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The Fire Place II, A Fine Imperius Pub, Home of Lady Cait

Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 11:18 pm
by LadyCait
The Fire Place II

Where the drinks will warm your insides and the tavern wench. . . . Well enough said.

The sign outside the door reflects the warmth that awaits within. Image

The simple thatch roofed pub offers an inviting garden for the soft nights of romance with the one of your choice. Image

Inside you will find the beer is cold and the greetings warm. Image

For those who chose something other than spirits there is always a fine selection of teas. Image

Come in and lounge in the comfort you will come to expect from the finest pub in town. Image

There is room for the whole town to gather here. Image

A seat by the fire place awaits you. Image

So join Hap, the barman Image and me, Lady Cait Image for a mug or two.

Re: The Fire Place II, A Fine Imperius Pub

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 9:46 am
by Project LVI
The King had just learned of the opening of "The Fire Place II" and had heard that it was a pretty fancy and nice pub... so... he of course had to investigate. As soon as he walks through the door he smiles at the warm atmosphere surrounding the place and quickly takes a seat in a booth and orders a drink while he waits for someone else to show up

Re: The Fire Place II, A Fine Imperius Pub

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 4:20 pm
by Aingeal
Aingeal came back from the orchard, her pickings in her basket as she walked through the town. Spotting a new sign she stopped and thought a minute. A drink sounds like the perfect way to unwind, she thought to herself. Pushing open the door, she entered and looked around. Smiling she went up to the bar and grabbed a drink.

Noticing the King was there sitting, she nodded to him in acknowledgement and gave him a smile. Spying a plump chair need the fire she curled up in it, warming herself from being outside in the brisk fall air and sipped her drink quietly for a bit, just watching the flames dance before her eyes.

Re: The Fire Place II, A Fine Imperius Pub

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 11:13 pm
by LadyCait
Cait came out of the back room of the new pub in her new home. Turning back she finished her sentence. ". . . and make sure the barrels are stacked north and south not east and west. You saw what happened the last time we did it that way it was a disas. . . Oh Hello your Majesty! So nice or your to come in." Her face colored with a blush that spread low to the lacing of her bodice. She turned quickly to close the door behind her. Brushing down her crisp white apron she hurried over to the King's table. Nervously wiping the polished wood, Cait smiled. What can I get for you. We have a fine assortment of ales and wines from the world over. Or perhaps something a little different?

Her eyes swept the pub while she waited for the King to decide. She smile softly at the young woman by the fire. She seemed mesmerized by the dancing flames. With an unseen wave of her hand the flames jumped and danced to sweet notes that seemed to come out of nowhere.

Returning her attention to Project LVI she grinned and waited as if nothing were indeed out of the ordinary. Might I suggest a hot mulled wine, very good on these crisp autumn evenings. Cait blue eyes sparkled brightly when she smiled.

Re: The Fire Place II, A Fine Imperius Pub

Posted: Mon Nov 23, 2009 1:56 pm
by Project LVI
LadyCait wrote:". . . and make sure the barrels are stacked north and south not east and west. You saw what happened the last time we did it that way it was a disas. . . Oh Hello your Majesty! So nice or your to come in."
He smiles sweetly at Cait after she rushes over

"Of Course, this place is quite lovely."

He looks around a bit more
LadyCait wrote:What can I get for you. We have a fine assortment of ales and wines from the world over. Or perhaps something a little different?
LadyCait wrote:Might I suggest a hot mulled wine, very good on these crisp autumn evenings.
Smiles at Cait

"I will take the mulled wine you suggest then Cait. Business booming yet?"

Re: The Fire Place II, A Fine Imperius Pub

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:51 am
by LadyCait
Cait smiled at the King. "Not yet but it is still early. It is just you and the young lady by the fire. But I have high hopes for a successful business. Everyone gets thirsty from time to time." She winked and headed behind the bar to prepared the mulled wine.

From a small cauldron she ladled a large measure of hot deep red wine into a tankard, adding a large slice of an orange she had picked that day, a slender stick of the exotic spice, cinnamon. Cait stirred it will a special rod of birch wood and muttered quietly the ancient words. The stream billowed softly for the surface of the brew.

She grabbed another drink for Aingeal and placed on the table by the fire. "Enjoying yourself, my dear?" she asked. As she returned to the table, Cait stopped and opened the storeroom door. A trail of red smoke escaped from the opening. She shook her head and mumbled. "Tsk, tsk, that man will be the death of me yet. It will be a wonder he doesn't blow us up one day." Placing the steaming mug in front of Project LVI she grinned.

Re: The Fire Place II, A Fine Imperius Pub

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:47 am
by Aingeal
Aingeal sat by the fire, enjoying her drink, feeling the warmth of the fire upon her skin. The chill now gone from the outside wind, Aingeal continued to watch the flames dance, the effect soothing. Watching them dance in a slighly different pattern, Aingeal heard a faint melody, shaking her head to clear it, she chalked it up to the drink. Only half listening to the exchange behind her, she almost jumped when the Lady approached her elbow.

Yes I am thank you, she answered the Lady, when asked if she was enjoying herself. Smiling she looked up. A very lovely place you have here, she said, acknowledging the other drink.

Turning back to the fire, she curled her feet under her, sipping her drink and thinking about the day.

Re: The Fire Place II, A Fine Imperius Pub

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 10:25 pm
by LadyCait
Cait returned to behind the bar. When she moved to Imperius there were promises made. Now she finds the loneliness almost too much to bare. One tear slides down from the corner of her eye. When it hits the bar it makes a small tinkling sound and a shining crystal lay there reflecting the fire light.

Ah me. she whispers.