Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

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Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Logo »

Wearing an ample black judicial robe and a powdered wig far too small for its head,
a troll opened the door to a remodeled office for the public prosecutor.
Office of the Public Prosecutor

Republic of Bravia Court of Justice

~ Crime Reports ~
~ Petitions to the Court ~
~ Official Business Only ~

Dedicated to the service of all creatures -
- a portal to fairness and true justice under the law
The troll spoke, "Welcome to the prosecutorial office of the court. Imma show you 'round."
Thissy office is for court business with the prosecutor. That means:

1) Reporting crimes: providing evidences of offenses and names of witnesses.
To be used by the court for indictments or summons to appear, give evidence, answer questions or charges

2) Motions or petitions: from litigants or principals in a case that are impossible to deliver to the courthouse.

3) Amicus Curiae: With prior permission of the prosecutor or judge a creature may act as a friend of the court to provide requests, unsolicited testimony or evidence, briefs or legal analyses of statute, precedent or potential civil consequences relevant to a case under consideration.
Note: No creature outside a case has 'right' to act as amici curiae, have briefs admitted or considered. It is a privilege extended only at the discretion of the court. Any such communication must be addressed to the court itself and express position as a friend of the court rather than friend of a litigant.

"izza a couple more things to know ... anna 'nother room for visitors to use,"
The troll made a stern expression and gave some legal advice, "So everywho can avoid being fineded for contempt of court izza some good ideas here for behaviors:
- Providing intentionally false, misleading or deceptive statements here can mean trouble.
- Address all communications to the officer of the court - the prosecutor.
- Do not respond for the court or talk directly to others.
- Remember izza this place an office of the court. Respect izza not an optional attitude.

For those seeking historical reference, the troll pointed to locked but transparent door: "For continuity izza can be seen the old prosecutator office here ... 232#p97232

With a smile, the troll bowed, "We know izza wanting some place for more informal discussing."
He politely pointed to a door. PP Office(Antechamber) - Civil Discussion Here "in here izza big room with comfy spots where can anywho commentate, whisperize or hava disgustions 'bouts cases afore the court -- even complain -- as long as izza done respectishly.

Again, imma say 'welcome to the offices of the court of Bravia.
May justice always be doneded here.
Patron of a more astucious criminal class
Life maybe a game, but izza onliest life imma know
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business O

Post by balerion »

Logo wrote:2) Motions or petitions: from litigants or principals in a case that are impossible to deliver to the courthouse.
I request the right to have my trial conducted via magical means (Role Played in the forum) as I am in Surxia. I am unable to be in the courthouse in person, currently in the Unknown World as I am, and still desire to prove my innocence. I humbly await your decision.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear

Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business O

Post by Dante »

I was attacked by the bravian sanctioned army of Emerald Light while travelling to fenia there was no cause for this. Rieron has claimed responsibility for this while in tavern

(sorry image was too wide for forum)

Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business O

Post by Dante »

another attack today i didnt try leave town am still in cork

Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business O

Post by Marshal »

Dante, this discussion has been brought up in council so we can figure out what exactly happened here. Thank you for bringing this to us.
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business O

Post by Victorious »

The Public Prosecutor's Office is now open again. If you would like a case brought up, please come see me with your events as proof. Thank you very much for your time.
Thank you Aishe for my new pretties|Married to Katara Zeraria|

Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business O

Post by Treant »

An outraged Treant sends a formal charge to the public prosecutor's office:
I, Treant, mayor of Paz, am filing charges for malfeasance, graft, and gross incompetence against the town stewards of Paz Messieurs Moe, Larry and Curly. I am filing a civil suit against the employment agency Dewey, Cheatham and Howe from which they were hired and who has responsibility for addressing my grievances, which they have not.
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business O

Post by Grayson »

Duely noted will take processing fees from your peronal coffers have a nice day
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business O

Post by Aingeal »

Upon entering the gates of Bravia city, Aingeal was appalled at the condition of the town walls, and went to the mayor's office to find out why. Bravia as a whole was known for it's good upkeep, and this was just off. Knocking upon the town hall door, politely even, she waited for a response...

And waited... and waited.... and waited.... WAIT ... the mayor isn't even in town?!

I would like to file charges against Balerion under Bravian law; Section II, subsection d, she said, after heading to the PP's office.
II. Betrayal

Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:

a. Perjury – Intentional deception in a Bravian Court of Law.
b. Contempt of Court – Failure to appear in the Court of Law when summoned.
c. Abuse of Power - Any legally elected or appointed official who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large. This includes favoritism that has resulted in harm to the Viceroy or Town.
d. Neglect of Duty- Any legally elected or appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
The town walls are full of holes, and if a mayor isn't in town to make sure the stores are full, the sheriff can't do their job repairing them. Anyone could just waltz in here.... Aingeal sighed. I respectfully ask that this dragon finally be held accountable for SOMETHING!
Mother to Amara, Wife to Anessen, Guard of Fenia
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business O

Post by balerion »

On this note I would like to report that the towne inventory has been stocked with over 200 stone this entire time. A search for a new sheriff is underway.
Shaker of Castles
Order of the Pillow | Sunspear
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