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[IRP] The arrival of a Barbarian within the town of Cork

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 10:15 pm
by Barleof
After traveling the lands for what seemed like months to almost a year the 7 foot tall Barbarian named Barleof stumbled upon a town. A place where he hopes to regain his strength, his Honor, and his dignity. For before he was forced to wander he was deceived by his own family, poisoned by his own sister that in truth did not kill him, but made him weak or weaker then what he was before. Now with the poison gone and out of his system he now makes his way to the gates of this town wearing a very thick leather cloak, crude pieces of chainmail upon his shoulders, and a large loincloth around his waist. He also carried a large axe and Hammer upon his back, the guards seemed a tad discouraged when he made it to the gate. Not scared or worried for some reason but one of curiosity. After a moment of them talking to one another the guards decide to let him through in which Barleof did not argue. Once inside he made his way to the inn and entered. The door slamming open as he scanned the room...

Re: [IRP] The arrival of a Barbarian within the town of Cork

Posted: Fri Aug 23, 2013 11:52 pm
by balerion
Balerion had been traveling and he found himself in one of the Corkian taverns. This one had a on the sign hanging above the doorway and offered rather sub par food but quite good drinks. He was well into his first barrel of ale when there was a commotion in the kitchen. He assumed it was over his order, but he was more than confident that the cook would ensure that an entire cow was found somewhere. It would be quite a mistake to displease a dragon after all. Besides he could pay extra well for the services provided. After a bit more yelling the noise quieted down and Balerion smiled knowing that before too long some poor farmer would be given an offer he couldn't turn down for an entire steer. It might take a while for it to return to the tavern, but it would be coming. In a good mood Balerion placed an order for a round of drinks for the entire tavern. It wasn't often he came to this inn but he saw enough friends that it would be worthwhile. Suddenly the door opened and a barbarian made his way into the tavern. Balerion glanced at him and made sure that he said hello before he left. With the position he would soon have it certainly couldn't hurt to be cordial to new potential voters. He kept drinking keeping an eye upon where the barbarian went.

Re: [IRP] The arrival of a Barbarian within the town of Cork

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 2:13 pm
by Rieron
Clearing out the General's office of his things to move out of the army barracks Rieron overheard a conversation between three soldiers passing by the room and raised a curious eyebrow shouting for the soldiers to come back. The three soldiers immediately rushed into the office and stood at attention "Yes Sir!?" Rieron casually leaned back on the metal desk looking at them with a serious gaze then said in a calm but deep voice "Who are you talking about that has entered my town?" the soldier in the middle stuttered a bit as he told him of the 7 foot tall barbarian with marks of battle in his flesh that was requesting entrance into the town. "That is all we know of him General, although one of the city roaming guards saw him walking to one of our inn." the soldier to the right said as Rieron took in the information, "Very well then you are dismissed, soldiers.." he replied and the three warriors left the office quickly to go back to their platoons.

'Perhaps he might be worth checking into...' Rieron thought to himself as he finished packing up his things and carried them out of the office and the barracks towards his mate's caravan hidden deeply on the town outskirts. Once he dropped everything off at the vardo he decided to take a stroll back to the town to meet this new person in the inn. After a couple of minutes walking back, he reached the gate of the town and was saluted by the sentries before let inside the town. Rieron walked all the way to the inn where the barbarian was supposed to be staying at and passed by the dragon on the entrance of the inn wondering what he was doing in Cork. Once inside the inn the druchii scanned the surrounding noting a couple of familiar faces who greeted him out of respect and then the noticeably looking barbarian who was taller than he was and bulkier with all the pelts armor. He scanned the barbarian as he walked towards him. This is Cork afterall the city of warriors and fighters so he couldn't help but read into his aura to see how strong it was and if he had the character of a Corkian. "You must be the barbarian the soldiers are talking about..." Rieron said very bluntly to Barleof.

Re: [IRP] The arrival of a Barbarian within the town of Cork

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 3:18 pm
by Barleof
Giving a grunt to the Dragon he made his way to the bar, now sitting there he had just received his order of three mug of ale when he heard a man speak to him, with a deep growl and then a grunt he downs the first mug with ease before even turning his head to the man who was now to be from the looks of it a dark elf. With his usual strong and stern glare about him he fully turned his 7foot frame to the elf and says with a loud and booming voice, "I am Barleof, and what be the name of the elf that so far has the only nerve to approach me?"

Re: [IRP] The arrival of a Barbarian within the town of Cork

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 3:37 pm
by balerion
Balerion chuckled as Barleof grunted at him. He continued drinking thinking he was likely to get a bit of entertainment out of this meeting. He watched Rieron swagger into the tavern as cocky as ever and rolled his eyes. With a smile he asked Rieron as he passed, "Enjoying your last few days Rieron? The council simply just won't be the same without you." For some reason Balerion was looking forward to the next council term more than he had in a long time. He wasn't quite sure why, but he was excited. Only time would tell how the next batch of councilors would turn out.

Balerion didn't want to distract the yelling barbarian from his first encounter so he ordered a fresh barrel and opened the lid from it. Not long after he could hear his cow being brought around near the back. He told one of the bar wenches to make sure the cook left the cowbell on it this time because he liked the added crunch it gave to the meal. It wasn't quite as good as those shoes people put on horses but it still added a nice flavor. He waited eagerly for his meal while making sure to still pay attention to the amusements going on around him.

Re: [IRP] The arrival of a Barbarian within the town of Cork

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 4:35 pm
by Rieron
"My name be Rieron but you can call me what I am proud to be..a Druchii as I am one of the very very few that inhabit this lands.." Rieron responded back standing probably 2 feet away from the barbarian once he turned around to face him. He looked up at Barleof and rubbed one of his ears at the loud voice. It seemed like the barbarian came from a tribe that was used to talking very loudly and it did well to reminded him of a mountain man he once killed that hailed from the mountains of Kiene before the eventual volcano laid waste to most of the country side. Difference with Borric was he had more of a silver tongue than the makings for a pure breed warrior. He answered the call of battle only because he had to not because he lived to battle every and all creatures that offered challenge. Rieron wondered if this one would be different than the others before him and more like him when it came to adversaries.

Watching Balerion from the corner of his eye he wondered why the dragon kept trying to get a rise out of him and not just fight him already "Uh huh.. Good to know I will be missed, too bad I can't say the feeling is mutual.." Rieron responded back and wondered at the same time briefly if Balerion really thought he cared to have a title or position. He already knew where he strengths lied and did not need to take a volunteer job to realize that. Shifting his attention to Barleof, he asked casually almost as if he was comfortable in what would appear as a tensed environment to the common peasants "What brings you to these unforgiving lands, Barbarian? But particularly to this town"

Re: [IRP] The arrival of a Barbarian within the town of Cork

Posted: Sat Aug 24, 2013 9:33 pm
by Barleof
"Hmmm... Rieron..." Barleof takes the time to study the individual over, his stance, posture, even the way he talked was one of a warrior or at least someone who has seen some battle. With that he grunts again and upon hearing the elf's question he takes a moment to down the drink in hand then finally says, "I am here cause I stumbled upon this town on my travels, as for why... that is my own business."

Re: [IRP] The arrival of a Barbarian within the town of Cork

Posted: Sun Aug 25, 2013 12:30 am
by Rieron
Rieron listened to the straightforward answer from Barleof and grinned slightly thinking to himself the barbarian was eloquent enough but was he willing to do more to make his mark on this harsh world as he spent more time in Secfenia, "I see now.." He responded back with his usual dark tone while holding back a cold chuckle as he sized up the barbarian again and the weapons in his belt, "And what can you say about yourself aside from the obvious that you are a fighter?" Rieron asked as he was actually curious about the newcomer and what tales he could tell of his travels besides himself. He was already there so he might as well hear a good story or two from Barleof before having to return to his mate and the caravan. It wasn't always the approach he liked to getting to know others better especially since the icebreaker for the Druchii lied mostly in combat. However, he accepted this approach for the time being.