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NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 3:44 pm
by NotJack
Jack wandered back and forth along the river bank. He now felt confident that he had everything needed to be a respectable citizen of Paz. He had shoes, he had a broccoli patch growing in a spot of sunlight, he even had a sign next to it saying "NotJack Lives Here".

Of course, pants would be a certain necessity if he were to make it in society, but he also felt he lacked something else, something the more prominent locals had. He came upon a familiar stump and sat upon it. He pulled out a stick and began tracing thoughts into the peaty dirt.

Thinking of a prominent citizen, he drew the mayor, Maria.


What did she have that he didn't? He drew Dalton her husband.

What a crazy thought! Jack didn't need a husband!

He drew her veggie field and her chickens.

Heck, what use did he have for chickens!

He tapped his stick while thinking and dragged it along the ground in a semi-circle. That's when the idea made sense! She had a house! He needed a house if he were to be a respectable citizen!

He looked about the river bank for a few minute for houses. No luck. (Aside from a badger's house, but his mother always warned him badgers make horrible room-mates.) Alas, there were also neither a brick to be seen. He heard a slap up the river and knew some water animal must be making it's home in the lake.

Grinning, he grabbed up a handful of pebbles and snuck through the underbrush. Once in sight of the large mound the watery rats were working on, he took careful aim for a nearby bush. It would be such fun to see them looking around for the source of a phantom noise in the forest. He wound up to throw and then noticed something. They were building a house! He got an idea.

He dropped the pile of pebbles into the lake and ran, swiftly for his spot on the river bank. Grabbing spry branches and twigs he made the frame of a house and wove a structure for support, much like a basket. He grinned as he looked up at the dome he had formed.


That should hold.

Suddenly a wind picked up and knocked a few branches loose. Jack grew rather upset and impatient with the wind. He yanked a large stick from the base of the hut and chased the wind about the river-bank for a few minutes. Returning to the hut, in ruins, he smacked it with the stick a few times for good measure and sat down to pout.

He thought, "I need something heavy and sticky to keep this together in the wind...."

Attempting to stand up he felt a pull on his tail, which had pushed into the wet clay of the river.

"Good plan."

He rebuilt his stick hut and covered it with a strong layer of clay. Thinking ahead, he created a doorway and windows and a hole in the roof where the smoke from his fires could escape. He was ready to call this place home. Returning to his sign, he drew an arrow pointing to his house:

"NotJack Lives THere -->"[sic]


That should do.

He sat in his house, arranging cups woven of leaves about the floor in preparation for guests to arrive.

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 3:24 pm
by Maria
Walking quietly through the forest, as she tended to do when she needed some peace or time to think, Maria felt drawn to the stream. Water was such a vibrant element, and although she wasn't a river fairy, she identified with it in a powerful way.

And as she came upon a stump, she looked down and found the most curious drawing on the ground.
“Hmmm,” she said aloud and to no one. It reminded her of a picture that Anj had drawn one day when she was much younger and just learning how to use an ink quill. Maria wondered about it and peered around, fully expecting to see a youngster close by. But instead she discovered a sign.
NotJack wrote: NotJack Lives THere -->
NotJack! She knew the name from the town register. She turned to look in the direction of the arrow and spied an abode, the likes of which she had never seen before. "I must go welcome him in person," and she walked over to his home and knocked on the door, wondering what kind of creature NotJack might be.

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Wed Jun 23, 2010 10:10 am
by NotJack
Jack had been rearranging the "cups" for what seemed like a few hours when he heard a knock at his mud hut and the resulting sound of dried dirty falling to the ground.

"VISITORS!!" he stated with unnecessarily exuberance. He rushed to the window to look out [the window does not face the door].

"Hmmm, ghosts maybe?" he headed to the door and poked his head out to give a greeting,


A grotesque face greeted Maria at the door, the visage appeared as a troll's head on a frog's body with a satyr's rump.

Jack looked up to see Maria.

"Goodness!" he said with surprise, "Greetings mistress mayor! If you please, one second." He grabbed some mud from the floor and whispered an imp's spell as he rubbed it on his face, altering his visage to appear a little more presentable,


"Mistress Maria, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. Please do come in I was about to have tea-- or would have if I had anything to boil tea in. I suppose I have water."

He offered her one of the leaf-en cups filled to the brim water, algae still floating at the top. He sipped from his own cup of muddy water.

*My apologies, Jack is living in a bit of a Spartan dwelling with a more-or-less care-free attitude.

**Made my own images.

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 2:44 pm
by Maria
Not quite knowing what to expect, Maria is further confused by the creature who answers the door... then disappears for a moment, only to return as a red devilish something or other! But pleased nontheless to be meeting a new Pazian, she understands that he may or may not be ready to receive visitors.
NotJack wrote:
"Mistress Maria, it is a pleasure to finally meet you. Please do come in I was about to have tea-- or would have if I had anything to boil tea in. I suppose I have water."
Taking the cup and noticing the algae, Maria smiles and focuses on her magic that she has been practicing as of late. "It's very nice to meet you finally! Why thank you for the drink Jack.... errrr... ummm... I'm sorry, you're not Jack, right? Do you prefer to be called Not?" While waiting for his response she inhales deeply and with focus, then blows ever so discreetly into the cup, glad that it's a leaf-en one with a wide brim. The water aerates and begins to bubble. The algae gathers on one side and she sips the water from the opposite side, glad for her strong fairy consititution.

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Thu Jun 24, 2010 3:01 pm
by NotJack
Jack quaffs the dirty water without even thinking about it. He bows, spilling some on the floor.

"Mistress Maria, you may call me whatever you please, though I do not prefer to be called 'Not'."

"Imps are mischievous creatures and I used to take pleasure in my brothers answering the question of 'Who broke this,' with 'not jack!'... Later they grew wise and pointed and said 'him.'"

He simply does not realize he hasn't clearly answered the question, he means he will respond to either Notjack or Jack at the addressee's pleasing.

"Ah, you may not get many imps this way, and if you do, I am certain you don't notice it. I am an imp. My interests include playing clever little jokes and tricks and swapping people's babies. Though I tend to do the later less, for lack of babies."

He gives a cheery smile.

"I hope we have made friends and, err, I'm new to the outside world, what type of creature are you?"

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 1:34 pm
by Maria
"Oh my! Swapping babies??? I'm sure that would create a bit of havoc. But you're right, there is a baby shortage in Paz. Although I hear that in Bravia town..." Maria stops short before she gives Jack any ideas... "In Bravia town they have strawberries!"

Putting her cup down with a smile, Maria realizes that he may not have known other fairies in the past.
"I'm a fairy, a bit nervous and forgetful much of the time but that's not a fairy trait, that's a mayor trait. Fairies are generally happy and we can be calm or even fierce sometime. We can manipulate the elements with some magical ability. Oh, and i can fly!" She flutters her wings and raises up in the air a wee bit.

Looking around the mud hut, she notices the cups that have been neatly arranged and looks at the little imp warmly. "You know Jack, you are the first imp I've had the pleasure of meeting. And I think there Paz will be a great place for you to play little tricks. In fact, maybe we can have some fun together! Although I have to make sure they're little tricks and not big ones. Being the mayor and all, I can't let anyone get hurt. But if you think of something very clever... something everyone can have a laugh about... maybe I can help."

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Sun Jun 27, 2010 4:16 pm
by NotJack
His eyes twinkle when she says she is a fairy, he had guessed as much-- though he had never seen a fairy-- but wanted to be sure. Besides, there was no sense tipping all of one's cards at once especially when the stakes were FUN. He recalled from idle chat that fairies and imps-- in general-- both enjoyed playing tricks. However, imps almost never got the attention they craved, while the fairies always garnered some sort of appreciation.

Listening intently, he stirs the water in his cup with a twig as she speaks of tricks, trying not to let his tail twitch in anticipation.
And I think there Paz will be a great place for you to play little tricks. In fact, maybe we can have some fun together! Although I have to make sure they're little tricks and not big ones.
He looks down recalling the time cousin PerhchanceLilly burned a house to the ground in a well-meaning practical joke. Sometimes, it seemed, imps didn't understand.

"Erm, begging your pardon, but what would you consider a "big trick"?

Absentmindedly, he looked out the window, thinking of delicious strawberries-- so much better tasting than beetles.

"Bravia has strawberries, does it? Maybe I should go there some day...."

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Tue Jun 29, 2010 4:58 pm
by Maria
"Well, I'd say a big trick would be anything that could harm someone. Even some little tricks could be big I suppose. Hmmm... maybe I need to think about it a bit more."

Looking thoughtful, she continued, "Of course my husband Datron, he doesn't wavier on these types of things at all. He has a very good sense of big and little. And it's very possible that I might think something little, only to find out later that it was really big.

Now a prudent fairy would run things by her clear-thinking husband to make sure she knew if a trick were big or little. Unless of course, the trick was being played ON her husband, in which case if she told him it would spoil all the fun. So I supposed that's what I should do. Run all tricks by Datron first, except the tricks we might play on him. And then I should be careful because if I were to play a trick on him, thinking it silly and fun, only to find out later that it was indeed a big trick... well, that could get me in an awful lot of trouble you see.

And speaking of my husband... I'm sure he's quite ready for dinner. Although having him wait a bit is kind of like playing a little trick. Don't you think?"

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Thu Jul 01, 2010 10:35 am
by NotJack
"Hehe, yes, that is a little trick, and I'd best not keep him waiting for his wife to return."

He tries to recall any spells to switch the road signs leading back to town (knowing he is not quite fast enough to do it himself), but is drawing a blank. Life outside of an imp town is confusing! One needs a husband to decide which tricks are big and which are little? Goodness, he may need a husband after all! Though something about that notion strikes him as unusual.

"Myself, I may wish to catch a fish or two, one grows tired of berries and broccoli when that is all one has to eat... but the darn things are so slippery...."

He, ponders for a second.

"What is it that you are having for dinner, Mistress Maria, if you don't mind my asking?"

Re: NotJack's Mudhut

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 2:20 pm
by Maria
"Hmmm..." Maria appears deep in thought for a brief moment before blurting out, "Fish! I think that's a wonderful idea Jack. I'll stop at the market on the way home and pick up some fresh fish. Would you like to join us for dinner?"