Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

Their breakfast was perfect the morning they were headed to Rome. Tuvoria always seemed so in-tune to her needs, even when he hadn't even asked. As they bumped along the road, she smiled at the thoughts of redecorating. For some reason, I'd like to decorate in shades of blues and blue hues, maybe some greens too... girls like blue and green too, right? She smiled thinking on about the new arrival. She rubbed her tummy as Tuvoria halted at the Inn.

While Tuv saw to the animals, as usual, she looked about their room and made little adjustments. She took a moment to sit when her beloved came back. I think a walk around the market is due.. all that sitting in the wagon. She rubbed her backside and giggled. I think it went numb!

She knew that their trip might be a long one, but she was glad that they had not encountered anything untoward yet. As they walked about the market, she took stock of what was there and made a few purchases. On their way back, is when the smell hit her nose. Oranges. A delighted look came over her face. Remember our times in Widu? She said, the look of glee on her face. Lets go pick oranges, she said and raced off in the direction her nose took her.

As they loaded up the wagon the following morning, she was happy as a clam with her procured treat safely tucked in. Nearly a whole bushel of oranges in tow. The next destination that for pears, again they picked until their hearts content. As they traveled on, they finally made it back to Fienia, though there it was a little rush of news. She paced back in forth in their room, awaiting word. As Tuvoria appeared, to share what he had learned. It was to be unsaid that she tossed and turned that night, getting little to no sleep.

As Tuv slipped from the room, she sat up and decided to dress. Slow moving today, she only had a slightly queasy feeling in her stomach. It was nice that the morning illness had begun to become less and less. Most days were even delightful. Dressed and packed, she moved downstairs to get breakfast, noticing Tuvoria talking with someone. She took a table and ordered food, as she did not want to interrupt. Tuv would just join her when he was done. She tore into her breakfast a little ravenously. As her husband joined her, a look of worry seemed to be on his brow, though he didn't speak of it quite yet. He told her of his friend. She knew he would with time, share his worries.

When they were on their way to Verdilla, he finally spoke. Her heart sank a little as he spoke. She knew that this was always a possibility, to run into issues while traveling, especially when you are looking for trouble, most times you will find it. She moved nearer to Tuvoria in a way to make it seem as if they were just merely poor travelers. Oh Tuv, she breathed. The worry of their babe at the front of her mind.
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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv wrapped his arm around Wyl as she leaned into him. He knew she was concerned and worried about what info he had shared from Qui"llon. I know you are worried my love. But at least we are getting some answers. I want to check a few things around Smithville and maybe Leesburg. This area is at the end of the long bay were we had the encounter at sea. As he finished saying this, Tuv noticed that Rex began to go into a guarded stance and was giving a silent, but not obvious, alert status to the west. Tuv loosened his weapons and began to slow things down. He whispered to Wyl We got company to the west" As soon as he said that three armed and masked individuals stepped out of the woods and moved to block the road. Tuv quickly noticed the markings on their helmets.
The figure in the center raised his hand and stated:
"you are trespassing on Red Claw territory. Surrender all your items as a tribute to the Clan or suffer the consequences.
Tuv looked at Rex as he smiled and said Rex Supper Time Immediately Rex launched himself at the figure on the left as Tuv fired off two quick arrows at the figure on the right. In a blink of an eye Tuv was off of the wagon with a sword in each hand. This isn't your lucky day. I haven't had my coffee yet. Tuv quickly made work of the center figure and turned to the one of the left. Rex had a good hold on his right arm and was managing to stay out of the way of being hit. He tried to swing his arm with Rex on it at Tuv. Tuv did a rolling spin and cut the hamstring of the enemy warrior. Rex let loose and took up a guard position.
Tuv then glanced around to see that no other figures were about. Somewhat assured that no other enemies where here, he ordered Rex to scout as he himself walked over to the one combatant left alive. Tuv quickly tied his hands behind him and then took the helmet off to reveal a half orc underneath.
Tuv then began to question him and found out that indeed Marcus was his leader and that they were claiming the wild lands north of Smithville and along the coast of Valleria as theirs. Anyone not willing to accept them as overlords or pay tribute will see their property seized or burnt to the ground. It became clear that this group did not know who Wyl or Tuv were and that Marcus was trying to play off of the fear of the reputation that Darius had established.
Ensuring that Wyl was okay and calm, Tuv threw his captive over one of the mules, tying his arms and feet together and once again headed back on the road.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

As Tuv jumped from the wagon, she found her own footing and let loose two small blasts of magic. Something she rarely utilized. One blast hit the one on the right square in the chest, momentarily blinding him before Tuvs arrows struck, the other sailed over the one on the left's shoulder, unfortunately turning useless. Thankfully Tuv was much better at the use of weapons. She reached for her Sais and stood her ground watching the scene unfold, not knowing really what to do other than what she was. She was not very prolific in fighting, in fact, she only fought when push came to shove and she was forced into it.

She sighed surveying the scene. She was glad it was over as fast as it had begun, and she sat back down, her breathing had quickened. She assured Tuv that she was alright, as she truly was. She watched as he tied the man to the mule. He won't bleed to death, will he? It was a strange question to ask Tuv as he climbed up on the wagon to continue their way. But she couldn't help it. It hadn't dawned on her the men could have killed them even if they had given up their goods.
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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

no my love he won't bleed out. He also won't be running anywhere for some time. I plan to turn him over to authorities when we get to town. Tuv pulled her close. He knew she tried to avoid conflict when possible and that with the baby she was terrified. Luckily the rest of the trip was smooth and quiet, other than the occasional protests and moans from their prisoner.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

As they approached Smithville, Wyl and Tuv could see what looked like a heavy guard presence at the gate and a few ragged travelers coming in. There was still a slight hint of smoke drifting in from the northwest. Tuv looked at Wyl as he said "Well my love, shall we deliver our cargo to the proper authorities?" Tuv then got the mules moving and shortly the motely crew was at the city gate. Tuv hopped down from the wagon and took the leads as he walked the team up to the gaurdhouse.
One of the guards who appeared to be in charge came up towards them as he said "Well, well, well. What do we have here traveler?
"Greetings Commander. I am Councilman Tuvoria Ralathondor, Captain of The Aerandir, and past General of the forces of Bravia. My wife and I were on a trade mission to gather items for Bravia when out on the road, this piece of vermin, along with two others, decided to attack us and demand we give them all that we had. His friends are now feeding the scavengers. We managed to hamstring this individual and interagate him. Seems he is part of the Red Claws and they seem to what to claim the northern half of Valleria as their own. He stated that if people don't swear loyalty to them, then they will see things burn. I figured he might be of use to your superiors. As such he is now yours."
"Well me Tuvoria. We have heard of you and your work against these vermin over the years. They have been trying to raid in these areas for some time. We have driven them to the wilds of the norther coastline for the main part. We will gladly take this scum off of your hands."
He then ordered two of his men to untie the prisoner from the mule and take him to the dungeons. He then reached into his pocket and pulled out a piece of parchment.
Take this to any inn in town and stay as my guest for the work you have done and for bringing us a live prisoner. I would recommend the Golden Lizard. Head down the main avenue and at the intersection that has a dolphin fountain, turn right and it will be down on the left."
Tuv thanked him, took the parchment, climbed back up on the wagon, and headed into town and towards the Golden Lizard Inn.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Wyl and Tuv quickly and easily found the Golden Lizard and set about getting the animals stabled and relaxing in their room. Tuv took advantage of the chance to get a bath and freshen up. After his bath, he joined Wyl for a bit of lunch in the main room before seeing if she wanted to explore some of the markets.
In the evening Tuv visited both the Guard house and the temple to see what info he could find. Other than what he had learned from the guard captain earlier in the day, he found out a few more refugees had been picked up at sea and brought to Leesburg. Tuv thought that might be a good opportunity to get some more info and possibly pick up some cantaloupes to bring back to Bravia City. He then headed back to the Golden Lizard to have dinner with his wife and to share this latest piece of intel.

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

She had never been so glad to have the man taken to the guards. She shivered as they untied him and took him away. As they made their way to the Inn, she slipped her arm into the empty space at Tuvs side and held tight to his arm as they drove, glad that was all over. As the animals were dealt with, she called for a bath in their room. It was small, but adequate for her needs. Dressing in fresh clothes, she headed down to the main room for some lunch. She dived into her Turnips and Roast the inn was serving as if it was the first meal they had seen in weeks.

The market was similar to many they had seen so far, but with lots and lots of turnips. It was a good thing she preferred the vegetable over potatoes, though - those could be delicious also. Who was she kidding... she had an obsession with eating these days. But oh, it felt so good.. as long as she did not overdo it, then it was just uncomfortable. As Tuvoria set to business, she decided to get a good sleep in while she could before supper. She kissed her husband and he took his leave. She made her way back up to their room, the bathing tub had graciously been removed and she settled to sleep.

When she woke, she stretched and rubbed her growing belly. She smiled. Aww little one, are you hungry again? She chuckled. Lets see if we can find your Da. She smiled as she got up and left the room in search of both food and Tuvoira. It wasn't long after she placed their order for supper that Tuvoria appeared. Supper soon arrived; a delicious thick stew with ample vegetables and bread. Oh this looks delicious. We must remember this place, the food here is incredible. Her eyes were wide and her mouth watered. She then gave her husband her full attention. Learn of anything interesting? She asked, and they chatted while they ate.
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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv was happy to see Wyl in the main room and that she had already ordered food for them. He gladly set down next to her and took a good sip of the ale that was at the table.
"Well my love, I actually did find some new info. It seems that our old friends are mostly operating in the area between here and the northern coast in areas away from main roads and cities. It seems they want to avoid a direct confrontation with local forces or those, like myself, who have a military background. It also seems that they have a small group of ships that have been seen off the northern coast and in the area of the gulf east of Leesburg. A few refugees have arrived in Leesburg and apparently a fishing vessel recently picked up a few survivors of a recent ship attack. I would like to head over there for a day or two and check things out and to possibly gather some cantaloupes. After that lets head home and make plans with Jim and the crew to go sailing and see if we can't hunt some of these claws in the waters north of North Staunchville."
Tuv then sat back and relaxed as he enjoyed dinner with his wife. About half way through their meal, a group of musicians came in and began to play. Taking advantage of the situation and the open area, Tuv stood up and looking at his wife statedCare to come dance with me my love?

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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Wyllow »

Hmm, does sound like it needs looking into. Her eye brightened at the mention of cantaloupes. Oh, I haven't seen those in ages! Id love to bring some home. She smiled. I actually will be glad to be going home. There are a few things I may need to do before we head back out, but I can not wait to be back on the sea once more. A wry grin displayed upon her face. And this time I promise not to go fishing... she laughed. It wasn't funny at first, but over time she couldn't help at how foolish she had been and the lessons she had learned.

As he stood, she smiled up at him and took his hand. Of course, I will dance with you. Always. It felt good to be in his arms. Her heart smiled at the mere thought of him.
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Re: Adventures of "The Aerandir" (CRP)

Post by Tuvoria »

It was good to have Wyl in his arms as they danced and enjoyed a bit of peace and oneness. When he awoke in the morning, Tuv felt a calmness and ease that he hadn't felt in sometime. He rolled over and just looked at Wyl sleeping for a bit. After a few minutes he laid his head on her growing belly and soon heard the heart rythym of their child. He laid there listening to that sound. He eventually got up and prepared for the day.
He headed down to the main room and secured a tray of fresh fruits, sweet breads, creams, and a kettle with fixings for tea. He then headed back to the room and sat the tray on the table as Wyl began to awake.
They took their time enjoying the meal before packing up and loading the cart. It was easily midmorning when they headed out on the Northern road to Leesburg. Both Wyl and Tuv noticed a heavier than normal presence of Vallerian soldiers patrolling the road. As such they arrived at Leesburg in the mid evening with no difficulty and quickly found some comfortable housing at one of inns.

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