🌾Little Brook (ORP - Home Thread)

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🌾Little Brook (ORP - Home Thread)

Post by Chailyn »

She settled at the small kitchen table and looked around. Oh grandmother. She sighed. What have you left me with? She said suddenly, as she reached across the table and picked up a few parchments, reading them carefully.

It had been hard losing her grandmother, as she was the last known relative she knew of. She shook her head as she looked at the notice in her hand. It would have to be paid quickly. The woman had been an enigma. In her younger years, she had lived here, and gotten on with the women well. She was kind and well-meaning to most she met. So much so, that she couldn't ever see herself as good and wholesome as the woman that raised her. Yet, she would always strive to be just that.

Sometime in her life, like all children, she found herself needing more, thus her time to find who she was. To grow as a person. She had been away for at least 6 years... So much had changed since then. Her 22nd year here, and her grandmother ..now gone.

Her shoulders slumped. The home kept its closed in warmth and charm, but it felt empty without the woman who had made it that way. A tear slipped down her cheek as she remembered her grandmother. It was time to make the place her own. She was no longer that roaming young woman trying to find herself.

Getting to her feet, she started the job of sorting through everything. Something she had been putting off for the last couple weeks.
Last edited by Chailyn on Tue Mar 26, 2024 10:48 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: 🌾Little Brook (ORP - Home Thread)

Post by Chailyn »

Having worked her way through many stacks of collected pieces of parch, she found herself nearly buried beneath a mound. She chuckled to herself. Her grandmother was a pack rat, though her home was always warm, clean, and welcoming to those who visited.

The day had bled into evening easily as she worked through the house clearing clutter and things that needed to go, versus items she wanted to stay. Moving into the living room, she started a fire in the heart for the evening. The paper would aid in many evening fires. Keeping some near, the rest she began bundling up. It wasn't until her stomach let her know it was late, that she halted for the day. A quick meal of oats and dried meat was satisfying enough that she could settle herself to the bedroom to try get some needed sleep. It would be a while still, going through everything, to then finally be able to make the cottage her own.
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Re: 🌾Little Brook (ORP - Home Thread)

Post by Chailyn »

It felt like ages, but finally she had gone through most of the house and removed things that were no longer needed, or were personal items only her grandmother would use. It was hard to get rid of certain things.. she even kept a few items, like the elder woman's house coat - to let it hang from a raw nail that had been hammered into the wall in the hallway to serve as place for the house coat to hang.

The rest, most, she would burn to discard.

There wasn't much in ways of trinkets of wealth, as they were not a wealthy lot. Their riches came in the form of friendships and what little family they had, rather than physical pieces. Things to be lost or stolen anyways. Though, she smiled to herself - admittingly, she did like a bit of gold, if she had to be truthful. Of the precious metals out there, above gems and trinkets, gold would always catch her eye.

Another days work fulfilled, she settled into the warm little cottage after securing more firewood. She cherished the quiet evenings, even though sometimes they seemed a little too quiet. But for the most part, she was happy and safe. For now, that was all she required. Soon, she would need to start securing more work locally. Sadly, she couldn't hide away forever.
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Re: 🌾Little Brook (ORP - Home Thread)

Post by Chailyn »

The cool morning sun greeted her as she gathered wood and did other chores around the little cottage before she headed into town. It was time she took an active look for some well-needed work. Entering the town, she noticed a marketplace. Her eyes lit up at all the goodies she couldn't yet afford.

She wandered the market for probably way too long but just enjoyed the sounds of all the chatter. The noise itself filled her full of hope and contentment in a way. To be surrounded by those who were shopping and perusing all the wares brought her a strange joy.
Selecting a few items, she moved to a place that posted jobs. To her surprise, she was able to take what felt like a prestigious job that paid rather well. It was strange to her that she was even able to take such a job, but she was so in need of the coin, that she didn't bat an eye when they shouted to sign up.

With her meal and a few other things in tow, she returned home. Tonight would be... interesting. A wink of sleep before she returned to the town hall.
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Re: 🌾Little Brook (ORP - Home Thread)

Post by Chailyn »

The night seemed to drag on forever. With nothing to report, she collected her pay and headed home. The sun was just starting to wake, but still was very sleepy in the sky, she noted, as she trudged home. It was very early in the day still, as the chill still clung in the air.

Her feet quite heavy, she entered the little home. It didn't even matter to her if the door clicked closed or not. She didn't make it past the small couch in the front room. Too much effort to keep going to the little bedroom. Feet curled up, she decided a field job might be the way to go as her last thought before she entered a heavy dream world. Soft snores could be heard before her head even settled on the little cushion pillow.
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Re: 🌾Little Brook (ORP - Home Thread)

Post by Chailyn »

Having now been in her new home for some time now, she was glad that the town seemed quiet enough. She felt at peace as she walked the woods surrounding her place, looking for the right tree to fall. Chopping wood wasn't new to her, though she had rarely done it in the past. She figured this is what it meant to own your own place. Certain chores had to be done. It didn't matter if you were tired after a long day, or worked nights... she thought about maybe getting a pet, though nothing appealed to her in town.

She had ordered a tea in the tavern once and heard talk of pets that could be gained in travel. She had mulled it over for a while now. Perhaps right now wasn't the time. She sighed, then spotted the perfect tree. It was already on the ground.. half the work done?

Cutting up what she could, she decided that a cart of some sort might have been a good idea. Shaking her head at herself, she carried what she could and decided to return for the rest at a later time. Cart in tow!
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