[ORP] - The Dark before Dawn

Where the people from the towns can meet and interact

Re: [ORP] - The Dark before Dawn

Post by Wandress »

How the new man in the room knew her name, she had not a clue. Most humans had balked at hearing her full name, being unable to remember more than a word or two to associate to a single face, and after the first few blank stares, she had shortened it considerably. But he didn't simply addess her as if he had heard her name over a pint by some man telling an incredulous tale; the young man at the doorway regarded her in a strange, faint recognition. She let her glare slip from Finwe to the newcomer. "Who are you?" she questioned, "And how do you know my name?"

Finwe took her distraction as an opportunity to attack, rushing towards her with the hilt of his sword. He wasn't wrong, her attention on the man slowed her reaction to him. Flows of Air she had tried wrapping him with dissipated before they were thrown, and all she could do was helplessly twist away from him. The hilt missed her head, but punched into her shoulder knocking her off-balance, and she flailed her claws wildly at his face before crashing onto the bed at her side. With a hiss of pain, she rolled off it and jumped to her feet, making a dash for the door.

Re: [ORP] - The Dark before Dawn

Post by Hephastion »

Swearing under his breath as the wolves seem to be signaling his appearance in the street, his attention suddenly distracted by feelings of Wandress in more distess, thoughts racing through his mind now of how to keep Peronell from rediscovering her memory, and also how to explain this very odd scenrio Just embrace her, things will be so much eaier

Shaking the thought from his head, he looks at her "Keep walking, I'll keep the attention of these two" as he backs down the alley way, keeping his eyes on the wolves in front of him, hoping Peronell heeds her own advice to make her own way home, his mind turning to the room with Wandress and her assailiants, he knows she is alone with the two men, Finwe was dangerous to their agreement and hoped he didnt do anything stupid.

Re: [ORP] - The Dark before Dawn

Post by Sylphos »

Just as Sylphos opened his mouth to answer the woman's questions, the man altered his grip on his sword slightly and lunged at her. Thankfully, she seemed to have managed to avoid most of the blow, and now made a mad dash for the door. However, she was weakened, and her movements had a slightly unsteady air to them.

The cloaked man shot out a hand to steady Wandress, while at the same time keeping his eyes trained on the swordsman. Raising his left hand so that his palm faced the floor in front of them, he narrowed his sharp blue eyes only a fraction, as he spoke a foreign language in a firm tone of voice.


From the area his palm was facing, several spikes of ice shot up from the ground, dividing the room into two halves and effectively trapping the other man in a 'Prison of Ice', just as he'd said. Turning to the woman beside him, he gestured towards the door with his head.

Come on, that won't stall him for long.

The cloaked man turned to go, but he seemed to remember something, and spoke to the one on the other side of the ice 'palisade'.

It's true that there is the scent of another woman in this room. However... The only blood I can smell is the one THIS ONE has shed. Doesn't seem much like "torture" to me. Oh, and T'kaina says your quarry just left through the front door.

Upon saying "THIS ONE", Sylphos had jerked his head in the young woman's direction to add emphasis, just as a low-toned howl resounded outside. He finally turned completely away from the room and walked out the door.

That ice won't hold forever, but it should take him a couple of minutes to hack through it... That is, if he doesn't choose to use the window: we're not really high enough for him to actually hurt himself much if he jumps...

Re: [ORP] - The Dark before Dawn

Post by Peronell »

Hephastion's words echo in her ears Keep walking... She forces her hand to release his cloak and continues walking a few steps, still in a trance. He's gone in a moment, heading back toward the inn. The realization that she is beyond the wolves sinks into her psyche and she collapses to her knees, shaking with relief. Why would he go back? she asks herself as rational thoughts begin to replace the fear that had consumed her. What is so important as to risk his life? the word life lingers in her mind......life...life...life... and she knows that he does not value life in the same way that she does. There is an echo of his voice in her ears ...offering ... binding you to me ... part of me is taken with you bits and pieces of...something. A conversation? Is she replaying words that were spoken when she collapsed, words only the darkest parts of her mind remembered? Was she just making this up in her mind, a strange fantasy?

Indecision binds her feet to the ground. He obviously has saved her life, from the wolves if nothing else. Can she turn her back on him when she might be able to help. She exhales shakily, In this condition, would I really be any help? she asks herself. A wolf howls from near the inn. Not certain of much, she turns to face her demons, her hand moves toward the dagger that had been a gift from her grandfather. She may not have been able to save her sister, but...resolute she takes a step toward the inn.

Re: [ORP] - The Dark before Dawn

Post by Hephastion »

As he makes his way down the Alley, he notices Peronell following him, closing his eyes in disbelief, the woman wanted to go home a few moments ago and here she was following him into a potentially dangerous situation "Viceroy!" using the official title "Please, i can handle this situation"

Moving slowly down to the end of the Alley he looks up at the window again, Wandress had been in the room with those men alone, he hoped he wasnt too late, leaping up again he almost misses the guttering this time, slipping off the window frame, he manages to grapple the wooden frame, broken glass biting into his hand, he grimaces as he pulls himself through into the room, stepping in he looks around, the sight in front of him stopping him in his tracks. Ice shards protruding from the floor, cutting the room in half Finwe trapped between himself and the window and no sign of Wandress or the other man, he grins "So Councilor, seems we have a bit of an issue, youre in my way" looking back out of the window, he spots Peronells figure moving.

Re: [ORP] - The Dark before Dawn

Post by Peronell »

His words cut through the air with authority, sending a shiver of foreboding down her spine, there was no doubt in his voice about his ability to handle the situation. She hesitates for a moment, unsure of whether to keep following him or not. His form moves in and out of the shadows, disappearing briefly and then reappearing with a ruffle of his cloak.

He stops and looks up at a second story window, she catches a glimpse of his face and then, unbelievably, he leaps into the air and pulls himself through the window. Leaps? That can't be right... the image replays in her head; there must be some other explanation - a rope hanging from the window that he climbed up. Moving quickly and clumsily through the alley she makes her way underneath the window where he had disappeared. She looks around for a rope, or ladder, something...How did he get up there? Another shard of a memory flashes in her mind, the feeling strong arms holding her and weightlessness and the shattering of glass. The sensation leaves her breathless and leaning against the wall for support.

Dammit! How is she going to get up there? she looks around for a way and spies some crates. Just as she is pushing away from the wall, the hairs on the nape of her neck stand up as she hears him through the broken window "So Councilor, seems we have a bit of an issue, youre in my way". Someone was in the room with him and ... she rushes toward the crates, hoping they are empty and will be easy to move under the window. To her relief they are and she begins to push them to the wall, stacked 4 and 5 on top of each other.

Not sure the rickety pile of crates will hold her, but not wanting to find another way up, she clambers from one to another. Her fingers white with strain as she climbs the delicately balanced tower, her feet working to get a grip and push her higher. Finally, she reaches the top, she stands on her tippy-toes and reaches up to grab the window frame - too late remembering the broken glass still around the frame Son of a ... bright red blood runs from a gash across her palm, she wipes the blood on her skirt and reaches down with her dagger to cut off a piece of her petticoat, She wraps the material around her palms and uses her teeth to help knot the ends together. She reaches back up, ignoring the discomfort of her cuts and pulls herself up, her shoes gripping the side of the building for leverage. Her eyes peek over the edge of the window and she sees Finwe and Hephastion. She pulls herself through the window and collapses on her backside, her chest heaving as she tries to capture a breath. She wipes rivulets of perspiration from her face and looks at the men standing before her.

Re: [ORP] - The Dark before Dawn

Post by Finwe »

He had missed her head and yelled as she clawed his face. It wasn't deep but it stung. Get back here! He yelled as Wandress made her way out of the room. As he goes to give chase the cloaked man does some sort of sorcery and a wall of ice appears before him. He curses the two of them as they head out the room but manages to hear, your quarry just left through the front door.

Finwe throws his weight against the ice trying to break it. It cracks slightly but continues to hold. Again and again he crashes into the wall trying to break it. He's only starting to break through a bit when he sees Hephastion entering the room through the window.

Where is she? I swear if she is harmed, he says as he raises his sword. Finwe feared the worst, that this monster had killed Peronell. His anger grew. He would have charged Hephastion if the ice wall wasn't in the way. You were foolish to come back. In a growing rage he throws his weight against the ice again, shattering the wall.

He is about to go in for another strike on the vampire when he sees Peronell appear from the window, blood coming from her hands. . . Peronell? he asks in disbelief. Turning back to Hephastion and keeping his eyes on him he makes his way over to her. I thought you were dead, you need to get out of here, they'll try to kill us.

Re: [ORP] - The Dark before Dawn

Post by Wandress »

Wandress had instinctually flinched away from the man as he flung out a hand toward her; she needed to get away from Finwe, and she still wasn't wholly sure she could trust him. One twist too many, it seemed, as her knees buckled and she stumbled against the wall near the door. Panting softly, she stared in astonishment as a wall of ice rose from the floor to blockade Finwe from her, and nearly sighed in exhausted relief. Any respite from his onslaught was entirely welcome, so welcome that she hardly minded that the ice wall had confined her with a man she did not know, though who seemed to know her. Watching him through half-lidded eyes, she curled against the wall, fighting the urge to sleep that her body desperately needed. "Why are you helping me?" she asked quietly, "And who are you? You know my name - my real name. I...who..."

The shudder of the ice wall as Finwe slammed into it cut her off, and she glanced towards his blurry, warped form through the ice. It took several tries to drag herself into a standing position, and with a dazed glance at the stranger, she walked wobbily through the door, inclining her head for the cloaked man to join her. All she wanted was sleep, to get back to her little cottage and curl up on her pallet to rest, but she couldn't. Not yet. Not with Finwe trying to come after her. What she needed was to put some distance between them.

Re: [ORP] - The Dark before Dawn

Post by Hephastion »

Watching as Finwe breaks the ice he smiles Saves me the trouble preparing himself for a stand off, his attention is distracted for a moment as Peronell clambers through the window, astounded at this womans inability to listen. His thoughts turn to Wandress for a moment, did that man just save her

His thoughts broken as Finwe addresses Peronell he laughs "We werent trying to kill her you foolish man, we were trying to save her from witnessing this disaster!" looking around the room, the shattered ice, the burnt corpse in the corner and the other bodies lying in the dark alley way "And where the hell are Wandress and that other man" his eyes flash as the anger raises in him a moment.

Re: [ORP] - The Dark before Dawn

Post by Sylphos »

Just as Sylphos got off the last step of the staircase, the unmistakeable sound of cracking and splintering ice reached him. However, instead of the expected sounds of persuit, what came next seemed to be an exchange between the man they had left upstairs and the Blood-Drinker from before.

Well, at least that buys us a little time...

The young woman at his side suddenly swayed a bit, almost stumbling as she walked. Giving her a concerned look, the man took her gently by the arm, leading her towards on of the chairs in the common room of the inn.

Come on, sit down. You look like you're about to collapse any moment now.

Sensing her doubt, he sighed slightly, smiling at her as he shook his head.

O.K, how about this: you sit down and let me take care of your weariness, and I'll answer your questions. Deal?

The cloaked stranger's last words were underlined by his pulling a chair away from one of the tables, turning it slightly and holding it out for the girl...
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