tend to mix well with snobbery'' he barked a short laugh ''in fact, the first natures call with no useful cover can put paid to that also''.

Despite his good humour, he was still not shaking that feeling and possibly that caused him to respond to her quip about kids more curtly than he would have wished ''No. No kids''. Perhaps realising how harsh he had spoken he added more lightly ''besides, I have Skwawk. Far more than trouble enough.''

His smile faded as they rounded the bend, took in the camp and heard the exchange as the lizard man drew closer to them.

''How about we dice'' Fallon responded to the lizard's question before Aishe could ''after all, out last game got.....spoiled''.

The response was a growl as the lizard man stepped forward menacingly raising his sword to point it at Fallon then Aishe alternately. Then it was gone, as was the hand which held it. The lizard man blinked as the pain, missing at first, began to register as he noticed the curved sword begin it's reverse arc 'odd how those runes seem to glow', he thought.

He also thought he heard a sibilant voice quietly hiss ''yyeeesssssssss''.

He also thought it odd how his world suddenly span around then halted. He thought it most peculiar that something that looked very much like his body suddenly landed in his vision. He thought.....

He didn't hear Fallon say to his band ''You look hungry. Lizards are edible did you know?''

He paused, his breath casting clouds in the cold air, the glow of the runes seemed to turn those clouds orange and red ''Either eat him, or join him''
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Re: [CRP] A Walk Home

Post by Aishe »

Aishe smirked slightly when Fallon mentioned the dice game, but her expression otherwise remained focused. She saw the lizard man shift his weight, muscles flexing, before he even moved. Fallon had it in hand though, as the lizard man lost his. His head was soon to follow and as his body dropped to the ground, crimson spilled into the snow. The smell caused her eyes to dilate, which were now fixated the rest of the crew. The mysterious voice she heard a moment ago echoed in her mind as all fell quiet.

They were angry. Rightfully so, seeing as their leader now lay dead at their feet. Soon, they all began to move, weapons leading. Four went for the hardened warrior, while three went to the unassuming pregnant woman. She found herself facing two swords and the creature with a staff. Believing Fallon could handle himself despite the odds, her attention was fully on the creatures running at her as her cloak dropped from her shoulders, least it hinder her.

The first, a man, led with his sword a bit too much. She was able to side step the initial swing, withdrawing her dagger as she did so. The dagger went up through the air faster than the man could register. Next, he was laying beside his fallen comrade.

As the vampire battled the smell of blood, her fangs began to extend. This caught the other two off guard. The elf with the staff took a balanced stance and fired a ball of flames right at her. It caught her by surprise and made contact with her shoulder, causing her to grunt from pain. The pain itself was not from the fire, but the force of the hit, which nearly caused her to lose her balance. While it left scorch marks on her dress, her skin remained untouched. Her bracelet glinted in the moon light, which protected her from fire. A gift from Varann to protect her from the fury and jealousy of Vhagar. It had yet to be taken off since that day a few years ago.

This seemed to confuse the elf, but his friend cut in with his sword. She raised her blade to counter his swing, standing her ground. His strength was more than the average human, which in turn caught her off guard. She ducked another swing and swung her leg out with all her force to knock him off balance. It worked, but at the cost of her own balance. The next swing went for her most vulnerable: her stomach. She caught the sword with her dagger, but he pushed forward hard. She grunted as she struggled momentarily, before she was able to give a swift kick to ensure the man wouldn’t have children of his own.

As he crumbled down to the ground next to her, the elf was back in the ring. Another fireball was shot, but this one missed as she quickly got back to her feet. As she did so, her hand scooped up crimson snow. She threw her dagger to buy her some time, the blade scraping along the elf’s face. When he looked back at her, he was seeing a very different vampire.

In the time it took for him to dodge the flying dagger, she scribbled some runes down on the back of her hand in blood. Her eyes began to glow white and dark veins spread across her face. This didn’t seem to phase the elf as he approached, swinging his staff at her.
Last edited by Aishe on Sun Dec 18, 2022 11:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: [CRP] A Walk Home

Post by Fallon »

Fallon had hoped that the ease with which the group's leader had been despatched would put them off their plans for he and Aishe.

That was not the way of it unfortunately and he watched the group as they split into two and headed to their respective targets. His eyes narrowed slightly as those that had chosen him as their target moved towards him. They were slow to separate and indeed seemed quite distracted as they seemed unable to decide what to do.

His eyes flicked in their direction one more time and then he charged a battle cry the like never heard in Bravia issued from his mouth as he did so. The move took them by surprise and they hesitated just too long-for them. Fallon's twin blades sang as they arced, the first batting a clumsy, surprised thrust aside and the second extending Fallon's reach as it penetrated leather armour, skin and the organs beneath. A twist and a tug saw the blade pulled clear.

The world went into slow motion as he moved away from his victim. He locked eyes with the flail wielder who at that moment was swinging to gain momentum. The flail began its lazy motion towards him and his left hand moved, raising his sword, not to block but to snag the chain, causing the head of the flail to wrap around the blade. His right arm snaked forward, the blade penetrating the abdomen of the flailman. A twist of both wrists and one sword freed itself from the flail to be slid loose and the other defeated the suction of the flesh it had penetrated to reverse. Fallon turned his back on the man, dropped to one knee and pulled both swords. One slid free from the chain of the flail, the other travelled upwards and out, cutting from abdomen to throat as it caused a crimson spray to arc from teh dead man.

He stood, bare catching sight of Aishe as she transformed, more interested in the two remaining would be robbers. He was in time to see their backs as they ran. Enough was obviously enough for them.

He turned back and began to head towards Aishe, who faced one with a staff.
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Re: [CRP] A Walk Home

Post by Aishe »

Power surged through her darkened veins as the elf swung at her. She ducked, her short stature helping her maneuver the staff easier. The rune on the back of her hand began to burn slightly as she summoned the magic beneath the surface. The adrenaline gave her focus and clarity, allowing her to call upon her past lives to see a clear path through.

She gave herself some space from him. Before he could attack again, she raised both hands up forcefully through the air. With the movement, the glow of her eyes grew and the snow around them dissipated. It did not disappear however; it simply transformed into its natural state of water. The water rose with the motion of her hands and surrounded the elf. His expression was one of surprise, but he still managed to start another swing as the water enveloped him. Her energy was draining, but she summoned what strength the adrenaline provided and clinched her fists. With the motion, the raised water froze solid, encasing the elf. The end of his staff stuck out, just inches away from her face.

And like that, the fight was over.

Aishe stumbled backwards a bit, trying to retain her balance as the glow of her eyes disappeared and her veins fled from the surface of her skin. The drain was immense, leaving her feeling slightly dizzy. As bright eyes moved to Fallon, she noticed two men missing. Her brows furrowed, looking at him.

“Where did they go?!” She exclaimed in a low voice, her concern evident.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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Re: [CRP] A Walk Home

Post by Fallon »

Having taken care of those facing him Fallon turned towards Aishe, heading towards her.

Pausing as he witnessed her magic take effect, not to mention her transformed features, he advanced towards her as she stumbled, offering a hand, then arm to lean against.

Aishe leant on his arm. Despite her appearance of trying not to, he was very aware of the weight that she put on him, recognising the effort that came with it.

Ignoring a furrow of his brow, she furrowed her own, ''where did they go?!'' she questioned. His response was flat ''They ran''. Before she could quiz further he tapped the elven ice sculpture with his free hand ''What happens when this thaws?'' he asked.

She almost managed a smile ''That would depend. How long can elves hold their breath?''

He chuckled as he looked closer at the ice and in particular the few inches of the staff protruding from the ice. Running his fingers over the staff he said to her ''there seems to be something in the tip, some carving on the end '' he looked to her ''does this mean anything to you?''
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Re: [CRP] A Walk Home

Post by Aishe »

It took a few moments to regain her strength. While Fallon examined the new ice sculpture, she took some steadying breaths. Slowly, she leaned on him less. She was grateful for his support for, without it, she would be on the snowy ground, buckled beneath the weight of the magic and its toll.

Bright eyes turned from the elf’s face to the end of the staff, curious of what caught Fallon’s attention. The idea of going after those who ran was replaced with the curiosity. Her eyes traced over the rune a few times before reaching forward. By now, she was on her own two feet without assistance. She snapped the staff, which surprisingly took all her might. The material was clearly durable, but she did not recognize what it was made from. It was certainly no ordinary staff.

“It looks vaguely familiar, but I can’t say I know for certain.” Aishe said, tracing the tip of her finger over the carving. “I have books at home. I can look into it - unless you want to help, then we can do so together.

… Where’s my cloak?”
A shiver ran down her spine as she looked around. She spotted it a few feet away and abandoned Fallon’s side to retrieve it. The shiver indicated the true toll the magic took, making her weaker than normal. More... human. She inspected the white fur for blood before putting it on, pleased her prized cloak was not damaged. “Now where is my dagger…”

Again, eyes flitted over the terrain until she spotted a hint of gold. The dagger found a spot embedded in a large oak tree. She gave a slight grunt as she pulled it from the tree, bark breaking off from her efforts. She slid the blade back into its sheath. With the portion of staff stashed in her pocket, her eyes wandered over the scene before her.

“I should report this to the authorities.” She sighed. Her gaze then turned to the camp. She walked over to rummage through what was present to see if she found anything else interesting.
Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
♛ Queen Mother of Fenia | The White Wolf | Senator of Bravia | Mayor of Paz 🍓
Kralisi Kaer of Boreens Durri Roma (BDR) ☾ Rani Ji Purrana
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