A Naming and Blessing

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A Naming and Blessing

Post by Tuvoria »

Let it be known the Senators, Heartlanders, and Noble Creatures, Tuvoria and Wyllow Ralathondor of The Sunspears Family, from Bravia City, hereby invite all of our family and friends to a special event. In 6 days time the will hold a special service combining traditions from the Celtic Druids and the Ancient Sylvan Elfs as they name and dedicate their twin boys, recently born before the great Thanksgiving festival. Please come and celebrate the expansion and blessing of our family.

Tuvoria & Wyllow Ralathondor

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Re: A Naming and Blessing

Post by Tuvoria »

The day had come at last. A day that Tuv thought would never occur after Wyllow was stuck in the realm of limbo and lost their first child. He smiled as he watched Wyllow still sleeping and he glanced at the twin bassinets. Both boys looked beautiful as they to slept. Tuv got dressed in his formal and traditional Elvish attire then set about getting the kettle on and breakfast ready. He then set about waking up Wyllow. As he did the first born started waking. Tuv smiled down at his son, picked him up, and began rocking him in the chair he made as he waited for his beautiful wife to get ready. Today is going to be a day yo remember, he thought to himself as he listened to his son coo in his arms.

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Re: A Naming and Blessing

Post by Wyllow »

A great smile spread upon her face as her eyes fluttered open to view her husband with one of their sons in his arms. Sliding out of bed, she dressed quickly. She was very excited that the day had finally come for the boys to finally get their official names. There was much to do, but first, she retrieved their second born and smiled.

Time to get these two ready for a busy day! She looked to her husband and grinned. Ive ordered a cake, it should be here in a few hours. Ive also had Gabriel secure drink and various foods to be set out for anyone that would like some. He should be here around noon to set things up in the garden. She spoke as she buzzed around getting the babes into cute little outfits. She had no idea if many people would show up, but it really didnt matter. She had her family and that is all that mattered.

Is there anything I am forgetting? She looked to her husband...
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Re: A Naming and Blessing

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv smiled as he watched Wyl scurry about getting the boys ready. He truly felt blessed.

No my love, I think we have things set. I have Jack putting up the covered Arbor and he has a crew putting up a tent top for our guests. All that is left is for you to relax, get yourself ready, and then come kiss me before things get hectic.

Tuv smiled as he stood up. He sat his cup on the table and walked over to his wife. He wrapped his arms around her as he kissed Wyl.

I am so lucky to have you as my wife. And I am so blessed to have you and the boys in my life. I have been waiting for this day for so long. Now shall I carry you to the bedroom, bath, or out to a snowbank?

Laughing as he waited for Wyl to respond, Tuv started carrying his love towards their room.

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Re: A Naming and Blessing

Post by Wyllow »

A snowbank? Brrrrrr! she mock shivered.

She laughed at the thought. She was amazed at how well things came together. She glanced around things were going to be just perfect. And if not, it was no matter. She grinned at her loving husband.
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Re: A Naming and Blessing

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv sat Wyl down on the bed and gave her a quick kiss as he said he was heading out to greet any guests. Once outside he saw a few people already about. Tuv then stepped up onto the platform set up and addressed those already there.

Greetings my friends, family, and neighbors. Today is a special day for Wyllow and myself, and in the life of our family. The Mages have blessed us with healthy twin boys. Today we will have a special ceremony that honors our joint heritage as we officially name our boys. Later our family priestess, Katie, will offer a special blessing. Wyllow is getting the boys ready. So until then enjoy the food and beverages my friends.

Tuv then stepped down, grabbed some hot apple cider and began mingling amongst the crowd.

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Re: A Naming and Blessing

Post by Wyllow »

She smiled as she brought the boys out of the house, ready to meet all. As she walked around she made small chat. But soon it would be time to announce their names. The food and drink was flowing easily. And her nerves fluttered away.

Settling down at the table, she held both lovingly in her arms. Such joy and amazement surrounded her. A life long dream come true. She looked to her husband affectionately, knowing the pride she saw there. Soon, they would be traveling and seeing the sights as something a little more whole. A family.

It also made her thought about how protective she had become. Never could she ever express the changes in her with becoming a parent. She chatted then with the person next to her, and she felt pride brighten inside.
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Re: A Naming and Blessing

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuv knew it was time to get things started and excusing himself, made his way to the makeshift stage. He then set out a bowl, a jar of lanolin, an orange, and his knife on the table before him. He then had his steward, Jack, hand him a special box. Tuv then motioned for Wyllow to join him with the boys.

It is time we begin. I want to thank you all for joining Wyl and myself on this special day. As many of you know, last year it was believed that a day like this would never come. In fact many of us felt that my lovely wife would be lost to limbo.That said the Mages gave her back to us and blessed us with these two boys.
Tuv then grabs the box that Jack gave him, opens it, and sets two large hand carved wood acorns on the table

For those who are family or very close friends, you know the significance of these two acorns. The represent the union and strength of the bond that Wyllow and I have. They, along with an orange blossom where a major part of our wedding ceremony. Today they will play a part in the public naming of our sons.

Tuv then grabbed the lanolin and put it into the bowl. He then sliced the orange in half and squeezed the juice out of each half into the lanolin. He then stirred it together and put the mixture back into the orange rinds

What I have just done is a combination of old Celtic tradition, representing Wyllow, and ancient Elven lore, representing myself. These mixtures will be used two anoint the two acorns that have come from the oak tree that is our marriage.
Tuv then took the older boy, laid him on his back on the table. Then dipping his thumb in the mixture, he drew a line on the forehead and down both cheeks.

You my son, being first born, shall take the eleven title of what you represent. The acorn produced by Wyllow and myself. Therefore my little acorn, you shall henceforth be known as Doron Ralathondor.

Tuv handed Doron back to his mother as he took the younger son. Laying him down on the table, Tuv marked his face just like he did with Doron.

You my son, being second born shall carry the Druidic name from your mother's history for the acorn you are.
Thus my son, henceforth you shall be known as Durie Ralathondor.

Tuvoria then set the remaining lanolin mixture on fire and lifted the bowl towards the sky.
May the fire here be a symbol of your two lives. Forever united and may the fire of your two lives be a light and beacon for others for many, many years to come. Huzzah. Let us now celebrate your names. If anyone else wishes to say anything, I now invite you up
Tuv then picked up Durie in his arms and took a seat next to Wyllow and Doron.

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Re: A Naming and Blessing

Post by Wyllow »

She listened as everyone else did as the two boys were finally given names to ground them. Not to just family, but in the whole tree that was our lives.

Tears rolled down her cheeks with pride as she took the babes. The way the words had been delivered touched her in such a way that made her heart swell. But it was like that with Tuvoria. The man could melt her heart without even trying.

She stood then as if to show off their sons. More proud than she ever thought she could be. She nodded and smiled before taking her seat again. She glanced to her husband, very proud of the man he was. Doron and Durie cooed in her arms. Both such happy babies. She couldnt ask for more. Her life had truly been blessed.
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Re: A Naming and Blessing

Post by Ambrosia »

A gathering was something Ambrosia hadn't been to in a long time. Her life used to be full of events, dinner parties, and barely a breath of loneliness. The times for her had shifted long since she had been raised from the dead in Cork. A jaded recluse better defined her in the time of now. The invitation brought a small smile to her lips, but she instantly felt anxious. Should she bring something? Should she bring gifts? Would it be in bad taste to bring an animal?

Today was the day. She burrowed comfortably in her coat and headed into the snow flurry to the gathering. Her chilled fingers finding solace in her pockets, as she whistled to herself the way there. An arched brow at the gathered crowd, "Mages. Am I late?" the whispered thought hid behind the neutral expression on her face. A forceful tug of the corner of her lips as she waved to those familiar in the crowd gathered. Just before she heard Tuvoria's voice and turned to the ceremony as it started. Offering a small wave, the curiosity within her grew.

Ambra thought back to months ago, giving a simple nod to the first part of the speech. A slight tilt of her head as her bright blue hues zoned in on the acorns and the orange blossom. She tried to remember if she had been part of the wedding, but her mind betrayed her. She remained poised and quiet during the naming ceremony and took it all in. Patience wasn't something that had died with her in the past, so she would wait for the right time.

Lithe steps carried her up to the center, and she smiled brightly whilst her gaze bounced from the babes to their parents. "That was a nice ceremony. I don't think I've seen one before. Welcome to Bravia, little Doron & Durie." Ambra spoke gently, before her attention was back fully on the parents. "Ah, such lovely babes you have. Thank you for including us in the moment." With a bow to the rest of the crowd, she'd wait to see if any others came up as well.
Sister to Dahlia, Zuan, Zhou, & Sera. RIP Razen & Cara (Trinity)
Great-great-great-great-great granddaughter of Rannek
TY Aishe for the banner!
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