*Imperius Mayor Office

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Re: Imperius Mayor Office

Post by balerion »

I have sold scores of bushels of wood to the city for 6f. I've sold hundreds to Kiene for 7f. Were I attempting to profit from anyone it certainly wouldn't have been you. If the wood buying policy changes perhaps announce it. If you don't tell us how will we know?
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: Imperius Mayor Office

Post by Nocturne »

Attention: Dragon,

I have been going through things with your allegations and decided that I would perhaps update postings if needed. However, when I read the Town Hall memorandums before I updated them today, I did not find what I expected. For I expected that you are typically on the top of your game with being aware of happenings, and where things are posted.

However, the TH Memo was - until today - still set from the prior mayor's term, as we have been focusing on other things. And it seems rather obvious that the buy price has been lower than 6f for some time now. Perhaps you had a side deal with Michael worked out to skim money from Imperius the entire time, who knows? I certainly wouldn't put it past such outlaws.

It has been my experience that oftentimes such coercion is used to pad the coffers of those loyal to thieves. Yet either way, the prices that TH buys items for has always been posted on the Town Hall bulletin. I saw no reason to update the price list at this time, though when there are changes made, that is where the updates happen. I hope this helps you with your trading efforts.

May the truth of matters always be revealed,

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Re: Imperius Mayor Office

Post by balerion »

Call me outlaw all you like, I am in Mazork's army in Fenia City defending the castle. Widuans have in the past purchased my wood on the Imperian market and Michael would often do the same. Wood prices have increased across the known lands, its more valuable than it used to be. Its simply a fact. Accusing me of skimming money from Imperius when I could get more money in Widu is ludicrous. I have no control over what the mayor pays, but do take offense when false accusations are made simply because I have a different expectation for what prices are to be. Many Imperians have sold wood in Imperius for 6f, I am hardly the only one. My misunderstanding is no cause for making accusations against my person. I have never stolen a day in my life. As Overseer of the Fenian Faiths my office oversees more than 9000f in funds. Be realistic.

Dahlia I am sorry for the misunderstanding, I didn't know the change had taken place.

Ironically enough a Widuan already purchased the wood before I replied here. A great big thank you to Karcier who pays a fair price for goods.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: Imperius Mayor Office

Post by Michael »

Nocturne wrote:However, the TH Memo was - until today - still set from the prior mayor's term, as we have been focusing on other things. And it seems rather obvious that the buy price has been lower than 6f for some time now. Perhaps you had a side deal with Michael worked out to skim money from Imperius the entire time, who knows? I certainly wouldn't put it past such outlaws.

It has been my experience that oftentimes such coercion is used to pad the coffers of those loyal to thieves. Yet either way, the prices that TH buys items for has always been posted on the Town Hall bulletin. I saw no reason to update the price list at this time, though when there are changes made, that is where the updates happen. I hope this helps you with your trading efforts.

May the truth of matters always be revealed,

Mayoral Staff
Good day to you,

I would expect the Mayor to address an issue like this but clearly things have changed. The buy price has always been 5.5f however you will find that the value of certain goods rise on demand. The people of Imperius will always help if called upon and even sell wood far below the Town Hall buy price, if some prefer to sell at 6f, that is there choice and if the Town Hall needs it, then it will be purchased. Thats how things have always been done.

As for the Dragon and I having a side deal please don't make false accusations. The Viceregal buy price of wood is 6f so when the Viceroyalty is in need of Wood, I would purchase it at 6f to make sure they always had wood. Countless citizens have sold at 6f and their bushels of wood were purchased. But if you could elaborate on how i could steal money when there is no profit made on the sale, I would love to know. Seems like false accusations from the people in charge have become a trend.

Re: Imperius Mayor Office

Post by Nocturne »

Nocturne lumps in another pile of paperwork, and curiously listens for a long moment, crimson eyes seeming to analyze the very words as they come forth, swirling mists of deception that each party plays with to bring about the light to their side of the story. One reason he always truly despised politics. None the less, he oft found himself in such offices. He listened to the dragon's words first, and then to Michael's, deciding to address balerion's issues first.

"While it is true you are in the army here, would you care to enlighten the general public that might not know why it is so imperative that you are in the army? For last I knew, when one was on the target board, one was offered a place to attempt to possibly redeem themselves. At least, that's what I would take such an opportunity as, for it's better than leaving the army and dying from the weight of the blades at that point." He reached up, a hand slowly tracing along the ledgers as he continued, "As for the Market prices you have mentioned...Again, that would explain why the funds were so low in Imperius, since the Kingdom has not changed its buying policy, that can only mean since Michael has bought more wood at a higher price - as he so kindly stated - that Imperius was making less of a profit from it, stagnating the towns growth. There are reasons these controls are in place to help the entire population."

He tilted his head to the side, "There are some notable chances, however, sir dragon. You state that many Imperians have sold wood for 6f. This is true, and no one takes issue with that. However, in our current situation with the wood shortage, where Imperius has been damaged by Michael's profiteering, other Imperians have donated goods, gold and especially wood at lower prices to help the Mines and the Imperius Town Hall recover. If you wished to truly help Imperius and Fenia, then you would care less about making a profit and more about helping your fellow citizens. Already His Majesty has donated 50 bushels, and I am sure that m'lady Dahlia can tell you about all the other citizens who have donated their days to helping this town rebuild itself. It isn't an overnight process, and it takes teamwork."

His dark eyes then gazed upon Michael, who before the events of the past month, he had been proud of his progress on the Phoenix event to guide to completion. Now, he wasn't able to be as sure of such things as he once was, for events revealed themselves far differently in the flow of time. "Well, if you missed it, Lady Mayor has already addressed the issue, and it should have been closed, and was as far as I was concerned. And yes, things are clearly changing, with new leaders come new methods, where things are found that can be improved, they should be. Such, delegation, to have aid and not try to carry the weight of a town upon your own shoulders, for with that method, there is a lack of transparency. Delegating things also allows the leaders to keep their eyes on the bigger picture, adjusting as they go, and not having to repeat themselves to those who have heard the answers but choose to be blind to them, and talk in circles.

"Again, any town is a team effort, and I'm proud to have sold items to the town for lower than I would have profited selling them on my own. Why? Because I chose to live in Fenia, and it is an honor to work with my fellow citizens. I only hope that I am able to serve my country as nobly as my fellow citizens, and that they can be as proud of me one day, as I am of them."

Nocturne glanced to Michael, curious at the motives of the man before him. "And yet you aren't in the army, yet you come around buying goods from the markets as well, and seem comfortable as an outlaw. You speak of false accusations, and yet here you are, in a domain that is not yours. And what are you doing here? You are attempting tongue-in-cheek insults to our princess and mayor, blatantly disrespecting the edicts of His Majesty, and using more time that could be put to better use elsewhere. There are possibilities that I see, Michael. They are not accusations at all, but if the shoe fits, you are welcome to put it on. For now, I once again consider the matter of wood pricing settled."
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Re: Imperius Mayor Office

Post by balerion »

If I answer your questions will you perhaps stop slandering me? Likely not, but here goes...

It isn't at all imperative that I am in Mazork's army. I have done so in an attempt to dissuade Michael from attacking the capital. Your own reasoning is rather faulty. I was the one that convinced Michael to disband his army in Imperius. I want this not to boil over into a civil war, yet that is still rather possible should the castle be attacked.

Michael's wood purchases kept wood moving to the Viceregal inventory, without those purchases further amounts of wood would have simply migrated to Widu. Again, wood prices have increased world wide. Recently the Bravians were paying 8f for wood during their latest wood crisis. Michael did what was needed to keep wood in Fenia. To claim otherwise is foolish.

You continually speak of Michael's profiteering, please be so kind as to make public the entirety of the Town Hall logs to back up your statements or please stop making them.

I am quite willing to help Imperius, and have done what I could in the past month as deacon, mentor, and Overseer. For being an advocate of peace I have been labeled a propagandist. Perhaps you really don't know what has gone on and are a bit too hasty to make judgements. I asked MIchael while he was still mayor to place one of the king's supporters into the office of Mentor to try to deescalate matters, but he said none of them were willing. Because no one else would I filled the position while Tigerlily was in retreat. Our new citizens deserve a mentor no matter what. Period. I still advocate a peaceful solution for this conflict. That isn't going to change.

Next time perhaps it would be good for you to think a bit before slandering someone. It really makes you look quite foolish when your accusations turn out to be completely baseless.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: Imperius Mayor Office

Post by Nocturne »

"Again, you don't hear my words. I spoke of possibilities, you put the shoe on your...giant taloned...foot, to choose to wear it as slander. These things you speak of are not in the domain of the mayor's office." He paused for a moment, "And congratulations on your winning the court case for Stewart. It reminds me I need to mail him about the funds he owes me, so thank you for that. Knowing he won't be having to pay the 200 means surely there should be enough to settle." He seemed to remember the topic once again.

"Oh, yes. And let's say that I choose to take you on your word, though as you know of me, I am one who believes in letting actions show things. From what I an surmise, it would see that His Majesty has already responded regarding Micheal's profiteering, and again, this is not a matter for the Mayor's Office, but a matter to deal with the court system, so with all due respect, I would have to ask you to direct your inquiries and demands for proof there. Until then, it is their jurisdiction to handle such matters. When that is removed, of course that would looked upon differently. Until then, you have to consider my position of who to believe. I could even provide a wanted poster of the man I've never met from a king that I have met; or I could try trusting this man who only just met me, and he only happened to meet me by coming for the purpose of declaring his innocence while breaching other laws. Which logic would you choose, Lord Dragon?"

He shook his head, settling the papers in his hand, "However, for now, the mayor's office can say that the price of wood is proper for current status, and we do appreciate everyone's diligence in the matter. However, again, I will have to refer you to the Courts or the Vice royalty for the clearing up of the other matters. I bid you good day, sir dragon."

(Edit for spelling error: 10/14/14 2:48 AM)
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Re: Imperius Mayor Office

Post by Duke_of_Earl »


Just to clarify buy and spend habits relative to making the most profit for a TH; it isn't necessary for every citizen to only post their goods at or below the official TH buy price. That buy price is only for goods the producer specifically intends for the TH to buy. A producer can make a better deal for themselves with other producers and with traders or simply wait for a random buyer, possibly even a peasant, to buy the item at the higher price. Similarly, mayors need not restrict themselves to exclusively buying the low priced goods if and when more profit can me made from a bulk sale of average priced goods.

For example, occasionally I will sweep the market of 10+ rows of a single item, such as corn, that has been posted in range of prices from significantly below to marginally above the officially listed buy price and repost it as a single 100 quantity row of that item for the average price rounded up to the nearest .05F. When this is a row I end up selling in bulk to the VR, the net profit is greater than it would have been if only sold the cheap item and left the expensive item on the market.

When it is a row not sold to the VR, the quick turnover still encourages further production rather field fallowing, which tends to happen when goods are left too long unsold on the market. The greater production translates into more opportunities to make other sales and with other clients which also translates into more profit in the long run.

For another example, I have on occasion bought some of Ulysses wheat when I needed to hit a certain export target and had already procured some donation priced wheat earlier. Ulysses however has no deals contracted with the TH. He just happens to have the stock available and the patience to wait for when it will move.
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Re: Imperius Mayor Office

Post by balerion »

Balerion entered his new office clearing out the cobwebs. Corruption was drastically high, at 63%. It was going to take a decent bit of work to sort out, but sort it he would. Calling the clerical staff he started to assemble them into some sort of order.

You start working on the books. You hire more audit points. We are going to make this place look like a mayor's office. You hire some masons, and someone get me the sheriff.
Shaker of Castles
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Re: Imperius Mayor Office

Post by balerion »

Balerion smiled wryly as things started to get sorted. Corruption was dealt with and masons were repairing the damaged foundation on the west side of the building. There was an active militia again defending the walls as well.

To all who it may concern thus far the new Imperian town council consists of the following: Suu Nee, Vulkan, Tigerlily, GracieBells, Tybalt, Jandar, and Timenia. Should anyone else wish to take part a simple letter of interest is all it takes.

If anyone has any ideas or concerns about the city please pay me a visit here in my office, the door is always open. Frankly if I shut the thing I might not be able to get back out.

Balerion places a tray of cookies and a pitcher of milk in the foyer and hides a slice of strawberry pie for Dway if she should happen to visit.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear
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