[CRP] A Trip To The Highlands

This is where the Kingdom of Fenia's main Inn is.

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Re: [CRP] A Trip To The Highlands

Post by Thea »

Thea snorted again when she heard Cordelia's comment about valuing her head. At least this time she was not drinking her perry. For the moment she set the glasses down while the alcohol still lingered and burned her nostrils. Their hostess laid out an alternate set of plans which seems much less dangerous, albeit very busy. She knew that her wife would certainly enjoy the sightseeing.

"That sounds like a suitable plan. Are there any wineries for these famed blackberries? I imagine it could be a specialty export if they are not already doing that here."

Even if she had become a bit more responsible with age and experience, Thea always managed to circle back to alcohol. She did not party like she used to, but she still enjoyed a good drink.

Aileigh's interest had been piqued by the mention of Thea's history with a bow and arrow.

"Oh, there is nothing much to tell. I was a terrible shot. My archery instructor quit after a few weeks. Most of my tutors quit given my… temperament. He lasted longer than expected, truthfully, but that is probably because I only once slightly maimed him. I think his patience was the real casualty of those lessons."
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne| Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh
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Re: [CRP] A Trip To The Highlands

Post by Cordelia »

Cordelia nodded.

“There’s a winery nearby called Mwyar Duon Winery, between here and Foggy Bottom. It’s only a few hours away. I’ve visited once before. It’s well kept and the owners are very friendly. I am sure they will appreciate the visit.”

She laughed at Thea’s retelling of her archery lessons. She chimed in knowingly, “He absolutely cannot stand you. I’ve never heard of him giving up on someone before, he’s typically patient with his students. Not with Thea though; you knew how to push his buttons. I’m sure the attempt to shoot him did not help your case.”

Archery was Cordelia’s favourite thing. She thrived as an archer, learning the skill from a young age. She was decent with a sword, but when it came to archery, she was the best in the family. It was a great stress relief for the young woman and something she was deeply passionate about. She had been excited when Zuan forced Thea into archery lessons, hoping to find something to share with her cousin - but she was not entirely surprised or did not go well. Disappointed, but not surprised.

“I think we will have our hands full with Winnie. She’s rather rebellious and stubborn for a fourteen month old. And to think she’s capable of much before she can even walk…. She was crawling on the ceiling yesterday. The ceiling! I’m concerned and at my wits end with her. She’s a sweetheart, but she sure knows how to give a heart attack. It doesn’t help that her powers are different to Rhozin’s. He can’t guide her in the same way. Nooooo, she had to inherit the ancient and rare family gifts.”
Countess Cordelia Zabel (Winterbourne) Everhart-Gellygen of the Highlands, the Horned Wolf
Big Sister to Elisabeth “Elisa” | Cousin to High King Zuan, Thea, & more
Married to Rhozin Gellygen of Kiene | Mother of Winter Pearle and Keir
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Re: [CRP] A Trip To The Highlands

Post by Thea »

Thea had never realized that her cousin was familiar with her former archery instructor. She felt a tinge of guilt at this realization, but not too much. Cordelia clearly found the whole story humorous.

"But think of the amazing story he can now tell everyone! He can forever tell the world that he had nearly been killed by the least-behaved Winterbourne and how he just barely escaped with his life."

When Cordelia moved on to the spectacular and gravity-defying antics of the adorable little girl known as Winter Pearl, Thea had to suppress another snort of laughter. Poor Cora was likely at her wits' end. Her perfectionist cousin likely was struggling with the lack of control and general knowledge of raising a toddler like little Winnie.

"I think you and I should go to the winery together for some cousin bonding, Cora. I think you could use a tiny break from being the mature responsible Winterbourne cousin and I could definitely use some wine."
Dorathea "Thea" Sanchari Winterbourne| Baroness of Latona | The Red Wolf
Cousin of the Winterbournes | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen & Inez | Wife of Aileigh
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Re: [CRP] A Trip To The Highlands

Post by Aileigh »

Aileigh was a bit surprised to learn of Thea’s history with her archery instructor. Still, it was very on par for her rebellious wife. She giggled and took a sip of tea. When Thea offered to make the wine trip a cousin thing, she felt appreciative of having an out. So she was quick to chime in, “Yes, you two go bond. I’ll enjoy the quiet and read up on those books. I can’t say I’m eager to hop onto a horse. This travel was draining with all the children.”

Cordelia didn’t seem to mind or think it odd as she responded with, “Sounds like a plan then.”

The conversation and drinks continued to flow for another hour or so until the yawns kicked in. It was good to catch up and spend some time with each other, but ultimately they decided to call it a night. After all, they had all week to hang out.

Come morning, Aileigh found that she had slept soundly and slept in. She was slow to get up and dressed, enjoying a taste of vacation leisure. Thea was stirring by the time she left the room, but she let her wife be. She headed downstairs to the dining room where she found her friends eating breakfast, along with the army of children. She smiled and offered a good morning as she sat down.

“How did you sleep?”

“Well, thank you. I am looking forward to a day of relaxation!”
Aileigh took a sip of orange juice, followed by a bite of bacon. “Thea should be down soon.”

Not long after she spoke did Lenora start fussing. She held her arms out to the nanny and was given her baby, who was promptly cuddled close to her chest. Lenora began to settle down rather quickly in her mother’s arms. She had been showing a tendency of favoritism for the black haired mother over the nanny. Aileigh did not see this as a problem, especially since Lenora was otherwise a perfect angel. She was easily the best babe they had so far.

“Winter really is getting big.” Bright eyes fixated on the little redhead, with her plump and rosy cheeks and a big smile.
Aileigh Mae Maraah Sanchari Winterbourne | Seer of BDR | Viscountess of Ettinford
Wife to Thea | Mother of Zevander, Corabel, Elodie, Lenora, Ezra, Imogen, Inez
Daughter of Aishe & Akos
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Re: [CRP] A Trip To The Highlands

Post by Cordelia »

Little Winter woke in a good mood. Overall, she had a good temperament, albeit stubborn and at times, silly. She greeted her mother from her crib with a squeal, holding her arms up with the desire to be held.

“Mamamamama!” Her excited greeting was met with kisses and cuddles. Her mother was her favourite person in the whole world, bonding closely to Cordelia. She loved her father too, he was silly and doted on her too, but there was the mother-daughter bond that held true.

Grey eyes enjoyed the familiar surroundings as she was brought downstairs to the dining hall. Clogwyn Keep was really the only home she knew, being much too young to recall Hart Helm, even from her current young age. She liked the Keep; she felt safe and thrived within the old stone walls. She was sat in a high chair and promptly given her favourite food - a banana. She picked up the pieces herself, which sometimes she struggled with, and fed herself like a big girl. She was met with praise, which made her squeal, “Nananana.”

As she was eating, one of her other favourite people came to sit at the table. She gave a happy wave to Aileigh with a gibberish greeting, a wave which was well received and returned. As the adults spoke, she continued to focus on her banana.

It was slippery and her chubby little fingers struggled to get it off the plate. After trying a few times, she got frustrated. Instead of fussing like a baby might, she decided to use another tool to feed herself. She wiggled her fingers, grey eyes fixated on the banana as a warmth overcame her senses. Her attention span was short, but her determination kept her focused. Soon, the banana pieces lifted into the air.

Now, Winnie had a hard time controlling her powers. She was, after all, only one and a half. It was all instinct, like breathing, but when it came to actual control, it could be unpredictable. However, she plucked the sticky banana slice out of the air and shoved it into her month with success. Lifting another piece, she was able to repeat the process. The third time though, she got overexcited. The banana went too high too quickly and before she knew it, it hit the high ceiling. She belly laughed as it stuck to the ceiling, reaching her hands up as if she could reach it. When it became apparent there was no way to reach it, she got fussy. She was buckled into the high chair, an annoying measure her parents took to keep her from flying away.

“Nananana!” She cried.


Countess Cordelia Zabel (Winterbourne) Everhart-Gellygen of the Highlands, the Horned Wolf
Big Sister to Elisabeth “Elisa” | Cousin to High King Zuan, Thea, & more
Married to Rhozin Gellygen of Kiene | Mother of Winter Pearle and Keir
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