Official Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

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Official Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

Post by Zachrin »

Here are the current laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia as of September 3, 1659:
Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

The laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia pertain to every creature residing in or traveling within its borders. All creatures, regardless of place of residence, must adhere to the laws as set forth in this document. Failure to do so may result in prosecution up to the fullest extent allowed by law.

I. Treason- Treason is defined as betraying or engaging in an act of aggression and/or spying against the government of Bravia or her people. (Said government includes the republic's lands, mines, resources, towns, seas, cathedrals, castle, boundaries, nodes, citizens, but is not limited to these listed only.)

Examples of Specific treasonous actions include:
  • 1. Commanding an army which has not been given authorization to be raised or enter into Bravia.
    1a. An army which acts outside its granted authorization by the Republic of Bravia.
    2. Divulging political, economic or military information to an enemy* from private discussions without authorization.
    2a. Supplying any aid to an enemy* of Bravia. This includes, but is not limited to: Food, Wood, Fodder, Weapons & Armor (sold at price 20% or more below the average market value of the specific item in the town where the act is committed).
    3. Claiming false authority to act, instigate or approve an action on behalf of the Republic of Bravia.
    4. Any attempt, successful or not, to cause physical harm to any citizen of Bravia except for agreed upon duels or in self-defense.
    5. The act of turning any territory under the authority of The Republic of Bravia (including towns, nodes, mines, castle, cathedral, etc) independent of Bravian rule by force or without prior legally elected Council approval.
    6. Captaining a ship which commits an act of aggression or shows intent to cause harm to the property or citizens of Bravia.
*An enemy is defined as any person or persons that wish or conduct harm on Bravia or/and her people.
  • Further treasonous prohibitions may be defined as:
    1.Successful revolt of a Republic town hall or the Republic's castle without authorization. Authorization may be granted by the viceroy.
    (a). When granted by a legally elected viceroy, written authorization must be declared within the council chambers.
    (b.) Any Councilor or Viceroy who obtains their office through illegal means such as revolt or sabotage has no rights or privileges under Bravian law. Exception to this rule would be Councilors placed in office by revolt sanctioned by the legally elected Council following an action that deposed the legally elected Council.
  • 2. Destroying the castle by moving it from one location to another without the full consent of the legally elected Council as declared by four-fifths majority vote. This applies to elected officials as well as those illegally sitting in office by virtue of revolt or sabotage regardless of their home place of residence.
A crime of Treason is punishable in The Republic of Bravia's Court and may result in any punishment, depending on the severity of the crime, up to and including death and/or banishment. Any citizen of The Republic of Bravia found guilty of Treason may also face being banned from Bravia up to a year maximum and this may result in the loss of his or her (they/their) farm(s) and or home(s) should it be located in this said republic, thus being classified as an outlaw(s).

Should any Traitor(s) to the Republic of Bravia believe his or her (their) court case ruling has been too severe to suit the crime committed, he or she may ask for a redress by the Higher Court of the Mages known as the Judicial Appeals Court of the Kingdoms.

II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:
  • a. Perjury – Intentional deception in a Bravian Court of Law.
    b. Contempt of Court – Failure to appear in the Court of Law when summoned.
    c. Abuse of Power –
    • i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large. This includes favoritism that has resulted in harm to the Viceroyalty or Town.
      ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt of sabotage who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large.
    d. Neglect of Duty -
    • i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroyalty suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
      i(a). An authorized revolt can occur to remove an inactive mayor with the approval of the legally elected Viceroy.
      ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt or sabotage who, regardless of intention, fails to maintain any office in such a way that the people, the towns or Viceroyalty suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
    e. Breach of Contract - Any person who enters into a grant agreement with either Town or Viceroyalty and does not abide by the terms of that grant.

III. Public Disorder – Public Disorder is illegal and may result in mild to serious charges at the discretion of the Judge and based on damages. Crimes of Public Disorder may include:
  • a. Revolt – Any attempt to remove a legally elected or appointed official from a Town Hall or the Viceregal castle is considered a moderate to serious crime.
    • i. Attempted revolt - if not authorized by the legally elected Viceroy will be prosecuted.
      ii. Authorized revolts - must be approved by the legally elected Viceroy. Authorized revolts are exempt from prosecution.

    b. Robbery – Robbery and attempted robbery* is illegal in the Viceroyalty of Bravia. It is considered a mild to serious crime depending on the type of robbery and the extent of damages. Robbery may include but is not limited to the:
    • i. Misuse of any Grant inconsistent with the terms of that grant
      ii. Refusal to return a Grant upon request of the Viceroy or Finance Minister
      ii. Refusal to return a town grant upon request of the legally elected town Mayor
      iv. Robbery or attempted robbery within the Viceregal territory of Bravia*
      v. Theft from the Viceregal inventory
      vi. Theft from any Bravian Town Hall, regardless of how power was obtained.

IV. Market Laws – Laws governing markets and market transactions shall be left up to the individual towns. The Viceroyalty makes no requirement to have market laws at this time. However, the Viceregal Court shall uphold any market laws established by the town as long as the laws are stickied in the town forum and clearly titled as Town Laws. Violations of town market laws will be prosecuted by the Viceregal Court and judged as mild to serious depending on the extent of damages.

V. Election Assistance Policy - Lists running for office may request assistance with election fees paid to the Viceroyalty. The Finance Minister will review such requests as they are presented with approval being determined based on citizenship and public record of the list leader. In the event that a request is denied and the list leader wishes to appeal, s/he may petition the Viceroy. Acceptance of the financial assistance is a contract with the Viceroyalty, with the agreement that the funds provided are for the exclusive use of paying administrative costs to the Viceroyalty for the election list. The Finance Minister can choose the best method of payment after approval of the refund request.

VI. Punishments
  • a. Mild Punishments – may include one or more of the following:
    • i. Fines – up to 50 freznics
      ii. Incarceration – up to 3 days
      iii. Forced labor – up to 3 days in the mines, temple or town resource
      iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
      v. Alternative sentencing – may be used singly or in conjunction with other punishments. They may include but are not limited to; actions that affect alignment, providing trust to a specific person, providing goods or labor below market cost, civil service for the town or Viceroyalty, role play on the forums, etc.
    b. Moderate Punishments - may include one or more of the following:
    • i. Fines – up to 250 freznics
      ii. Incarceration – up to 7 days
      iii. Forced labor – up to 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
      iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
      v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V, part a, subpart v)
      vi. Temporary banishment – up to 3 months
    c. Serious Punishments - may include one or more of the following:
    • i. Fines – over 250 freznics
      ii. Incarceration – over 7 days
      iii. Forced labor – over 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
      iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
      v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V, part a, subpart v)
      vi. Extended or permanent banishment – over 3 months or permanent
      vii. Execution –may be RP or IG. If IG must have agreement with the Mages.
VII. Citizens' Right to Justice
For all crimes and offenses, whether listed in statute or not, the court of Bravia has a responsibility to see justice for all. Any person may petition the court (via the prosecutor) to obtain satisfaction of an offense. The prosecutor is responsible to decide whether to bring the case or not, based on the strength of the evidence and whether the case would bring or deny justice. If brought, the judge will decide the case and punishment fairly, using his own good sense, previous case precedent & comparable decisions, if any.

VII. Changes to Bravian Law
Only legally elected councilors have the authority to change laws by a simple majority vote, following the procedure and rules for voting laid out in the Constitution.
At day 50 of the term, the Viceroy will issue cash grants or have checks issued valued at 300 Fz to those councilors deemed to have successfully fulfilled their responsibilities. These councilors will have provided notice of absence, and had few or no instances of failing to check their offices or perform their assigned duties. Disagreement with the Viceroy in debate, public or private, does not constitute a legitimate reason to refuse to pay councilors for their service. If a councilor is denied payment, that creature may appeal to the council on day 51 of the term. A later appeal is only acceptable if the Viceroy has failed to perform the duty of issuing payment, or if the creature was in retreat on day 51 of the term. A simple majority vote of the council in favor of paying the petitioning councilor will permit the FM to then issue payment to the creature in question.

At day 50 of the term, if the Viceroy wishes to seek payment for service, the Viceroy will open a vote in council following the rules laid out in the Constitution to approve or deny payment to the Viceroy. A simple majority approving will permit the FM to issue payment.

All payments should be issued prior to the end of the relevant term.
Any changes to the Law Codex Must be Mailed to a Mage for changes prior to it becoming law.
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Re: Offiicial Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

Post by Zachrin »

Laws of Viceroyalty of Bravia (May 7, 1650 - June 10, 1652)
I. Treason - Treason against the Viceroy of Bravia is illegal. Treason is a serious crime that is defined as any offence against the security of the Viceroy. Examples of treasonous actions include (but are not limited to):
  • a. Levying a war within the Viceroy without authorization
    b. Leading a foreign army onto Bravian soil without express authorization from the Viceregal Council.
    c. Raising an unauthorized army on Bravian soil
    d. Assisting an enemy of Bravia
    e. Attempting to invade the Viceroy or modify the borders.
    f. Betraying the confidence of the Viceroy or the Viceregal Council by sharing the contents of the private Council forums with anyone not on the council
    g. Engaging in behavior that would compromise the security of Bravia *

II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:
  • a. Perjury – Intentional deception in a Bravian Court of Law.
    b. Contempt of Court – Failure to appear in the Court of Law when summoned.
    c. Abuse of Power - Any legally elected or appointed official who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large. This includes favoritism that has resulted in harm to the Viceroy or Town.
    d. Neglect of Duty- Any legally elected or appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
    e. Breach of Contract - Any person who enters into a grant agreement with either Town or Viceroy and does not abide by the terms of that grant.
III. Public Disorder – Public Disorder is illegal and may result in mild to serious charges at the discretion of the Judge and based on damages. Crimes of Public Disorder may include:
  • a. Revolt – Any attempt to remove an elected or appointed official from a Town Hall or the Viceregal castle is considered a moderate to serious crime.
    • i. Attempted revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted.
      ii. Successful revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted
      iii. Authorized revolts - must be approved by the Viceregal Council. Authorized revolts are exempt from prosecution.
    b. Robbery – Robbery and attempted robbery* is illegal in the Viceroy of Bravia. It is considered a mild to serious crime depending on the type of robbery and the extent of damages. Robbery may include but is not limited to the:
    • i. Misuse of any Grant inconsistent with the terms of that grant
      ii. Refusal to return a Grant upon request of the Viceroy or Finance Minister or a Town Mayor
      iii. Robbery or attempted robbery within the Viceregal territory of Bravia*
      iv. Theft from the Viceregal inventory
      v. Theft from any Bravian Town Hall, regardless of how power was obtained.
IV. Market Laws – Laws governing markets and market transactions shall be left up to the individual towns. The Viceroy makes no requirement to have market laws at this time. However, the Viceregal Court shall uphold any market laws established by the town as long as the laws are stickied in the town forum and clearly titled as Town Laws. Violations of town market laws will be prosecuted by the Viceregal Court and judged as mild to serious depending on the extent of damages.

V. Punishments

a. Mild Punishments – may include one or more of the following:
  • i. Fines – up to 50 freznics
    ii. Incarceration – up to 3 days
    iii. Forced labor – up to 3 days in the mines, temple or town resource
    iv. Restitution of goods
    v. Alternative sentencing – may be used singly or in conjunction with other punishments. They may include but are not limited to; actions that affect alignment, providing trust to a specific person, providing goods or labor below market cost, civil service for the town or viceroy, role play on the forums, etc.
b. Moderate Punishments - may include one or more of the following:
  • i. Fines – up to 250 freznics
    ii. Incarceration – up to 7 days
    iii. Forced labor – up to 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
    iv. Restitution of goods
    v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V.a)
    vi. Temporary banishment – up to 3 months
c. Serious Punishments - may include one or more of the following:
  • i. Fines – over 250 freznics
    ii. Incarceration – over 7 days
    iii. Forced labor – over 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
    iv. Restitution of goods
    v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V.a)
    vi. Extended or permanent banishment – over 3 months or permanent
    vii. Execution –may be RP or IG. If IG must have agreement with the Mages.

Addendum dated August 21, 1650*

For all crimes and offenses, whether listed in statute or not, the court of Bravia has a responsibility to see justice for all. Any person may petition the court (via the prosecutor) to obtain satisfaction of an offense.

The prosecutor is responsible to decide whether to bring the case or not, based on the strength of the evidence and whether the case would bring or deny justice. If brought, the judge will decide the case and punishment fairly, using his own good sense, previous case precedent & comparable decisions, if any.

Addendum dated December 3, 1650

Only elected councilors have the authority to change laws by a simple majority vote.
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Re: Offiicial Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

Post by Zachrin »

June 11, 1652 to August 14, 1652
Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

I. Treason - Treason against the Viceroy of Bravia is illegal. Treason is a serious crime that is defined as any offence against the security of the Viceroy. Examples of treasonous actions include (but are not limited to):

a. Levying a war within the Viceroy without authorization
b. Leading a foreign army onto Bravian soil without express authorization from the Viceregal Council.
c. Raising an unauthorized army on Bravian soil
d. Assisting an enemy of Bravia
e. Attempting to invade the Viceroy or modify the borders.
f. Betraying the confidence of the Viceroy or the Viceregal Council by sharing the contents of the private Council forums with anyone not on the council
g. Engaging in behavior that would compromise the security of Bravia

II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:

a. Perjury – Intentional deception in a Bravian Court of Law.
b. Contempt of Court – Failure to appear in the Court of Law when summoned.
c. Abuse of Power - Any legally elected or appointed official who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large. This includes favoritism that has resulted in harm to the Viceroy or Town.
d. Neglect of Duty- Any legally elected or appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.

III. Public Disorder – Public Disorder is illegal and may result in mild to serious charges at the discretion of the Judge and based on damages. Crimes of Public Disorder may include:

a. Revolt – Any attempt to remove an elected or appointed official from a Town Hall or the Viceregal castle is considered a moderate to serious crime.
i. Attempted revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted.
ii. Successful revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted
iii. Authorized revolts - must be approved by the Viceregal Council. Authorized revolts are exempt from prosecution.
b. Robbery – Robbery and attempted robbery is illegal in the Viceroy of Bravia. It is considered a mild to serious crime depending on the type of robbery and the extent of damages. Robbery may include but is not limited to the:
i. Robbery or attempted robbery within the Viceregal territory of Bravia
ii. Theft from the Viceregal inventory
iii. Theft from any Bravian Town Hall, regardless of how power was obtained.

IV. Grant Laws and Regulations:

a. Viceregal grants are contracts between the Viceroyalty of Bravia and the grant holder.
b. Viceregal grants that contain instructions contrary to Bravian law or that require illegal acts are null and void and subject to immediate recall.
c. The officially elected Viceroy can recall grants issued by the Finance Minister on behalf of the Viceroyalty of Bravia. Recalled grants must be returned to the Viceroyalty within three days.
d. Grants issued by the Town Hall are contracts between the town and grant holder. Town Hall grants are subject to Viceregal law and the law of the town where the grant was written. Town Hall grants can only be recalled by officially elected mayors. Recalled town grants must be returned to the Town Hall within three days.

V. Market Laws – Laws governing markets and market transactions shall be left up to the individual towns. The Viceroy makes no requirement to have market laws at this time. However, the Viceregal Court shall uphold any market laws established by the town as long as the laws are stickied in the town forum and clearly titled as Town Laws. Violations of town market laws will be prosecuted by the Viceregal Court and judged as mild to serious depending on the extent of damages.

VI. Bravian law may be changed only with approval of a publicly-elected council of Bravia.

VII. For all crimes and offenses, whether listed in statute or not, the court of Bravia has a responsibility to see justice for all. Any person may petition the court (via the prosecutor) to obtain satisfaction of an offense.

The prosecutor is responsible to decide whether to bring the case or not, based on the strength of the evidence and whether the case would bring or deny justice. If brought, the judge will decide the case and punishment fairly, using his own good sense, previous case precedent & comparable decisions, if any.

VIII. Punishments

a. Mild Punishments – may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – up to 50 freznics
ii. Incarceration – up to 3 days
iii. Forced labor – up to 3 days in the mines, temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods
v. Alternative sentencing – may be used singly or in conjunction with other punishments. They may include but are not limited to; actions that affect alignment, providing trust to a specific person, providing goods or labor below market cost, civil service for the town or viceroy, role play on the forums, etc.

b. Moderate Punishments - may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – up to 250 freznics
ii. Incarceration – up to 7 days
iii. Forced labor – up to 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods
v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V.a)
vi. Temporary banishment – up to 3 months

c. Serious Punishments - may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – over 250 freznics
ii. Incarceration – over 7 days
iii. Forced labor – over 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods
v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V.a)
vi. Extended or permanent banishment – over 3 months or permanent
vii. Execution –may be RP or IG. If IG must have agreement with the Mages.
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Re: Offiicial Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

Post by Zachrin »

Laws from August 15, 1652 to January 13, 1653
Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

I. Treason - Treason against the Viceroyalty of Bravia is illegal. Treason is a serious crime that is defined as any offense against the security of the Viceroyalty. Examples of treasonous actions include (but are not limited to):

a. Levying a war within the Viceroyalty without authorization
b. Leading a foreign army onto Bravian soil without express authorization from the Viceregal Council.
c. Raising an unauthorized army on Bravian soil
d. Assisting an enemy of Bravia
e. Attempting to invade the Viceroyalty or modify the borders.
f. Betraying the confidence of the Viceroy or the Viceregal Council by sharing the contents of the private Council forums with anyone not on the council
g. Engaging in behavior that would compromise the security of Bravia

II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:

a. Perjury – Intentional deception in a Bravian Court of Law.
b. Contempt of Court – Failure to appear in the Court of Law when summoned.
c. Abuse of Power - Any legally elected or appointed official who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large. This includes favoritism that has resulted in harm to the Viceroy or Town.
d. Neglect of Duty- Any legally elected or appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.

III. Public Disorder – Public Disorder is illegal and may result in mild to serious charges at the discretion of the Judge and based on damages. Crimes of Public Disorder may include:

a. Revolt – Any attempt to remove an elected or appointed official from a Town Hall or the Viceregal castle is considered a moderate to serious crime.
i. Attempted revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted.
ii. Successful revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted
iii. Authorized revolts - must be approved by the Viceregal Council. Authorized revolts are exempt from prosecution.
b. Robbery – Robbery and attempted robbery is illegal in the Viceroy of Bravia. It is considered a mild to serious crime depending on the type of robbery and the extent of damages. Robbery may include but is not limited to the:
i. Robbery or attempted robbery within the Viceregal territory of Bravia
ii. Theft from the Viceregal inventory
iii. Theft from any Bravian Town Hall, regardless of how power was obtained.

IV. Grant Laws and Regulations:

a. Viceregal grants are contracts between the Viceroyalty of Bravia and the grant holder.
b. Viceregal grants that contain instructions contrary to Bravian law or that require illegal acts are null and void and subject to immediate recall.
c. The officially elected Viceroy can recall grants issued by the Finance Minister on behalf of the Viceroyalty of Bravia. Recalled grants must be returned to the Viceroyalty within three days.
d. Grants issued by the Town Hall are contracts between the town and grant holder. Town Hall grants are subject to Viceregal law and the law of the town where the grant was written. Town Hall grants can only be recalled by officially elected mayors. Recalled town grants must be returned to the Town Hall within three days.

V. Market Laws – Laws governing markets and market transactions shall be left up to the individual towns. The Viceroy makes no requirement to have market laws at this time. However, the Viceregal Court shall uphold any market laws established by the town as long as the laws are stickied in the town forum and clearly titled as Town Laws. Violations of town market laws will be prosecuted by the Viceregal Court and judged as mild to serious depending on the extent of damages.

VI. Bravian law may be changed only with approval of a publicly-elected council of Bravia.

VII. For all crimes and offenses, whether listed in statute or not, the court of Bravia has a responsibility to see justice for all. Any person may petition the court (via the prosecutor) to obtain satisfaction of an offense.

The prosecutor is responsible to decide whether to bring the case or not, based on the strength of the evidence and whether the case would bring or deny justice. If brought, the judge will decide the case and punishment fairly, using his own good sense, previous case precedent & comparable decisions, if any.

VIII. Punishments

a. Mild Punishments – may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – up to 50 freznics
ii. Incarceration – up to 3 days
iii. Forced labor – up to 3 days in the mines, temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods
v. Alternative sentencing – may be used singly or in conjunction with other punishments. They may include but are not limited to; actions that affect alignment, providing trust to a specific person, providing goods or labor below market cost, civil service for the town or viceroy, role play on the forums, etc.

b. Moderate Punishments - may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – up to 250 freznics
ii. Incarceration – up to 7 days
iii. Forced labor – up to 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods
v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V.a)
vi. Temporary banishment – up to 3 months

c. Serious Punishments - may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – over 250 freznics
ii. Incarceration – over 7 days
iii. Forced labor – over 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods
v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V.a)
vi. Extended or permanent banishment – over 3 months or permanent
vii. Execution –may be RP or IG. If IG must have agreement with the Mages.
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Re: Offiicial Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

Post by Zachrin »

January 14, 1653 to May 17, 1655
Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

I. Treason

Treason against the Viceroyalty of Bravia is illegal. Treason is a serious crime that is defined as any offense against the security of the Viceroyalty. Examples of treasonous actions include (but are not limited to):

a. Levying a war within the Viceroyalty without authorization
b. Leading a foreign army onto Bravian soil without express authorization from the Viceregal Council.
c. Raising an unauthorized army on Bravian soil
d. Assisting an enemy of Bravia
e. Attempting to invade the Viceroyalty or modify the borders.
f. Betraying the confidence of the Viceroy or the Viceregal Council by sharing the contents of the private Council forums with anyone not on the council
g. Engaging in behavior that would compromise the security of Bravia.
h. Disobeying direct orders of the Viceroy or General.

II. Betrayal

Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:

a. Perjury – Intentional deception in a Bravian Court of Law.
b. Contempt of Court – Failure to appear in the Court of Law when summoned.
c. Abuse of Power - Any legally elected or appointed official who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large. This includes favoritism that has resulted in harm to the Viceroy or Town.
d. Neglect of Duty- Any legally elected or appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.

III. Public Disorder

Public Disorder is illegal and may result in mild to serious charges at the discretion of the Judge and based on damages. Crimes of Public Disorder may include:

a. Revolt – Any attempt to remove an elected or appointed official from a Town Hall or the Viceregal castle is considered a moderate to serious crime.
  • i. Attempted revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted.
    ii. Successful revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted
    iii. Authorized revolts - must be approved by the Viceregal Council. Authorized revolts are exempt from prosecution.
b. Robbery – Robbery and attempted robbery is illegal in the Viceroy of Bravia. It is considered a mild to serious crime depending on the type of robbery and the extent of damages. Robbery may include but is not limited to the:
  • i. Robbery or attempted robbery within the Viceregal territory of Bravia
    ii. Theft from the Viceregal inventory
    iii. Theft from any Bravian Town Hall, regardless of how power was obtained.
    iv. Theft from any Temple, Basilica, or Cathedral, regardless of how power was obtained.
c. Robbery/Revolt against any Temple, Basilica, or Cathedral
  • i. Defined in Section III, parts a and b.
    ii. Only charges filed by the elected Overseer/Priest(ess)/Deacon(ess) will be carried out by the Public Prosecutor.

IV. Grant Laws and Regulations:

a. Viceregal grants are contracts between the Viceroyalty of Bravia and the grant holder.
b. Viceregal grants that contain instructions contrary to Bravian law or that require illegal acts are null and void and subject to immediate recall.
c. The officially elected Viceroy can recall grants issued by the Finance Minister or the previous Viceroy on behalf of the Viceroyalty of Bravia. Once the Viceroy has recalled the grant the recipient must return the grant within 72 hours.
d. Grants issued by the Town Hall are contracts between the town and grant holder. Town Hall grants are subject to Viceregal law and the law of the town where the grant was written. Town Hall grants can only be recalled by officially elected mayors. Recalled town grants must be returned to the Town Hall within 72 hours.

V. Market Laws

Laws governing markets and market transactions shall be left up to the individual towns. The Viceroy makes no requirement to have market laws at this time. However, the Viceregal Court shall uphold any market laws established by the town as long as the laws are stickied in the town forum and clearly titled as Town Laws. Violations of town market laws will be prosecuted by the Viceregal Court and judged as mild to serious depending on the extent of damages.

VI. Changing Legislation

Bravian law may be changed only with approval of a publicly-elected council of Bravia. Article 2 Section 4 of the Bravian Consitutiton provides the required procedure for passing legislation.

VII. Petitioning the Court

For all crimes and offenses, whether listed in statute or not, the court of Bravia has a responsibility to see justice for all. Any person may petition the court (via the prosecutor) to obtain satisfaction of an offense.

The prosecutor is responsible to decide whether to bring the case or not, based on the strength of the evidence and whether the case would bring or deny justice. If brought, the judge will decide the case and punishment fairly, using his own good sense, previous case precedent & comparable decisions, if any.

VIII. Military service

All members of the Bravian military are subject to the Military charter. Breaking the charter may result in mild to serious charges at the discretion of the Judge and based on damage.

VIII. Judicial Sanctions

The following sanctions can be enforced at the discretion of the judge in a court case.

a. Mild Sanctions – may include one or more of the following:
  • i. Fines – up to 50 freznics
    ii. Incarceration – up to 3 days
    iii. Forced labor – up to 3 days in the mines, temple or town resource
    iv. Restitution of goods
    v. Alternative sentencing - May be used singly or in conjunction with other punishments. They may include but are not limited to; actions that affect alignment, providing trust to a specific person, providing goods or labor below market cost, civil service for the town or viceroy, role play on the forums, etc.
b. Moderate Sanctions - may include one or more of the following:
  • i. Fines – up to 250 freznics
    ii. Incarceration – up to 7 days
    iii. Forced labor – up to 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
    iv. Restitution of goods
    v. Alternative sentencing - As described in Section VIII, part a, subsection v.
    vi. Temporary banishment – up to 3 months
c. Serious Sanctions - may include one or more of the following:
  • i. Fines – over 250 freznics
    ii. Incarceration – over 7 days
    iii. Forced labor – over 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
    iv. Restitution of goods
    v. Alternative sentencing - As described in Section VIII, part a, subsection v.
    vi. Extended or permanent banishment – over 3 months or permanent
    vii. Execution –may be RP or IG. If IG must have agreement with the Mages.
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Re: Offiicial Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

Post by Zachrin »

May 18, 1655 to Jan 29, 1656
Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

The laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia pertain to every creature residing in or traveling within its borders. All creatures, regardless of place of residence, must adhere to the laws as set forth in this document. Failure to do so may result in prosecution up to the fullest extent allowed by law.

I. Treason - Treason against the Viceroy of Bravia is illegal. Treason is a serious crime that is defined as any offence against the security of the Viceroy. Examples of treasonous actions include (but are not limited to):

a. Levying a war within the Viceroy without authorization
b. Leading or participating in a foreign army onto Bravian soil without express authorization from the Viceregal Council.
c. Raising an unauthorized army on Bravian soil
d. Assisting an enemy of Bravia
e. Attempting to invade the Viceroy or modify the borders, including (but not limited to) participating in or holding a rank in a foreign army.
f. Betraying the confidence of the Viceroy or the Viceregal Council by sharing the contents of the private Council forums with anyone not on the council
g. Engaging in behavior that would compromise the security of Bravia *
h. Destroying the castle by moving it from one location to another without the full consent of the legally elected Council as declared by four-fifths majority vote. This applies to elected officials as well as those illegally sitting in office by virtue of revolt or sabotage regardless of their home place of residence.

II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:

a. Perjury – Intentional deception in a Bravian Court of Law.
b. Contempt of Court – Failure to appear in the Court of Law when summoned.
c. Abuse of Power –

i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large. This includes favoritism that has resulted in harm to the Viceroy or Town.
ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt of sabotage who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large.

d. Neglect of Duty -

i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt of sabotage who, regardless of intention, fails to maintain any office in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.

e. Breach of Contract - Any person who enters into a grant agreement with either Town or Viceroy and does not abide by the terms of that grant.

III. Public Disorder – Public Disorder is illegal and may result in mild to serious charges at the discretion of the Judge and based on damages. Crimes of Public Disorder may include:

a. Revolt – Any attempt to remove a legally elected or appointed official from a Town Hall or the Viceregal castle is considered a moderate to serious crime.

i. Attempted revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted.
ii. Successful revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted
iii. Authorized revolts - must be approved by the Viceregal Council. Authorized revolts are exempt from prosecution.
b. Robbery – Robbery and attempted robbery* is illegal in the Viceroy of Bravia. It is considered a mild to serious crime depending on the type of robbery and the extent of damages. Robbery may include but is not limited to the:

i. Misuse of any Grant inconsistent with the terms of that grant
ii. Refusal to return a Grant upon request of the Viceroy or Finance Minister or a Town Mayor
iii. Robbery or attempted robbery within the Viceregal territory of Bravia*
iv. Theft from the Viceregal inventory
v. Theft from any Bravian Town Hall, regardless of how power was obtained.

IV. Market Laws – Laws governing markets and market transactions shall be left up to the individual towns. The Viceroy makes no requirement to have market laws at this time. However, the Viceregal Court shall uphold any market laws established by the town as long as the laws are stickied in the town forum and clearly titled as Town Laws. Violations of town market laws will be prosecuted by the Viceregal Court and judged as mild to serious depending on the extent of damages.

V. Punishments

a. Mild Punishments – may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – up to 50 freznics
ii. Incarceration – up to 3 days
iii. Forced labor – up to 3 days in the mines, temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
v. Alternative sentencing – may be used singly or in conjunction with other punishments. They may include but are not limited to; actions that affect alignment, providing trust to a specific person, providing goods or labor below market cost, civil service for the town or viceroy, role play on the forums, etc.

b. Moderate Punishments - may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – up to 250 freznics
ii. Incarceration – up to 7 days
iii. Forced labor – up to 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V, part a, subpart v)
vi. Temporary banishment – up to 3 months

c. Serious Punishments - may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – over 250 freznics
ii. Incarceration – over 7 days
iii. Forced labor – over 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V, part a, subpart v)
vi. Extended or permanent banishment – over 3 months or permanent
vii. Execution –may be RP or IG. If IG must have agreement with the Mages.

Addendum dated August 21, 1650*

For all crimes and offenses, whether listed in statute or not, the court of Bravia has a responsibility to see justice for all. Any person may petition the court (via the prosecutor) to obtain satisfaction of an offense.

The prosecutor is responsible to decide whether to bring the case or not, based on the strength of the evidence and whether the case would bring or deny justice. If brought, the judge will decide the case and punishment fairly, using his own good sense, previous case precedent & comparable decisions, if any.

Addendum dated December 3, 1650

Only legally elected councilors have the authority to change laws by a simple majority vote.

Addendum dated May 15, 1655

Only legally elected councilors and Viceroys/ Vicerines have any rights or privileges under Bravian law.
Any Councilor or Viceroy/ Vicerine who obtains their office through illegal means such as revolt or sabotage has no rights or privileges under Bravian law.
Exception to this rule would be Councilors placed in office by revolt sanctioned by the legally elected Council following an action that deposed the legally elected Council.
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Re: Offiicial Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

Post by Zachrin »

Laws from January 30, 1656 to April 10, 1656:
Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

The laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia pertain to every creature residing in or traveling within its borders. All creatures, regardless of place of residence, must adhere to the laws as set forth in this document. Failure to do so may result in prosecution up to the fullest extent allowed by law.

I. Treason - Treason against the Viceroy of Bravia is illegal. Treason is a serious crime that is defined as any offence against the security of the Viceroy. Examples of treasonous actions include (but are not limited to):

a. Levying a war within the Viceroy without authorization
b. Leading or participating in a foreign army onto Bravian soil without express authorization from the Viceregal Council.
c. Raising an unauthorized army on Bravian soil
d. Assisting an enemy of Bravia
e. Attempting to invade the Viceroy or modify the borders, including (but not limited to) participating in or holding a rank in a foreign army.
f. Betraying the confidence of the Viceroy or the Viceregal Council by sharing the contents of the private Council forums with anyone not on the council
g. Engaging in behavior that would compromise the security of Bravia *
h. Destroying the castle by moving it from one location to another without the full consent of the legally elected Council as declared by four-fifths majority vote. This applies to elected officials as well as those illegally sitting in office by virtue of revolt or sabotage regardless of their home place of residence.

II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:

a. Perjury – Intentional deception in a Bravian Court of Law.
b. Contempt of Court – Failure to appear in the Court of Law when summoned.
c. Abuse of Power –

i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large. This includes favoritism that has resulted in harm to the Viceroy or Town.
ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt of sabotage who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large.

d. Neglect of Duty -

i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt of sabotage who, regardless of intention, fails to maintain any office in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.

e. Breach of Contract - Any person who enters into a grant agreement with either Town or Viceroy and does not abide by the terms of that grant.

III. Public Disorder – Public Disorder is illegal and may result in mild to serious charges at the discretion of the Judge and based on damages. Crimes of Public Disorder may include:

a. Revolt – Any attempt to remove a legally elected or appointed official from a Town Hall or the Viceregal castle is considered a moderate to serious crime.

i. Attempted revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted.
ii. Successful revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted
iii. Authorized revolts - must be approved by the Viceregal Council. Authorized revolts are exempt from prosecution.
b. Robbery – Robbery and attempted robbery* is illegal in the Viceroy of Bravia. It is considered a mild to serious crime depending on the type of robbery and the extent of damages. Robbery may include but is not limited to the:

i. Misuse of any Grant inconsistent with the terms of that grant
ii. Refusal to return a Grant upon request of the Viceroy or Finance Minister or a Town Mayor
iii. Robbery or attempted robbery within the Viceregal territory of Bravia*
iv. Theft from the Viceregal inventory
v. Theft from any Bravian Town Hall, regardless of how power was obtained.

IV. Market Laws – Laws governing markets and market transactions shall be left up to the individual towns. The Viceroy makes no requirement to have market laws at this time. However, the Viceregal Court shall uphold any market laws established by the town as long as the laws are stickied in the town forum and clearly titled as Town Laws. Violations of town market laws will be prosecuted by the Viceregal Court and judged as mild to serious depending on the extent of damages.

V. Election Refund Policy - Lists running for office may request a refund of election fees. The council will review such requests as they are presented. Council can approve or deny requests. The Finance Minister or Viceroy can choose the best method of payment after approval of the refund request.

VI. Punishments

a. Mild Punishments – may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – up to 50 freznics
ii. Incarceration – up to 3 days
iii. Forced labor – up to 3 days in the mines, temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
v. Alternative sentencing – may be used singly or in conjunction with other punishments. They may include but are not limited to; actions that affect alignment, providing trust to a specific person, providing goods or labor below market cost, civil service for the town or viceroy, role play on the forums, etc.

b. Moderate Punishments - may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – up to 250 freznics
ii. Incarceration – up to 7 days
iii. Forced labor – up to 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V, part a, subpart v)
vi. Temporary banishment – up to 3 months

c. Serious Punishments - may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – over 250 freznics
ii. Incarceration – over 7 days
iii. Forced labor – over 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V, part a, subpart v)
vi. Extended or permanent banishment – over 3 months or permanent
vii. Execution –may be RP or IG. If IG must have agreement with the Mages.

Addendum dated August 21, 1650*

For all crimes and offenses, whether listed in statute or not, the court of Bravia has a responsibility to see justice for all. Any person may petition the court (via the prosecutor) to obtain satisfaction of an offense.

The prosecutor is responsible to decide whether to bring the case or not, based on the strength of the evidence and whether the case would bring or deny justice. If brought, the judge will decide the case and punishment fairly, using his own good sense, previous case precedent & comparable decisions, if any.

Addendum dated December 3, 1650

Only legally elected councilors have the authority to change laws by a simple majority vote.

Addendum dated May 15, 1655

Only legally elected councilors and Viceroys/ Vicerines have any rights or privileges under Bravian law.
Any Councilor or Viceroy/ Vicerine who obtains their office through illegal means such as revolt or sabotage has no rights or privileges under Bravian law.
Exception to this rule would be Councilors placed in office by revolt sanctioned by the legally elected Council following an action that deposed the legally elected Council.
This world is but just a canvas for our imagination - Henry David Thoreau
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Re: Offiicial Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

Post by Zachrin »

Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia as of April 11, 1656 - September 16, 1657:
Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

The laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia pertain to every creature residing in or traveling within its borders. All creatures, regardless of place of residence, must adhere to the laws as set forth in this document. Failure to do so may result in prosecution up to the fullest extent allowed by law.

Treason is defined as betraying or engaging in an act of aggression and/or spying against the government of Bravia or her people. (Said government includes the republic's lands, mines, resources, towns, seas, cathedrals, castle, boundaries, nodes, citizens, but is not limited to these listed only.)

Examples of Specific treasonous actions include:
1. Commanding an army which has not been given authorization to be raised or enter into Bravia.
1a. An army which acts outside its granted authorization by the Republic of Bravia.
2. Divulging political, economic or military information to an enemy* from private discussions without authorization.
2a. Supplying any aid to an enemy* of Bravia. This includes, but is not limited to: Food, Wood, Fodder, Weapons & Armor (sold at price 20% or more below the average market value of the specific item in the town where the act is committed).
3. Claiming false authority to act, instigate or approve an action on behalf of the Republic of Bravia.
4. Any attempt, successful or not, to cause physical harm to any citizen of Bravia except for agreed upon duels or in self-defense.
5. The act of turning any territory under the authority of The Republic of Bravia (including towns, nodes, mines, castle, cathedral, etc) independent of Bravian rule by force or without prior legally elected Council approval.
6. (IF and when sailing is implemented) Captaining a ship which commits an act of aggression or shows intent to cause harm to the property or citizens of Bravia.

*An enemy is defined as any person or persons that wish or conduct harm on Bravia or/and her people.

Further treasonous prohibitions may be defined as:

1.Revolt of a Republic town hall or the Republic's castle without written authorization from the legally elected council & legally elected viceroy.

2. Destroying the castle by moving it from one location to another without the full consent of the legally elected Council as declared by four-fifths majority vote. This applies to elected officials as well as those illegally sitting in office by virtue of revolt or sabotage regardless of their home place of residence.

A crime of Treason is punishable in The Republic of Bravia's Court and may result in any punishment, depending on the severity of the crime, up to and including death and/or banishment. Any citizen of The Republic of Bravia found guilty of Treason may also face being banned from Bravia up to a year maximum and this may result in the loss of his or her (they/their) farm(s) and or home(s) should it be located in this said republic, thus being classified as an outlaw(s).

Should any Traitor(s) to the Republic of Bravia believe his or her (their) court case ruling has been too severe to suit the crime committed, he or she may ask for a redress by the Higher Court of the Mages known as the Judicial Appeals Court of the Kingdoms.

II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:

a. Perjury – Intentional deception in a Bravian Court of Law.
b. Contempt of Court – Failure to appear in the Court of Law when summoned.
c. Abuse of Power –

i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large. This includes favoritism that has resulted in harm to the Viceroy or Town.
ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt of sabotage who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large.

d. Neglect of Duty -

i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt of sabotage who, regardless of intention, fails to maintain any office in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.

e. Breach of Contract - Any person who enters into a grant agreement with either Town or Viceroy and does not abide by the terms of that grant.

III. Public Disorder – Public Disorder is illegal and may result in mild to serious charges at the discretion of the Judge and based on damages. Crimes of Public Disorder may include:

a. Revolt – Any attempt to remove a legally elected or appointed official from a Town Hall or the Viceregal castle is considered a moderate to serious crime.

i. Attempted revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted.
ii. Successful revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted
iii. Authorized revolts - must be approved by the Viceregal Council. Authorized revolts are exempt from prosecution.
b. Robbery – Robbery and attempted robbery* is illegal in the Viceroy of Bravia. It is considered a mild to serious crime depending on the type of robbery and the extent of damages. Robbery may include but is not limited to the:

i. Misuse of any Grant inconsistent with the terms of that grant
ii. Refusal to return a Grant upon request of the Viceroy or Finance Minister or a Town Mayor
iii. Robbery or attempted robbery within the Viceregal territory of Bravia*
iv. Theft from the Viceregal inventory
v. Theft from any Bravian Town Hall, regardless of how power was obtained.

IV. Market Laws – Laws governing markets and market transactions shall be left up to the individual towns. The Viceroy makes no requirement to have market laws at this time. However, the Viceregal Court shall uphold any market laws established by the town as long as the laws are stickied in the town forum and clearly titled as Town Laws. Violations of town market laws will be prosecuted by the Viceregal Court and judged as mild to serious depending on the extent of damages.

V. Election Refund Policy - Lists running for office may request a refund of election fees. The council will review such requests as they are presented. Council can approve or deny requests. The Finance Minister or Viceroy can choose the best method of payment after approval of the refund request.

VI. Punishments

a. Mild Punishments – may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – up to 50 freznics
ii. Incarceration – up to 3 days
iii. Forced labor – up to 3 days in the mines, temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
v. Alternative sentencing – may be used singly or in conjunction with other punishments. They may include but are not limited to; actions that affect alignment, providing trust to a specific person, providing goods or labor below market cost, civil service for the town or viceroy, role play on the forums, etc.

b. Moderate Punishments - may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – up to 250 freznics
ii. Incarceration – up to 7 days
iii. Forced labor – up to 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V, part a, subpart v)
vi. Temporary banishment – up to 3 months

c. Serious Punishments - may include one or more of the following:

i. Fines – over 250 freznics
ii. Incarceration – over 7 days
iii. Forced labor – over 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V, part a, subpart v)
vi. Extended or permanent banishment – over 3 months or permanent
vii. Execution –may be RP or IG. If IG must have agreement with the Mages.

Addendum dated August 21, 1650*

For all crimes and offenses, whether listed in statute or not, the court of Bravia has a responsibility to see justice for all. Any person may petition the court (via the prosecutor) to obtain satisfaction of an offense.

The prosecutor is responsible to decide whether to bring the case or not, based on the strength of the evidence and whether the case would bring or deny justice. If brought, the judge will decide the case and punishment fairly, using his own good sense, previous case precedent & comparable decisions, if any.

Addendum dated December 3, 1650

Only legally elected councilors have the authority to change laws by a simple majority vote.

Addendum dated May 15, 1655

Only legally elected councilors and Viceroys/ Vicerines have any rights or privileges under Bravian law.
Any Councilor or Viceroy/ Vicerine who obtains their office through illegal means such as revolt or sabotage has no rights or privileges under Bravian law.
Exception to this rule would be Councilors placed in office by revolt sanctioned by the legally elected Council following an action that deposed the legally elected Council.
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Re: Offiicial Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

Post by Zachrin »

Here are the laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia as of September 17, 1657 to September 2, 1659
Laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia

The laws of the Viceroyalty of Bravia pertain to every creature residing in or traveling within its borders. All creatures, regardless of place of residence, must adhere to the laws as set forth in this document. Failure to do so may result in prosecution up to the fullest extent allowed by law.

I. Treason- Treason is defined as betraying or engaging in an act of aggression and/or spying against the government of Bravia or her people. (Said government includes the republic's lands, mines, resources, towns, seas, cathedrals, castle, boundaries, nodes, citizens, but is not limited to these listed only.)

Examples of Specific treasonous actions include:
  • 1. Commanding an army which has not been given authorization to be raised or enter into Bravia.
    1a. An army which acts outside its granted authorization by the Republic of Bravia.
    2. Divulging political, economic or military information to an enemy* from private discussions without authorization.
    2a. Supplying any aid to an enemy* of Bravia. This includes, but is not limited to: Food, Wood, Fodder, Weapons & Armor (sold at price 20% or more below the average market value of the specific item in the town where the act is committed).
    3. Claiming false authority to act, instigate or approve an action on behalf of the Republic of Bravia.
    4. Any attempt, successful or not, to cause physical harm to any citizen of Bravia except for agreed upon duels or in self-defense.
    5. The act of turning any territory under the authority of The Republic of Bravia (including towns, nodes, mines, castle, cathedral, etc) independent of Bravian rule by force or without prior legally elected Council approval.
    6. Captaining a ship which commits an act of aggression or shows intent to cause harm to the property or citizens of Bravia.
*An enemy is defined as any person or persons that wish or conduct harm on Bravia or/and her people.
  • Further treasonous prohibitions may be defined as:
    1.Successful revolt of a Republic town hall or the Republic's castle without authorization. Authorization may be granted by the viceroy.
    (a). When granted by a legally elected viceroy, written authorization must be declared within the council chambers.
    (b.) Any Councilor or Viceroy who obtains their office through illegal means such as revolt or sabotage has no rights or privileges under Bravian law. Exception to this rule would be Councilors placed in office by revolt sanctioned by the legally elected Council following an action that deposed the legally elected Council.
  • 2. Destroying the castle by moving it from one location to another without the full consent of the legally elected Council as declared by four-fifths majority vote. This applies to elected officials as well as those illegally sitting in office by virtue of revolt or sabotage regardless of their home place of residence.
A crime of Treason is punishable in The Republic of Bravia's Court and may result in any punishment, depending on the severity of the crime, up to and including death and/or banishment. Any citizen of The Republic of Bravia found guilty of Treason may also face being banned from Bravia up to a year maximum and this may result in the loss of his or her (they/their) farm(s) and or home(s) should it be located in this said republic, thus being classified as an outlaw(s).

Should any Traitor(s) to the Republic of Bravia believe his or her (their) court case ruling has been too severe to suit the crime committed, he or she may ask for a redress by the Higher Court of the Mages known as the Judicial Appeals Court of the Kingdoms.

II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:
  • a. Perjury – Intentional deception in a Bravian Court of Law.
    b. Contempt of Court – Failure to appear in the Court of Law when summoned.
    c. Abuse of Power –
    • i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large. This includes favoritism that has resulted in harm to the Viceroyalty or Town.
      ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt of sabotage who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large.
    d. Neglect of Duty -
    • i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroyalty suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
      i(a). An authorized revolt can occur to remove an inactive mayor with the approval of the legally elected Viceroy.
      ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt or sabotage who, regardless of intention, fails to maintain any office in such a way that the people, the towns or Viceroyalty suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
    e. Breach of Contract - Any person who enters into a grant agreement with either Town or Viceroyalty and does not abide by the terms of that grant.

III. Public Disorder – Public Disorder is illegal and may result in mild to serious charges at the discretion of the Judge and based on damages. Crimes of Public Disorder may include:
  • a. Revolt – Any attempt to remove a legally elected or appointed official from a Town Hall or the Viceregal castle is considered a moderate to serious crime.
    • i. Attempted revolt - if not authorized by the legally elected Viceroy will be prosecuted.
      ii. Authorized revolts - must be approved by the legally elected Viceroy. Authorized revolts are exempt from prosecution.

    b. Robbery – Robbery and attempted robbery* is illegal in the Viceroyalty of Bravia. It is considered a mild to serious crime depending on the type of robbery and the extent of damages. Robbery may include but is not limited to the:
    • i. Misuse of any Grant inconsistent with the terms of that grant
      ii. Refusal to return a Grant upon request of the Viceroy or Finance Minister
      ii. Refusal to return a town grant upon request of the legally elected town Mayor
      iv. Robbery or attempted robbery within the Viceregal territory of Bravia*
      v. Theft from the Viceregal inventory
      vi. Theft from any Bravian Town Hall, regardless of how power was obtained.

IV. Market Laws – Laws governing markets and market transactions shall be left up to the individual towns. The Viceroyalty makes no requirement to have market laws at this time. However, the Viceregal Court shall uphold any market laws established by the town as long as the laws are stickied in the town forum and clearly titled as Town Laws. Violations of town market laws will be prosecuted by the Viceregal Court and judged as mild to serious depending on the extent of damages.

V. Election Assistance Policy - Lists running for office may request assistance with election fees paid to the Viceroyalty. The Finance Minister will review such requests as they are presented with approval being determined based on citizenship and public record of the list leader. In the event that a request is denied and the list leader wishes to appeal, s/he may petition the Viceroy. Acceptance of the financial assistance is a contract with the Viceroyalty, with the agreement that the funds provided are for the exclusive use of paying administrative costs to the Viceroyalty for the election list. The Finance Minister can choose the best method of payment after approval of the refund request.

VI. Punishments
  • a. Mild Punishments – may include one or more of the following:
    • i. Fines – up to 50 freznics
      ii. Incarceration – up to 3 days
      iii. Forced labor – up to 3 days in the mines, temple or town resource
      iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
      v. Alternative sentencing – may be used singly or in conjunction with other punishments. They may include but are not limited to; actions that affect alignment, providing trust to a specific person, providing goods or labor below market cost, civil service for the town or Viceroyalty, role play on the forums, etc.
    b. Moderate Punishments - may include one or more of the following:
    • i. Fines – up to 250 freznics
      ii. Incarceration – up to 7 days
      iii. Forced labor – up to 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
      iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
      v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V, part a, subpart v)
      vi. Temporary banishment – up to 3 months
    c. Serious Punishments - may include one or more of the following:
    • i. Fines – over 250 freznics
      ii. Incarceration – over 7 days
      iii. Forced labor – over 7 days in the mines, the temple or town resource
      iv. Restitution of goods up to and including cost of replacement for damages sustained
      v. Alternative sentencing (as described in Section V, part a, subpart v)
      vi. Extended or permanent banishment – over 3 months or permanent
      vii. Execution –may be RP or IG. If IG must have agreement with the Mages.
VII. Citizens' Right to Justice
For all crimes and offenses, whether listed in statute or not, the court of Bravia has a responsibility to see justice for all. Any person may petition the court (via the prosecutor) to obtain satisfaction of an offense. The prosecutor is responsible to decide whether to bring the case or not, based on the strength of the evidence and whether the case would bring or deny justice. If brought, the judge will decide the case and punishment fairly, using his own good sense, previous case precedent & comparable decisions, if any.

VII. Changes to Bravian Law
Only legally elected councilors have the authority to change laws by a simple majority vote, following the procedure and rules for voting laid out in the Constitution.
By virtue of this measure, councilors who are deemed to have performed well and reliably through the term may be paid for their services on councils taking place from December 11, 1657 to April 10, 1658. Thereafter the council must pass a new measure to continue payment of councilors.

At day 50 of the term, the Viceroy will issue cash grants valued at 300 Fz to those councilors deemed to have successfully fulfilled their responsibilities. These councilors will have provided notice of absence, and had few or no instances of failing to check their offices or perform their assigned duties. Disagreement with the Viceroy in debate, public or private, does not constitute a legitimate reason to refuse to pay councilors for their service. If a councilor is denied payment, that creature may appeal to the council on day 51 of the term. A later appeal is only acceptable if the Viceroy has failed to perform the duty of issuing payment, or if the creature was in retreat on day 51 of the term. A simple majority vote of the council in favor of paying the petitioning councilor will permit the FM to then issue payment to the creature in question. This vote must follow the rules for voting laid out in the constitution.

At day 50 of the term, if the Viceroy wishes to seek payment for service, the Viceroy will open a vote in council following the rules laid out in the Constitution to approve or deny payment to the Viceroy. A simple majority approving will permit the FM to issue payment.

All payments should be issued prior to the end of the relevant term.
Any changes to the Law Codex Must be Mailed to a Mage for changes prior to it becoming law.
This world is but just a canvas for our imagination - Henry David Thoreau