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The abode of Gideon

Posted: Mon Jul 04, 2011 1:10 am
by Gideon
Gideon smiled as he placed a polished redwood box underneath his bed, not quite the hoard he was used to but it would do for his stay in this country. Wandering about the modestly sized home he had purchased, he considered how many people he would be able to comfortably fit into the house during a gathering, chuckling as he remembered he would need to meet some people before being able to host events he decided to take a swift jaunt about the town.
He grinned as he closed his front door behind him and exclaimed to no one in particular;
"So Paz, I'm feeling oddly optimistic today, impress me!"

Re: The abode of Gideon

Posted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 7:21 pm
by Hodierne
Hod, Benjamin, Wolle, and Luna walked up to the door of Gideon's house. Mari flew and G'gila rode on Wolle's back. Hod was carrying a gift for the new guy in town. "Knock, Knock," unable to knock, she yelled at the door. "I bring house warming gift!" She received no answer, so she yelled louder, "KNOCK KNOCK!" She frowned then turned to Luna when she began speaking, "Baa." "Okay Luna, you try knocking," Hod stepped aside, while the lamb began headbutting the door, 'Thump!' Luna continued headbutting the door, while Hod yelled, "Knock Knock!" Wolle joined in with a wolfy bark.

Re: The abode of Gideon

Posted: Tue Jul 12, 2011 9:20 pm
by Gideon
Gideon looked curiously at the orc child with the menagerie of animals who ignored him and began shouting at the door, when the lamb began head-butting the door. He waved his hand and spoke, struggling not to laugh
"Child, I am standing right here, it is a pleasure to meet you, the name is Gideon"

Re: The abode of Gideon

Posted: Wed Jul 13, 2011 6:39 pm
by Hodierne
"Oh, there you are! You're not inside your house." Hod smiled. Luna stopped headbutting the door, turning to look at the man. "Hello Gideon, I'm Hod. I come greet you and bring you house warming gift." Hod handed him an armful of wood. "Happy House Warming!"

Benjamin, the pig, cleared his throat. "Hello Gideon, I'm Benjamin. The lamb is Luna. The wolf is Wolle. The snoth is G'gila," G'gila waved from Wolle's back at the mention of his name. "The spirit butterfly is Mari. Welcome to Paz." Benjamin bowed his head as a greeting.

Re: The abode of Gideon

Posted: Mon Jul 25, 2011 7:21 pm
by Gideon
((bleh, I could have sworn I replied to this already, my apologies))

Gideon barely seemed phased as the pig spoke, first address his speech to Hod, he considered how he would reply to Benjamin
"Hello Hod, it is a pleasure to meet you and thank you for the gift!"

Looking down at the pig he grinned and waved at the animals
"Hello Benjamin, and what manner of creature might you be, that allows you to speak? Can your companions here also talk?"

Re: The abode of Gideon

Posted: Tue Jul 26, 2011 5:58 am
by Hodierne
"I'm happy that you like it," Hod smiled happily at the man.

Benjamin looked up at the man, "I'm a pig. Nahren enabled me to speak Secfenian. As for my companions, Luna speaks Sheep, Wolle speaks Wolf, G'gila speaks Snoth, and Mari glows and dims."

Re: The abode of Gideon

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 6:20 pm
by Gideon
Gideon frowned
"Nahren, the fellow who was almost king in Fenia? I had not realized he had magic... and snoth? I have not heard of this language or creature before, what are they?"
Looked at the creature curiously

Re: The abode of Gideon

Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 5:35 pm
by Hodierne
Benjamin looked at the six inch tall, imp-like creature who was now standing on the wolf's head, balancing on one foot. He said in a quiet voice, "Snoths are not very tall creatures that are jealous of other creatures being taller than they are, so they eat height." Hod added in a not so quiet voice, "But not G'gila, he eats cookied. I taughted him cookies are better than height!"

Re: The abode of Gideon

Posted: Mon Aug 08, 2011 5:53 pm
by Bacchus
I allow my descent to slow as I spiral down to Mayor Gideon's house, shaking my arms from the strain I wave to the Mayor and the Princess, ' Hello Mr Mayor, Hod, Luna, Benjamin N'Gila, Wolle. I wanted to see if I could scrounge a cup of sugar Mr Mayor? I am all out! '

Re: The abode of Gideon

Posted: Thu Aug 18, 2011 6:04 pm
by Hodierne
"Betty! Hello Betty." Hod jumps up and down excited at seeing Bacchus. "This is my dolly Betty," she introduces Bacchus to Gideon.