Fenia City Cathedral

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Fenia City Cathedral

Post by Hayley_James »

Hayley nervously walks from her house towards the new Cathedral wondering what it will look like this morning.

As she turns the bend in the road she stops and gasps at the sight!




With tears in her eyes she walks around then she notices two plagues on the wall just inside the entrance.
Looking closer she smiles.



`Thank you Lbh for the plaques.` she whispers.

Hayley slowly walks around the inside of the Cathedral, amazed at what the workers have done.
Smiling, she thanks the Great Mages that she has reached what she wanted before the end.





Then noticing the time she hurries to the vestry to prepare for the arrival of the `Overseer`.
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Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Misty »

After being held up Misty arrives in Fenia for the Blessing of the Cathedral. Looking up in amazement at the fine building, she smiled to herself and felt so much pride for Hayley and the citizens of Fenia that helped her reach the target of the Basilica becoming a Cathedral.
After asking someone for directions she heads to the Vestery to find Hayley.
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Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Willow »

Willow arrived in Fenia City and spotted the Cathedral. She thought it looked beautiful.

Then Willow located the tavern; that she was staying the night in and dressed for the ceremony. Once she was ready, she headed back to the Cathedral.

Opening the door, she peeked inside and wandered in; to look around while she waited for everyone to arrive for the special occasion (remembering to take notes for her Temples).
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Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by tigerlily »

Tigerlily travelled with her cousin to Fenia City; to watch the Cathedral Ceremony.

When they arrived, she looked up at the Cathedral, it was really, really big!

After booking into the hotel, Tigerlily dressed in her pretty dress. She then found a note that her cousin had left in their room (she was needed at the Cathedral early and would see her later). Reading the note, Tigerlily left the hotel to look around Fenia and then to headed to the Cathedral.

Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Hayley_James »

Hayley inspects her robes.


Then she hears a noise from the Cathedral.

Opening the door she looks out.

Her eyes open with delight at what she sees.

Rushing out she hugs Misty and tigerlily.

"Thank you both for taking the time to attend and Thank you Misty for agreeing to officially open the Cathedral." she says.
"Please, come into the Vestry and have a seat. I am sure there is some wine in there."

As Hayley escorts her friends she sees another figure enter.

"Oh my!" she exclaims.
Explaining to Misty and tigerlily that it is Willow, the `Overseer` from Bravia country she excuses herself as she goes to greet Willow.

"Willow, thank you for travelling all this way to attend the opening of Fenia City Cathedral."
"Please allow me to introduce you to my good friends Misty, `Overseer` of Fenia country and tigerlily."
"I do think a a glass of wine is called for."

Leading the way to the Vestry, Hayley makes sure that her guests are seated comfortably before pouring them all a glass of wine.

After taking a sip Hayley says.
"I do not know about you but, I must admit that today is making me a bit nervous."

Hayley takes another sip of wine.

"I have invited the `Overseer` of Kiene country and of course Lbh and his family."
"They must have been delayed."

Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Lordblackhawk »

Once he has seen that his wife and twins are settled in the tavern Lbh decides to have a quick walk around Fenia city.

As he passes through the streets memories come flooding back.
He sees that the TH has had a face lift, he walks past his old marshal office and sees that it is boarded up.

Noticing the time he hurries back to the tavern.

In their room he has a quick wash before getting ready.

Together, with his family, they set out for the new Cathedral.

Arriving Lbh looks on in wonder.

"Well...what can one say!" he remarks. "Hayley and the citizens have worked hard on that!"

Entering the very large entrance Lbh was about to call out for Hayley when he notices his wife staring at him.

"What?" he says.
"It is still only Hayley and she wont mind."

Shaking his head he says.
"Okay love. I shall be as quiet as a church mouse."

He looks around before remarking.

"Maybe that should be 'as quiet as a Cathedral mouse'?"

Lbh chuckles as he sets off to find Hayley.
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Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Victorious »

Victorious receives an invitation from the Priestess Hayley James regarding their new Cathedral. She sighs knowing there's no way she could leave Widu right now. She begins to pen a letter and sends it off with one of her trusted courier's:
Priestess Hayley James:

First I would like to congratulate you on a job well done. You and your congregation have done well with the upgrades and it must look magnificent. Even though I would love to come witness such a joyous occasion I'm afraid my people need me here in Widu at this time.

Please accept my apologies and I thank you so much for thinking of me.


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Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Ladyblackhawk »

After freshing up they all head off to the the Catherdal, being back in Fenia brought back memories, some precious and some sad.
Entering the beautiful entrance Ladybh gives her husband one of her looks, then she smiles at him.
The children look around them taking in the beautiful surroundings.
" This is beautiful, dont you think love?." she asks Lbh.
Ladybh takes a seat with James and Grace and watches her husband go look for Hayley.
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Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Dwayberry »

Dwayberry observed the new cathedral from a respectful distance. She rarely went to the temple herself, but still appreciated how large and beautiful this new building looked. As a viceroy came to congratulate the priestess on this accomplishment. However, seeing the amount of colourful, breakable windows, she had stopped and watched from a distance. Better not tempt herself too much now and set a horrible example during the official blessing of this new building. There was a time to break windows, and there was a time to just admire them from a distance.
"It's alright, you wouldn't be the same if you were nice."

Re: Fenia City Cathedral.

Post by Hayley_James »

As she chats to her guests Hayley hears a noise from the Cathedral.
Peeking around the door her eyes widen.

Excusing herself (once again) she slips out the door.

Watching the familiar figure stroll around the Cathedral she smiles to herself before speaking.

"Lbh! Show some respect, this is a Cathedral and not a side-show!" she says sternly.

Then she gives a big smile before hugging him.

"I am glad that you could make it for the Blessing of the Cathedral." she says.

Looking down the aisle she can see Ladybh and the twins.

"Are those the twins!" Hayley exclaims.
"They have gotten so big."

Hayley walks to Ladybh and hugs her.

"I have to say that I am happy that you all could make it and no sitting here."
"You and Lbh with James and Grace have seats at the front as my honoured guests."

Escorting them to the seats Hayley says, "You will have to excuse me now as I have Guests in the Vestry."
"Misty, my `Overseer`, is here to Bless the opening of the Cathedral and Willow has attended as well."
"Of course you know Willow, she is the Overseer from Bravia.
"And tigerlily came with Misty."

Just then a message was handed to her.
Opening it she reads it and sighs.

"It seems that the `Overseer` of Kiene is unable to attend due to a heavy duty scedule."

After seeing that Lbh and family are seated Hayley returns to the Vestry and informs her guests of the message.

Picking up her glass she takes another sip of the wine to steady her nerves.
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