[RP] Times Change....

Where the people from the towns can meet and interact

[RP] Times Change....

Post by Bloodwyvern »

(OOC.... leaving this open, but it has a general direction in mind for now... you'll see *grins*)

Bloodwyvern.... He wasn't the most popular of Orcs.. he was reguarly called a bigot, simply because he thought every non Orc was worth less than dirt! bah... Some people truly did not know superiority when they saw it.... They would all know in time.... If they had seen the Orcs at their full power... vast armies of steel and fire, war cries shaking the very earth....a sight that the bards would sing off for centuries.... but alas those days were long gone.

Bloodwyvern shook his head, picking up his glass of ale and downing the stuff slamming the glass onto the table with a loud bang and sighing heavily.... he was an orc trapped among Humans.... The things got everywhere, they were worse than bloody cockroaches. He sighed And stood turning to leave when he suddenly felt dizzy, he stumbled sideways and his hand caught the bar. Groaning his world began to go black and he collapsed to the floor with a loud metallic crash...

"Are you sure of it brother?"
a voice said in thick Orcish through the blackness "Are you sure that he is...the one in the prophesy?"

"Yes I am sure!" snapped a more elderly voice, Blood's vision slowly began to return, blurred.... he was surrounded by fuzzy green shapes "He fits every part....But We cannot allow this to come true! We cannot allow the fall of our people!"

Then another voice came, along with the sound of someone moving under heavy armour, everything blood saw was still blurry, but he could tell it was dark...and they were Orcs....but he couldn't move "Then we kill the boy. Simple" Blood recognised the voice... it was his chieftain... his..father...

"We cannot kill him you fool!" the elderly voice shouted again "He has power beyond your imagining! the gods wrath would wipe us out!" .

The chieftain grunted "Then what do you propose....Shaman." his last word contained a hint of distaste... many war-chiefs had a particular dislike of their shamans, tolerated for their useful skills... but held in disdain because they relied on otherworldly powers.

"We seal the power. We contain it!"
the voice contained a hint of anger, exasperation.

Then suddenly the sound of a sword being pulled from its sheath was heard and another figure came into view "If he is the one prophesied we must finish this he will be the death of us all! The son of... that.... monster.... It is horrific to comprehend!

Then suddenly a clash of steel was heard as the disagreement became nasty, the figures descended into a flurry of combat, The screams of the wounded, the crash of the blades slowly became more distant...

Blood suddenly awoke, his head was on fire, the ... vision still burning into his head. He felt his heart beating at a million miles an hour and swore in Orcish, a hint of fear crossing his face "What...what was that...." he said slowly his mind suddenly falling back to his encounters with the strange being....the one who had made him feel....different....this must be her doing...and what was all that talk of prophesy!? of sealing?! Blood groaned and clutched at his head, slowly getting to his feet...

Re: [RP] Times Change....

Post by Bloodwyvern »

It had been a few weeks since the last vision... it had haunted Blood, given him doubt, but he continued on, complaining about the cockroaches (the human ones mostly) ranting about Orcish superiority and practicing his sword technique... He had, for him, become somewhat of a recluse however. He had began to spend more and more time practicing use of his blade, cleaning it, sharpening it, it took his mind of the vision...what it could mean for him. Blood was sure he was merely a lucky Orc who survived combat through his own skill...but then why was the vision so real....why was he seeing it from a young Orcs point of view.

He sighed heavily and looked at his blades edge, running a finger along it and and nodding as it drew a small drop of crimson blood. He slid the sword back into its sheath and stood, slowly turning to go to the tavern to get some meat...He was running out of Goblin jerky. Then suddenly his head began burning again, causing blood to cry out and stumble forwards, his hands over his eyes as he crashed to his knees, the agony was intense as he collapsed sideways, his world darkening again...

The air tasted of freshly spilt blood, the groan of someone on the brink of death and the sound of another making a killing blow was heard.... Blood was lying upon the floor staring up at the sky when two figures walked over him "Damned fool..." An armoured figure muttered...it was the chieftan again.... "We specifically stated no drawn weapons to avoid this,..." The Orc sighed and the sound of a blade being slid into its sheath could be heard. "The boy is still sedated?" the armoured Orc's eyes flicked down to blood.

Blood's vision was still blurry, but he could make out individuals. The second voice spoke, an elderly one "He will be concious...but unable to move... We are safe."

"Good. Let us do this....sealing.... then"

"It is not so simple....we lost our conduit because of our...friends interference and I cannot risk sending out for another as he may have manifested by then....and no others of your tribe can know, even your bodyguard had trouble accepting it.... We must move him to the mountains for a time.... I need to think of something"
Both Orc's looked at eachother and Blood felt himself roughly hauled up and dragged....The Shaman leaning his head down and muttering some words, causing Bloods vision to blacken again....

Blood Opened his eyes back in the present, his head still on fire, his entire body feeling sick....manifesting.... What was the old fool talking about! Blood grunted and slowly stood, kicking out a stool violently sending it flying. He was frustrated, he had no idea what was happening. He threw his head back and bellowed into the air loudly "WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME?!??!" his question wasn't aimed at anyone in particular...more of a random shouts to the gods, but perhaps it was also a cry to the creature he had encountered earlier.....

Re: [RP] Times Change....

Post by Elysium »

And she watched what she would call her child, as he struggled with his visions. Memories were such a strange thing for ones who lived in time, when she herself did not live in specific time frames. There were no such things as 'memories' for her. Her remembering was herself reliving the experience just as it had happened. Though she did not always watch him, she did seem to check in on him from time to time. Rather he heard whispers in his sleep, or the wind just a little colder than it was. And then today, there she was.

He buckled over, and relived his own past, before throwing himself to the air about him. He aimed his question at her, no doubt. However, above him she was not. Instead, the ground below him stirred, and bugs emerged from the ground and ran in separate directions, scattering in a panic as the earth rose in it's figure of pure dirt, shedding away to reveal only more dirt as it formed the body of a woman. Her arms rose as she danced in her form of nature, spinning around him in a delicate dance. She swept clean the earth from her body, and revealed herself to him. Her hair was risen above her head, clean and white as the snow. It was as though she were swimming in water, although the land was dry. Her head tilted her head as she looked at him.

'O Child,
blame this one not!'
said the whispers of a thousand souls that pulsed through the orcs head. Her expression was blank, her red eyes blazing into his.

Re: [RP] Times Change....

Post by Bloodwyvern »

The Orc stepped back as the figure of dirt appeared, looking wary as it slowly shed the layers of the earth to reveal the form he knew... The old feeling fell over him, one of fascination, fixation...But unlike the last time, his anger was outweighing his desire to understand her more, his confusion was too great. Then her words hit him, she ....spoke them within his head, it was an unsettling experience... "Then tell me what is happening!" the Orc said in common, still unsure whether the creature would understand his mother tongue. "What....do the visions mean....You must know?" his voice contained just a hint of desperation....something very rare for any Orc, let alone one as proud and perhaps arrogant as Bloodwyvern was wont to be.

Re: [RP] Times Change....

Post by Elysium »

She smiled, and it was no ordinary smile. She knew, oh yes. But it was not this ones time to know. She breathed out, or at least it seemed as though she did. Her breath came as a sweet wind, her body dipped and danced off to the side of him, never really touching the earth.

'Poor soul, are you. So much like the humans that you hunt..' the whispers taunted and played at his ears.

Re: [RP] Times Change....

Post by Bloodwyvern »

Those words angered Bloodwyvern....comparing him to...to...those THINGS that infested this earth. He rounded upon her, his eyes burning with fire as a hand slipped to the hilt of his freshly sharpened blade. "Never. Compare me to...those...those....THINGS!" The Orc growled angrily, baring his teeth slightly as he glared at her. "They...destroy all they touch, they come forward with promises of trade, wealth and then turn around and strike you down! They are lower than cockroaches!"

The Orcs chest heaved as he felt the anger coursing through him, more than it normally would at such a suggestion he breathed heavily glaring at her trying to control his rage as it flowed through his blood "I am nothing like those....things..."

Re: [RP] Times Change....

Post by Elysium »

She laughed, but like all things her, it was out-worldly. It was shrill and if allowed beyond that of his ears only, it would shatter glass. Instead of jagged laughter, it was one solid shrill high-pitched sound. While this painful sound emerged from the depths of her, and into his ears only, the voices spoke again,

'Such a gift you were given and you waste your difference on energy spent on human emotions...'

She reached for him, her movements slow, as if time itself slowed at her command, and yet, actions too swift to stop, as her index and middle finger touched the center of his forehead. The touch of her skin would burn, not of fire, not of ice, but something much different that yet felt the same.

'Remember more..'

Re: [RP] Times Change....

Post by Bloodwyvern »

Blood would have stopped her, but he could not, a mixture of confusion at the word gift, and slight awe of her meant that she could touch his forehead....and it burned... it burned horrificly as he fell to his knees once more, collapsing to the side as the memories came flooding back..... his eyes rolled into his head and he blacked out...

He heard pacing and muttering and two men arguing... he recognised both voices from his earlier dreams. "It has been two weeks now shaman! and you have nothing! The Humans are marching on our borders again, perhaps the boy could be of use there... he may not be of age but if you are right he could decimate the humans for generations!"

The elderly voice retorted angrily, but in a manner that implied this conversation had been had many times "He is the son of keltirech! You know the stories as well as I! He would destroy the humans but with each kill he would become more and more powerful, none would be able to control him! He would destroy us all!" The shaman paced around annoyed before appearing in front of blood "I cannot keep him sedated much longer....he will learn to break it... I have thought of a single way to contain the.... 'gift'.... But the cost....is heavy...." The shaman sighed heavily and turned back to look at the chieftan

"I will have to die to contain him...the seal will be nigh unbreakable by any without the power of a god..." The shaman looked back at Blood and back to the chieftain "For the good of our race...it must be done..."

Bloods eyes suddenly snapped open, he was lying upon the floor curled up...his head on fire as he slowly stumbled to his feet...confusion upon his face as he uttered "Keltrirech..." a slight hint of fear within his words...

Re: [RP] Times Change....

Post by Elysium »

She listened and watched his memory with interest. Keltrirech. Of course this she knew already, but hearing the name in a form of words was always interesting to her. mortal beans always viewed such with fear, and with fear came a dangerous weapon that all possessed. To destroy what they feared. That's what the Shamen attempted without ticking off the rest of the gods.

She took her burning fingers off his forehead and looked down at him with slight amusement. And as he repeated the name, her body began to sink back into the earth under her very, very slowly.

Re: [RP] Times Change....

Post by Bloodwyvern »

Blood had been about to ask the question, what gift, what was happening, among other things, when Elysium began to shrink into the earth, disappear. Blood made a grab at her arm, unsure if it would work or not "No! Tell me what is happening!" he shouted, if it had not been for his stubborn pride he may have said please, but for the moment formalities didn't matter, he needed to know had happened to him, what the visions had meant....they couldn't possibly be about him could they?
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