RP - The Wakening of Hephastion

Where the people from the towns can meet and interact

Re: RP - The Wakening of Hephastion

Post by Hephastion »

Watching as she struggles to cope, he closes his eyes for a moment to focus himself. Feeling her blood course through his veins he knows he didnt take much, enough to see him through a couple more days but not enough to make her react like this. Opening his eyes, he looks over her again hoping what he saw a few moments ago was just his imagination.

See her breathing becoming more shallow, he lifts his wrist to his mouth and bites, letting some of the blood run down his throat, standing over her he remembers her wish to heal on her own, hesitating as he moves his wrist to her lips. Knowing she wont last much longer he moves the puncture wound against her lips, concentrating for a moment he lets the wound flow into her mouth for a moment. Pulling away he watches as the wound heals over, not leaving a mark on him.

Quickly stepping back he waits for the reaction, having seen it numerous times before he prepares himself to calm her.

Re: RP - The Wakening of Hephastion

Post by Wandress »

Wandress failed to notice Hephastion gently opening her mouth, as well as the sudden wetness slipping over her tongue and down her throat, though it wasn't long ignored. Within moments, she felt heat blooming through her chest as she swallowed, rousing her from her languor. An unearthly shock seized her, stiffening her body as she jolted upright, drawing a ragged gasp through crimson-stained lips. Her eyes wide and wild, she let out a cry of pain and alarm, her claws lashing out at unseen assailants. Her heart thudded heavily in her chest, where it had been sluggish moments ago. Catching her senses, she collapsed back into the chair as a broken doll, clutching at her throat while her eyes rolled wildly. What had he done to her? Once her eyes focused slightly, they locked onto Hephastion, standing silently watching her. Her lips worked silently, trying to speak, but no words were coming out. Black eyes flashed silver momentarily as she stared at him, trying desperately to grasp the power that yet eluded her. She still felt light, heady, but it was so much different from earlier, the metallic residue on her tongue giving her a sense of...relief. Her face flushed with anger, indication of her strength rapidly returning to her. "What have you done to me?" she growled.

Re: RP - The Wakening of Hephastion

Post by Hephastion »

Watching as she woke from he struggle, Hephastion stood still trying to stay relaxed knowing she would now survive. As she lashes out for a moment he steps back quickly to avoid her claws unsure of the damage they will cause. Stepping closer again as she falls back into the chair he takes no chances as that silver glint appears in her eyes, his flesh turning to to marble, it still appeared as skin like but was as hard as the stone. If she launched a fire ball at him the damage would be minimal, the effort meant he used some of her valuable blood but it also meant she couldnt harm him for the next while.

"You reacted badly to the embrace Wandress, I couldnt let you die" his words calm and soft, it was not his place to be angry, and she had every right to be. If she remembered his words from earlier, she would now have to rely on him for the rest of her days, and those days would last as long as they were both together, she was now immortal as he was, both relying on the vitae of blood.

"Im sorry, I couldnt watch as you faded into the darkness" he didnt want to touch her, he knew he had to let her come to him.

Re: RP - The Wakening of Hephastion

Post by Wandress »

The man was infuriating. He stood there before her passively, tense and quiet in his demeanor, easily mistaken as a soft-spoken statue. Taking a deep breath she slowly pushed herself from the chair, drawing herself up in front of him as best she could. Her legs were still a little shaky, but she did her best to hide that from him. She was actually somewhat taken aback by how well she was feeling. Her limbs were still shaking with the shock and her fury, though they felt less and less leaden with every moment. Black eyes slowly filmed over in quicksilver, sharp and intent on Hephastion.

"Die? I was fine! Everything was under control, I just needed some sleep, some time to rest it off!" Her claws curled into fists at her sides, sparks shooting away from her hands and singing holes in the floor. Once again her breathing became rapid, her chest rising and falling with her rampant emotion. "What. Have. You. Done. To. Me," she demanded again, swallowing heavily. She could still taste his blood on her tongue, and she shuddered at herself. Very nearly she enjoyed it. Nearly.

Re: RP - The Wakening of Hephastion

Post by Hephastion »

As the flames grow in her palms he raises an eye brow at her moving closer to her "I have saved your life Wandress, if you had fallen asleep you would have died" the shine in his eyes returning.

"I only gave you a few drops of blood, you are not a Vampyr, you have some of what id call the benefits and none of the weaknesses apart from one"

Giving her time to gather her thoughts he hopes she calms soon "I couldnt watch your life slowly leave you, I know I have only met you but there is something about you, I cant explain it, you seem to be able to calm me just being in the same room as you" his words spoken softly he reaches out to take her hands showing her no fear of the fire in her hands.

Re: RP - The Wakening of Hephastion

Post by Wandress »

Squeezing her eyes tightly shut for a moment, she hoped, fleetingly, that it had been a dream - that she had actually fallen asleep in her chair by the fire, and none of this had actually happened. Oh, how lovely it would have been to yawn and stretch langourously, and laugh at how silly of a dream it must have been, getting worked up over children's campfire stories.

No, his cold hands holding hers were no dream. Cold? Well, she supposed they were, though they were much warmer now than they had been when he first touched her. She opened her eyes and met his looking back at her, earnest and concerned, none of the mocking malice she had thought to find. Reluctantly, she gave a small nod, and ashamedly averted her eyes as she released the Light. Healing had taken more out of her than she had supposed, leaving her defenseless of his...embrace. She had nothing to draw on to heal herself, and he had saved her life when she had failed.

Taking a deep, calming breath, her pounding heart slowed as her fury leeched out of her. Not normally so easily prone to passions, she glanced again anxiously at him, hoping it was not a regular effect of...She blinked in surprise, peering down at his hands clutching hers. Holding the Light they had been as hot as any flame, yet he had not even flinched as he had grasped them, with nary a blemish nor blister to be seen. Were her skills being weakened by his...embrace, or had he become stronger?

She sat heavily down into her chair, lightly touching her temple. "So now what? What are these 'weaknesses'?" Looking up at him, she blinked in memory of something he had said earlier. "You've done this to others, but they're dead now? I'm going to die?"

Re: RP - The Wakening of Hephastion

Post by Hephastion »

Feeling the heat grow in his hands and up his arms, he is thankfull when she falls back into the seat, unsure of how much more he could take. Trying not to smile as another emotion sweeps through her he shakes his head "No, you are not going to die. I wont let it happen"

He goes on the tell her about the one weakness she, or infliction that will be her need for his blood "A few drops a day, you will manage with out for a couple of days here and there, the others I spoke off either left or thought they no longer needed me"

Sitting down again he relaxes inside, no longer needing to draw on his resources his flesh softens "You will have a new strength, you will be faster and stronger than you were before, and quite possibly that little trick you do with your hands will be enhanced" refering to the fire. Letting out a deep breath, he lets out a short laugh "You know in some ways your better off than me, and that was the single most emotional embrace i have ever endured" closing his eyes for a second thinking back on the evenings events

Re: RP - The Wakening of Hephastion

Post by Wandress »

A silence settled over them, sitting with their own contemplations. The quiet was only broken by the soft crackle of burning logs in the fireplace. Folding her hands in her lap Wandress made a visible effort to compose herself once more, though that was no simple task. Her mind continued to race, trying to piece together how she had come from Healing a child's broken arm to becoming so firmly enmeshed with this man, this Vampyr she hardly knew. She was now reliant upon him for him to bestow upon her daily a few drops of his blood. What was she supposed to do now? He had spoken of his many travels since he had become a Vampyr, mostly she supposed to protect himself from the repercussions of his...eating habits. Would she be coerced into following him in his wanderings, nomadic for the rest of her life because of her dependancy on him?

She looked at her curled claws. A new strength. After she had begun to calm down a bit, she didn't really feel all that different than she had earlier; a little less tired from the Healing earlier. In fact, she was not tired at all anymore. Strange. "So," she said quietly before pausing, looking up from her lap to study him. Hephastion was impossibly calm and stoic before her. Emotional embrace? The man was a statue for all the emotion he showed! "So," she began again, a bit more firmly. "What now?"

Re: RP - The Wakening of Hephastion

Post by Hephastion »

"What now indeed" her words seem to swim round in his head as he thought about them. Contemplating her words for a moment longer he looks into her eyes "We barely know each other, but yet here we are. Im commited to giving you life and your commited to taking it from me" not quite sure how else he could word it to a woman he had only met a few short hours ago. His first memory of her standing at the gate, part of him wishing he had kept walking so as not to have brought this upon her, but another part of him glad he did take her offer and the events that have led to this moment.

"As i said earlier, I got a feeling from you, you seem to have a calming effect on me. I seem to have been more in control this evening than I ever have been" giving her a smile "So it seems we need each other" hoping his words make sense.

Re: RP - The Wakening of Hephastion

Post by Wandress »

Wandress pulled her tail into her lap, running her claws idly through the long purple tuft. A gold cuff ringed the end of it, a gift from her mother when she had had her Vision; it looked a pretty bauble, but it could greatly increase her strength in the Light, and it was not the only piece she had. It had not helped her tonight, however. She found herself very much mired in the circumstances. They needed each other.

She couldn't help but think of her Clan, dependant upon one another fornearly everything; food, safety, companionship, Healing, materials; they were an entire community unto themselves, a closed world to the outside. This was very different. Where the Clan relied on one another for help, she would not rely on Hephastion to keep her alive, in a very literal sense. She was very much at his mercy. If he ever decided that he did not want her around anymore...

She breathed deeply, another calming sigh. "You...you are continuing on to Paz tonight? And, then where? I suppose I will have to follow you where you travel, since you have to...sustain me, regularly." It was clear she did not relish the idea, not after Wandress had started to settle down in Bravia. She had really hoped to be here longer.
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