Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

In the morning Tuv headed down to the city center and inquired about the survivors who were rescued at sea. When the officials found out who Tuv was they escorted him to where the survivors were located. Tuv quickly learned that they where attacked near the same area as the Aerandir and by the same ships. Tuv thanked them and made his was back to the inn to gather Wyl for some exploring of the local markets.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

After a calm and joyful afternoon of exploring Leesburg and it's various markets, Wyl and Tuv headed back to their inn for a relaxing dinner. They had all the Intel they needed and in the morning would begin the trip back to Bravia City. As a group of musicians began to play, Tuv took the opportunity to once again dance with Wyl before the two headed off to their room and a good night's sleep.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

In the morning Tuv woke relaxed and with a sense of peace in his mind. For the most part he and Wyl had the answers they had been looking for. Now it was time to head back to Bravia City. Tuv eased out of bed, got cleaned up, and then dressed. He headed into the main room of the inn and upon seeing the innkeeper he placed an order for Wyl and himself. As the innkeeper was getting things ready, Tuv headed out to the stables and got the animals and wagon ready.
When Tuv stepped back in his order was ready. He took the tray and headed to his room. After a relaxing breakfast, they climbed into the wagon and headed towards home. The roads were relatively quiet and just 3 days later the couple crested the hill that lead towards Strawberry Lane and their home.
As they pulled up the road Jack came out to greet them. Within minutes several of the farm hands had the animals stabbed and the goods from the wagons unloaded and stored. As they headed into the main house Jack informed Tuv that Jim had sent notice that Calembur had completed his work, that the crew had gone through arms training, and they had done several live fire drills on some old barges.
Tuv thanked him for the update and told Jack to send word to Jim to begin stocking the Aerandir and make preparations for departure within the next few weeks.
Having said this Tuv headed inside to check on Wyl and what was to become the nursery room.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

It was good to be back home for a bit with no pressing concerns to worry about. Tuv was at the house by himself as Wyl had gone to her bakery to take care of things. Tuv contacted Jack and had him go into town to fetch some light blue and pale green paints and to pick up the items he had at the wood shop.
After Jack left, Tuv began clearing out the items in the 2nd bedroom and laying out in his mind how he wanted to paint things and where everything was going to be placed. He also made plans to build a custom rocking chair and an ottoman for Wyl to rest and nurse the baby on. A smile spread across his face as he went to work on the room.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

As they came into town, she glanced towards Tuvoria and smiled. Home was always a welcome sight. The animals were seen to and she unpacked most things, though a cart was laden down with items that needed to head to market and be taken to the shop. She sent word for Gabriel and went inside the house to start on putting things away.

Once Gabriel arrived, she went with him to see to the shop and how things had faired in her absence. He was an able and capable steward, but still had not perfected a few things. For the most part everything was in order, outside of items that they were lacking for recipes. They got everything situated and she give him instructions for the morning. She soon found herself headed back home and looking for a nice warm bath to relax in.
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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Back in Paz

Jim was happy with all the progress that had taken place over the last few weeks. The needed repairs and tweaks after the maiden voyage had been completed. The upgrades that Captain Tuvoria had wanted had been installed. The crew had been trained in basic combat techniques, weapon skills, and in how to use and operate the new tools added to the ship. Jim was impressed with the crew he and the Captain had put together. He stood on the dock truly drawn in to the beauty of the vessel his Captain had built. As the The Aerandir now had been moved out of dry dock and into her slip in the Harbor of Paz, he looked forward to what was to come. As he stood there, a young lad wearing temple livery came up to him. Master Jim, this message from Master Tuv has come for you. Jim took the message, thanked the lad, and gave him a silver piece. He smiled as he read the message. Well it looks like hunting season is about to open, he whispered to himself. As he walked up the gangway to the main deck he began shouting out orders: Alright gang, playtime is over. Let get this lady stocked and ready to go. The Captain wants to get under sail within two weeks. Sam, you are with me. Time to go shopping for supplies and stores. Waiyne you have the Com. Get this lads in shape and ready to sail while I arrange for supplies to be brought here. With that Sam and Jim headed into town to make arrangements to supply and outfit the Aerandir for the deployment that was about to come.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

Another day... It was strange. She opened her eyes and for the most part of the previous month, she hadn't any morning sickness. Today was completely different. Sitting up in bed, she smiled at her beloved sound asleep beside her. She sat for a while and rubbed her much protruding stomach. She rubbed the sides particularly. Getting to her feet, she got dressed and decided to head down to gather a breakfast tray, that of course contained her favored mint tea.

As she entered the room, she set the tray down at the table where she took up her tea and sipped quietly. She was still a little sleepy but was glad of a quiet morning before their getting on the ship. It would be a busy day ahead of them and she relished in the quiet of the early morning. Many things ran through her mind of things they would need. She had already sent the cook her list of items she wished to be added to the kitchen. She wasn't sure if she was a help or hindrance in his kitchen, but she felt she had to do something as they sailed. She enjoyed their time on the sea, but when it came down to it, there was not a lot for her to do other than find trouble, which she was good at.

Taking another sip, she watched his breathing across the room and smiled to herself. He looked so very peaceful.
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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Wyl and Tuv had made their way to Paz and quickly proceeded to the harbor and The Aerandir. Jim and Sam had the ship stocked and ready to sail. Tuv was glad to see that all if the original crew was back. After getting their items stored, Tuv set down with Jim and the two of them got things caught up and Tuv shared his plans. When the tide began to go out the Aerandir cast off her lines and headed out of the harbor, turned to the East and set course for Albrightville.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

It was good to be back at sea. That was the first thought that ran through Tuv's mind as he woke up in his cabin aboard the Aerandir. As he laid there with Wyl in his arms, he gave thanks to the Mages for all the blessings he had received. His contemplation was interupted by the baby who gave a good kick, knocking his hand off of Wyl's belly. He laughed as he said "a bit rambunctious this morning are we my little one?" He laid there a bit longer enjoy the smell of the sea air, the smell of Wyllow, and the movements of the baby. He was getting dressed when he heard a knock on the door. He was surprised when Karl, one of the Galley lads, was standing there with a food tray and kettle.
Morning Capn. Master Sam asked me to bring you these vittles.
Tuv took the tray thanking him and started setting up breakfast. He was quite impressed with how the crew took up the training and knew that things will be different this time should the Claws show themselves.
Now he thought to himself should I wake up Wyl or let the baby do it?

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

She turned over in her sleep and begrudged her eyes to open. She wasn't ready to wake, but a certain child demanded it was time to get up. Rolling back over, she knew already that Tuv was not there next to her in bed... however, her nose, a very sensitive nose these days, picked up on the smell of food and maybe even a whiff of tea.

Sitting up in bed, she rubbed the sleep from her eyes and earned herself a kick. Oof. Her eyes opened and she saw her husband. Your child is in an ornery state this morning. She accused playfully. She pulled back the covers and brushed aside her nightshirt to expose her well-rounded belly. Not fully grown yet, there was plenty enough baking to do still, but well on its way to getting there. Her hands rubbed all over. Are you seeing this? She asked him absolutely delighted. She looked down to see a lump here, then a lump there. I swear it's dancing in there! She grinned at him. She beckoned him to come to feel all that she was. It was such a delightful feeling, even though at times it could be uncomfortable if she slept a certain way.

I suppose my bladder has taken enough for one night. She chuckled and got up to get herself dressed. She felt every time she turned around she felt bigger and bigger. She was proud of that though. She rubbed her belly again and found clothes to change into then settled at the small table to enjoy a meal with her husband.
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