A wizards arrival to a new world

This is where the Kingdom of Fenia's main Inn is.

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Re: A wizards arrival to a new world

Post by Ava »

Yes Milady, the seeds were a sweet thought for a bird. However i think i would prefer the fresh fruit. If there is enough to share?

"Oh yes of course, Ozworth. There is plenty, and more where this came from if it isn't." Ava gets up and finds another plate from the cupboard. She places a couple big red strawberries, and a peeled banana on the plate and sets it on the table for him with a smile. "If you need anything else just say so."

Ava found herself holding her breath in wondering if this breakfast was sufficient for Ziel. It's hard to tell with him. Soon she found her lungs again when he spoke and seemed pleased with what she did have for them. She set her own plate with some strawberries a kiwi and a croissant, while she witnessed yet another teasing exchange between them. She reached for the jam at the precise second that Ziel did. Her hand lightly touched his and she drew back quickly. Blush warmed her cheeks, "I'm sorry, you go ahead Ziel."

Quickly changing the subject Ava says, "After we eat we can go to the bank and see about sorting out some money for the two of you." She cut up a kiwi and began to eat.

Re: A wizards arrival to a new world

Post by Ziel »

Ziel felt the warmth of Ava's hand upon his and saw the blush upon her face. He raised an eyebrow not really knowing what happened but something happened. He felt something warm in his stomach but it wasn't the meal. Taking the offer to use the jam first he finished placing it on his bread and sat the small jar close to Ava with a slight smile. Ozworth noticed as well the small contact and the electricity that was inspired. He thought perhaps his job might just be completed sooner than he thought.

Thank so much Milady for slicing the bananas they are sweet. This is much better than the rattlesnake eggs Ziel prefers.

Ozworth only rattlesnake eggs when i eat with just you. The lady would have loved the poached turtle dove eggs much more elegant with an unusal sweet taste.

He glanced again at Ava this time he let his eyes make direct connect with hers just a few seconds. He made note of those green eyes with just a few flecks of gold in those few seconds. The shape and the softness of her jaw the way the errant golden strand fell from behind her ear crossed ever so slowly before those emerald eyes. These are things Ziel never noticed before. Women were just men who cried in his mind. Not much difference and of no consequence. He had thought to be married and was in love with the idea of being in love. The poetry he read as young man beautiful and the thought of feeling that way was a happy thought. In his position he was to be married and had not choice to be confirmed bachelor. All his life he felt engaged to someone he just didn't know who she would be.
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Re: A wizards arrival to a new world

Post by Ava »

Ava ate slowly...the small contact with Ziel did more than cause her embarrassment, but she's still not sure what ... exactly. If it were just herself eating she would be just using her fingers. But with guests she feels the need to use proper table manners. She had a piece of kiwi half way to her mouth when Ziel sat the jar closer to her. She didn't miss the small smile...and was that confusion she saw?

Ozworth broke the silence.

Thank so much Milady for slicing the bananas they are sweet. This is much better than the rattlesnake eggs Ziel prefers.

"Huh? Oh..you're welcome Ozworth. I'm glad you're enjoying it." Ava blinked in confusion of her own and then Ziel spoke.
Ozworth only rattlesnake eggs when i eat with just you. The lady would have loved the poached turtle dove eggs much more elegant with an unusal sweet taste.

Ava looked at Ziel as he spoke, only to see that he was looking at her. She held his gaze for a few seconds, then looked back to her plate as her hand reached to tuck in an errant curl. What was he thinking? For that matter, what was SHE thinking? Feeling? Ava's stomach did little flip flops. She hasn't had that sensation since....is this the path the gods have placed before her? Ava inwardly shrugs and takes another bite.

Re: A wizards arrival to a new world

Post by Ziel »

Ozworth you are aware of our mission here perhaps you should give the woods a once over this morning and as the sunsets we could locate the gent.

Ozworth had just finished the last piece of banana and hopped up on Ziel's glass to wash it down with his orange juice. When Ziel suggested he look about the woods. He nodded his little head and reactivated his flames taking to the air flying off.

Taking last of the croissants Ziel looked again directly in Ava's eyes. He lingered much longer in her gaze. Words did not come to his mind. All he saw was beauty and grace in each of her movements. The tilt of the head the extension of the hand in spreading the jam. He could watch her for the rest of his life and still be amazed at the simplest motions. So this was woman something he had never payed attention to. He was beginning to think perhaps he ignored way to many things.

There you are! I had hoped you would come. If you would just follow me i can take you to the river.

The tiny fairy that had popped out of the crystal finally located Ziel. She fluttered about the room till she saw Ziel get up from the table then darted out the door leading the way.

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Re: A wizards arrival to a new world

Post by Ava »

Breakfast was comfortably silent, much to Ava's relief. When Ozworth finished his banana Ziel broke the silence, causing a small jump inside Ava's soul. Ozworth obeyed Ziel's words and left in firey flight to complete his mission. Ava watched him leave the cabin and wondered just exactly he was 'searching' for...what "gent" was Ziel referring to?? It was none of her business really, so Ava didn't question him, but chose to just wait, watch and see what her guests were up to.

Ava didn't miss that Ziel was watching her and it did strange things to her stomach. At times she actually looked into his stunningly blue eyes and wondered what he was thinking. As she finished her meal, she was in for yet another surprise, when a little fairy arrived. Ava watched in wonder as she flitted around the cabin.

There you are! I had hoped you would come. If you would just follow me i can take you to the river.

When Ziel stood up, so did Ava. A quick glance over the breakfast mess left her a bit dismayed, but she isn't about to miss out on whatever the fairy has in store for Ziel. Then she pauses in her step wondering if she is even invited. She wouldn't wish to intrude if this is something personal for Ziel. She looks at Ziel questioningly....?

Re: A wizards arrival to a new world

Post by Ziel »

Usually being single minded this time he did give thought to Ava. He extended his hand once he saw her rise.

Should you care to embark upon a small adventure? You see i am keeper of the crystal orb. I think perhaps you do not realize the responsibility that requires but suffice it to say i am at the beckon call of my subjects. There is a creature that this young-ling wishes me to take care of. I promise your safety is not in danger in the least. Should you care not to accompany me tis your choice and i would take this time to thank you for all your kindness and oh yes the door..tisk tisk

He tapped the cane to the floor and the door was instantly repaired. He lingered awaiting Ava's answer his and still extended as if he awaited her to take it.
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Re: A wizards arrival to a new world

Post by Ava »

Should you care to embark upon a small adventure?.....

Ava was so relieved that he was inviting her to go along. Her curiosity of each new thing that she has seen has made her wish to see more. Her head whipped to the right when he tapped the floor and the broken door was broken no more. She slowly looks back to Ziel and his extended hand. Her hand trembling slightly as she delicately placed her own in his, she looks into those blue eyes of his and smiles.

"I wouldn't miss this...you have me very curious about many things, Ziel." As they leave the cabin her eyes look over the door...she would never have known it had been broken if she hadn't seen it for herself. The breakfast dishes can wait till later. She walks with Ziel down the trail to the river...her hand still in his..the butterflies in her stomach doing a gold medal gymnastic routine. It is a beautiful day for a walk in the forest, and for some reason she has no fear for her safety. She is not one to trust people right away, but she trusts Ziel to keep harm at bay. This realization alone brings on more wonder of this man.

Re: A wizards arrival to a new world

Post by Ziel »

The Fairy lead them through the forest deeply through vines and stems, stumps and mud. Ziel was unmoved by the terrain but he kept gentle hold to Ava's hand and moved as many obstacles with the gentle tap of his cane as he could to ensure she was unmolested by any object he thought offensive. As they arrived in the fairy's village all was aglow and the sun began to set upon the basin of the river just to the left. Oranges and golds blended and sound of the gentle water flow illuminated the scene.

A young male played a stringed instrument and a young female began song welcoming the night.


Varies couples sat together by the fire holding each other. A few in tiny boats upon the water sat paddling off in pleasure and love. The night was dreamy and it seemed nothing could touch anyone here. Only peace and serenity would be in the shadow of the moon. The night glistened with fairy dust sparkling in every direction.

Ziel looked at Ava and he was touched by the spirit of the night. His heart filled to over flow and it spilled into his dancing shoes. He was still holding her hand he bowed majestically. He lifted her arm then stepped forward in tune to the music then back again. His other hand reach about her waist. The the waltz began.

The stars twinkled in time with the song, his heart kept beat with the rhythm. A tear slowly dropped down his cheek. Looking in those emerald eyes in the moonlight he was truly happy for the first time.
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Joined: Tue Nov 10, 2009 10:51 pm

Re: A wizards arrival to a new world

Post by Ava »

No words were spoken as they walked along the path to the river. With each tap of his cane stones or loose vines scurried from her path much to her amazement. They break through the last bit of brush and Ava gasps at the beautiful sites before her. They had just moments ago finished breakfast....yet here they discover the most beautiful, calming sunset. Ava has been to this river bank many times and has never seen this before.

She looks from the scene before her to Ziel. He bows gracefully and before Ava fully realizes what is happening he has swept her away in a lilting waltz. Her heart races as he skillfully leads her in this dance. Each gentle turn and spin ends with her gaze locked with his own. She hasn't a clue if her feet have touched the ground or not, but as the music goes on she finds herself hoping it never ends.

Looking into his blue eyes she sees the tear. Without thinking a soft fingertip captures that tear and she softly smiles at her intriguing new dance partner.

Re: A wizards arrival to a new world

Post by Ziel »

Again his singleness of mind had come to bare upon him. He had saw only Ava and heard only the music. His heart had lifted them up into the stars and as he finished the dance she awoke him from the fantasy dream with her soft touch of his face. He realized his location. They had danced into mid air and the spell his heart had cast he knew not how to end and in reality he didn't want it to ever end.

He spoke to her heart softly with unheard words first. The real words were difficult because they had never come. His throat was sore and voice hoarse from what knew not what. He unconsciously reached to touch her face. So soft was her skin it made his fingers tingle. The music of the night mixed with the stars in her eyes then a comet seem to pass by. All he could think was how could this be real. Still holding her but much tighter words finally came.

You have lifted me up to the heavens. My soul in is rapture of your very essence and my heart is captured. My dearest Ava i don't know how to come down.
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