✿ Orange Blossom Bakery ✿

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✿ Orange Blossom Bakery ✿

Post by Wyllow »

The day had finally arrived. And a day early too!

She came from the University with the parchment in her hand. She was finished with the first part of her higher learning. She couldn't believe it. First she had found a place that was perfect for her.. at the edge of town.. It still needed just a tad bit of work, but that would be nothing compared to the studying she had been pouring herself over for the last... She wasn't even sure how long it had taken her!

As she stepped out into the morning light from the University, she felt an overwhelming sensation. She smiled up into the sky and spread her arms out and spun around. Her life had taken on such a new direction, she wondered if it was possible to be any happier than she was right at this very moment. She thought about Tuvoria. She needed to tell him! They had to celebrate! She wanted to share this joy with him.

But wait! How better to do so than bake him a pie or something like that?!? Yes, A pie! A scrumptious and delicious pie! The Bakery wasn't quite ready. She had been stealing time here and there to get it into shape. She was happy so far with the multiple oven kitchen though. It was basically a large chimney that housed a brick oven on both sides. It had been expensive to create, but it had been well worth it. The cost of the men coupled with her studies had drained her of most of her savings, but she couldn't be happier with how it had all turned out. A few finishing touches was all that remained, knobs and such.. and a good scrubbing up.

As she started to walk home, she thought about the sign she would hang over the new Bakeries door step.. And she smiled. She already had a name. Orange Blossom Bakery. He had helped her with that.. and it had been quite fitting.

With a skip to her gait, she made her way home to start on the pie.
Last edited by Wyllow on Sun Sep 01, 2019 12:09 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: ✿ Orange Blossom Bakery ✿

Post by Wyllow »

The pie came together so smoothly, she couldn't believe it. She smiled as she pulled it out of her tiny oven and set it to cool at the small window above her counter. After cleaning up, she found some rope that she had purchased some time ago. Putting it on the table she thought about a sign for the new bakery. She then made her way outside to look around. Her gaze fell upon some small boards that had been stacked there for some time. She had meant to turn it into kindling, but for some reason, she hadn't had the time. Picking them up, she examined the pieces and an idea formed.

Taking them back inside she arranged them. She then attached the rope in a way that it could hang. She then took out paints and began to draw. She drew orange blossoms and leaves. She thought about putting oranges upon it too, but decided against it. Setting it aside to dry, she then took out some parchment and began to construct a menu of sorts.

In her menu, she also did some figures. She planned on doing some specialty items which also could be purchased from the Traveling Caravan. However she figured that she could hopefully save people that purchased those items some silver. Just on the cups of beef stew alone, she could save a person 20f. And she smiled with the thought of that. Thinking on it a bit more, she guessed that her Bakery was going to be more like a Bakery plus kind of store. Breads and cakes made up a good portion of it, but specialty items made up the other.

As the evening was drawing to a close, she decided that there was still time enough.. and light to make her way to the shop to hang her menu and her sign.

It didn't take her long to hang the sign outside over the door. Standing back, she looked at it to make sure that it was straight.
Adjusting it slightly to the left, she then felt that it was hanging just right.

Inside, she placed up her menu. It wasn't really a menu, but more of a listing of things that she would be offering. It hung behind the counter, yet high enough for all to see.


For the most part, all items were available, however, it all depended upon supplies.

Looking around the store front, she smiled. She had come a long ways. In a few more days, the racks would be filled and the doors would open wide.
Last edited by Wyllow on Wed May 03, 2023 7:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: ✿ Orange Blossom Bakery ✿

Post by Tuvoria »

It was still early in the morning when Tuvoria passed through the city gates and walked the distance to Wyllow's bakery. He needed to talk with her, to confess his past, and hope that she could forgive his past and what he had done. As he approached her bakery, he could smell the aromas of baking goods on the air. Not wanting to interupt her, he sat down next to the front door with his back to the wall to await for his love to appear.

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Re: ✿ Orange Blossom Bakery ✿

Post by Wyllow »

She was used to early mornings, but this was ridiculous. There was so much to get done, and so little time to get it done. Taking a deep breath, she counted to five to clear her head. Slow down, take it easy. You need to create a routine. Tomorrow will be easier. She talked herself out of a panic. It was the first day and she felt like she didn't know what to do first, next or last.

She turned and looked at Gabriel. She needed a break. It was well after mid morning. An order of Steak Sandwiches had come in as soon as the doors had swung open and the customer wanted them yesterday. Something to do with a picnic party. She couldn't believe that she had gotten them out as fast as she had.. and just barely before the time they were to pick them up. She couldn't complain, really. It was good to see business doing so well. Hopefully it would keep up.

Breads were selling well. Similarly to when she had Gabriel sell them in the market. Specialty items were slow for now, but it would only take time before people noticed that her prices were quite low compared to the Caravan. The ease of the caravan is what she figured people might be used to.

Removing her apron, she tossed on a cleared counter that had contained fresh dough for the next batch of bread. 'Gabe, be sure to add a few more pieces of wood to those fires. I am going to go take a break, when I get back I will let you take one as well. We have been working like mad. Things can wait for a bit. Watch after the counter for me?' She asked, but he understood that it wasn't a question, but a request.

She came out from the back of the store and made her way to the racks to see what would be needed when she returned. When she came to the counter, she caught movement out of the corner of her eye. And she smiled. 'Hello you.' She said as she crossed the floor to stand before Tuvoria. 'When did you sneak in?' She grinned. It was good to see him after their lovely time together at his home. 'Hows Gawain? You two eat up those leftovers yet?' She teased.. Then she turned to look at her shop. 'Mind if I join you?' She let the sound of her tiredness be heard in her voice as she took a seat at the little table she had near the window that he was sitting at. She had three others. Two on the other side, and one other near them closer to the wall. The small table and chairs that the sat at now was in front of one of the two large windows.
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Re: ✿ Orange Blossom Bakery ✿

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria was surprisingly startled by Wyllow's voice. Looking up he smiled at her as he invited her to take a seat next to him.

"Morning Wyl, I got here about 30 minutes ago. I didn't want to interrupt your work. Plus I needed to clear my mind of a few things. As to the leftovers, unless Gawain has gotten into them this morning everything is still there. I went out to the meadow this morning. All of these events that last couple of days and then finding Meridoc here in Widu selling wines brought up memories from my past. Memories of a time that I had forgotten about, and wanted to forget."

Clearly showing signs of being distraught, Tuvoria put his elbows on his knees and put his head in his hands.

"Wyl, I love you and I hope after I confess this to you that you will still be my friend."

Tuvoria then raised his head and looked at Wyllow with tears in his eyes

"I, I, I think Meridoc and I may be partially responsible for what happened to you and your brother."

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Re: ✿ Orange Blossom Bakery ✿

Post by Wyllow »

After she settled into her chair, she realized that something seemed wrong. There was a hollowness that could be found in his eyes that she had never experienced before. 'It would have been.. ' ..no bother, she tried to get out. But he continued. What events? What memories?

The more he spoke, he seemed to be getting more upset. When his head dropped into his hands her heart sank. Her voice was a low whisper. 'Tuv..' Her her fingers brushed his arm. She wasn't sure what was wrong. His next words cased her to feel a little confused.

'My love, you are scaring me.' She wished she could shoulder the pain he was feeling. 'You aren't making sense....' She felt uneasiness suddenly. And searched his teared filled eyes. She wanted to fall to her knees before him and pull him close to her to protect him from the anguish he seemed to be going through. What could have caused all of this so suddenly? But his next words fell like stone. She shook her head a little. No, she hadn't heard him correctly, she decided. 'Tuvoria, I don't understand what you are saying.. What.. how..No. No. I don't accept that.' The words wouldn't register in her brain.

She looked at him now. He seemed so miserable with some invisible weight on his mind. She didn't give him a chance to say anything. 'Right. Stay here.. I will be right back.' She didn't say anything more. Didn't show any emotions.. just walked into the back of the bakery. There, she excused Gabriel from his duties for the day. When she returned, she set down a tray with a tea set for two, then crossed the room to close the doors. Her work could wait until tomorrow.

Settling back down, she poured them both a cup, all in silence. Taking up the hot cup, she looked into it for a moment before saying anything. 'I don't know what it is that you are trying to say, but... you need to know that you have given me a hope I have not dared to believe I could ever have. You mean the world to me. You.. are good and kind.. and..' She looked at him then. 'And, I love you with everything that I am.' She had not expressed her feelings toward him so fully before. But she believed that now was the time. 'What ever this is, let us deal with it together. I can not promise that I will not be upset..' She wanted to say that there could never be anything that could tear her from his side, but she didn't know what it was he had to say. She loved him to the very core of her being. Feelings like that didn't dissipate just because two people got upset at each other. 'It might be best if you start at the beginning so that I can understand.. ' She gave a weakened smile that she hoped told him that she wanted to hear what he had to say. That she would try to be understanding.
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Re: ✿ Orange Blossom Bakery ✿

Post by Tuvoria »

"Wyl, I don't mean to scare or worry you. When I left my family and joined the L itong Patrols I was involed with a few things that I had tried to forget. Back then Meridoc was my sargent, my scout partner, and my best friend. Back near my homeland then several areas had a problem with a few packs of werepeople. One of our tasks was to find and eliminate any werepeople we came across. We were extremely good at what we did. We took out any we found, regardless of age or gender. In fact we totally destroyed the Red Fang Pack. We nearly destroyed the Blood eye pack as well. Most of the other packs fled the area. We continued to hunt some of them for a bit. Two of the worst groups set sail and may have come this way. I am oh so afraid that our hunting them, forced the encounter with your brother and then his bitting you. It was my experience hunting them that allowed me to spot and handle what was happening to you at my house. In my old life, I would have run a sword through you and cut your head off. When I could no longer live with what u was doing and who I became, I left and went fishing. I had to get away and bury that part of me. I am beginning to wonder if the mages brought me here to make amends for my past by caring for you and protrcting you for all the days I have left. I had not thought about my past, but the events surrounding finding you, ans then seeing Meridoc brought it all back ladt night. I just cant get past the idea that I may be partially responsible for your brothers death. Can you ever forgive me?"

Tuvoria then hung his head once again in his head, hoping beyond all hope that this revelation and confession did not affect thier relationship.

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Re: ✿ Orange Blossom Bakery ✿

Post by Wyllow »

She sipped from her cup a few more times, saying nothing. She needed time to understand what he was saying to her. His question rang out in her ears as if she had been the one in a bell-tower ringing the bell. It was deafening. Her instincts stated that .. of course she could forgive him .. But she needed more information. She simply couldn't absorb what he was telling her.

She didn't want to believe it, truthfully, and because of that she had to take a different path when it came to the subject. It bothered her further that he hadn't told her of his past before. It frightened her immensely, but it wasn't because of what he had done. She was frightened because it seemed as though it was a memory he locked away. It was something that happened from time to time when it came to trauma. She wondered if that is what he saw his past as.. or maybe that was his way of dealing with it.

Instead of talking on the subject, she stood up and looked at him for a second. 'I... am closing the shop for today.' She stated, almost without emotion. She later, would figure it was due to a form of shock. 'Come with me?' She asked him then. She couldn't do this here. They had gotten much done today, sales wouldn't suffer. 'I would like to take you somewhere that is special to me. Because I think we need to talk more.. and I .. ' Her hand came to her forehead, the realization of what he had said to her starting to slowly sink in. '.. I can't do this here.' She said, her voice was quiet, as if she were afraid that if she stayed one moment more she would burst into tears. Her throat felt like it is squeezing closed and the back of her eyes prickled. She turned away from him then, as she couldn't bear for him to see her that way. She would take him to the special place that she used to spend time at .. before they had met.

She put up a closed sign, as it was a distraction long enough to regain composure, then opened the door. The set of tea would remain abandoned. She looked back to him and waited.
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Re: ✿ Orange Blossom Bakery ✿

Post by Tuvoria »

Tuvoria got up still keeping his head somewhat low as he watched Wyllow put up the closed sign. Finally lifting his head up as he gave a sigh.

"Okay Wyl, I will go to wherever it is that you wish to go. I love and trust you. It is why I felt I had to tell you now, before someone else told you twisted details of this part of my life."

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Re: ✿ Orange Blossom Bakery ✿

Post by GabrielDunn »

It was bright and early the following day his employer, Wyllow had sent him home urgently. It wasn't like her, but he shrugged it off, not worrying about anything other than the days work that was ahead of him this morning.

As he entered the shop through the back, he noticed the breads that were over-proofed. There was a giant mess for him to deal with. He grumbled to himself then, something he didn't do too often. And began the task of clean up. This wasn't the first time that Wyllow had left him to tend to things, and he was certain that it wasn't going to be the last.

The good thing was that the pay was decent and that he was learning a trade skill from her. That in a way made up for him having to do a lot of work that was needed. He liked to think that he was the glue that kept her shop going and in that he liked to think there was a little invested pride.

Once the mess was cleaned up, be began on the new rolls and loaves of bread for the day. At the same time he started some stew for later. Pulling out the recipe card, he set it on the counter. He would get the supplies once the rolls were set to rise.
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