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Re: Tricks & Giblets imaginarium: Butcher Shop and Alchemy

Posted: Wed May 20, 2015 9:20 am
by Letharik
He hadn't been here long, but the general consensus was that if you wanted an expert on demonology and black magic, this Teide lady was the person to go to. Well, he had been fighting off these threats to his life for quite some time now, but he was getting tired of it all. Plus, having the constant threat of not being able to control his powers and having them turn on anybody around when he started fighting was not all that enticing.

He didn't understand his abilities, and that was another problem he had. He relied on succumbing to whatever thoughts first entered his head to use them. He had to drive himself to insanity just to use his magic... it came more easily to him when he was in that state

"Dooees maassters thiiinks iit is suuure about thisss?"

Letharik playfully cupped his hand over the head of the imp which was perched on his shoulder.

"What other options do I have Geist? We already decided that our goal would be getting back into human society, and while these robes help, I can't keep fighting off the Hilthar family forever. Plus, the way I do it is too unpredictable... all it takes is for me to be caught in the wrong frame of mind once... while I was in the abyss, that wasn't too much of a problem, but here, I have to get rid of my power after every fight."

"Yeeesss, buuut what if iittss liike the others witcheses?"

"What? Those cultists? Then I'll probably just explode everything in a five hundred metre radius again."

"Lethariiiks would holds baaacckk?"

"Well there are people around here... I don't want too much colateral damage."

"Poltergeeiiist dooesn't likes this. Whaaat if she tells Lethariiikses weaknessss to the Hilthaaar?"

"Well, then I guess we weren't meant for this world anyway. We go back to the abyss, I stop holding back my insanity, we enslave a few demons and build ourselves one hell of a castle, then just go enjoy everythin hell can give to us instead... Those demons offering us peace offerings would probably offer them again if we visited them again and told them that we wanted what they were offering this time. Sound fair?"

"Sooouuundsss faaiir to Polterrrgeeiists."

"Good. Now, we just have one small problem... did you happen to catch where that man stated Teide could be found?"

"Poltergeeiiists remembersss Widu or Corks."

"She can be found in a wine bottle? And don't suppose you know what a Widu is do you?"

"Shouldsss weee looks at a maps?"

"Yes, that might be a good idea."

A day or so later, Letharik and his ever present companion were standing outside this Teide's shop. Taking a deep breath, Letharik pushed open the door.

"Excuse me? Is this the right place to find a Miss Teide?"

Almost instantly, his imp was transficed by the various wonders on the shelves of the shop. Letharik meanwhile, had no idea what they were, so he just looked around, trying to find this Teide person. Maybe he was here outside of opening hours?

Re: Tricks & Giblets imaginarium: Butcher Shop and Alchemy

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 1:58 am
by Grazilda
Grazilda was already annoyed since she could not find was she was looking for. Suddenly, a thougt crossed her mind. She would rather not have Teide wandering on her path.

She avoided Teide in the caravan, but she made sure that she can get her message across in a place where Teide will most probably find: her butcher shop and alchemy place.

She summoned a Dalakoi guard to go to Widu to send a note to Teide's shop. The guard, in turn, placed the note by the door and walked away.
Horned creature,

You are the last living being that I ever want to see, yet I need to remind you that you have severely neglected your brother's grave in Cork. And when I said brother, I meant Zechin.

Still, stay out of my sight.

Grazilda made sure that she did not mention to Teide that she heard Zechin's voice at the graveyard.

(Ooc: Sorry, I don't know is this is the right place to post but I couldn't find a thread at the moment for Teide's home.)