Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by TwoB »

Charges have been filed on balerion
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Dwayberry »

Ok, let me try to explain this. After people committed a crime, you take them to court and put them through a fair trial.

Now, I understand the Bravian army attacking me while they were taken back the castle. All fair and part of the game. As it is now, you already have your castle back and I am minding my own business in Paz, which is my hometown, studying. You have no business attacking me with an army while I am in the freaking university.
I was not declared outlaw, there was no bounty put on my head. I wasn't even put on trial (where I would show up as requested if you did so). As long as this is all not the case, attacking me is a crime.

If it happens again I will request to press charges against the army captain. And if that isn't taken up by the weak excuse that is the Bravian courthouse, I will take it higher up to the mages.

Take me off your kill list and put me on trial or put out a warrant for my arrest or make me an outlaw, the kind of normal procedure to deal with criminals, and invest your fighting energy in defending your towns and castle for a change.
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Tuvoria »

you have been removed for now. Any move by you against the citizens or leadership of Bravia, or your aiding the known criminal Balerion, will result in your being placed back on the Army's attack list.

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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Dwayberry »

I will let today's attack slide because I'm assuming you only received this message after sunrise.
Go home to Bravia city to defend your castle.
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Morjiana »

Firstly, my thanks to Tuvoria for his efforts to defend the Republic against its enemies.

But pertaining to the business of this office, I wish to request that the PP bring cases for the following crimes.

1. Balerion, for revolt against the castle and elected government of Bravia
Refer to section 1 defining further treasonous prohibitions in part I Treason in our current laws
2. Dwayberry, for revolt against the castle and elected government of Bravia
Refer to section 1 defining further treasonous prohibitions in part I Treason in our current laws
3. Dwayberry, for providing aid to an enemy of Bravia by serving on the illegal council of Balerion
Refer to section 2a in examples of treasonous actions in part I Treason in our current laws
4. Dwayberry, for acting illegally and without right on behalf of the republic of Bravia by filing court cases as PP without being legally appointed to this office
Refer to section 2a and 3 in examples of treasonous actions in part I Treason in our current laws
5. Balerion, for destruction of the castle walls by moving it illegally from one town to another
Refer to section 2 defining further treasonous prohibitions in part I Treason in our current laws
6. Balerion, for neglect of duty, for damage to the Republic's finances and welfare by neglecting the work of council and council offices during his illegal occupation of the castle
Refer to section D ii under II Betrayal in our current laws
~ Morjiana Sanchari of Chere ~ Seer, Busybody, Matriarch ~
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by TwoB »

All 6 cases have been filed.
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Katie »

FROM THE DESK OF: Judge Katie to Public Prosecutor TwoB

As I am very tired and crabby, I placed up my reply to clarify for Case #298 why I ruled DISMISSAL. However, I forgot you nor the others have the benefit of hearing my reasoning so here goes.....

As she took her seat she motioned for all to take their seats too. She hoped this would be a quick trial today.

The Baliff swore in everyone applicable to another Dwayberry Treason Case so Judge Katie tried her best to stay focused and concentrate on the case. Katie bowed her head wondering how many cases were Dwayberry cases yet to be heard from the docket of case numbers?

"Finally," declared Judge Katie : "I have heard enough! RECESS for 15 minutes exactly on the sundial," as she slammed the gavel down forcefully! She had her motive for this Recess as she walked over to the counter to check the docket list with the ase files yet to be heard.

After 15 minutes, court was back in session as Judge Katie spoke grouchily. I am exhausted today so I will not waste any time. I checked the docket of cases to see if Lady - Senator Morjiana was correct in her testimony that only Dwayberry was being brought on this particular charge. Lady -- Senator Morjiana is correct.... only Dwayberry. Next, we have established that Dwayberry did not steal anything of value from the castle and may have helped by being on the Council. Balerion stated: "Serving on a council is not a crime. If it were there are many others you would need to drag to court for also being appointed to my (MY) council."

"Indeed it was Uncle balerion's Council and yes, it was illegal. BUT as judge, I am dismissing this case. Let's understand why, ok? The opinion that serving on an illegal council is a crime is correct because you are giving aid to that illegal Council, but Balerion makes a valid point that others should be dragged in to court too for serving on the illegal Council also. However, I am not going to set a precedent such as this one by ruling guilty. Why not, you may ask? Because Dwayberry did not steal from Bravia while on Council to the best of my knowledge nor did she throw away valuable goods and whatnot. No one has brought any proof she stole from this Viceroyalty while on Council or threw away gold, etcetra. Listen to me, please. Lady Justice is known for wearing a blindfold, holding scales with weights in one hand and a sword in the other plus a crushed snake under foot. To understand my ruling, study the symbols of Lady Justice.

• The blindfold:
This symbolizes that justice is “blind”—in other words, justice is supposed to be objective, without bias; never favoring the strong nor the weak, the rich nor the poor, the righteous nor the wicked.
The fact that the lady cannot see who she is judging means that she does not judge based on appearances, or merely on what her senses tell her. She judges with reason and rationality, as they are the only things that are truly reliable. The senses can be fooled and appearances can be crafted, but the mind, independent of the senses, cannot be tampered with.
•The balance, commonly called the Scales of Justice:
These symbolize that justice fairly takes into account both sides of the story, from the accuser and the accused, or from two parties that make opposing claims. This also symbolizes objectivity, as the verdict that Justice hands out is the result of the “weight” of the evidence presented for or against a claim.
•The sword has traditionally been a symbol of power, but there are a couple of special things about Lady Justice’s sword. The first is that it symbolizes the power of Reason instead of any real physical power. This power manifests in the real world as law and, subsequently, the people who enforce the law. It emphasizes that for justice to be carried out and the law enforced, there must be power behind the laws.
We, the people, give the laws power, because we have agreed as a society that the content of the law is what we desire to be carried out. From there, the “soft” power is translated into real power in the form of law enforcers. The second thing about the sword is that it’s double-edged, meaning that Reason can be used for or against anyone as it is impartial and objective. The same argument, the same observation—the same conclusion—can be used to either condemn a man to punishment or save another man in different circumstances.
Taken all together, there are a few symbolisms of the sword:
The first is that power must be wielded judiciously. Abusing the power granted to enforce the law is injustice, and indiscriminately swinging the sword will likely harm the people we love just as badly as the people we seek justice against.
The second, more important symbolism is that power is subservient to justice, and not the other way around. This is symbolized by the fact that Lady Justice is holding the sword. Power is merely a tool to deliver justice and should never be justice itself.
• The snake that Lady Justice crushes underfoot.
The obvious symbolism is that, the snake being a general symbol of evil, justice triumphs over injustice, corruption, bias, and intimidation.
Taken all in all, Lady Justice symbolizes all the ideals that embody the concept of justice. Ideally, true justice should be the impartial application of reason to ensure that all parties receive what they deserve to receive.

Lady Justice’s stoic, stalwart figure reminds us all that justice is not to be confused with kindness, because to give all parties what they deserve may require cruelty and kindness in equal measure, as befits the situation. Justice is also not to be confused with equality; the scales may be balanced at some times and justice may also entail equality, but to give all parties what they deserve may mean taking from some to give to others.

In summary, Lady Justice is ultimately a symbol of neutrality, as justice itself must be neutral to be truly called justice. All of her symbols emphasize that justice should never work in favor of any man, and that the judgments of justice should always be carried out impartially, with the power of Reason and the power of the law, which is Reason codified. She serves as a reminder that the concept of justice is universal and timeless.

"For this reason as a fair and honest judge I must not set a bad precedent so I am ruling to dismiss this case. If you are still confused by this ruling please study the symbolisms of Lady Justice in your quiet time to fully grasp what I am trying to say to you. This is about the future of our republic and not setting a bad precedent. If I were to rule Dwayberry to have abused her position(s) in Council, committing treason the ramifications may not be worth it. Couldn't I be considered as ruling harshly because other creatures were not brought up on the charges too? Could this cause Dwayberry's friends and family to then come revolt and loot the VR of what small wealth it does have? You nor I can predict what could happen due to a bad ruling. I am calling this one safely by dismissing it because I like sleeping with a clear conscience knowing I have done my job as judge properly. Next time you have a case like this one, please bring proof of damages, thievery, etc... which has caused harm to the Viceroyalty. Good day. Court is adjourned!"

Sentence: Dismissed
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Morjiana »

I wish to request charges against Balerion for violating his banishment. Evidence follows.

~ Morjiana Sanchari of Chere ~ Seer, Busybody, Matriarch ~
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by balerion »

The letter clearly states 24 hours. It was received on Saturday. Kindly don't waste yet more of my time.
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Re: Public Prosecutor Office: Crime Reports/Court Business Only

Post by Morjiana »

As the evidence provided shows, 48 hours were allowed before requesting charges.
~ Morjiana Sanchari of Chere ~ Seer, Busybody, Matriarch ~
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