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Who takes the pain away?

Posted: Wed Jan 06, 2010 7:03 pm
by starlite271043
She sat in her room , the tears still falling. It seemed her world had fallen apart. What did she do wrong? Why did it have to be so painful?
She thought back to the first time she met him, it was so wonderful that he would look at someone like her. Before an hour had passed he asked her to be his betrothed. It was like a dream. They neither of them thought anything of the speed of what was happening, only that it felt right.
The next day she had to travel many miles away but it made no diffference, they sent letters to each other. Their love was so complete. They were as soul-mates. On her return she was informed he had been killed in the north of the land and her devastation was overwhelming. She no longer wanted to live. The heart had gone out of her now her love was dead.
Then a villager came and said they had just heard he was alive but with no memory, caused by a blow to the head.
Immediately she knew she had to go to him. The neighbours rallied round and helped her to prepare for her journey.

She sent letters to him in the hope of him regaining his memory. She set out on her journey, all the while sending letters of love and encouragement. She found that the morning she arrived there he had regained nearly all his memories,but most important of all, his memories of her.But she was puzzled. In spite of saying he still loved her he seeemed different somehow,he was not as loving as before. She thought maybe it was something to do with his injuries and put it aside.

He went on ahead of her to their home town as she had taken work. She travelled the next day. He was loving but still there was that slight coolness. Nonetheless, he went ahead with the weddding arrangements and suggested that they seek another land. This she did and found Secfenia. It seemed the perfect place and she met some of the local people who were very welcoming. On her return to her home she told him what she found. He seemed very happy and they went to this new land.

Shortly after they settled he asked her to marry him whilst in the local tavern. Of course, she accepted for he was the love of her life. But shortly after he became even more cooler. She was mystified. Why? Had she done something wrong.? He did not say and she did not want to ask. She was so afraid his love for her had gone but knew not why.
Then for a time she had to be away and her life was almost gone but with help she recovered and returned. He hugged her but that was the last time. Fom then on he was very cool and her heart was breaking.. Had he found someone else?

She pondered the question and still no answers came. She had to talk to him. So, she asked him if he wanted to stop their love . He did. He blamed it on her being away. She knew there was more than that but had to accept his decision. Therefore, she went away with her life and heart in pieces. What to do now? She did not know. Everywhere she went she would meet him and it would be so hard to see him with someone else. She still loved him but she knew that if she was lucky she might be able to cover the pain by working, but it was the rest of the time she would not be able to bury the pain. It felt as if her heart and soul had been stolen from her.

Re: Who takes the pain away?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 11:28 am
by Lordblackhawk
A nomad, with no fixed ties, he would take of on his travels on a whim with no fixed destination in mind. Just interested in seeing new places and meeting other people.
He thought he was happy until that fateful day when destiny decreed that he should meet his `Soulmate`.
Normally never at a loss for words he was dumbstruck when he met her.
Unsure of how she felt for him, or even if she felt anything for him, he told her of his feeelings.
Overjoyed he was when she felt the same towards him.
He was happy to give up his wandering days.

Alas, Fate intervened once again and he had a mission to perform while she was away traveling. Suffering loss of memory he gradually recalled her and her messages to him gave him strength.

Upon her telling him of a new world he agreed that they start a new life there but shortly after they settled she was called away.
Numerous times he attempted to find when she would return but `Shortly` was all he was told. No messages from her to say what or why she had to leave him.

To ease the pain of her absence he began the planning of their home

One night in the tavern a joyous sight came before him. She had returned!
Holding her he told her how much he had missed her but something wasn't quite right. Putting it down to her happiness at her return he kept his consul and let her share the happiness with her friends.
Content that she had returned he was happy to remain in the background and let her talk amongst her friends and family.
However the following night, she was even more distant towards him. Hardly speaking unless spoken to.
Putting it down to the stress of being away he decided to leave her be and hopefully would come out of it.
Then a thought crossed his mind - `Maybe she has had second thoughts about us while away.`
The next night seemed to confirm his fears when she entered the tavern and commented "I waited until he had left before coming in."
Confused now, his heart breaking upon those words from his betrothed, his mind is in turmoil.
Even the following night, when he spoke and showed his love, she ignored him.

Now, he is unsure what his future is.
She still has his Love and holds his Heart.

'On the road that I taken,
one day, walking, I awaken,
amazed to see where I have come,
where I'm going, where I'm from.

This is not the path I thought.
This is not the place I sought.
Nor is it the dream I bought,
It is just a fever of fate I have caught. '

Re: Who takes the pain away?

Posted: Thu Jan 07, 2010 12:33 pm
by starlite271043
Starlite read the message posted for her. If her loved one felt this way why had he not spoken when she had asked him? Why say he was happy to part. That first night she returned why hadn't he said he would just sit and chat with his friends whilst she caught up on news from everyone else? Instead he was abrupt on parting for the night. No mention was made of his love, so she was left feeling lost. What had she done wrong.? She tried to stay away from him in the hope he would resolve what had disturbed him. He had not told her what it was, so she was left with a feeling of being in limbo. She still loved him and she believed she always would.

What was that? A message had just arrived from her beloved to tell her he still loved her and believed she had changed. She hoped he really meant it for she could not go through this pain again. It hurt too much. Yet the thought of having his arms around her once more was a joy she never thought would happen. Did this mean they would be together again? That he truly loved her just the same as in the beginning? She knew she did. She knew she always would. Without him the sun didn't shine any more. The joys of life were not there any more. Her world would just be a world of devastation and darkness.

She had waited for millenia for his return to her and to lose him now was the worst pain and heartache any mortal could have to bear.
She knew she would slowly die for she had not wish to live in this time without him, she had done that many times before and she just could not do it this time. Her life would slowly shrivel until it went. All she knew was that she loved him with and eternal love, absolutely and totally.

She prayed he really loved her and wanted them to be together, it was all she could do.It was simple, he was her soul-mate and her life.

Re: Who takes the pain away?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 9:01 am
by Lordblackhawk
Happy that his Beloved now knows how he feels about her and that it was all a misunderstanding, Lbh starts work on their home.

{OOC- See thread 'Home of Lordblackhawk & Lady Starlite' }

Re: Who takes the pain away?

Posted: Fri Jan 08, 2010 3:30 pm
by starlite271043
"How quickly pain can disappear once fear is laid to rest." Starlite thought as she sat in her sunny room. "The sun now shines brightly and the world was once more alive and joyous again" Why? Because the misunderstanding between herself and Hawk had been resolved completely.

He still loved her just as much as ever. He had built a beautiful home for her and was going to make her a lovely garden as well. He had to love her to do that. It showed his love in everything he had done at the house. She was so happy she thought she would burst with the joy of it all. He was still her soul-mate in this life-time. He was everything to her.

The warning of Xenogitarl was now void and she could concentrate on her weddding and her studies. She now knew she would be successful in both these things. With Hawk's love and her Goddess's help she knew there was no possibility of failure.
She would repay their faith and love for her in this way, for she loved them both so much.

Re: Who takes the pain away?

Posted: Sat Jan 09, 2010 11:28 am
by Lordblackhawk
Lbh was so happy at Starlite's joy for their home.
But, he feels that there is so much more he could do to show how much he loves her.
However, he doesn't know what that could be!
He never has been one for expressing his emotions, he keeps them hidden.
Having been hurt so much before, he finds it hard to show them.
Even to his true love.
All he knows is - that he loves her with all of his heart, his entire being!
She is his absolute 'Soul-mate'! He cannot imagine his life without her.

Now, at least, they are over their 'misunderstanding' and can look forward to a long and happy life.