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Feedback from You

Posted: Mon Apr 01, 2024 8:42 pm
by Zachrin
I have put together an anonymous form for our players to be able to provide feedback: ... sp=sf_link

No one is required to put their username in it if you do not feel comfortable as I want to get all feedback that you may want to share. If you want to provide your username, I will be happy to have it as well. I will keep the survey up for about 2 weeks.

Re: Feedback from You

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:02 am
by Wyllow
Curious on the update for this...

Also -Was there also a poll for opening up the map to other places to inhabit? (Even if ran with an AI government) I would absolutely love to hear if this was going to be possible.)

Re: Feedback from You

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:36 am
by Aishe
I can’t imagine residences besides Bravia and Fenia will become an option anytime soon due to player population.

The towns are so small as it is. If you open more options for people, it’ll scatter the population and destroy the towns we have already, as well as not set up new places for success. :(

And I say this being a firm believer for three VRs. I have had very serious discussions and attempts with Zachrin in the past few years about opening another VR for PCs. It’s just with such a low population, it’s not a good idea right now. Hopefully that’ll change.

Re: Feedback from You

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 2:51 pm
by Wyllow
This was part of the poll:

Would you like to see the Additional Character System Expanded?

0 Yes - Maybe Up to 5 different Characters just in the two VR's
0 Yes - Maybe Up to 5 different Characters with the potential to open VR's on the other side of the continent to give a new dynamic to RP
0 No
0 I'm Indifferent

I think this would have real possibility - otherwise we face a collapse here. 2 VR's just isnt dynamic enough. I dont see what it can hurt. I'd love to create another character in some far off area of the map. We already are trading with other VR's...
Id also love a use for things like dates and all the other foods that have just uses for just eating and saving in our storages.
They could be used for various things like more options to feed animals, such as cows or pigs or chickens or even pets since certain foods for pets are not always easily found. Wheat really is an expensive option for feeding animals on a VR level and a player level. Or for preserves or different pies.. Or maybe in the months of October and Novermber, ONLY we can use 5-7 fruits and veg. to make Thanksgiving dinners. (Out of Carrots, Cauliflower, Onions, Radish, Dates, lemons, apples, artichokes, turnips, Leg of Rabit, jalapenos, cantaloupe)
Or perhaps hippogriff eggs give you travel boosts for a week, (Like redbull they give you wings?) rather being the form it is today, because you would think that they would be something special rather than what they currently are, which is quite sad. Just another thing to eat and not do anything for us.

Anyhow that is where my brain imagination goes at times. I love this game and think we could be exciting here too... I know that means more work for Zachrin. =( The possibility of living in different areas has great appeal to me. Maybe some wish to become hermits, or there is an Area for just Dragons.. or other creatures. We have this huge map and we hardly use it.

If VR's evolved for easier operations, lowering cost of bodies to run and finances, imagine ALL the VR's we could have. The less players we have the less people want to be in government offices stuck in their vr. I love traveling around. There are a few of us out there that do enjoy it immensely. More characters registered equals more bodies to dip their toes into working VR's, as long as people are not abusing it, why not? We already have towns that have ONE person doing every town job, which was never meant to be... And lets be realistic about VR's, we have seen done exactly the same. I quit being on council years ago because of that. So why not embrace it. Make VR's only need 3-4 bodies to operate? You know as well as I do, we've done that already, we just call it musical chairs in the real world. :lol: :lol:

Re: Feedback from You

Posted: Sat Jun 22, 2024 10:05 pm
by Zachrin
The Top 2 results from the offsite Anonymous Poll was:

1) I'm Indifferent at 45%
2) Yes - Maybe Up to 5 different Characters with the potential to open VR's on the other side of the continent to give a new dynamic to RP at 31%

This has me brainstorming a bit in my mind.