Home for Thorn

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Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

Thorn walked with Berserker, her eyes moving lowered, blushing everytime she thought what a wonderful surprise. She felt his arm's tension under her touch and glancing at him smiled. Once out and walking Thorn relaxed a little, and on reaching the forest she almost paused as she looked up at the first trees they came to. Since moving to Imperius Thorn had not explored this area. She felt elated to be back with trees again, reminded of her previous home.

Smiling Thorn waited as asked when Berserker dropped the basket and dashed off. When he returned she saw him carrying flowers and smiled, that changing to a blush at his words. Taking them gently Thorn lifted them to smell their scents and smiling again looked at Berserker.

Thankyou for the beautiful flowers, she said quietly. You are too generous.

Quietly Thorn put her hand onto his arm and gently squeezed it in thanks, then bending she reached to pick up the towel and basket, wanting to help.

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Berserker »

Enjoying the sensation of Thorns hand squeezing his arm and liking how happy the flowers made her Berserker smiled.

Anything for a beautiful lady. And here let me take the basket, you can carry the towel if you want.

Berserker took the basket back and then led the way through the forest, occasionally pointing out little things like squirrels running in the undergrowth or the birds singing and each time comparing them to Thorn and how she was cute and had an angelic voice.

Eventually they arrived at a clearing right beside the river, although at this point in the river the water was very slowed and even made a small lake right beside the clearing, the shore just ankle deep but working its way to head deep in the middle. Turning to Thorn and smiling again Berserker began to speak.

Ah were here, just put the towel down wherever. Now we can go for a paddle first then eat or eat then paddle, since your the most beautiful one here i will let you choose. In the basket i have fresh bread from the bakers, slices of chicken and ham, a couple of eggs i boiled last night and a bottle of red wine.

Puts the Basket down and shows Thorn the contents, awaiting her reply.

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

Thorn had giggled as Berserker took back the basket, but she was not surprised. Walking with him then she hugged the towel to her body and listened to Berserker as he spoke, pointing out spirrels and othe points of interest. She was so happy, and happier still that he seemed at one with the woods. Thorn listened to and walked with him till they came to a clearing.

Stopping Thorn looked around, the river looking really refreshing. She smiled as she turned to Berserker.

This is beautiful, she said and then listened to the options, before then looking in the basket. Amazed at what Berserker had arranged, impressed at his thoughtfulness. Thinking Thorn shook out the towel and then spread it over the grass bank and straightening up she moved her feet, slipping the soft shoes off and then grinning cheekily looked at Berserker.

I would love to cool my feet, she said glancing round at the river. Unless you are scared of getting wet?

Giggling Thorn waited for Berserker to reply, but stepping back a couple steps towards the river.

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Berserker »

The river it is. Afraid of getting wet, hah!

Berserker quickly takes off his shoes and rolls up his trousers to knee height. Running to the water before Thorn he playfully splashed some water in her direction. Grinning mischievously he calls out to Thorn

The waters great, come on in. Now we will see who is afraid of water.

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

Thorn laughed as Berserker quickly removed his shoes and rolled up his trouser legs, before running to the river. Shaking her head she laughed at him as he splashed a little water, thinking he would pay.

Stepping into the river, glad it was shallow at that point she stepped out to join Berserker.

This is fantastic Berserker, she smiled, bending down and putting her hands into the warm water. The warmth surprised her but glancing up the sky was clear, and despite the month it was a beautiful day.

Looking back at Berserker Thorn smiled sweetly and then without warning she raised her hands, scooping water, and threw it over him. Laughing she watched as the spray of water went in his direction, and then feeling really mischievous she repeated her action, sending more water at him twice more. Then standing she laughed, shaking her arms of water that had got her as she got him.

You look a little wet Berserker, she teased laughing softly.

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Berserker »

Watching Thorn put her hands into the water Berserker smiled thinking how lucky he was to be in the water with such a beautiful lady, not suspecting a thing he was taken completely by surprise by the water heading his way. Closing his eyes as the water hit he was just about to open them again when he felt another wave hit him, opening his eyes to peek out he saw Thorn laughing and heard her talk. Looking down he saw his shirt was wet and his trousers were a little too.

Hehe yes i am a little wet, now time for my revenge, your going to regret doing that.

There was a gleam in Berserkers eye and he smiled mischievously as he walked purposefully towards Thorn, quickly increasing his pace until he was right beside her. Quickly getting a hold of her Berserker lifts her up with one arm under her knees and the other under her arms, she was quite light which made it easier and although she squirmed Berserker was more than a match for her after all those years cutting down trees in the forest. Carrying her out deeper into the pool he kept walking until the water was closing on his waist and just wetting the bottom of Thorns skirt.

Revenge time!

Lifting her higher Berserker throws Thorn into the water and gets soaked himself by the splash she creates. Smiling as he sees Thorn come up for breath he looks down at her.

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

As Berserker picked her up Thorn did not have time to stop him as he picked her up and walked out into the deeper part. She squirmed and fought, but as he lifted her higher Thorn gasped and before she could catch her breath she was hurled into the water.

Going down she felt her skirt dragging her down as it got water logged, and fighting for breath, swalloing some water and choking she splashed her way to the surface, coughing and spluttering. Managing to get to her feet Thorn coughed as the air hit her and she breathed deeply.

Wiping her hair from her face and turning to Berserker Thorn, still shocked, looked at him, and seeing his smile she shook her head and laughed.

That was so mean,
she gasped, trying to walk to the shallow area, her skirt wanting to drag her back, too heavy with the water. I am so wet, she said looking down, wondering how on earth she would get dry.

I think I need dry ground,
she said shivering as a breeze caught her in passing.

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Berserker »

Looking down as Thorn started talking again berserker tried to think of how to make this right. Realising what to do, Berserker quickly went over to the towel Thorn had laid down earlier, picking it up he offered it to Thorn.

Here dry yourself, il be fine, im not as wet as you are. Also i have a little surprise for you, i was going to leave this till the end of our picnic but now is as good a time as any.

Berserker moves off to the basket and begins rummaging through it, finding what he was looking for he smiled and waved the chocolate bar in front of Thorn. Smiling as he looked Thorn up and down in her wet clothes.

Here, my way of saying sorry for getting your clothes all wet. Although i have to admit you look very attractive just now.

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Thorn_Bracken »

As Thorn got to the river bank she smiled to see the offer of the towel. Looking down she realised her top now clung to her and she blushed, and taking the towel from him as she stepped onto dry ground she kept her eyes down.

Thank you, she said quietly.

Thorn dried herself as best she could and dropping the towel onto the ground she bent and wrung her skirt out, the skirt cold on her legs now. Taking the towel again she dried her face and her hair a little, before wrapping it round her shoulders, the air making her cool due to her wetness.

Stepping towards Berserker and the basket Thorn watched on with interest at the mention of a surprise, though glancing back at the river she giggled softly thinking she had already had one surprise.

Ohhh, she gasps on seeing the chocolate. You didn't have to get me anything... though its a lovely surprise, thank you.

Seeing him look at her up and down Thorn blushed and then started to laugh at his words. Stepping to him she laughingly hugged him.

Thank you for bringing me out, I am enjoying myself,
she laughed, realising she was getting him wetter and stepping back she shook her head at him. Thought you could share the water.

Then still laughing she dropped to the ground softly beside the basket, peering in. She had an appetite and was hoping Berserker would suggest it was time to eat now.

Re: Home for Thorn

Post by Berserker »

Enjoying the hug Berserker heard a distinct squelch as the wet clothes was squashed together.

Im glad i brought you out here, its a wonderful place and im glad i could share it with someone.

Laughing at Thorns comment Berserker watched her elegantly sit down beside the basket and eye up its contents.

I see your getting hungry, feel free to dig in.

Berserker hands her the bar of chocolate then waits for Thorn to pick out her food from the basket and then sitting on the other side of the basket from her makes himself a sandwich of chicken, ham and sliced up boiled egg. Munching his way through the sandwich he realises they have nothing to drink so he places his sandwich on his lap and gets out the bottle of wine and two cups. Pouring one for Thorn and one for himself he raises the glass in a toast.

To new friends, and meeting beautiful woman.

Berserker proceeds to take a sip of his wine and then just looks at Thorn sitting there with the towel wrapped around her shoulders, a smile coming across his face.
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