Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Varann »

If you are not reprorting a crime take the discusion to another place please. This office is not the place to hold such talks.
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Aishe »

I have two more charges of treason to bring against the creature, Ophelia, beyond her usurp of power by unsanctioned revolt.
1. Commanding an army which has not been given authorization to be raised or enter into Bravia.
Ophelia rose an army named 'Lions Unite' without the approval of the Viceregal Bravian Council. The army did not fly the Bravian flag either. As far as I could see, Ophelia was the only one a part of this army during the duration of its existence. However, when I returned to capture proof of the army's camp, there was no longer an army - which is in cause to the third charge.
4. Any attempt, successful or not, to cause physical harm to any citizen of Bravia except for agreed upon duels or in self-defense.
Ophelia's army had me on an order to kill on sight [kill-listed] and as a result, attacked me when I posed no threat to the army or its captain. She did, however, attack me too close to the Darkrose army camp and my comrades from the army came to assist and defend me in the attack. We successfully disbanded the independent, illegal army as a result.

- Aishe E. Sanchari -
Rightfully Elected Mayoress of Bravia City



Aishe Ehsan Sanchari-Kuhlash | Married to Akos | Mother of Dynasties | Mum of 16
🍓Senator of Bravia | Viceroy | Mayor of Paz | White Wolf | Countess of Attica | Queen Mother of Fenia♛
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Nikola »

Thank you for this evidence, Aishe. Please be assured that your plight is not being ignored and we are building the case as we speak. A crime has been committed. Our laws were broken. The defendant will be tried.

Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Nocturne »

Since no one seems to have evidence to bring forward, I suppose I will.

Under the laws of Bravia City and Bravia VR, Rieron should be charged with:

1) At least two counts of Treason (potentially up to seven):
1. Commanding an army which has not been given authorization to be raised or enter into Bravia.
4. Any attempt, successful or not, to cause physical harm to any citizen of Bravia except for agreed upon duels or in self-defense.

As evidence, Rieron came into town flying an army flag, and proceeded to attack the standing army of Bravia City. Below are some personal logs, and I'm sure others can add their own as well if need be.
History wrote: Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You felt a surge through your fists as if you were more proficient during your Army Kill List battle with Rieron (Round 7)
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You attacked Rieron and they wounded you (-1 Fit) You fired off a Psyonic Blast (-2 FP)! Your skill in Blood Lust gave you a bonus in your attack (-1 FP)! Your skill in Wrath of Zachrin gave you a bonus in your attack (-2 FP)! You were blinded!
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] Rieron attacked you and whacked you (-1 Fit)
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You felt a surge through your fists as if you were more proficient during your Army Kill List battle with Rieron (Round 7)
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You attacked and lightly wounded Rieron You have blinded them (-2 FP)! You fired off a Psyonic Blast (-2 FP)! Your skill in Blood Lust gave you a bonus in your attack (-1 FP)! Your skill in Wrath of Zachrin gave you a bonus in your attack (-2 FP)! You have recuperated! (+85 HP)
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You felt a surge through your fists as if you were more proficient during your Army Kill List battle with Rieron (Round 6)
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] Rieron attacked you and whacked you (-1 Fit)
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You felt a surge through your fists as if you were more proficient during your Army Kill List battle with Rieron (Round 6)
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You attacked Rieron and they lacerated you (-1 Fit) You fired off a Psyonic Blast (-2 FP)! Your skill in Blood Lust gave you a bonus in your attack (-1 FP)! Your skill in Wrath of Zachrin gave you a bonus in your attack (-2 FP)! You have recuperated! (+85 HP) You were disarmed! You were blinded!
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] Rieron attacked you and grazed you (-1 Fit) You grab your diamond encrusted sword (Backup Weapon) and wield it as your primary weapon.
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You felt a surge through your diamond encrusted sword as if you were more proficient during your Army Kill List battle with Rieron (Round 5)
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You attacked and lacerated Rieron You were unable to grab your diamond encrusted sword (Backup Weapon) in time. You have blinded them (-2 FP)! You fired off a Psyonic Blast (-2 FP)! Your skill in Blood Lust gave you a bonus in your attack (-1 FP)! Your skill in Wrath of Zachrin gave you a bonus in your attack (-2 FP)! You have recuperated! (+85 HP) You have disarmed them (-2 FP)!
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You felt a surge through your fists as if you were more proficient during your Army Kill List battle with Rieron (Round 4)
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] Rieron attacked you and you wounded them You were unable to grab your diamond encrusted sword (Backup Weapon) in time. You have disarmed them (-2 FP)!
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You attacked Rieron and they lacerated you (-1 Fit) You fired off a Psyonic Blast (-2 FP)! Your skill in Blood Lust gave you a bonus in your attack (-1 FP)! Your skill in Wrath of Zachrin gave you a bonus in your attack (-2 FP)! You have healed yourself! (+161 HP, -2 FP) You have recuperated! (+85 HP) You were disarmed! You were blinded!
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] Rieron attacked you and lacerated you (-3 Fit) You were blinded!
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You attacked Rieron and they whacked you (-1 Fit) You fired off a Psyonic Blast (-2 FP)! Your skill in Blood Lust gave you a bonus in your attack (-1 FP)! Your skill in Wrath of Zachrin gave you a bonus in your attack (-2 FP)! You have healed yourself! (+161 HP, -2 FP) You have recuperated! (+85 HP)
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] Rieron attacked you and you wounded them You have blinded them (-2 FP)!
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You felt a surge through your amethyst axe as if you were more proficient during your Army Kill List battle with Rieron (Round 2)
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You attacked Rieron and they whacked you (-1 Fit) You have blinded them (-2 FP)! You fired off a Psyonic Blast (-2 FP)! Your skill in Blood Lust gave you a bonus in your attack (-1 FP)! Your skill in Wrath of Zachrin gave you a bonus in your attack (-2 FP)! You have recuperated! (+85 HP) You were blinded!
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You felt a surge through your amethyst axe as if you were more proficient during your Army Kill List battle with Rieron (Round 1)
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] You felt a surge through your amethyst axe as if you were more proficient during your Army Kill List battle with Rieron (Round 1)
Jun 24, 1657
5:00 am [Attack/Defense] Rieron attacked you and you wounded them You have blinded them (-2 FP)!

Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Nocturne »

Honorable Prosecutor,

Here are charges for Aishe Sanchari, former mayoress of Bravia City, related to neglect of duty. Please file and move forward with this, I will hand over the logs of evidence for you here.

(Edit: Requested by Elder Gorm to add in applicable law in full here.)
Bravian Law wrote:II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:
d. Neglect of Duty -

i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt of sabotage who, regardless of intention, fails to maintain any office in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
Jul 29, 1657
5:00 am The Clerical Staff seem to miss the mayor. Why are they not in town? [-1% Clerical Happiness and -0 Corruption
Jul 24, 1657
5:00 am The clerical staff wonders if the Mayor has abandoned them. They can not do everything themselves!
Jul 23, 1657
5:00 am The clerical staff wonders if the Mayor has abandoned them. They can not do everything themselves!
(Edit: Requested by Elder Gorm to add in applicable law in full here.)
Bravian Law wrote:II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:
d. Neglect of Duty -

i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt of sabotage who, regardless of intention, fails to maintain any office in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
Town Health Sent: Thu Jul 13, 1657 8:53 pm
To: Aishe Message Status: Read

If possible, could you list jobs for the masons to repair the Town Hall? TH health has dropped steadily since July 5th, and now sits at 80%, leaving us weaker to attack. Sabotender has been good about picking up masonry jobs when they are available.


To this, the former mayor did hire some masons to get it repaired, but only after it had dropped to 80% steadily over 8 days time.

(Edit: Requested by Elder Gorm to add in applicable law in full here.)
Bravian Law wrote:II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:
d. Neglect of Duty -

i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally fails to perform the duties of his/her office without due notice of absence and in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt of sabotage who, regardless of intention, fails to maintain any office in such a way that the people, the towns or viceroy suffer damages as a result of that neglect.
Corn purchases Sent: Wed Jul 12, 1657 10:17 am
To: Aishe Message Status: Read

If you're able to buy up the corn, the VR is running low. We have about 78 bags on market. Thanks :)
For this, the VR has notices in council halls as well, where Aishe formerly served as council, and the VR herds were nearly starving, as we dwindled to 1 bag of corn to feed the animals while over 80 sat on Bravian markets. I bought the ones from the markets and donated them to the VR as the mayor did not respond to the mail nor to the council chamber requests for the mayors to place corn to the faire. If unable to keep up with the duties of office, procedures are in place to say as such, and an authorized revolt can temporarily change mayors if needed to keep everything running smoothly.
Last edited by Nocturne on Tue Aug 01, 2017 1:53 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Akos »

You know, I was really hoping things wouldn't get to this point, but here we are. I'd held off on filing charges in the hopes that we could find a way to just get through the last week and move on to something better...guess I was wrong.

Dear PP, I'd like to file charges against Nocturne Shadowborne for crimes against the Viceroyalty. Specifically treason, betrayal and public disorder.

To be more specific:
Treason is defined as betraying or engaging in an act of aggression and/or spying against the government of Bravia or her people. (Said government includes the republic's lands, mines, resources, towns, seas, cathedrals, castle, boundaries, nodes, citizens, but is not limited to these listed only.)

Further treasonous prohibitions may be defined as:

1.Revolt of a Republic town hall or the Republic's castle without written authorization from the legally elected council & legally elected viceroy.

A crime of Treason is punishable in The Republic of Bravia's Court and may result in any punishment, depending on the severity of the crime, up to and including death and/or banishment. Any citizen of The Republic of Bravia found guilty of Treason may also face being banned from Bravia up to a year maximum and this may result in the loss of his or her (they/their) farm(s) and or home(s) should it be located in this said republic, thus being classified as an outlaw(s).
Nocturne claims to have had Varann's approval for a sanctioned revolt, but there is no public evidence of this being the case. Further to this, there was no sanction given by the elected council and under these laws a creature must have the go ahead from BOTH the council and Viceroy.

II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:
c. Abuse of Power –

i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large. This includes favoritism that has resulted in harm to the Viceroy or Town.
ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt of sabotage who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large.
It can be argued, that by removing one of the elected councilors from their post and then bringing in others who had not been legally elected, that Nocturne abused the office gained by an unsanctioned revolt for the benefit of others at the expense of the removed councilor.

I would further argue that this section applies to the inappropriate use of the town militia during the revolt. Please see my journal log as a member of the Bravia City town militia on the evening of the attack:

III. Public Disorder – Public Disorder is illegal and may result in mild to serious charges at the discretion of the Judge and based on damages. Crimes of Public Disorder may include:

a. Revolt – Any attempt to remove a legally elected or appointed official from a Town Hall or the Viceregal castle is considered a moderate to serious crime.

ii. Successful revolt - if not authorized by the Viceregal Council will be prosecuted
This one, simply says that if the revolt is not authorised by the council then the revolters will be prosecuted. There was no authorisation granted by the council, and it did in fact catch us all very much by surprise.

Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Nocturne »

I thought so as well, but council wanted formal charges made, so I have heeded the will of the council, as the new vote is underway. Meantime, you bring up a valid point, six counts of betrayal should be added to Aishe's list, for while the Town Buyback program generally isn't active, mysteriously it was on for all the exodus of people selling their fields at values higher than the usual 250 that has been purchased by the TH, and sold at 300. Now they are bought at 300, thus abusing her power for the benefit of others to be able to leave the country.
Bravian Law wrote:II. Betrayal – Crimes of Betrayal are illegal and punishment may range from mild to serious. Betrayal may be categorized as:
c. Abuse of Power –

i. Any legally elected or legally appointed official who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large. This includes favoritism that has resulted in harm to the Viceroy or Town.
ii. Any illegally sitting official, regardless of home place of residence, having gained office by virtue of revolt of sabotage who intentionally uses the powers of office for individual gain or the gain of another at the expense of the town, county, or citizens at large.
Jul 29, 1657
1:48 am Aishe has sold their Wheat field for 300 Freznics.
Jul 29, 1657
1:48 am Aishe has sold their Corn field for 300 Freznics.
Jul 28, 1657
11:13 pm Draven has sold their Wheat field for 300 Freznics.
Jul 28, 1657
11:13 pm Draven has sold their Wheat field for 300 Freznics.
Jul 28, 1657
3:07 pm Mallory has sold their Corn field for 300 Freznics.
Jul 28, 1657
11:48 am Zipporah has sold their Corn field for 300 Freznics.
This was most certainly at the expense of the town, without question. For reference of the usual 250 price, you can look back in the town logs to when I bought many new fields at 500, and sold them to the town at normal buyback prices to aid in giving us a stock of cheaper fields for newer citizens.
May 02, 1657
11:24 am Nocturne has sold their Wheat field for 250 Freznics.
May 02, 1657
11:24 am Nocturne has sold their Corn field for 250 Freznics.
May 02, 1657
11:23 am Nocturne has sold their Wheat field for 250 Freznics
You may also reference under Ophelia's watchful eye, when Myrth chose to leave, the value of her fields under the normal buyback program.
Jun 24, 1657
9:05 am Myrth has sold their Wheat field for 250 Freznics.
Jun 24, 1657
9:04 am Myrth has sold their Wheat field for 250 Freznics.
Also which should be noted here is that as Sheriff, Akos would have had access to these logs. Thus, she is at best, Neglecting her duty as sheriff to the town, and at worst, complicit in the Abuse of power. For one who seems familiar with all these laws and actions, it seems highly unlikely that she was merely neglecting her duty at this point, as multiple times she has stepped up to try to defend her wife's actions, and has admitted to the council her personal bias, for which I don't blame her. I do, however, give her part of the blame in this abuse of power in Bravia City.
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Mallory »

"Excuse me? But I wondered as I was pointed to this area, as there have been charges raised against Nocturne, if you might like a copy of the statement I received from the clerks when I awakened dazed and asked for an accounting of my job duties the night before? I was rather confused, but it seems I was deceived into taking the castle, not defending the town. I followed my orders, like a fool and come morning was heartbroken to learn I had done something against my own principles. I am so sorry. I would never have volunteered in that way had I know I could be lead astray. I trusted that I was doing what was right."

Mallory Namid Sanchari
"In Death, Life"

Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Amaelianna »

Mallory, you will be contacted as a witness, should this be brought to trial.
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Mallory »

Understood. Thank you.
Mallory Namid Sanchari
"In Death, Life"
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