Widu Temple

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Re: Widu Temple

Post by Calysta »

I sit in a pew and listen. Katie approaches the pulpit and says:

The titles of this Sermon: "Finders Keepers~ NOT!" "Liar, Liar! Pants on Fire!"

Once Upon A Time...

There were two little friends who often played on the cobblestone streets of Widu. They both were enjoying one another's company one day until they spotted this very cute stray puppy. One scooped up the puppy while the other gave it a morsel of bread. Of course the puppy instantly liked both creatures and they liked it. However, both wanted to take the puppy home. They commenced arguing over who would take the puppy home.

"Finders, keepers" one yelled loudly! The other argued that he saw it first! The other one admitted he fed it first. Neither were budging as to who deserved the pup the most.

Finally, one creature (Johnny Jo) said to the other... "Billy Bob, I know how we can decide 'who' gets to keep the puppy! Who ever can tell the biggest lie gets to take the puppy home! How does that sound to you?"

Billy Bob liked the idea so they sat down and began thinking and thinking of the BIGGEST lie to tell....

Now a church Overseer was seated outside the Cathedral and overheard and witnessed the bickering and feuding coming from down the road. He strolled over to the boys and the puppy~ "Good day, Boys" he hailed as he approached them. "What's happening on this fine day with you two fussing?"

Both boys responded at the same time explaining to the Overseer their dilemma. "We are each trying to think up the biggest lie ever told and who ever can think up the biggest lie, gets to keep this puppy" blurted Billy Bob as Johnny Joe nodded.

The Overseer began lecturing them~ "Sons, I do NOT tell lies, I repeat, I do NOT tell lies and therefore you shouldn't either" he scolded!

Both boys looked at each other sadly and then placed the puppy in the Overseers arms."You have just told the biggest lie. You get to take the puppy home" they both sadly stated in unison.


The moral of the story is yours to figure out....

Come to the alter and pray to the Mages and the Spirits, Good and Evil, for your ways... "May your tongue waggle in full alignment with your path to be purified, rectified, satisfied, and or controlled!

*All the Deacons stated in accord*... "AMEN!"

I smile having listened to Purification (Alignment Change: 997 to 990)

Re: Widu Temple

Post by Teide »

This isn't my usual forte. My usual job is putting the hex and evil into things...not taking them out but alas when I couldn't get sleep for five days in a row....the haunting specter in my basil plants has to go."

Teide puts a potted basil on the altar and sprinkles salt around it. She takes out a book,

"Yurses ka menes la teke teke kor. Mardak markdak dura teke la boor. Get your spirit butt out the door."

A wailing spirit comes out of the plant and whooshes around the cathedral disappearing out a window.

"Sunday's lesson? Don't resurrect your plants if you forgot to water them. Now go away I'm making pesto for myself...I'm not sharing."
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Re: Widu Temple

Post by Royce »

Royce approaches the pulpit which has been adorned with many brightly colored ribbons and bows

Dear friends,

as we come ever closer to the end of yet another year full of joy and happiness I want to extend a hand to those whom I have met year. I don't think my life would have been the same without meeting you all.

I hope each and every one of you has the best that this holiday has to offer and has the best time
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Re: Widu Temple

Post by Royce »

We must always ask ourselves what is a resolution?

A resolution, in one sense, a change of oneself to be better or perhaps to stop something that one may be doing. This however brings about yet another question.

Why should I change?

You should only feel the need to change if you yourself thinks that there is something about you that needs changing.

Just a little something to ponder over the next week or so.
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Re: Widu Temple

Post by Katie »

You sit in a pew and listen. Katie approaches the pulpit and says:

"THE WOLF and the LAMB"

A big bad wolf came upon a little helpless lamb straying from the flock and the wolf felt some reluctance about taking the life of so helpless a creature without some plausible excuse: so the wolf cast about for a grievance and said at last, "Last year, sir, you grossly insulted me."

"That is impossible, sir," bleated the little lamb, "for I wasn't born then."

"Well," retorted the wolf, "you feed in my pastures."

"That cannot be," replied the lamb, "for I have never yet tasted grass."

"You drink from my spring, then," continued the wolf.

"Really, sir," said the poor little lamb, "I have never drunk anything but my mother's milk."

"Well, anyhow," said the wolf, "I'm not going without my dinner," and he sprang upon the little lamb and devoured it without more ado.


Creatures of Kiene and other kingdoms near and far, may the lesson heard from this Service be one which is applied in your daily life...
Dark alignment, may your dark hearts and wicked tongues continue the path of the Wolf toward lying, deceit and evilness.
Light Alignments, may you continue the path of allowing the lamb to teach you to beware of wolves for they come in all shapes, sizes, colors and characters and they will eat you up if you do not grow in awareness, knowledge and wisdom. However, remain steadfast in truth, honesty and harmlessness for it is good and right. You shall be rewarded for your good hearts.

Praise the Mages and Spirits, Good and Evil. Amen!

You smile having listened to Service (Alignment Change: 1000 to 993) Your mood increased from ecstatic to overjoyed


A thank you to Calysta for placing one of my sermons in this chamber in December, 1654.
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Re: Widu Temple

Post by Krail »

Mar 11, 1655
7:50 pm Karicer_aisu (Deacon of the Temple) has processed a request (Laying Of Hands) by Alder
Mar 11, 1655
7:50 pm Karicer_aisu (Deacon of the Temple) has processed a request (Laying Of Hands) by Calysta
Dear Alder and Calysta,

By requesting a lay of the hand you agree that side effects may occur and that the deacon/priest is not responsible for any potential lethal or annoying reactions you may get from a laying of the hand. Potential random teleportation may occur when burping and shooting lightening from your ears may ocur in which case you ought to request another laying of the hand to cure that.

Thank you, your local deacon Karcier.

Re: Widu Temple

Post by Calysta »

Calysta decides to try that burping thing just for kicks and giggles. After forcing herself to burp, she is disappointed when nothing happens. "Thank you, Karcier," Calysta says then turns to leave the Temple. Suddenly she poofs.
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Re: Widu Temple

Post by Katie »

May 14, 1655
4:00 am Kendor casted disease and you got ill.

I found the above in my journal [[events]] while ago and recall now that I was sickly yesterday. I wrote Professor Kendor just now to find out what this is all about because I am a curious soul.
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Re: Widu Temple

Post by Krail »

I had as well, he was only testing out some experiment in the univeristy and it exploded. ((He was curious what it would do :P found a bug thanks to him thou :P ))

Re: Widu Temple

Post by Silence »

In the university? Why didn't anybody tell me about this then? Why didn't I notice this?
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