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[ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Teide's Home

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 7:43 am
by Teide
((To view pictures just click))


An old chalet sat abandoned set on the mountainside, north of the town of Widu and along the outskirts. Hidden among the trees, a thick forest had grown up around it. The pastures for a herder's cattle remained overgrown and empty. The fences needed repair, a couple of small windowless storage huts called mazots were locked up tight. The cobblestone steps weather-worn and rounded met a flight of wooden stairs leading to the chalet's high porch on thick stilts to hold it level on the mountain's outcrop. It was a beautiful home made of wood, with a heavy, gently sloping roof with wide, well-supported eaves set at right angles to the front of the house. An out Alpine styled remnant of a former Widu. It was not a mess only neglected by the years of abandonment when the town was closed and it's former residents, cattle herders, had left with everyone else. The trees casts a pleasant shadow over the chalet, thick enough like a safe curtain but open enough that you could see the starry sky hanging over the tops of the trees. Wooden lounge chairs left on their own looked weathered down and weary. On a path leading from behind the small house sat a fairly large hen house. The fencing was torn down and twisted away but decay. This sat comfortable with Teide. They could hire to repair the fencing and the hen house was on a lower plane than the house, close enough to see from a window of the chalet and yet far enough to not be bothered by the smell of chicken.


Teide climbed up the steps to the chalet. A few of the windows were broken but the house was rather open near the front and secure near the back. In the day the home would be full of sunlight and at night the stars would be bright for this place was tucked back in the mountains the border Widu and Cork and the far side away from the volcano where the fires could not cloud the sky most days. The house itself seemed smaller but an upstairs with an overlook so you could see into the down stairs opened up the space and tucked the bedrooms safely in the corners of the house. Threats could be seen before they could see you. Small windows around the back kept the home warmer absorbing sunlight from the south. She saw that though rather lonely, dusty and few live-in creatures that had gotten it....the wood was strong and the stone was firm....the foundation sound and the nip and tuck away had kept this home relatively undisturbed. No goblins or major threats were around save a den of foxes. Teide could turn a mazot into a place to for a hanging room to dry herbs, flowers and the like for her alchemy and the garden which sat to the southeast by the back of the home had a little stone hut she could use to conduct her business safely. Another mazot to the north near the front and another close to the hen house....good for a slaughter or meat to be kept securely from bears or thieves....but this place was so well hidden she doubted anyone knew of it without a map. They could turn any of the pasture or garden into a field if needed. The soil here was rested and rich with mulch. Out a little to the west towards the cart road where their chalet's path met was a well placed old stable and barn which could serve several uses. They must've kept the horses and cattle there. The mountains curved here giving them the right amount of cover and slope and some fruit trees grew scattered along the lower slopes in the direction of town.

Yes, she thought....this would do nicely for them. Teide wrote Genova a note and sent it by pigeon.

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Genova and Teide

Posted: Wed Oct 24, 2012 12:56 pm
by Genova
Genova dug through her files in the town hall. She was sure that she kept the note there. She usually kept important missives in a special place, but Mages know how she kept them hidden that she can't even find them herself at times.

After minutes of searching, she finally saw it. She read the letter earlier and smiled. However, she wanted to read that letter again and again. It was too hard to believe that it's real. Teide sent her a mail with a sketch of their new house.

The house needed a lot of repairs. However, that would be perfect for her as she didn't want to have any idle time. Idle time makes her mind wander. And her wandering mind brings back painful memories of the past. No, she should start anew and she knew the people whom she can rely on. Tragedies can bring out some good.

And this abandoned house fitted her life well. She was abandoned, and she will start a new with her real friends and family.

This should be interesting.

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Genova and Teide

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2012 10:56 am
by Teide
Teide found her way back to the chalet through the smell of the trees. It was something she was familiar with. She had been absent for a week or so she guessed by the smell of the pheasants she had hung up to dry. The smell of the void salt betrayed it had been about that long. She fingered around the door of her mazot she had used to store her ingredients. The smells and familiar placement helped her. Her sensitive fingers of her right hand felt along the cowl and she used her clawed finger to cut a few slots in her dark cowl for her long elven ears to comfortably poke out and hear better without cloth rubbing against them. She pulled the cowl over half of her face to cover the bandages over her blind eyes and she then made her way to the chalet.

Genova was so busy Teide did not expect her to be about or even notice her absence. Really though Teide came and went as she wanted so often it was not unfamiliar. Wish she remembered what she had been doing. She noticed a piece of paper on the door hung by a nail. She couldnt read it so she simply ignored it and walked inside. In her first step Teide tumbled on some sort of flooring that had been torn up. She didn't have to guess to hard.....Genova must be tearing up the rotten floorboards and replacing them. Teide sat stuck with her bum wrenched in a hole in the floor. Yes, living with Genova better yet blind would be interesting. She sniffed and smelled something very familiar slithering by her hand.

"Oh that's where my gluskapan snake disappeared to." she chuckled and tried to wiggle herself free from the hole.

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Genova and Teide

Posted: Sun Nov 11, 2012 5:42 am
by Genova
Genova had finished decorating the living room of their chalet. Teide had specific instructions that she wanted a wooden atmosphere which Genova found relaxing as well. Thus, Genova has been gathering wood to fix the hideous flooring that they had and polished the wooden floor. The floor was so shiny that she can she her own reflection.

Then, she went around the market and asked for carpenters and weavers and whoever can create leather furniture for them. It has a neutral touch. Winter will be coming and Teide and her would need as much source of heat as possible aside from the fire place. She also filled the living room with extra cushioned furniture. Knowing how clumsy she was, she would rather land on a soft furniture than on the solid floor.

((ooc: click the image to see the picture better))

She knew that Teide hated flowers, but since her friend was not around, Genova placed a vase of flowers in the middle of the room, just to give it a little color. She was pretty sure that she'll know if Teide would be back. How is that possible, she had no idea but she was certain that her presence will be made know when she would arrive.

For safety purposes, Genova placed a note at ever door to warn Teide of the unfinished flooring at one side of the house, and the ultra shiny (and slippery) new wooden flooring that they had.

So Genova sat on the leather couch and relaxed, as she looked at her books about the towns finances and dealings. She almost fell asleep with her mouth open when she heard a loud thud. Quickly, she grabbed the biggest solid thing nearest her and rushed to the source of the noise to attack the intruder.

"Don't move or I'll hit you with this!" Genova threatened the intruder, with her arms raised as she held her weapon. Then, she realized that the intruder was actually Teide and the weapon that she used to threaten Teide was no other than a vase of colorful flowers. Uh-oh, Genova panicked at the sight of the flowers in front of Teide and quickly hid it behind her. "Welcome back home!" She greeted her friend.

Gen hoped that Teide didn't notice the flowers. :oops:

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Genova and Teide

Posted: Mon Nov 26, 2012 3:12 am
by Teide
Teide still tried to pull her lodged hind-quarters out of the floor. Lucky her got the end project of the new wood flooring.

"Genny.....I doubt a vase of Bergenias would be very sure to add some monkshood in there and I will allow the flowers to stay." she smirks. She did not see it. She could smell it though. Strangely she could tell that scent nearly right away....odd.

"A little help out of the floor would be nice. I seem to be wrenched in the wrong way."

Teide smelled new leather, freshly cut wood and the smoke in the fireplace. She smiled and spoke again.

"WE have been decorating?"

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Genova and Teide

Posted: Sun Dec 02, 2012 1:02 am
by Genova
Genova tilted her head. "Huh?" She had no idea what was monkshood. She knew what a monk is and what a hood is. "You mean I have to steal a hood owned by a monk to make the flowers better?" She placed the vase down and helped her friend get up.

She extended her hand and pulled Teide up. However, as she did, she ended up falling on the floor. Giggling, she tried to get up and rubbed her sore behind. "Yes, we have been decorating. I told you that, right? Ahmm....Ahmm...more polished wood and...some...yes, just some pine cones to give the house a nice scent. I was about to squeeze some lemons to give the house a lemony scent but I was not sure if you'll like it so I stuck with pine cones. And I changed the floor. Well, most of them except for that one spot which you landed on." She kept on rubbing her back. She tilted her head again and looked at her friend.

There was something odd about Teide, yet Genova cannot figure out which one was it. She knew that her friend had a tendency to change clothing styles and all that from time to time. However, that change transcended far beyond clothing. There was only one way to find out.

"What experiments have you been doing? And have you been testing them on yourself?" She wondered if she'll even get Teide to tell her what it was. "And I hope your experiments are less lethal than the ones that I did in the kitchen," she added and giggled.

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Genova and Teide

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2012 9:46 am
by Teide
Teide laughed at this rather humorous situation. Teide finally unscrewed her bottom out from the floorboards with Genova's help. Why was it so hard? She hardly had much of a bottom to get of those mysteries...such as why some guys found some females attractive. Her hands rubbed her own ginger caboose. She laughed as Genova's own bottom found a spot on the floor. Leave it to her. Teide rubbed her head as she soothed away what remained of that headache. She felt the black snake coil around her feet. The little elf found some good humor in Genova's interpretation of Monkshood.

Teide was sorry though she could not see the beautiful room or the trouble her dear friend had gone to just so Teide would feel at home....the concept of a home...was still new to her as she had only known to hop from home to home. Here was something more permanent and she wished she could see it. Genova surprised her a little when she noticed so early that there was not something all together to Teide. Teide remembered by the faint metallic smell the dried blood under her cloak on her tunic and inner good. Teide pulled the cloak tighter around herself and smiled brightly.

"Nothing that I remember." that was the truth, "I need to wash up though....pheeew I smell like I rolled in the caracass of a reptoid. And the house smells so good and all. I'm going to take a bath and after I'll go out and gather the Monkshood....a pretty purple flower. Promise....the house looks terrific sweetie!" she backed up quickly and gathered her senses of where she was in the room. She had to try and remember where things were....but everything changed....but the walls!

She found the pillar that ran up by the overhang to the upstairs and utilizing her new claw-like fingers hidden under the bandage she shimmied up the pillar and pulled herself up to the second floor for a swift escape and closing the bathroom door behind her...

Of course a refurbished bathing room to a blind person was a whole new adventure not to mention not warming up some water. Plunging into a cold wide barrel of water was not a lot of fun and Teide did not know which bottle had the oil and which had the hair soap. The mingled smells confused her and these were not her concoctions....why did everything smell like food and flowers....maybe she put the body oil on her hair and the soap over the skin. While she was freezing wet Teide remembered she had to get rid of the evidence of bloodied clothing and did the most convenient thing possible....chuck them out the second story window by the tub into the woods below. If she was lucky a raccoon would carry it away overnight. Slipping, tripping with groans and water sloshing over the floor it was not an experience Teide or her sore limbs would forget.

After that Teide spend the rest of the week avoiding Genova and one week locked away in her mazot. (Time Jump)


Teide was feeling around the front room one cold December evening. The fire was blazing and warm, snow was lightly dusting the landscape in a thin blanket but the full force of winter had not yet taken hold as bits of frost collected over the window. The skeletons of sleeping trees were mixed among thick green mountain pine and brown leaves that still cling to the earth in a dying blanket. The snow still in mere patches on this particularly cloudy night. Teide had made the flowers and monkshood into potpourri in her drying room with a different mixture of flowers, salts and her herbs and spices she kept. She had placed the bowl of potpurri in the middle of the room when Genova wasn't looking.

Teide actually liked flowers and herbs very much and had kept a beautiful rose garden in Cork. She kept her roses and flowers wintered away in pots in the main room where the fire kept the chill off of them. This side of Teide though very few saw and she had spent the last few days since she had come out of the mazot doing just that. Busying herself with her plants to avoid questions or betraying her blindness to Genova. Plants and soil she could differentiate by smell and feel. After she got more used to the house layout she was less clumsy but....she knew eventually she could not hide it forever. The tripping over the low table in the front room and feeling for everything was getting sort of obvious.

Settling down in a chair in the front room with a hot cup of cider she placed it where she could find it again Teide calculated the centimeters from the table ledge and it being southeast 80 degrees turned towards her handle-side. Teide had fashioned a cloak with a long left sleeve that covered her black satin bandaged hand to hide her long claws on the one hand and left the right sleeve shorter for mobility. Her upper face and eyes were always covered these days with a heavy cowl trimmed with purple and weighted with silver coins on each side. Teide had not wanted to admit to anyone especially Genova what had happened to her. She was blind and her left arm side was something unhuman. Her power more than half sealed away and her sight sacrificed....and the worse part was she didn't remember why or what happened...the explanation escaped her.

Teide sipped her cider thoughtfully as she heard the door open. No doubt Genova was coming home. Teide was done running though and sat there relaxed as ever in the chair closest to the fire. Decided that she was ready and willing to answer Genova's questions as best as she could. If she could not trust her roommate with this knowledge of her sudden disabilities who could she trust? Teide had enemies sure enough but she knew Genova would never betray was Teide's own foolish pride that she had not wanted to admit she had this problem sooner. But changes had to be made! Now it was not just Genova tripping and hurting herself on the sharp corners...Teide was doing her own fair share of messes recently. The black snake was curled up by the fire.

"Come on in by the fire. I made some fresh warm cider." she welcomed Genova back home.

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Genova and Teide

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:22 pm
by Genova
Genova came home from the tournament. At this point, she didn't care anymore about poise. Her armor was making clanking noise for each time that she moved. Victorious did a great deal of putting a dent or two or more on her armor. Luckily her nose was unscathed, or at least that's what she thought.

She struggled to open the door as she had her shield and sword with her. The cotton that she used to cushion her nose from her helmet was struggling to escape and it was almost blocking her vision. She had to fight the urge to sneeze because of the cotton. "I'm home!!!" She announced, as if her clanking steps were not enough of an announcement.

She heard Teide and smiled. "Fresh warm cider! That's just what I need!" She smiled and finally got inside. But her smile disappeared as she saw the black snake. Instead of facing the snake bravely like how she acted in the arena, she ended up curled into a fetal position and hid behind her shield. "Please tell me that your snake won't hurt me," Genova told Teide. Her position and expression were inversely proportional to her war-like attire.

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Genova and Teide

Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 11:01 pm
by Teide
Teide tipped her head curiously to the clink-clank of Genova's metal suit. The young witch had little interest in a tournament for herself and enjoyed watching the clash of titans from a safe distance off and on. She didn't fancy herself an adept warrior often more stuck in her books and potions than exercising to her dismay. She was always too sylph-like to be considered a heavy hitter. Her diminished sized and delicate built were a great disadvantage for her and her recent tangle with a big vampire had left her worse for wear. The chill of the open door made her shudder. She pulled her cloak around herself more firmly and smiled at her friend's return home. Then she heard the sound of metal clinking against itself.....balling up. She laughed as she imagined how it must of looked. A bit scary knight balled up behind her shield because of a little snake.

"I should've put her away with the other experiments but...well it's winter and she's a reptile...besides she's been slithering all around the house the last few weeks and has been so well behaved." she smiled innocently. The snake opened it's eyes and lifted it's head barking at Genova and it's tongue hung out of it's mouth as it panted wagging the tip of it's tail. "See she's welcoming you home. I think she likes you. Go ahead and drop the metal. Take a seat, a cider and relax." Teide chuckled at Genova as the snake slithered over to Genova and tried to lick her face. Her black eyes were bright with curiosity and instant like. Then Teide got a thought....she really hoped that her experiment didn't go to far and the black snake might imprint on Genova.....she waved away the silly notion. That was impossible.

Re: [ORP] Dream-mire Chalet: Genova and Teide

Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 11:48 am
by Genova
Genova nodded and dropped her weapon and her shield. But her eyes went wide when the snake looked at her and wagged its tail. "Are you sure that's not a dog?" She suddenly dropped herself on the couch and got rid of her armor. "Those are VERY uncomfortable," she said, referring to the armor. "So...What's have you been up to lately, Teide, aside from getting a new dog-like pet?" Genova asked as she freed herself from the armor and was glad that she can finally scratch her back.