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[Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Fri Nov 20, 2009 2:10 pm
by Datron
Datron was very excited having Maria as his wife. The only Problem was his little shack was not going to be big enough for the both of them. So a Man on a mission he was, he looked high and low for the perfect site. When he found it he began to build what he hoped Maria would think was the perfect home. After he got finished he went in search of Maria to tell her the wonderful news.


Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:01 pm
by Maria
Datron found Maria harvesting corn in Hamurak's field. She was happily walking from row to row, thinking about the wedding and all the fun they had dancing in the tavern, when Datron sneaked up on her with a huge grin on his face.

Catching her by surprise, she reaches to embrace him warmly but he grabs her hand, "Maria, I have something wonderful for you to see. Come." And he leads her away from the fields to a destination unknown.

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 12:25 pm
by Datron
Having found Maria working hard in the fields and then taking her away from her duties. I lead her to the lane that went to our new home Image

Rounding the last bend I look at Maria and I can see the suspense has grown. I smile in anticipation wanting to see her expression when she gets her first glimpse of the house. I quickly get ahead of her and turn to her and say.

"Maria You have made my life whole by becoming my wife so I want to make sure that you are always comfortable and happy, now close your eyes for me as we walk the rest of this route."

I lead her around the final bend and stand beside her looking at her I say
"Ok you can open your eyes now and see what I hope will bring you great joy for many years to come."

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 5:45 pm
by Maria
Opening her eyes, she gasps at the handsome home built over the pond. Standing speechless, she thinks this is the most wonderful place she has ever seen. She looks at Datron with a broad smile, but doesn't really understand.

"Datron, this house is just lovely. Who lives here? Is it someone we know?

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 6:04 pm
by Datron
Hearing her words brings a smile to my face.
Maria wrote: ."Datron, this house is just lovely. Who lives here? Is it someone we know?

I take her hand in mine and I reply to her

"Yes my dear its someone we know very well. I know my shack is far to cramped for the two of us. So I have built this place for us. Would you care to look inside?"

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Sat Nov 21, 2009 11:44 pm
by Maria
Her eyes grow wide as she understands now that Datron has built this lovely home. "For us? It's really yours? Mine? Ours?"

Standing there with her mouth open and in disbelief, she turns to Datron and starts to cry. "You really mean it? Oh Datron, of course I want to see inside! Oh thank you, thank you !" She reaches up and wraps her arms around his neck, pulling him close and never wantingto let go.

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Sun Nov 22, 2009 6:44 am
by Datron
Maria wrote: "For us? It's really yours? Mine? Ours?"

"You really mean it? Oh Datron, of course I want to see inside! Oh thank you, thank you !"
Hearing her words and seeing her reactions brings a smile to my face. When she wraps her arms around my neck I lift her in my arms and say

" Yes my dear its ours Im, glad you are pleased now lets let me carry you over the threshhold to our new home as my new wife and I will give you a tour."

I carry Maria in to the living room then set her down,
" Here my love is the living room. I do hope you like it"

I then lead her to the bedroom.
"This is our bedroom where I hope to spend most of our time."
I say with a wink and a smile.

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:49 pm
by Maria
Maria can't believe how lovely Datron has decorated their new home. It was cozy and warm and very well done. But when she walked into the bedroom and saw the roaring fire and the soft billowy bed, she decided that this would be her favorite place.

With a big smile she turns to Datron, "Hmmm.... we need a plush rug in front of the fireplace, babe... but for now, let's just see if the bed is as comfy as it looks." She takes his hand and steps up to where the bed is and dives into the mass of scarlet pillows, pulling him down with her.

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:17 pm
by Datron
after being pulled into the bed and kissing Maria then spending some high Quality honeymoon time he looks to her and says

"Would you like to see the rest of the house ?"

as she nods her head yes he pulls her to her feet and continues the tour

"Here we have the Kitchen. We can cook together in here "


Then I lead her to the Back yard


"I wanted somewhere as beautiful as you my sweet. This was the closest I could find."

Re: [Rp] Datron and Maria's House

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:03 am
by Maria
Overwhelmed by the beauty of the view, Maria has no words to say. Only love for her husband and appreciation for their new home. She stands for a long time, watching the waterfall and holding Datron close.

As the sun finally begins to set, she turns to him. "Datron, I'm the luckiest woman in Bravia, because I have you as my husband."