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The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2013 9:33 pm
by Drydan
Bah, he thought, The Elven Council sent me away to WHERE?!?!?!. But why…Oh they said I need training. TRAINING???? For what? He sighs, traveling across many continents as he was ordered by the Elven Council. One thing they did mention, that well he was the most special Elf to come out of the Elven Nation. He did have great quality, eyes were exceptional, accuracy with his bow was the most exceptional than any elf, his ears could hear whispers as far as a mile away if quiet but loud noises as far as the continent. He grumbled so much because he carried only a simple bow and arrow along with little food to eat. He wanted those special bows and arrows that he had used but the Council said no and must learn to use a simple bow and arrows and in time that he will improve his bow skills. He knew how to make them and that was the best skill he had. Another excellent skill he had was his feet, he was really quick on his feet and had quick reflexes. He had been traveling several weeks across the continents had fought a few animals along the way. He started to understand but not fully yet. He made camp just 100 miles from his destination. He started to talk to himself.

Well, I am here sitting all alone. That Council is crazy sending an inexperienced Elf to another country or continents. Train? I thought I was DONE with training. I gotta find something to eat.

Just as he grabbed his bow and arrows he turned to see a huge cat of some sort. He yelped on his feet running quickly getting his bow ready. His hands were shaking so much that he was having trouble with his arrow to shoot. However, he was not watching where he was going, he ran into a branch and flopped on the ground hitting his head. He sat up rubbed his forehead and the back of his head suddenly hearing a low growl. He turned and knelt this time he calmed down readies his bow and aims at the cat. The cat came at him and suddenly jumped over his head attacking something else instead. He looked bewildered and wondered why? He turned around and saw a deer was in the area. FOOD!!! Oh no that cat is gonna take his dinner away He stepped back aimed at the cat carefully and patiently. One thing he had learned, patience is the key and accuracy is also the key. He waited for a spell then releases the arrow. The sound of the arrow flew right into the cat and the cat dropped dead but the deer took off running. He ignored the cat chased after the deer by following the trail of blood from the cat attack. He came to a stream finding the deer at the stream. He tiptoed quietly readies his bow aiming for the deer shoots it. The deer drops dead. Drydan smiles and walks up to the deer and prepares the hide and meat taking it back to his camp. He prepared his meal over the fire while he was waiting for the meat to finish he cleaned the hide and prepped it for whatever he needs it for. The meat was ready and ate the meal. After the meal, he plopped down on the ground went to sleep knowing he had a quite a ways to go to arrive to his destination.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2013 9:21 am
by Drydan
Next morning he woke up seeing that it is very windy that morning. He mutters curses under his breath because the wind was messing up his long hair. He gathered up his items and started his trek to his destination when suddenly the wind picked up and pushed him back into a tree.


Slammed into the tree then shakes his head. Curses Curses, he thought, that is a mighty wind. He had to get to his destination so he got up and groaned feeling some pain in his back. He trudged along fighting against the wind suddenly the wind shift from the west to east and blew up to the river. SPLASH!!!!!


He sets down his bag smiling knowing that his bag is waterproof getting a change of clothing since his was wet. He stopped to look at the river then himself. He thought, since I am arriving I best clean up. So he took off his wet clothes hung it up over the tree branch then waded in the river and cleaned up. Since it was windy, his clothes were dry already so he took it down placed it in his bag then trekked again fighting against the west wind crashing into tree branches rocks and getting hit by tumbleweed.

For crazy sake, I cleaned up and I am dirty again WHOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAa

The wind shifted again this time coming from the North. He started to think that the wind didn't like him at all. He crashed into the ground faced flat getting dirt in his mouth and spit out.

Blehhhhh dirt you got to be kidding me!!!!!

He got up checked the sun which was partly out during this windy day realizing it was almost noon but all of sudden the wind picked up so great that it picked Drydan up blew him across the land and crashed into a sign landing on the top.


He slipped of the sign and landed on the ground. This time he didn't want to get up but opened his eyes looking at the sign it says F E N I A. Wait did he read right? He jumped up on his feet not minding his pains and read the sign again then jumps up to celebrate then stops realizing the wind had stopped.

OHHH now you stop as soon as I got here. Now that I have arrive to the destination.

He pulls out a parchment and reads. It says Destination: FENIA he thinks checked Next says: Get a field mmmm he thought where can I get a field. He shrugs his shoulders and marched towards to the gate of Fenia when the wind picked up again taking him and crashed into the gate.


One thing he was surprised....still alive. By now he might look like a beaten elf in a fight with scratches all over him and torn clothing. He tried brushing his clothes but no use. One thing he could use was Ale so the first place would be a place to drink Ale. He trudged into town of Fenia getting gazes from the citizens and visitors. He knew was the way he looked. He felt joy as he saw a place for ale so he enters the Tavern and ordered an Ale.

(Edited: To correct a spelling and to invite others to join this rp if they wish to do so.)

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 2:10 pm
by Drydan
As he was waiting for his Ale he turned around and trips himself flopping on the floor landing on something soft like a pillow. He sighed comfortably pulling whatever it was as if he was going to sleep suddenly he felt some rough spots on the 'pillow'. He starts feeling it it was bumpy, scaly then looked at it scrolls his eyes along up to whatever it was then jumps up banging the back of his head on a table knocking it over then tumbling into the bar patrons knocking their drinks . He backs up stumbling and knocking more tables breaking chairs with his feet. OW!!!, he thought, That hurts!!! Running into the bar knocking over his ale sliding back across the bar towards to the entrance backing up into a wall.

WHAT?!?!?!?! IS THAT A DRAGON?!?!?!?! WHAT'S IT DOING HERE?!!!!????

He slides across the wall behind the bar not realizing he was behind the bar and the bartender started cursing at him pushing him out from behind. He stumbled back towards to the entrance banging into the door flopping on the floor.

WELL EXCUSEEEEE ME!!! I didn't even realize it and you don't have to push me!!!!!

He curses at the bartender. The bartender glared at him asking him who he was and what he was doing here. He was still on the floor and spoke.


He got up slowly as he had pains and aches from his flopping all over the place and looked around seeing all the patrons realizing it was not just a dragon but all different kinds of races. Then he slapped his forehead and pulls out his parchment.

DOH!!!!! That is what they meant training!!!!

The bartender looking at him like he was crazy asking him what training?

What training? Oh sorry I am ermmm *blushes* talking out loud? Excuse me.

Now he really got embarrassed so he just looked down not looking at anyone then took an empty spot in the dark corner not letting anyone see him.

*correcting mistakes*

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:05 pm
by balerion
Balerion was at his favorite tavern calmly enjoying a gin martini when suddenly he feels something bump against his leg. Seeing its just an elf apparently trying to sleep he shrugs and decides to ignore it. Though after it suddenly begins making all kinds of noises Balerion turns his eyes upon the wee elf. Of course that's a dragon, I hardly look like a unicorn. What am I doing here? Drinking of course, it is a tavern after all. What is it that you are doing here? Balerion can help but chuckle as the elf manages to fling itself all over the bar. Little sir, maybe you don't need anything more to drink. You look like you might break something at this rate. Balerion slips the bartender a few gold coins to cover the damages as he would hate to see the elf thrown out on the street. Who knows what the little guy might do to himself or someone else? Twould be much better to keep him in one spot until he could regain his senses.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 6:11 pm
by Drydan
He turns to the dragon gulping quietly. He wasn't sure if this dragon was telling the truth or not about being in the tavern drinking. He ponders the question that the dragon asked him what he was doing in the tavern.

Ermmm..Oh mmm I got sent here from a land far far far away from here. Took a long time too.He thinks carefully then pulls out his parchement reading it off to the dragon.

Number 1 new creatures....I did that well did I? Number 2 says......find a new home and get a field.....I got a wheat field but I need to build a home. Number three says ......waitttt a minute here what is this???? He noticed there was a second parchment attached to the first one so he took it apart and One moment please I gotta read this I didn't even KNOW that there was a second page.

He begins to read.
Dear Drydan,
When you read this letter, it will probably be in Fenia. Yes we did send you to a journey of a new world and of new creatures. But the truth is.....You are will be the last Elf alive when you arrive to Fenia.
WAIT did I read that right?He reads the letter again and YEP he did read it right but he continues on to read
However reason is are the healthiest elf while all are ill, sick and dying probably be dead by now. So you make your own destiny, Drydan. You are on your own as an Elf from this land.

Your Leader, Lore
Seal of the Head Elf of the Council
Drydan starts to choke up then gets up runs out of the tavern not caring how cold it was running until he couldn't run anymore and fell in the snow.


Tears rolled down his cheek realizing that he had to be brave in this world but he heard Lorelai whispering in his ear

Child, don't worry, the spirits of the Elves will be within you and guide your journey. Remember the necklace you wear.

He looked down at his necklace grabbing it holding it and nods at the Spirit of Lorelei. He sat there all alone and sad thinking what he has to do. One thing he knows, he can not go alone but find the people that can help him to get through the journey. He may be weak but he was 120 years old that was considered a young elf. He knew he had to get better and stronger like they had told him he was a special elf that came from that land. Only time will tell what kinds of special powers he will possess. He felt cold and numb then realizes he was sitting in the snow so he got up walked back into the tavern taking his hair covering his face to hide the tears walks to a corner where it was dark so he could pull back his hair and no one would know he was crying. He sat down leans back.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Posted: Sun Feb 10, 2013 9:06 am
by Drydan
A couple of weeks later of his arrival to Fenia, Drydan spent his days working in his field and working gaining money so he could try to save up for new clothing. He met quite a few new friends in the taverns. One day, he sat in the tavern and he noticed something that was missing from his life. He saw others with mates or to be mates. He became sad and walked out took a stroll thinking how can he find one for himself. Only time will come and he knew it. He went to his place where there was a process of building his new home.

Well let's see where are we? Where are those plans I had?

He ran off searching for the plans and ended up back in the tavern where he became sad again but saw his plans on the table. He ran to the table just as he reached for it, he slipped on something wet.


He slid under the table not realizing that he did as he got up he banged the back of his head and fell again. He didn't see his plans fall off the table when he hit his head.

OWWWWW Not again!!!! What do I got to do not to do this anymore?????

He rolled over and got up. He reached for the plans and they were not on the table. He frowned and in panic he started looking for it. He found it near the fireplace and ran over there to catch it.

OI!!!! Whoa that was close. Sorry for the commotion.

He flips some coins to Idunno apologizing her for the mess and ran off to his homesite. As soon as he arrived, he unrolled the plans and studied them.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:50 pm
by Zahara
She had watched the commotion from the darker corner of the tavern. With a slight chuckle, she stood up and followed him out the door quietly, so as not to get his attention that she was following him. There was something about this elf that got her curiosity fired up.

Hiding in the bushes near where he had stopped, she watched him unroll his papers and begin to look over them. She eventually poked her head out a little further to see if she could see what he was looking at, hoping that he would not see her. As she moved, she accidentally stepped on a twig, and heard it break under her foot. She jumped back and hoped it had not alarmed him.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 10:56 pm
by Drydan
As he was looking over his plans for his house, he heard a noise and jumps up crumbling up his plans begins to look around looking startled and sees this beaufiful lady jumping to hide and smirks. He saw her in the tavern and wondered who she was. So he tiptoed to the area where she was and whispered.

Anyone there? I know you are there. I heard you. Please come out. I have seen you in the tavern when I got my papers from the Tavern.

He pondered a bit thinking then blushing and speaks shyly.

I are.......errmmmmm beautiful

He looked down at the ground.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:51 pm
by Zahara
She took a deep breath as he approached. No doubt he had heard the twig snap.. She slowly stood up, a deep blush coloring her face. Taking a step forward, she peered out again at him.

"Th.. tha.. thank you. I.. I'm sorry."

She couldn't decide what she should do next, so frozen, she stood there, with her eyes on the ground.

Re: The Elf of a Land from Far Far Far Far Away

Posted: Sun Feb 17, 2013 11:57 pm
by Drydan
He ran his fingers in his hair as she appeared thinking what to do next now. He took a deep breath and spoke softly.

Hi....ummmm......Oh did you say need to be sorry...welcome to my homestead......not much yet I am working on it. See.....

He showed his plans which were crumbled and frowns.

Oops sorry let me spread them so you can see better...oh wait I am Drydan ......*looks shy* ummmm welll you are?

He waits for her as he begins to spread the plans.