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(ORP) ..At the Edge..

Posted: Wed Jan 23, 2013 9:09 am
by Wyllow
The clearing revealed many things. A nights sky, black and crisp.. a blanket of newly fallen snow. A silence only found in the winter months. No birds, no squirrels.. not right now. The clearing however, hadn't revealed the sleeping mass, that was a young woman under a large spruce. Long discarded leaves, dried, made up her immediate bed. She had hair the colour of the current sky, her clothing nothing.. the remnants, dirty shredded rags. How she stayed warm, a mystery.. to most.

Her breathing was deep, the kind where only a satisfied and restfulness can be found. Her chest rose and fell with every breath. Morning light would waken the world all to soon. She had needed the rest, her body had demanded it. And as her silver eyes began to flicker, she stretched each limb in her sedated state of sleep. As she stretched, her body slowly woke to the world.

When her eyes finally opened, she slowly sat up. Her instinct was to shake her head, but she denied herself the action. Instead she looked around. Something told her she had been here before, but when, wasn't known. Her fists balled, and rubbed at her sleepy eyes. A yawn came and went a.

Getting finally to her feet, she felt pain in her foot. Looking down she noticed an injury to her bare foot. Or several, upon closer inspection. The wound was several an arched shape across the top. A bruising connected the dots. It reminded her of an ugly rainbow. And she wondered at the cause. Her memory was non-existent of the previous night. In fact.. she couldn't remember anything, now that she was trying to, of any earlier time before this very moment.

She now gave in to her initial instinct to shake her head. And a blinding pain came as the consequence. A headache? Her wits seemed to be intact.

Walking, she left the protection of the trees and crossed the clearing. Where she was going, she didn't know. There were no trails that she could see, no prints in the new snow. She just figured she would hopefully run into some road or trail eventually.. and she was right. After walking what felt like a considerable distance, she came to the edge of a road, though still contained within the forest. And after walking that for a time, she came to what she believed was a village of sorts. By now the sun had found its way up enough to light up the morning, though it hadn't dawned on her that vision had not been an issue. Had the moon lit her way? or was there something else at play..

She stood for a time, not daring to enter the town. Something nagged at the back of her mind. And in the end, decided against it. Turning, she skirted the town... walking the edge of the forest in search of something. A place to stay, was foremost on her mind. And as she walked, she pushed further and further back into the forest. She wasn't scared or frightened, but moreso as if she was in need. And that need came in the shape of something that was no better than a shack. It was well hidden, as the forest had grown around it to an extent where it had almost reclaimed it. Moss, brambles and other brush nearly hid it from view. It was in need of great repair, but it would do for now. The boards were old and grey that held the structure on its legs.

As she approached it, she stood at the door, a hand upon the frame. It was more sound than she had imagine. No door, nor window was in place, but that could be fixed quite easily. Stepping inside, the darkness enveloped her, yet, her eyes adjusted quite fine. It was small, but perfect. It was void of all things.. a blank canvas. Something she could make her own. And for the first time that morn, her thoughts wandered to something other than her solemn self.

Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2013 8:04 pm
by Wyllow
Nothing adorned the walls or the floor of the shelter but strewn dried leaves here and there. A stark corner invited her to rest, and she indulged. Her foot, she didn't realize.. was nearly healed. But the strain of such took a toll on her in the form of exhaustion. All of which she gladly embraced.

Her sleep on the hard floor was filled with visions of fields and forests.. of flying across small creeks chasing game. But all of this, in her dreams was done on foot. Her vision keen and trained to spot movement. She hunted, and she was well at it. She felt euphoric and alive in this state. Her senses heightened, she was led my her sense of smell. Fire was an unmistakeable sent that brought her fear during these visions. Or were they?

Awaking, she sat from the hard bed that was made up of the floor and nothing else. Still, in the same corner, her bones ached. She rubbed her arms. It was early, but the sun was coming up. Looking toward the door she noticed something on the floor. Crossing the room, she stooped to pick up the small item. Rabbit fur. Her face contorted in confusion. She hadn't noticed it when she had come in. It wasn't there, was it? No.. it wasn't. She was quite sure of that. She then noticed her arm. A red smear. Blood? She then remembered her foot. Or had that been a dream?

The injury was gone, but 4 small puncture scars remained. What is going on.. She asked herself silently, as she was starting to become scared. She pushed past the fear to try to remember, and small flashes of her dream came to her. A silver rabbit against the snow.. the chase.. its death. She looked down at her hand.. and the small piece of fur. Had it been her? Had her dreams been real?

All of these were questions she couldn't answer yet. Didn't want to answer. She couldn't believe the truth about herself.. she wasn't ready for that. And so, she decided to focus on her life.. As she remembered nothing from before yesterday. Looking down at herself, she needed something better than the shreds she was wearing. What she needed to do was simple. She needed to support herself first.. And that is what she aimed to do.

Leaving the confines of what she hoped would be her new home, she walked the distance to the nearby town. The sign read Widu. As she entered the town, she found it charming. Finding herself at the towns center, she read postings about workers being needed, and she selected her first job. She also found other intriguing things to occupy her time during the day and when evening came, she ventured into the market with her pay from the days work. There, she secured a few things she needed.. Candles and cloth, thread and needle.. even food for the morning. The cotton cloth was intended for a make shift bed, which would be stuffed with as many dried leaves as she could find.. but would mostly be made up from stripping numerous evergreen bows, as the greenery would serve as a fragrant bed stuffing.

The project took her well into the night, but was well worth the effort. By the time the end of the bed was sewn closed and she climbed upon it to sleep, she had reached her limit for the day.

The next morning greeted her being well rested. She tried to remember her dreams, but none came to her. It was as if a blackness replaced where dreams should be. And it was peaceful. She wasn't sure if it was good thing or not.

Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 4:10 pm
by Wyllow
The days began to fade into each other as she developed a daily routine. It was quiet where she lived, but she found peace in working for others. Little cores at times, others not so small. She had found regular work at the Basilica most days and she enjoyed the work immensely. There was something about attempting to protect something so sacred. She knew she wasn't much of a protector, not yet, anyhow. They paid her well, though she never really met with anyone of great importance. Every morning a messenger came with her wages and she gave him her report, if required. What happened past that, she was unsure.

When it came to working for individual people, she was paid at the end of her day's work. So far she had familiarized herself with the town mostly. She enjoyed walks in the orchard, though she had yet to enjoy picking any of the fruits. At times, there were quiet spots there that gave her a serene feeling. One day, she decided, she might work there. It looked to be a satisfying job.

When the time had come, she was able to procure a little plot of land. It wasn't much really, just a speck. And with the winter months, it gave her a pathetic earning. But everything she received, she felt thankful for. Her first harvest yielded her 8 light bags of wheat. She really didn't know what to do with it so sold nearly all of it for a tiny sum. The thing with this though? The funds were quickly used. Finally, she had been able to purchase some suitable clothing. She felt good about herself, being clad in somewhat new clothing.

Her home was still very meager.. and some mornings she woke to a fresh caught rabbit or two at her doorstep. This worried her. As she had no way of knowing who's they were. The first time, she inspected them.. You never can be too careful. But left them at the door thinking that she was imposing on some poor woodsman's hunting shack. But no one came. The conies stayed where she left them, which happened to be the place she found them, and ended up going to waste. The next time a pair came to her door step, she again inspected them, but this time, she risked using them.

The previous ones, she indeed left for any animal that may happen by that needed them.. and for observation sake, no animals were harmed. So the risk seemed slighted. It was after eating her fill from her hearth with vegetables she had purchased, that she realized that there was no risk at all. She was not ill in the least bit.. could there be someone looking after her? Something nagging inside of her told her that wasn't the case, but she was naive enough to not want to accept the truth about herself. She simply couldn't be, yet disturbing dreams from time to time beckoned to her in a shroud of mystery. She knew what she saw. She had been injured, that was no dream. She felt the pain, yet it was healed so quickly.

For now she would let the truth rest. For now she was just a woman whose memory was iffy at best. Yet, she remembered everything so clearly from that morning on. Only time would reveal the deeper truth to her.. only time would allow her to accept it.

Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Posted: Tue Feb 26, 2013 5:42 am
by Wyllow
Coming from the temple, her mind is deep in thought. She has deep fears and monstrous images that invade her dreams. Those images made real and believable by the evidence she continues to find almost on a daily basis now. She wants to understand herself, to take charge and be in control, but her mind refutes such possibilities. A blackness settles in around her memories. A need to know overshadows her built in protection. She wants to know who she is fully... what kind of beast she suspects she is.

Images of the first night in the small cabin continue to haunt her. The need for acceptance is strong. Not of piers, but of self. To live with what she suspects and to accept it for what it is... to control what she believes is a darkness that has taken root inside.. to understand how it came to pass... To seek out a normal way of life that can co-exist with her fears of the truth that lies just below the surface..

To become whole again... is her quest.

Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Posted: Sun Apr 14, 2013 6:59 pm
by Jeroan_Herne
He stood there barely making a sound. Even his breathing was even and quiet. It was something that you learned when you were a hunter. A crossbow strapped to his back, he pulled his hat low and down nearly over his eyes. The trail had gone cold now. It had been months.. but he was certain she had headed this way.

He crouched down and observed the ground. It was harder to track their kind now. The closer to civilization he became, the more the creatures blended in. A dim anger still burned brightly inside. His thoughts took him back to the year before. The night he had accidentally found out about Linden. They had known each other for years, yet.. he hadn't even known the real side of him at all. It still unsettled him that he had been as close as he was with their family, or what he thought was their family and still, he hadn't known the deep dark secret that made Linden Black what he was. The darkness within.

Linden had always been brilliantly smart. Nearly too smart for his own good. Cunning was a word that settled over him. It was a word that fit perfectly. But he had been duped. Many of them had and didn't even realize it. They were everywhere. Many just wanted to fit in, but he understood the dangers of that. First hand. He still didn't regret his decision. He didn't think he ever would. Even after losing his best friend, he couldn't feel sorry for the loss of the person he thought he had been friends with. Lies crushed that to bits.. and he would be damned if he would let her go. For more reasons than the ones he convinced himself of.

Standing from his lowered position he finally let out a sigh. The thought of heading into yet another town wasn't his kind of fun. Strangers didn't exactly suit him, but Blue needed resting up, and a bed didn't sound too horrible for the night rather than the hard cold ground. From a ways away, he heard his mount make his own protest with a snort. Which brought Jeroan out of his thoughts. 'Yeah yeah.' he answered to the horse with a rough weathered voice. It would be nice to get out of the rain for a while.

Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Posted: Mon Apr 22, 2013 6:14 am
by Wyllow
The bright sun met her as it crept up into the sky. She walked to her favourite place. She was learning to stay scarce.. and away from the prying eyes that was town. But, work for her for the longest time pulled her back to town. As she walked with her newly patched bucket, her mood was very complacent. After-all, it wasn't exactly easy finding yourself as she had, and had turned that around. At least in her mind, it had turned around. She was still alone, but she felt part of a community now.. in a way. Though she tried her best to avoid the community part.

When she figured out that she could stay within the quiet confines of the outer limits of the town, it was something of great importance and delight. The orchard offered peaceful seclusion without completely hiding her away. Which.. all of this was so strange to her. Solitude before coming to Widu would have given her the greatest of depressions. But that had all changed. Her memories were coming back to her. Little by little, the puzzle began to fit. At first anger had settled over her.

Her brother had been the light of her life. Her protector, her friend. Her family. But he lived a separate life than she knew of. And now that life had become her own. It was good that she was on her own.. for now. It had taken her all this time to come to grips with what had happened. Who she was now. And slowly the feelings she had toward her self waned.

At first, when she figured it out... Death seemed the only course. It seemed right that one that was human one minute and as far from human as you could get, the next... that life just wasn't an option. Foolishly, she began to believe that there was a certain amount of control that could be had. Patterns fell into place. Thoughts and relived moments began to reveal themselves, rather than lock away somewhere deep in the confines of the depths of the mind. The madness that resided within was revealed a few weeks back.. and that beast would lived once more in the coming days.

She had come to believe that her condition was manageable, though this week would test all her theories about herself. But what else could she do? She had found a proverbial peacefulness in Widu. The people even tended to be accommodating and kind. She even had taken a new position in town, which even surprised her, as this was to be part of her test. If she could handle this, this week, she just might be able to handle so much more than she thought she was capable of, and that in its self was something she needed desperately.

She missed the social part of her life. She missed laughing and enjoying other people's company... But she needed to be careful. Up until now, she could only befriend those that were able to fend her off. That were strong enough to understand what she was going through and what she was capable of. But there were none of her kind here. Least, none that she knew of. And she couldn't trust herself around the normal populous. Not without fear of the beast that raged within. But today the sun was shining. And nothing would hamper her pleasant mood in her private corner of the orchard. A place she began to view as serene. It allowed her the solitude she needed, even though it wasn't wanted.. deep down, but also provided her a way of making a living. No one could bother her here in Widu.

Or could they?

Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Posted: Mon Apr 29, 2013 6:07 pm
by Wyllow
It was one of those days. At the edge of the orchard she tried her best to fix the bucket she had brought with her, but everything she tried failed. Settling for long grasses lining the cracked area, she couldn't be bothered with it much more. It was bad enough that the past week had been severely draining on her, but she had to keep going. There was always that nagging thought in the back of her mind, but she pushed it further and further away. The last day or so she had finally become more active.. after sleeping for nearly 36 hours. This was the longest recovery she could remember. It was always like that after the full moon and her thoughts troubled her greatly.

What she needed was a way to control what was happening to her, but so far there had been nothing that worked other than locking herself away from the rest of the world. Anger flared inside of her. Something that she was getting used to happening more often. But the risks were just to great to allow herself free range of the town during her dangerous times. The worst of it was that her memory was shifty at best, coming back to her in her sleep in blurts of mixed up visions. With dreams such as these it was hard to decide which was real and which wasn't.. Sadly, most of it she had to believe was real. And there were times where she didn't believe that she stayed within the confines of her locked home.

At times.. days later, she would find her home completely destroyed.. yet other times.. not a thing was out of place. She had to admit, even to herself, that she was flying solo in this... She even thought of seeking out others of her... kind, but had no control yet over herself during her shifted form. A time where she thought maybe she could find others like herself.

As she picked the last orange that would fit into her bucket, her thoughts faded.. she found a soft spot in the longish grass.. and there she lay back to look at the blue sky. Small soft clouds floated by one by one. An uneasy feeling settled in around her causing the hairs to stand up on her arms, but she ignored it. She was still a little tired, but glad that she was back to her normal life for now.

Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 8:43 pm
by Tuvoria
He had seen and felt her presence when he stepped out of the trees. The elf was aware that she had been watching him and that she could have attacked him at any time. Somehow he felt there was something different in the beauty that was lost in the mind that was just awaking with the dawn's light. He hadn't felt that power and sense of natural energy in some time. Perhaps he thought to himself, this is the reason the Mages led me here. After settling into town, the Elf makes his way towards the Orchard where after a bit he is startled to find a shack almost in a direct line from where he felt the gaze this morning at dawn. He could almost sense the same power coming from this place. A place seemingly hidden from those of the town. He felt drawn to the place and quickly and easily melted into the woods as he made his way towards the shack. When he got near, he noticed no one was home. Quickly the elf placed in front of the door a nice bright orange, a lavender rose, a fresh chicken, and a dagger sized piece of carved oak with the emblem of an acorn in the center. Then almost as quietly and stealthily, he disappeared back into the forest as he made his way back to his house overlooking the Orchard.

Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Posted: Thu May 30, 2013 3:17 pm
by Wyllow
After coming from not only the orchard and tending to her brothers grave, she moved now away from the silent encounter with the stranger. And as she entered the cover of the forest, she felt the world around her return from its odd state of quiet. The animals scurried about once more. The sounds of birds and squirrels twittering in the trees became the norm once again. She still hadn't believed what had transpired, but she wouldn't let it rattle her too much. She was in her comfort zone. The forest so full of life, she couldn't help to feel more at ease the further she moved away from the edge of the forest.

It was where she belonged now.. in the darkness of shadows. It was where she found a certain peace. As she wandered at her own slowed pace, she let her mind go to take in her surroundings. And the little brook called to her. It was a tad out of the way, but the day was right for it. She had come by it the first day she had come to Widu. By the time she arrived at its bank, a good deal of time had passed. Without thought, she dropped the small bucket in hand near the closest tree, and settled to remove her shoes. She always felt free with them removed. A feeling that had come to her after her change. Somehow it connected her more with something deeper she hadn't tried to understand yet.

Moving close to the waters edge, she slowly stepped in. The water, cool and clear, washed over her toes. The pebbles tickled her feet softly with the movement of the running water. Carefully, she made her way to a rock that made for the perfect perch a little ways in, leaving the water to cover her delicate ankles. And she let out a long relaxing breath. Had she been holding it? It felt like it. Shaking her head, she pushed away thoughts of the stranger again. It hadn't happened, she convinced herself with a finality that told herself to not think on it again.

She stayed that way for what felt like a long while, embracing the cool water and serene setting. But she couldn't stay, as much as she would have liked to. As she stood, the wet cloth of her shift clung to her calves. Gathering up her shoes in one hand, and her bucket of oranges in the other, she set off for home.

It wasn't too long before she heard an odd thump. She stopped short and strained to listen. She drew a breath and held it to hear better. Nothing out of the ordinary... another few steps, and another soft thud. This time she turned around with a quickness that surprised even herself. And that is when her bucket decided to break, sending the rest of her oranges spilling to the ground with the same soft thuds. Without a doubt, it was what had caused the noises.

Collecting the fruits, she piled them in the crook of her arm that held her shoes, even back tracking to the time she had heard the first noise. Finding the last orange, she jostled them around until she was able to carry all her belongings, even the broken bucket, home. There was a chance that with a little resin and other materials she could repair the tool she had used for so long. And at the edge of the forest, she seemed to pop out of the greenery that surrounded her little shack of a home. Coming around the front, she stopped dead in her tracks.

Someone has been here.

The bright colour of the orange caught her attention first. In the place it rested, it shown like a glowing orb against its background. Cautiously she moved forward and kneeled before the fruit.. and from what she saw now.. other trinkets. For a moment, she didn't dare touch anything. Who had been here? What was this.. gifts...? And.. Why?

Setting the bucket down, her eyes moved to the lavender rose. Delicately, she picked it up. In that instant she was just a woman, who enjoyed beautiful things. Without thought, she lifted the flower to her nose and inhaled deeply, her eyes closing softly. Her reward was that of the most divine scent. Soft and warm. A classic favorite. Opening her eyes, she looked at the flower again. Its colour reminded her of soft lilacs after a warm rain. She looked around her.. just to see if her eyes could find any clue as to where the items had come from.

She had always known that someone at any time could happen upon her little haven. The place she had come to think of as safe. But she knew that in all reality, she was safe nowhere. Rose still in hand, she let her remaining three fingers brush the feathers of the chicken. The feathers, spotted black and white, she could use.. and would. But the meat. Was this a trick? Would harm come to her if she indulged? She wasn't one to take any death lightly. She was thankful for each and every living being. Well, most.

And then she saw it. A carving...

With a last look around, she gathered all of her belongings together into her already bursting arms and carried it all inside. There, she placed everything upon her counter, where she would tend to each and every item. The rose, found its way into a wooden mug filled with water. She took pleasure in its scent a few times before it was finally set aside ..for the moment. And after all was put away, she came back to the carving. Turning it over again and again in her hand, she couldn't help to wonder about it. She held it to her nose and inhaled.. and she was nearly certain that the wood piece was carved from oak, symbolic of the acorn which was carved into it with minute detail and obvious skill. A practiced hand, perhaps. But another scent lingered in the wood. From the hands that had crafted it, perhaps?

Reaching up, she placed the carving upon a low shelf, where it could be easily viewed. She then placed the rose near it upon the same shelf. She didn't have things to adorn her walls with and these two items looked fine in the place she had chosen.

Time, she realized, had slipped past her. She needed to be off to the market to sell her oranges, save for the one that she decided was a gift. To only return just before dusk to prepare for her nights adventure. It had been days since she had been Yvyrm hunting. Something she had only just discovered in recent weeks as a means to control her blood-lust. As it was the hunt and the kill that that needed sating. Control of her changing was... well.. not controlled, especially during the new moon phase. However, she found that if she hunted every few days, it helped to curb her night wanderings. The ones where she didn't remember the events. The rewards just happened to be multiple-fold. The town needed rid of the pests.. and there were numerous benefits for her. Not only monetary, but other personal gains such as a way to expel pent up energy. Even to just run, did wonders for her in ways that she couldn't even begin to describe.

By the time she returned from the market, dusk was already setting. And as she left her small shack of a home, her eyes fell upon the carving.

That dark haired figure with eyes that saw her where many had failed, crept back into her thoughts.

Re: (ORP) ..At the Edge..

Posted: Fri May 31, 2013 5:40 pm
by Wyllow
Sounds of birds filtered in through the slightly open window. As she suspected, it was later in the day that she had hoped.. but she knew that in order to heal, she had to let her body do as it must, even if at times she was impatient. Gingerly, she dressed for the day in a similar shift to what she had worn the day before. It was ordinary and a tan colour cloth. It was appropriate for daily use, yet in its plain way, could be seen as flattering to her figure, though practicality was its purpose. The previous nights activity still fresh in her mind, she was happy that she was able to remember. Today would be a day of rest, of sorts. Which meant she would indeed head to the orchard to pick a few pieces of fruit for the days needed earnings.

While her movements were stiff, she was happy to see that only a tender, nearly healed, wound remained. Making her way outside, she drew up water from the old well. She thought about it as she drew up the bucket with the rope, and decided that it needed repair. The rock work was in a sad state and the woodwork was rotten. After bringing in the bucket, she set her clothes to soak. Her scrub board would be put to good use tomorrow, as it usually was a couple days after her evenings out.

Done with most of the chores around the house, what little there were, she grabbed a bite to eat of much needed nourishment, a simple meal of milk and fish. And as she did, she thought about the plump chicken. It would be good roasted with potatoes and herbs, she decided.

Moving toward the table, she saw the loot sack and the broken bucket near the door. Taking both to the table she, she examined the bucket first. It was beyond repair, sadly. Setting it aside, she dumped the contents of her collection upon the table. And was surprised at the take. Money that could be put to good use... She thought to herself.

After putting everything away, she headed out for her daily walk to the orchard. A brief stop at her brothers grave.. and the short stop at the market for a brand new bucket.

The new bucket was hardly as comfortable as her old one and, to her eyes, the wood glowed in its new-ness. No smudges of dirt or stains from juice to give it character. But in time, she knew even the handle would become more smooth.

With that, she was off to the orchard, to pick.