[RP] Duel Genova vs Karcier

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[RP] Duel Genova vs Karcier

Post by Karcier_Aisu »

The day had passed by so quickly it had surprised Karcier when Faia had reminded him about his duel with Genova. He had kissed Faia on her forehead wishing her to get better soon, her unusual pregnancy had taken its toll on her. With a sigh he left her side and left the house heading towards the duelling clubs outside arenas.

“I’ll be back as soon as I can my love.”

He shut the door behind him heading out with a sigh, he hated to leave her especially now when she was so weak and ill. Yet she’d insisted for him to mend him and his sisters relation and hopefully help her regain memories of the past. He’d been dreading the day for almost weeks, he was still unable to completely use his new powers and although he had no doubt better mastery of combat it didn’t change the fact that this was his sister he’d be fighting. Granted in the past he’d used her as target practise but it had always been with weak magic which at best would cause irritation not death.

He smiled to himself and shook his head, he was an arrogant show off back then. But since he’d found Faia he’d become more understanding, tradition was important to him but it shouldn’t be more important than his sisters happiness from the few times he’d passed by her and locien she’d had a smile which he’d never seen before, some kind of aura of joy. He was happy for her and that was why he had to go through with this duel, after all she is family. He’d win, or she would it didn’t matter so long as they were family again. That’s all that mattered to him.

He nodded to the duellers awaiting the next duel, he looked around for a moment recognising a few faces and smiled to them as he passed and entered the duelling ring. He stretched and warmed up, his phoenix flames gently flowing over his black robes he hadn’t summoned his chakrams he’d wait and put on a show.
He looked up a smug look on his face, he’d win this he always did.
He wouldn’t hold back.

Re: [RP] Duel Genova vs Karcier

Post by Genova »

Genova laughed as she secured her sandals. "What's the point of securing them if we all know that I'm gonna fall anyway? I'm the clumsiest person in Widu, afterall!" She talked to her own reflection. "Besides, I'm going to lose for sure, but not without a fight," she tentatively added as she stared at her own reflection.
As Genova looked into the mirror, she saw her mother's face. She remember Karcier telling her how much she looked like their phoenix mother. Karcier, on the other hand, was a younger version of their father. She sighed as the memory of their parents filled her mind. They were gone and the only family left was her brother, of whom she's now estranged. She shook her head and bit her lower lip to control the tears. Her last talk with her brother was the most painful one of all as at that moment, they had different ideas. Was she right to choose love over family? Was he right to choose duty over family? She still had those questions in her mind and the only way to answer them is to meet her brother in the arena, incidentally on Phoenix Day.

She left their house early as she did not want Locien to know about this. He already had his mind filled with town problems and she did not want to be a burden to him. In fact, no one knew about this duel at least from her side.

She reached the arena and took a deep breath. "Mages help me..." She silently prayed before facing her brother.

Re: [RP] Duel Genova vs Karcier

Post by Karcier_Aisu »


Karcier nodded to his sister and fell into his fighting stance, he looked smug overconfidence could make him lose but he couldn’t help it. He clicked his fingers and pulled his hair red spiky hair backwards.

“Here’s the deal, the winner gets an apology …and hit in the head with a frying pan” He shifted and let his back foot lift so that only his toes were touching the ground, he readied himself to jump. “Let’s do this.”

With a battle cry he lunged forwards, he hadn’t summoned his chakrams yet he wanted to see what his sister was capable of. A mere step away he ducked down and preformed an uppercut kick, the power of his kick was amplified by him pushing himself upwards. He back flipped away, lunging a second time he fired away a series of quick punches and power kicks.

His belief that his sister would not strike back raised as he saw no counters, he jumped and kicked her in mid air.
“Come on, you can do better than this!” he shouted with an arrogant tone. “Surely your not afraid to hit your own brother !”

Re: [RP] Duel Genova vs Karcier

Post by Genova »

Genova was frozen in fear at the sight of his brother that she was unable to move. She saw him coming yet she just stared at him and did nothing. His battle cry had no impact on her. His uppercut kick hit her on her tummy and she squinted at the impact. Yet she did nothing but stare at him.

She was baffled by the man before her. He looked like her brother yet at the same time he looked different. His brother's hair was dark brown yet this man before him has red hair.

His second kick followed by punches shook her. She felt more like a punching bag than a human---or half-human. She held on to her weapon yet she cannot find the heart to attack her brother.

She stood there motionless and looked at him, instead.

Re: [RP] Duel Genova vs Karcier

Post by Karcier_Aisu »

Karcier took a few steps back and growled.

"Why arn't you fighting back !" he spat away a bit of sweat which had fallen into his mouth. " Whats wrong...don't recognise me ...let me clear something up. I am Karcier...Karcier Aisu...Got it memories ?"

He summouned his fire and ice chakrams, flames swirling from one and ice from the other. He would hope that this would be recognisable, he fell into a battle stance. His eyes narrowed, he had to think carefully. If he attacked he'd have to ensure that it wasn't to kill, but that would be dangerous if she wasn't going to fight back. In his mind he saw only one option, provoke her.

"Are you really that weak sister ?" he said with a spiteful tone. " How have you survived for so long if you are this weak....pathetic... I should really just put you out of your misery...unless your willing to prove me otherwise." he slammed his foot onto the ground, fire burst around the arena's restricted parts working as a higher wall. With a grin of content he waved his hand as if this was nothing. " Fire's of Kelona... I suggest you don't touch the flames...they'll burn you..scorch your soul...and then I'll freeze your heart."

He stepped back into the flames hidden away, ready to strike.

Re: [RP] Duel Genova vs Karcier

Post by Genova »

Genova refused to believe that the red-haired man before her is her brother until she saw the fire and ice chakrams. She recognized the ice chakrams as they were too familiar. But she wondered where did the fire come from. Her brother loved the ice so she was baffled by the presence of the fire. "Fire?" she asked, pertaining to his chakrams.

She was still standing there without any plan to attack.

She sighed and grimaced at the pain from her brother's attacks. She was no fighter and he knew it. She even wondered why did he accept this challenge. Heck, she wondered why did she challenge him as well.

But lately, the only way for her to get to talk to anyone was through the arena.

Suddenly, her heart started to beat fast as the memory of the ice chakrams made her recall of the times when she had to run from her brother to avoid his attacks. He meant no harm before. She was unsure if he still meant no harm now. The brother that she knew would not punch nor kick her. Yet this new Karcier is oddly different and she can't figure out how.

She threw her axe into Karcier's general direction and hoped that it would hit him and he would deflect it.

And just as she predicted, he deflected her axe.

Re: [RP] Duel Genova vs Karcier

Post by Karcier_Aisu »

The axe peirced through the wall of flames and was engulfed by it, with a mere flick of his chakram he deflected the axe back at her. He laughed and flowed around inside the wall of fire, his form darkened the parts of the flame yet the fire was to bright.

"Dear sister, why did you even bother challenging me...I'm not best but I'm better then you." he shook his head and told himself he had to do this, he couldnt let his past burden him any longer. He threw his fire chakram at Genova, it burst from the wall and swirled around her throwing whirls of flames at her within seconds it flew back into Karciers hand.

Still inside the wall he floated carefully around the arena's edges.

"You just don't get it do you." he snarled. "You are here to fight not to stand about idly awaiting...if you came here to talk like civilized family then you are wrong... this is not a tavern..it is an arena..and in arena's...WE FIGHT !" He lunged out from the wall of flames, the flames followed him as he fell towards Genova. He attacked with his ice chakram and much to his surprise Genova blocked his hit. Ice and fire exploded from his chakram as the impact of the blades were negated by her axe, he pushed harder but to no avail he was in a lock all he could do was pull away. He leaned in close "And I came here...to maybe just maybe solve our diffrences but if you won't even bother with fighting ...then there is no chance in us solving our problems."

Re: [RP] Duel Genova vs Karcier

Post by Genova »

ooc: This fight is based on Karcier and Genova's arena duels

Genova picked up the deflected axe and winced in pain at the heat of the hot yet indestructible axe. Karcier's ice and fire chakrams came swarming to her and she had to admit, she was in pain. She was familiar with the ice chakrams so she was not affected by it, but the fire chakrams felt different and it made her squirm that she had to deflect them with her axe. She was surprised when her axe found a way to deflect them.

For a few moments, she stared at her axe in amazement. She still could not fathom his brother's magic, nor can she understand how can her axe defend her. She frowned at her axe, as if it was a friend who betrayed her.

She tried to ignore Karcier's words. She knew that he was trying to taunt her and she vowed that no words would ever affect her in the arena nor in an actual battle.

He suddenly attacked and it took Genova by surprise that it was her reflex that defended her from a possible sudden death by the impact of Karcier's attack. She stretched her arms and her axe faced his chakrams. By this time, she was convinced that her axe can at least be at par with his magic. She had no idea how did her axe do it but it worked.

After he pulled away and leaned close, she looked at him. In response, she pulled a hidden dagger and quickly threw it at the direction of his arm. "Then we fight to solve this once and for all."

She had a fierce look in her eyes.

Re: [RP] Duel Genova vs Karcier

Post by Karcier_Aisu »

"If you think that dagger will get me..." he used the chakram as a sheild and with cat like reflexes preformed a cartwheel throwing his ice chakram at Genova in the process. The chakram flew with unfamothable speed towards her yet it suddenly veered off its trajetory and nicked Genova.

The chakrams returned to him with swift efficeny he looked down at it, its aura was glowing a gentle red flame he rolled his eyes. Now was not the time to show off more, he fell back into a battle stance and watched for Genova's next move.

Re: [RP] Duel Genova vs Karcier

Post by Genova »

Genova bit her lower lip as her skin started to burn from the fire chakrams. Those little impacts was nothing but collectively, it had a painful effect. It's just like being bitten by one ant which can be tolerable, but being bitten by a hundred red ants at the same time would make you grimace in pain, if not call for help.

But she had to face her brother, so she got her axe despite her pain. And with all her might, she swung her axe to the direction of her brother.
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