(ORP) The Return of Something Lost

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(ORP) The Return of Something Lost

Post by Wyllow »

(ooc: RP open for all to participate in, no matter if we've met or not in the past.)

Sometimes a long sleep can heal the heart and soul of a creature. Sometimes it can also send you down a long darkness that is sometimes hard to shake. In this world, a long sleep is sometimes desired or needed for one reason or another, but becomes so very hard to return from. Somehow, the being(s) that keep this worlds balance alive, understood that.

Her eyes finally fluttered open. She had been at rest for a lengthy time. Her body ached with the muscle loss during her extended period of calm. This time when her eyes opened, it was different. Sitting up, she looked around. She was not in her home. Their home. It was what looked to be a small cabin. There was a small table, one chair and a tiny fire that was lit in a hearth. It was cool, but not overly cold. There were no fine furnishings, only things of need.

Pushing herself up, she moved her feet to the side of the small bed. There was only enough room for herself, really, as it wasn't a spacious area as a whole. Her mind immediately thought of her husband and a sadness fell over her. She lifted a hand to her temple in an attempt to remember. She hadn't meant to fall into a deep sleep like this. Not to this extent, and it was a great extent.

They had had so many plans. Her hand flew to her stomach... A child? Where was the child? Did it live? Does it live? Was it lost? Her head ached and with that, her heart filled with a certain dread. She could feel a wound on her heart that would nor could never heal. She rubbed her abdomen. She definately was not pregnant. Was it a dream? The hole in her heart spoke to her gently, and she knew without a doubt that she had never been fully blessed, thus, a child had never fully developed, nor had it made its way into the world in the normal way. Yes, one had begun, but things she would never understand, stopped it.
Why,...oh why had this happened to her? She felt herself slipping into a certain unknown despair. It was a loss she would have to deal with before she could fully recover from her sleep, but before she could sink too far, her mind switched suddenly.

It wasn't by choice that her mind seemed to be shooting all kinds of thoughts about it. There was so much confusion and emotions she didn't know where to start.. OR, to begin. The fact that she was awake was maybe a miracle, but beyond that, it was an overload of so many confusing things. She had memories of her sister time and again, but everything was unclear and so foggy. She held her head in her hands to stop the room from spinning suddenly, squeezing her eyes shut tightly. When it stopped, she opened them once more. Taking a deep breath, her body ached to stand.

Over the edge of the bed, she swung her legs as she made to get up. She was wobbly, but stable enough. Her bare feet chilled by the floor boards. Something nagged at her. A lot of time had passed, she could feel it. Her slow steps brought her the door. Pulling gently it swung easily open. Immediately she raised a hand to shade her eyes from the bright sun, a crisp wind swept in and stole her breath away. Her brow furrowed with concern, not for herself but for those that cared about her. She wondered if they still cared... Or had moved on.

Her mind flew to her husband. Her heart still belonged to him. It always had, her promise to him still rang true and was as strong as the day it was bound to him. Moving out into the light, she didn't even take notice of what she had on, a shift of some sort. It didn't matter to her. Every step she forced in front of her was stronger than the last. She turned slightly as something caught her eye. She had been resting in a place that seemed sacred. A place she didn't even realize existed, but reason in her mind told her that it must, as this, what happened to her, must happen to others? Right? she questioned of herself.

The construction of what seemed to be for just her, didn't look new, but it didn't look old either. It was well constructed with meticulous care. And served a specific purpose. Her heart felt suddenly heavy, yet it leapt with the smallest, tiniest space of hope. Near the side of the small cabin, was a stone. At first she didn't understand, but took a step towards it. She read her name. And a tear escaped without warning. A Grave Stone. Someone had prepared one... was it just in case?? This rocked her to the core. She hugged herself and dropped to her knees, thankful. Someone had not given up on her. She sobbed for a few moments, as emotions flooded her. She needed to weep and feel alive after so long at rest. When the emotions subsided, her brain engaged once more. It didn't provide any better clarity than before.

She was thin and in need of food. Pushing herself from the ground, looked around. She slightly recognize the area, though it was long grown up from what she last remembered. Tuv.. she had to see him. Embarrassment and shame crept into her mind. How had be been? So much time.. She felt nervous suddenly. Would he still view her as his wife? Were they strangers now? What would happen when she saw him for the first time? She felt chilled, and wrapped her arms around herself for comfort.

Once more her emotions took over her and she felt ill to her stomach. She couldn't just seek him out, could she? No... no. Not yet. She couldn't know his feelings, and she would need to beg his forgiveness. She couldn't know anyone's feelings, to be fair. So many times she had tried to return to the world, but failed... the sleepiness wouldn't leave her enough for her to make a full recovery. It always overtook her once more, dragging her back into a deep darkness that once entered, felt like a soothing hug. It called you back... it beckoned to you like a lover... Keeping you safe and warm.

But it was a lie.

She understood this. No, she would not seek him out right away. She had to have time. She just hoped he would understand that she needed to make sure that darkness would not come to lure her back into it this time. She would use the small place as a base of sorts, until she was able to be sure. If someone came, she would deal with that then. She had no idea if anyone had even come to her side while she slept. She hoped that they did, but she could understand if as days blended into one-another, how it could become harder to do so.

As she walked, her mind wandered, but her stomach grumbled. She made her way silently to her Bakery. It was closed up tightly. Finding a spare key, she opened the back door and let herself in. Dust was everywhere. That wasn't unusual, as this was a bakery, but it wasn't flour dust. She frowned a little... She then made her way to a large cabinet. At the base and towards the back a small drawer could be found by feeling the difference in the wood. With instinct and a bit of muscle memory, she found it. The drawer, she wiggled and it moved freely finally, so that she may peer inside, before removing some coins and closing it once more.

Slipping out of the bakery, she was glad to see everything seemed fine and in good repair. She placed the key in its hiding spot and moved towards the market. It was later in the day, so there would not be a lot of people about. That was to her liking. She hated being so secretive, but she knew this was needed. Anyone she met, she didn't recognize. It also confirmed that a good deal of time had passed. Food secured, she moved to the town notice board, just to take a brief look. She saw her husbands name, to her surprise. She smiled inwardly. He was alive and Mayor currently. She felt warmth spread through her. He is a good man. He's always been a good man.

After her brief stop there, she walked as briskly as possible back to the little cool shack that she had woke in. In truth, it was much better than a shack, but she was not sure what else to call it.

In a way, long long long ago, it reminded her of her first place she'd ever took up residency. It was hidden away. And it certainly wasn't hers. Not really.

Stepping back inside the small cabin, she settled at the small table. She ate her fill before moving her chair closer to the small fire to take its warmth. It hadn't occurred to her, but someone obviously was maintaining that fire. It simply couldn't exist on its own. It was super small, but more like a banked fire.... the coals low, but enough flame to lick up from time to time. She leaned forward to take a small piece of wood from the wood pile that was stacked neatly nearby, and added it to the coals. The flames reared up gladly.
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Re: (ORP) The Return of Something Lost

Post by Wyllow »

As days passed, she felt herself become stronger, though she did nearly feel herself fall back into the darkness of sleep on one occasion. Determination came in the form stubbornness to help guide her to stay amongst the awaken. At one point she remembered about all her pets she used to have... she felt a pang of guilt. Most had likely wandered away. She didn't blame them.

Having something to focus on, she set herself a task of rounding the animals up that she used to use on a continuous daily basis for various needs. She decided to start on that simple task as soon as she could, however that would require planning and preparing for. She sighed at that, though she did not let herself linger on thoughts too long. There was much to do and a life to return to. She just needed to recover a little longer before she would feel herself again.

She knew that it was beyond her better judgement, but her plan was to set out on a small bit of travel in the coming days. There were things that she needed as well as rounding up the animals, which could not be found around the beloved area of Bravia. As the afternoon blended with the evening light, the sky darkened and nights sky filled with stars. She gathered up what she must to leave in the morning light. Lighting a lamp, she set it by the only little window and moved to restock the fire.
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Re: (ORP) The Return of Something Lost

Post by Tuvoria »

When the Cathedral workers told him that his wife had returned from the Light to the living, Tuv nearly fell to the floor. Wyl meant so much to him. He had thought his life was over. All his hopes and dreams were wrapped up in her and his love for her. He had thrown himself into his work in his shop, with his role in the army, and seeking to keep Bravia City safe. All of that was dropped from his mind as he picked himself up from the floor. He broke out into a full sprint to where she had been laying in a comatosed state. He opened the door and saw his bride sitting up. Tears began to flow from his face as he stumbled over to Wyl. He wrapped his arms around her as he stated through sobs:

"Is it true? Have you really returned to me my love?"

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Re: (ORP) The Return of Something Lost

Post by Wyllow »

The fire taken care of, she stood in a daze thinking about her beloved. The one that stole her heart, but she gave him so freely. A tear escaped as she wondered if he still cared. She feared seeing him again. That was the true reason for her need to travel. Feared to see the hurt she had caused.. what if he didn't love her anymore? What if he had found someone... That would be her true undoing. It would end her existence here.

There were so many things that were unanswered, and she knew little. Her body, she knew what happened... she felt a deep sadness for the loss. She pushed it out of her mind forcibly. She couldn't handle that realization just yet. She moved to wipe the tear away, moved to the bed and looked upon the fire as the flames gave a warm, flickering light, to the room. It was then that the door burst open.

He was there. He seemed to pause for a moment. He looked beautiful and rough. Her heart felt as if it was going break. His face.. it said so much as he crossed to her and held her. The hold felt desperate, and she reciprocated that desperation as she clung to him, her tears free flowing now. My love, I am here... I am returned to you.. she replied to him.

There was fear in the way she held him. As if he let go, she would die inside. I am here... I am here... she kept repeating softly between sobs. She was flooded with feelings, unsure what to know or do next. Pulling back gently to look at him, she leaned forwards gently and kissed his cheek where his tears had fallen. She then wiped the tears away. You are really here....please say you are not a dream....[/b] she said to him in soft wonderment, not really believing it. Her eyes meeting his for the first time in what felt like eternity. The depts of them simmered like they always had, in her opinion. A light within them pulling at her chest just as it always would. She stole this moment for herself before any words could really be exchanged.

There was still too much that was unknown - Like why she had fallen into such a sleep. That was something that could be sorted later. Everything.... her thoughts faded as she pulled him close once more. She wanted to know everything, but at this moment wanted to know nothing either. She just wanted to exist -- for a second, -- with the pair of them only.

Finally she spoke... I am still weak, but feel stronger as every moment passes, she informed him. Just his presence alone fed her strength. A will that came from deep within. Something that she could only get from him.
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Re: (ORP) The Return of Something Lost

Post by Tuvoria »

It took all of his strength to not just collapse as he heard Wyllow speak and confirm she had returned from the realm of limbo. Her embrace and tough felt so good. He couldn't remember the last time he had felt this way as she hugged him and wiped away his tears. The flood of emotions flowing up within him was almost too much. Tuv leaned in and kissed his wife, both seeing and feeling her love as well in her eyes. Slowly he broke the embrace and sat down next to her. Holding her hand in both of his he stated "Rest and regain your strength my love. I am so elated and grateful to the Mages that you have returned from limbo and that I can once again hold you tight. The world can crash down around us now and I could care less simply because I have you back. When you are ready, I will take you to our home and when you are ready and have your strength back, let us get away. Just us with out any distractions and renew our bonds of commitment. The house has been so empty without your presence."
Tuvoria then moved his chair so that he could continue to hold Wyl's hands as he looked in her eyes. He could see something was still tormenting her. He lovingly whispered. "what ever it is that still is causing you pain and sorrow my love, just know I am here for you and we will get through it together."
Last edited by Tuvoria on Fri Jan 27, 2023 8:43 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: (ORP) The Return of Something Lost

Post by Wyllow »

His words lifted her higher than she thought possible. His reassurance felt so fresh and light. Her lips curve into a smile. He hadn't changed in anyway during her absence. This was the man she'd always known and felt a deep connection to on such a level that there were no words to describe it. She glanced at his hand holding hers. A fresh tear rolled down her cheek. When she looked back into his eyes, her smile widened. If only he knew what he meant to her.

As he took a chair before her she finally could speak again. My Beloved.. She breathed lightly. Love shown in her eyes and reached into the depths of her being for this man before her. His simply words bringing back such joy, she felt a sadness though. A pain that her absence had brought upon them. I am strong enough to make the trek home. Please,.. it is where I need to be. She looked around the room. ...I, she stammered a little, then continued. I didnt know how this would work. How... If.... you... The words were not right, she knew. So she took a breath and continued. My love is as strong as the day we met. If not stronger... I just didnt know if.. or if you had... she shrugged shyly and looked down at their hands, before saying, ...Found another. I could not blame you for such. I am gathering that I have been asleep for some time. I know it sounds silly to say it out loud, but I could never expect your life to be on hold. She sighed then, before she continued. For me, my life just continues from before my sleep. For you, your life has been already continuing. She smiled gently.

I don't know what I'm asking or even saying.. she let out a little chuckle, then her brow furrowed a little before looking back into his eyes. I am so sorry for any pain this has caused you. She held his gaze for a moment without saying anything. I feel it in my bones that I have been here, in this very room for too long. There is so much I have missed... or lost. Instead of laying back to rest, she got to her feet, their hands still holding. I need to go home. She smiled. A tune returned to her then, one she had not heard in a long time, as she waited for him to take her home.
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Re: (ORP) The Return of Something Lost

Post by Tuvoria »

Feeling her hand in his as they headed towards the door made Tuv's heart flutter. For so long he was unsure if he would feel like this again. He slowly brought her hand to his lips and gently kissed it

"I could never abandon you Wyl. The thought of moving on never crossed my mind. As long as there was a chance that the Mages might return you to me, I lived in that hope. I threw myself into working in my shop, assisting at the Cathedral, and in serving the Army and the people here as their mayor. I needed my mind busy so I wouldn't cry myself to sleep."

It felt both terrifying and a great release to finally say this out loud. They had been through so much together; the Widu conflict; the mapping expeditions; the move to Bravia; the hunt and being hunted by Darius and the Red Skulls; the search for the family truth, and the dysfunction within the Sunspears. All of that meant nothing to Tuv. All that mattered to him now was that by some miracle, the most important part of his being was now walking by his side again. He let go of Wyl's hand and wrapped his arm around her waist.

"Feel free to lean upon me if you need to my love. We will go at your pace. It will be so nice to have the house once again be a home."

He took in a deep breath and enjoyed once again the scent of the love and life that was walking beside him. He also noticed for the first time in a long while the gentle song of nature about them.

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Re: (ORP) The Return of Something Lost

Post by Tuvoria »

He had heard that the dastardly dragon had launched an attack upon Bravia City once again. He worried for his long time friend and former military companion Tuvoria. He was also concerned about reports of his semi sister in law, at least in his mind, Wyllow. When word came through the merchant gossip mill that she had returned to the living, Merri knew he had to go and see his friends, if for nothing more than to bring some fine beverages to restock Bravia after the dragon had done his damage. He had just rounded the corner into town when he spotted his old friend carefully helping his wife out the door of the Cathedral.

"Well twist me kilt, if you pair arent a sight for these old dwarven eyes to be seeing. Been wee to long a time laddy since I laid me eyes upon ya. That goes for you to Wyl me lass. I be hopin both ya be doing well, especially since old gecko breath was rumored to be ransacking ya homefront. It finally gave me the boost in me backside to travel over the border and pays ya visit. Not to be mentioning, tis a good excuse to pack up me wares a bit and help resupply Bravia City with a wee bit of nectar from the gods. Nothing like a good glass to warm the spirits, eh? Any ways, how about I give you to youngins a ride to your place where we can uncork a bottle or two and catch up. No offense lassie Wyl, but ya look worse than ol Darius when we put his shifty carcass in the ground for good."

Merri then took a puff on his pipe, blew a smoke ring in their direction and waited to see if his friends would take up the offer for a ride.
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